The following was taken from a live presentation by Claire Burkholder on Worship Night, Saturday, July 30 at West Oaks Fellowship

It seems as though it’s easier than ever to take something that was meant to be simple and make it so complicated. See, church isn’t just church anymore. It’s become so focused on perfecting a show just to get people through the door – as if a church is somehow a “better fit” based on its stage production. And, if it isn’t the constant pull of society trying to distort our understanding of our own faith, it becomes “us” that so easily complicate the true purpose of worship.

Christians are being led to believe that worship is an experience made just for them. Nowadays, the true meaning and simplicity of worship is drowning beneath the competition of lights and sound. First thoughts aren’t whether a church’s song choice is biblically sound, it’s whether or not the music is trendy enough. Is it relevant enough? Is it going to give me the experience that I want? When it doesn’t meet such earthly standards, it’s us that are left to linger in our own self-made disappointment … again, as if worship was ever meant to be about us.

It’s not about being able to simply worship God, for many that just isn’t the focus, it’s about how the worship songs make them feel. How lost we have gotten in the true purpose of worship – and the funny thing is, its purpose has always remained the same. It’s us who have made it complicated.

Psalm 34 says,

“I will bless the Lord at all times, His praise shall continually be in my mouth. My soul makes its boast in the Lord.”

Psalm 59 declares,

“But as for me, I will sing of Your mighty strength and power; Yes, I will sing joyfully of Your lovingkindness in the morning; For You have been my stronghold and a refuge in the day of my distress. To You, O [God] my strength, I will sing praises; For God is my stronghold [my refuge, my protector, my high tower], the God who shows me [steadfast] lovingkindness.”

Again and again throughout the Bible, we see this call to praise and glorify the Lord in / through worship. THAT IS THE SIMPLICITY OF WORSHIP! It’s a moment to praise God for all that He is and all that He has done / accomplished. Genuine and authentic worship is not about us, and it has “never” been about us! What an honor it is that believers get to so freely worship our Savior, our King. Such a unique moment to give all that we are, to the Lord, to praise His Name.

Therefore, as a true worshiper, I urge you to give all that you are to the Lord. If that means laying down situations that you’ve been holding onto, resentments that you have, addictions that have a hold on you, then lay them down at His feet so you can simply praise and freely worship the Lord, Jesus Christ.

That’s all it’s about – it’s all about Him and it’s all for Him. So let us go back to the simplicity of worship, pursuing nothing but the Lord.

Blessings, Claire Burkholder

Thank you, sister! As you made this public declaration, Saturday evening my heart / soul was deeply moved as if the Lord was speaking directly to me. Then, I was prompted, actually compelled, to considered these two questions:

  1. What have we done, is worship at WOF distinct form something our secular world could successfully produce?”
  2. “What have we made worship to be / become in Christ’s New Testament Church at WOF?”   

The ultimate point of true / genuine worship for every believer has to be … ascribing “to the Lord, the Glory due His Name” according to Psalm 29:2 and 1 Chronicles 16:29!  Please, help us Lord.