There are two programs at work in our world today: God’s program of salvation by grace through faith, and Satan’s program of sin, corruption and iniquity, “the mystery of lawlessness / iniquity.” (2Thessalonians 2:7) God has a timetable for His program in the world, and nothing Satan does can change His agenda / outline / plan. Just as there was a “fullness of the time” for the 1st coming of Christ (See Galatians 4:4), so there is a time for the appearance of Antichrist. Therefore, nothing will be off schedule (that is according to God’s purposes / plans)! Once the restraining ministry of God’s Holy Spirit has ended, the next event in God’s design is set up to take place and will move forward accordingly.

In 2 Thessalonians 2:2, Paul appeals for the believers to calm down (“not be quickly shaken from your composure or be disturbed”) on the basis of the truth he had already taught them in his first letter. That being that the Lord would return and catch up His own to meet Him in the air according to 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18. Once Christ’s Church is taken out of the world, Satan and his forces will be theoretically unrestrained by those living righteously, and the program / plan can be unfolded without resistant / resistance.  (As a example, just think of where the LGBT would be today in our world today … or abortion in the USA … without any stand for what is right!)

“The Day of the Lord,” as declared in this text (verse 7), is the period that immediately follows the snatching away / catching up (from Latin – the rapture) of the church. At that point, a time of Tribulation occurs for all those individuals remaining on the earth (Jew and Gentile alike). Satan and all his hosts will go to work head on, while at the same time, the Lord God Almighty will send His righteous judgments from heaven upon the earth (nations and individuals) as revealed in Revelation 6-19.

So, one must ask why is Satan unable to reveal his “man of lawlessness” – “son of destruction” in 2 Thessalonians 2:3 on a quicker / sooner timetable? God is currently restraining the forces of evil in the world and Satan cannot do whatever he wants, whenever he pleases. In 2 Thessalonians 2:6-7, Paul mentions the restraining force that’s at work today in our world, and is continually keeping everything according to God’s perfectly orchestrated program / design for the end times.

With that as the proper background, we ask who, or what, is this restrainer? Paul told those in Thessalonica that the “restrainer” is now at work in our world and will continue to work until it or he is “taken out of the way” (literally in the Greek text … “removed from the midst”). The Wuest Expanded New Testament reads, “Only He [the Holy Spirit] who is holding [the lawlessness] down, [will do so] until He goes out from the midst [of humanity].” BEAUTIFULLY STATED!

In 2 Thessalonians 2:6, Paul referred to this restrainer in the neuter gender, but in verse 7, uses the masculine gender. Therefore, the restrainer is a person who is today “in the midst,” but will one day be “taken out of the way / midst.” Many identify this restrainer as God’s Holy Spirit, Who is certainly currently “in the midst” of God’s on-going program in our world today. He is at work, in and through Christ’s Church, laboring steadfastly to accomplish God’s purposes. When the Church is snatched away (raptured), God’s Holy Spirit will not be taken out of the world (otherwise nobody could be saved, which requires genuine conviction … John 16:8-11 … during the Tribulation), but He will be taken out of the midst, allowing Satan and his forces to move and work without restraint. God’s Holy Spirit will most certainly be present on the earth at this point, but He will not be restraining the forces of evil though Christ’s Church (genuine believers) as He is today.

In spite of its weakness, current condition, and seeming failure, we should never, ever underestimate the importance of the Christ’s Church in this world. We, as God’s people, living in this world, continually give unsaved people an opportunity to be saved and discipled. This presence delays the coming of judgment until the proper time. Apparently, according to the biblical text, Paul had already told those in the Thessalonian church who and / or what the restrainer is according to 2 Thessalonians 2:5, but the Lord didn’t consider that a necessity for the scriptures as they were being written under His inspiration.

Remember, Lot?  He was not necessarily a dedicated man of devotion to God, but his very presence in Sodom held back the wrath of God (Genesis 19:12-29). Answer … Biblically speaking, the “restrainer” appears to be the working of God’s Holy Spirit in and through Christ Church until we are removed / snatched away / raptured.

His & Yours, PF