Of all the fears that grip the hearts of modern humanity, one of the greatest seems to be the personal fear of one’s impending death. While genuine believers in Christ may not succumb as easily to these fears because of their faith, undoubtedly COVID-19, mass shootings, the regular flu, terrorism (of all sorts), and the progress of sophisticated warfare technology have contributed to the fact that many individuals are greatly troubled because death is constantly before their eyes.  Even serious economic issues can stir up some of these unwelcomed feelings.

Just think, somewhere, somehow, a deadly virus has invaded the human population. While this is actually nothing new, social media, paganism, improper world view, and global news all contribute to the orchestration of unimpeded emotional and mental reactions! It’s almost as if someone in a remote underground bunker or from a weaponized cargo ship launched a deadly missile strike, killing thousands, right in the heart of population centers across the globe! Yes, death is everywhere, from many, many sources, yet II Timothy 1:10 declares that our Savior, Christ Jesus, has “abolished death” and “brought life and immortality to light” through His Gospel!

Hebrews 2:14-15 puts it this way,

Therefore, since the children share in flesh and blood, He Himself likewise also partook of the same, that through death He might render powerless him who had the power of death, that is, the devil, and might free those who through fear of death were subject to slavery all their lives.

The obvious question then is … If death has been “abolished” and is “powerless,” why do we still die? The answer, though unpopular and somewhat alarming, is that one dies because of sin according to Romans 5:12. Sin always leads to death — not sickness (viruses and cancer), old age, accidents, strokes, or heart attacks — as long as sin exists, death will never be very far away.

How sure is the fact of death? So certain that entire industries build upon the expectation of it. Life insurance and all funeral/burial related trades are based totally upon this undeniable truth: death reigns! (In reality, even with cryonics and cloning.) However, Jesus Christ dealt a fatal blow to death and its seemingly unescapable fears!  When Christ rose from the dead, He resolutely broke the power of death itself – rendering it powerless! He died just like we die, like every human. 

According to the recorded accounts, He was certainly dead (the eye witness account of John 19:31-42) – actually, really, fully, and completely dead, “as dead as door nail.” However, from that state, God raised Him to physical life. He got up, unwrapped the face cloth that was around His head (See John 20:1-9), and walked away victorious (See Luke 24:1-7)! As a result, physical death takes on new meaning for the believer! It’s simply a separation of our soul/spirit from the physical form/shell. At that point, one enters the presence of Christ where we await our own physical resurrection … walking out of our own grave in the type of Christ’s. While the process of death may bring about elements of fear, death itself has no hold on authentic Christians!

In John 11:25-27 our Lord declared,

I am the resurrection and the life; he who believes in Me will live even if he dies, and everyone who lives and believes in Me will never die.

Today, great news comes from a Garden Cemetery in Jerusalem, where there’s a rich man’s empty tomb! It’s the borrowed tomb of Jesus Christ, Who died and was buried (according to Hebrew tradition).  However, on Sunday morning, this clearly marked, well known, guarded tomb was found vacant by the power of God Almighty!  Death could not keep Him; the grave could not hold Him!  He is the Lord of life, the King immortal and eternal (See I Timothy 1:17). He struck down death and its fear by actually entering into the realm of human death.  Then, on Resurrection Sunday morning, He marched out – triumphantly victorious over both sin and death! 

In Revelation 1:17-18, Jesus Himself declares to the Apostle John,

Do not be afraid; I am the first and the last, and the living One; and I was dead, and behold, I am alive forevermore, and I have the keys of death and of Hades.

Therefore, as faithful Christians, when it concerns our own physical death, we come to align ourselves with the statement of the Apostle Paul in Philippians 1:21-23:

For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain. But if I am to live on in the flesh, this will mean fruitful labor for me; and I do not know which to choose. But I am hard-pressed from both directions, having the desire to depart and be with Christ, for that is very much better!

Consider I Corinthians 15:54-57:

DEATH IS SWALLOWED UP in victory. O DEATH, WHERE IS YOUR VICTORY? O DEATH, WHERE IS YOUR STING? The sting of death is sin, and the power of sin is the law; but thanks be to God, who gives us (all genuine believers) the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.

Let’s come together and celebrate – the obituary of death and fear, because of Christ’s resurrection triumph — on Sunday morning, April 12, 2020!  Yes, we’re still practicing social distancing guidelines.  I’m looking forward to seeing you and yours, if you so choose, on Fear-Defeating, Death-Conquering, Resurrection Sunday 2020!

His & Yours, because of GRACE (God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense)         

— Pastor Frank