Greetings Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

I’m writing a personal letter this month in order to reveal my heart concerning the ministry of our church Mission Trips and particularly that of Mission Trip 2018.  Last Sunday, April 22, 2018, I shared some uncoached statements our youth and young adults voluntarily made concerning the dynamic, life-transforming, spiritual impact our mission trips have created in their lives. (You can watch the teaching on YouTube, West Oaks Fellowship, “Our Purpose For Mission Trip 2018” or on our church website westoaksfellowship.com, click on Worship Service Videos)

Why, as a minister of Christ’s gospel and the Lead Pastor of West Oaks Fellowship, am I “all-in” on our short-term missionary-type evangelical outreaches in the South Texas Valley?

One of the greatest things about the way WOF does mission trips is that they are consistently and uncompromisingly about our Mission Trip participants having a direct, literal — hands-on opportunity — to express the grace, acceptance, and love of Jesus Christ to children of all ages.  Unless one has actually personally witnessed our ministry teams in action (unconditional kindness and care relentlessly demonstrated to every VBS participant), it is almost unexplainable and unbelievable.  Yes, when 500-600 children are divided up into small groups of 10-15 in each crew and they swarm (no kidding) around our youth crew leaders (who are responsible for their daily activities) and they just keep on loving the children moment by moment, tears come to my eyes.  When I observe our adults and young adults sacrifice income, vacation time, sleep, and funds, along with no telling what else, to faithfully support our young people in their ministries, again it evokes emotions from deep within.  Sometimes I just go hide so no one sees the tears running down my face; other times, I just sit down, which doesn’t happen often throughout any given day, and celebrate in gratitude to my Lord for all that is going on (in His name and for His glory)

See, I know exactly what it’s like to take youth on mission trips who don’t really want to do the mission at hand.  I’ve put roofs on pastors’ homes, repaired church buildings, cleaned and painted facilities, cut down and chopped up huge trees, dug ditches and buried water lines for baptistries, built walls, installed a/c units, doors, hardware, windows, lights, plugs, switches and even run electrical circuits.  I’m confident that all this work was needed, but I’m not sure it was overwhelmingly life-changing for any of those mission trip participants … including me.  While in most cases the church and church leaders were generally grateful for our efforts, I am not confident that those trips directly resulted in the youth and young people who participated sharing the truth/gospel and straightforwardly demonstrating Christ’s love, grace, mercy, and forgiveness.

As a result, way back in 1980, I became determined to never participate in mission trips that were primarily service oriented – not that they are wrong, (sometimes we engage in these type of activities) – but if it is a mission trip, then the mission should be simply, basically, and clearly sharing the Gospel of Christ and being servants of our Lord, working to build His kingdom.

While there are many opportunities to participate in what I would call real or authentic mission trips, the Lord has continually opened doors for us in the South Texas Valley.  I have been working in this region, actually on both sides of the border (even though we don’t cross the border with our young people anymore), for 38 years.  I guess that’s called commitment, and I’m hereby inviting you to make a sacrificial (that which has great value) commitment right now to join Mission Trip 2018.  Make (in today’s lingo “strongly encourage”) your teenager(s) join the team … young adults, take off work and rise up in ministry and leadership … adults, just come (I know it’s hard, but you’ll bless others and you’ll be blessed), help us prepare, support financially, and pray.  In fact, ask yourself … Why not all the above! 

FYI – That’s your personal invitation to participate!

Now, will you be so brave as to listen honestly and sincerely to the Lord, and then openly respond to (obey) His leading, rather than entertaining all the reasons and excuses that will flood your mind telling you why not to participate? 

I fully trust that the Lord will work powerfully in and through each of us as we fully embrace Mission Trip 2018 as our ministry, and let it all happen … for His glory and purpose(s)! 

That’s my heart … His and yours, PF