In Ephesians 6, the Apostle Paul uses this term 3 times in four consecutive verses as he provides spiritual training to the believers in Ephesus.  The first use in verse 11 uses the Greek word “steenai” from the root “hestemi” referring to one’s steadfastness of faith/belief being employed against the “schemes (the crafty, deceitful, and cunning devices) of the devil.”

Moving on down in the biblical text to verse 13, we find Paul using “antisteenai” as instruction to boldly, after being clothed in the full armor of God, oppose, resist, and withstand evil, with the resulting consequence being one who is doing everything (“all”) possible to be immovable (stand firm as in verse 11, Greek — “steenai”) with the snap and curtness of a military command!  This is to be obeyed at once and once for all.  The biblical implication is a once-for-all action for any follower of Jesus Christ throughout their entire life.

Paul then uses the active imperative Greek verb, “steete” at the outset of verse 14 in view of the previous statement. The significance of what one is upholding by standing firm is very similar to the Apostle having to stand trial for the cause of resurrection, and in particular, that of Christ’s! (See Acts 23-26)

By these actions, a genuine believer quickly discovers who their enemies are, and how/when they come on the attack. We know where our strength lies, and quickly come to understand that prevailing through Truth and by the power of God’s Holy Spirit is the only option. 

Therefore, we are to stand firm, stand firm, stand firm against all … every false religion, false doctrine, and each of the various winds of man-made, skewed doctrines that invade the body of Christ and prey upon its somewhat susceptible members.  Every one of Christ’s sincere followers must be on the alert for shrewd, astute, calculating individuals, and insidious and crafty strategies, along with devils/demons that lie in wait to deceive God’s chosen.

While these foes are numerous and mighty, the idea of “standing firm” is not simply a defensive posture where one attempts to hold their ground, but the main idea of this Greek word, “pros,” most certainly implies taking affirmative action directly against each and every enemy force or power.  However, fully engaging in this activity requires the individual to be entirely protected by, and completely within, the full armor of God. Therefore, believers are undeniably and indisputably called to recognize the following:

We do not war according to the flesh, for the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh (worldly or carnal) but divinely powerful for the destruction of fortresses. We (as Christ’s faithful disciples) are destroying speculations and every lofty thing raised up against the knowledge of God, and we are taking every thought captive to the obedience of Christ, and we are ready to punish all disobedience, whenever your obedience is complete.                                     

II Corinthians 10:3-6

Now this doesn’t mean or even imply that Christ’s people are out prowling around looking to pick a fight, (that’s what the enemies of Christianity do – I Peter 5:8) but that we are alert, equipped, ready, and able to “stand firm” … victorious against all attempts to obstruct the liberating Truth of the Word and Christ’s Gospel! 

Perhaps, in our modern-day society where serious theological study is nil, personal biblical application is found often waning, and where the culture is often over-stimulated by electronic media and entertainment, one of the greatest dangers lies in not being able to recognize or effectively and accurately identify the lurking and cunning approach of the enemy(s). 

In these passages, Paul does not discuss the theory of war.  Instead, he simply draws from the familiar, that which was a matter of fact in his world. Undoubtedly, a warrior differs from the merchant or the farmer in that he is constantly dealing with the antagonist and conflict.  The soldier also differs from the athlete of ancient Olympic Games in that his antagonist is not merely a competitor, but an enemy out to steal, kill, and destroy!

Nonetheless, this metaphor as used by the Apostle, seems to correspond perfectly to the real case scenario of the normal (if there is such a thing) Christian life/experience. Believers are not merely involved in a struggle for spiritual successes; he/she is, before everything else, engaged in a unpleasant contest with implacable enemies.  The forces arrayed against us are such that they oblige every genuine Christian to neglect no precaution, spare no exertion, and accomplish whatever is required to escape defeat! 

May we be always found, “standing firm!”                   — PF