December 26, 1972

It was before dawn. Youth age students, young adults, and a handful of more mature sponsors gathered in the church parking lot with luggage in hand. Everyone was pretty excited – it was the day after Christmas, and most had never been snow skiing! There they were, a large group, anxiously waiting to load up on 2 buses and head out on the church’s first ever Christmas break retreat. 

Youth and young adult summer retreats were common events for this church’s ministry, but this one was super cool – in the lingo of the participating young people, “far out man.”

The luggage was all loaded, the guys all chipped in to help the sponsors, and some final instructions were given. The trip to the New Mexico Ski Retreat would be really long, but that didn’t matter to this enthusiastic group – in fact that was nothing unusual for this youth and student ministry. Everyone then gathered around for a prayer, and the final, eagerly-awaited command, “load up!” was announced.  Of course, the seats in the busses were quickly filled as young men and women jockeyed to sit with friends, those they were dating, and/or those they were interested in going out with. The busses were rolling, right on schedule – perfect!   

Some slept, many played games, youthful pranks were in abundance, others just talked, sang, and laughed. A joyful spirit prevailed throughout both busses and all the young people had their good behavior turned on which made the journey a delight for the small group of sponsors (2 or 3 on each bus).

Fuel stops were planned to allow for the necessary restroom breaks as the busses rolled toward Lubbock, Texas to pick up the church’s youth pastor, who had been spending Christmas with his family. This adjustment didn’t really make the journey any longer, but did modify the route which was adjusted to travel through Clovis and Ft. Sumner, New Mexico on Highway 60 on the way to the Ski Retreat.

After lunch, things kind of mellowed out with lots of retreat participants napping, yet some still sharing and laughing.  After all, west Texas highways can seem be to be incredibly long and somewhat boring!  

Supper was exhilarating, everyone sensed that the long bus ride would soon be over. As young people loaded up for the final segment, singing was in the air accompanied by much joyful loudness. What was formerly bus 1 now became bus 2. The sunset was beautiful as the busses traveled west, and as darkness set in, the outside temperature quickly dropped into the mid -20s. 

About 45 minutes out from Clovis, as bus 2 was singing “Lean On Me,” the driver of bus 1 (now) suddenly noticed in his rearview side mirrors that the headlights of bus 2 had disappeared. He stopped so he and the youth pastor could see if there was some sort of problem.

An east bound, loaded cattle truck had lost control of his vehicle trying to avoid having an accident on the 19’9” wide bridge where bus 2 and his 18-wheeler would have difficulty passing. The largest loss-of-life vehicle accident (at that time) in the USA had just occurred. 19 were dead, everyone on bus 2 was injured, and diesel fuel was covering the site of the accident. Those severely injured were taken to a hospital in Clovis (45 miles away), those with minor injuries to a clinic in Ft. Sumner (15 miles away). This was before cell phones – ambulances and emergency responders had to be notified … it was the day after Christmas and they were all a long way out. Those traveling along the highway, which was totally blocked by the wreckage on the bridge, assisted in whatever way they could. With broken fingers, hands, and wrists, I was taken to the hospital in the back of a pick-up truck with a little camper cover. My mom and dad, Jerry (41) and Gloria (42), volunteer youth workers, both died at the scene along with many of my friends (including a former girlfriend plus a guy from my Jesus band, Sonburst).

Acts 17:28 – In Him we live and move and exist (have our being).

Romans 14:8 – If we live, we live for the Lord, if we die, we die for the Lord, therefore whether we live or die, we are the Lord’s.

Psalm 31:15 – My times are in Your hands (Psalm 139:16)

On December 26, 2022, Brenda (who was in the other bus along with my closest friends) and I are hosting a 50 YearAnniversary Memorial Service and Monument Dedication at site of the accident (on the bridge) in New Mexico.  We could sure use your prayers.   

Thanks, His & Yours, PF