In II Peter 1:13, the Apostle of the Lord tells his audience of fellow believers and friends that he considers it right (his responsibility) to intentionally “stir up” certain spiritual perspectives in their lives.  The Greek word found in this text, “diegeiro” is used sparingly in our New Testaments, usually in reference to awakening someone from their sleep as in the Gospels and Acts.  However in this case, it’s meaning is quite significant. Peter employs “diegeiro” metaphorically within a spiritual context demanding an awakening of the mind/heart/soul in the Lord’s people. 

This theme seems to progressively emerge as the primary objective of Peter’s epistles/letters … calling to remembrance the important truths which they had previously been taught, but of which these disciples were in serious danger of forgetting, or turning away from, due to prevailing errors in their beliefs and lifestyles.  Their minds/hearts were open and candid, but the biblical text and context implies they were not necessarily pure/sincere.  The apostle Peter regards these followers of Christ as disposed to both hear and understand the truth, and yet liable to be led astray by the plausible errors of others and the world. Such minds/hearts needed the spiritual truths of Christ’s teachings and biblical doctrine refreshed and brought to the forefront of their thinking. 

Without question, these truths were familiar — but not active; known — but not followed; understood — but not validated by obedience in the lives of these Christians.  Therefore, Peter uses this word,  “diegeiro” once again in II Peter 3:1-2 where he reveals an intended purpose of this letter . . . “This is now, beloved, the second letter I am writing to you in which I am stirring up your sincere mind by way of reminder, that you should remember the words spoken beforehand by the holy prophets and the commandment of the Lord and Savior spoken by your apostles.”

A related Greek word, “egeiro” is also used within a similar context in Matthew 25:7 where the virgins are not prepared and must awake from their slumber; In Romans 13:11, where believers are reminded to live godly and prepared, anticipating the moment (imminency) when Christ calls for His bride and His subsequent second advent (physical return to earth); In Ephesians 5:14, where Paul challenges Christ’s Church to arise or awake from its spiritual slumber and apparent apathy!  Even in a letter full of personal encouragement and precise instruction to his faithful apprentice, Pastor Timothy, Paul follows a similar path coaching him, “to kindle afresh the gift of God which is in you.” (See II Timothy 1:6) Without question, Peter’s unquenchable,  insatiable hope and desire in II Peter 1:13 and 3:1-2 is to stir up, excite, awake, and arouse the faith and service of those he leads.

According to Peter himself, while awaiting His earthly departure, he will remain steadfast to this end … wholeheartedly, perhaps even with intimidation, stirring up believers so they will pursue excellence in their ministries and focus their minds/hearts upon the divine/spiritual things from above, rather than the overly enticing temptations and sins of this flesh/earth/world that so easily entangles Christ’s people.

As we approach 2012, God is stirring me in order to stir up you, and the body of Christ at West Oaks Fellowship as well.  Last year, our teachings, preaching and instruction seemed to take on a very serious posture of commitment with the  potential of suffering for our faith and the cause of Christ.  This year, our focus will be on re-kindling those things which God has birthed in us, yet for whatever reason have grown stale, ceased to function, or slipped into melancholy mediocrity.  This is my personal commitment to each of you as individuals, and to our entire fellowship. If ministers are negligent in their work, it can hardly be expected that the flock, which is entrusted to their care, will be diligent in theirs. 

Therefore, just as Peter will not be negligent (at no time or place, in no part of his work), but will be exemplarily and universally diligent, so will I, to the best of my ability as God continues to provide me strength, as your Pastor, co-laborer in the Gospel, brother in Christ, and friend.  I am also bound, by the Lord, just as Peter was, to continuously make mention of our Lord’s promises, declare His truths to His people, encourage you to obediently serve and do good to all.  I am trusting that your remembrances will be stirred and that we all awake to the things our Lord has “prepared for us beforehand to walk in!”  While some might think this effort needless or useless, the apostle doesn’t, therefore, nor shall I. 

We must: 

  1. Put in mind what we already know in order to prevent one from forgetting. 
  2. Improve our knowledge of the Lord.
  3. Put into practice what we know and what one learns. 
  4. Diligently study and pursue the things of God so one will not be shaken or moved by every wind of doctrine. 

The great doctrines/truths of the gospel, that Jesus is the Christ, that Jesus Christ came into the world to redeem and restore sinners, that those who believe in the Lord Jesus Christ shall be saved, and given a new life in Christ to carefully maintain and use for His glory/honor until one’s work in this world is accomplished will be our mantra. These are truths the apostles insisted on in their day and these are faithful precepts worthy of our acceptance in 2012 and in every age of the Christ’s church. These must be constantly affirmed by our Lord’s true ministers (See Titus 3:8) … believers must be well instructed and established therein, so each one can resolutely believe and determinedly behave accordingly. Even the most advanced Christian is not, and cannot, while in this world, be above the need for such stirrings and consistent reminders, nor move beyond the methods and means which God has appointed for His people/His body/His church. 

Therefore we will begin 2012 by asking, “Need To Unshelve In 2012?” because many have put things up … out of sight on an obscure shelf in their spiritual lives that need to be awakened — rekindled — stirred up.  I’m sure you’ve heard all the nonsense and speculation about the world ending in 2012 (see Fusion article on the 2012 movie from January 2010 @ the WOF website).  We  absolutely know, according to God’s Word, that this will not happen!  However, Christ may indeed appear in the clouds and call for His saints to be instantly transformed and meet Him in the air. So, if that potential exists, why not be found awake, faithfully serving, and waiting in anticipation of His call, rather than slumbering in dysfunction and snoozing?  Now, don’t just think about it!                    

–Pastor Frank


Last Sunday Brenda and I were honored by the presentation of a beautiful appreciation award commemorating 30 years of service at Grace Ministries & Fellowship, now known as West Oaks Fellowship (since our relocation to Richmond Ave). I was deeply moved and humbled by your recognition of my service to this body of Christ and to our Lord.  Even though I successfully held back a public display of emotion for the purpose of moving on in that particular service, which I believed was very important, I could have wept; and certainly, I wanted to speak and express my thanks — but time would not allow.

Nonetheless, it’s difficult to adequately articulate or effectively express how grateful I am for the honor that’s been bestowed upon us by you, the congregation of West Oaks Fellowship, as well as the Lord, Jesus Christ.  He  provided this implausible opportunity and unique occasion for me to serve as His under shepherd and your lead pastor since the founding of this ministry in mid June 1985.  Unquestionably, it’s been a lifelong journey of tears, pain, and disappointments, always consistently and steadfastly outweighed by magnificent victories, immeasurable blessings, and the incomparable and unsurpassed joy of seeing our Lord at work — transforming and shaping many lives into His glorious image!   Thank you.   

The idea of honor is something distinct and significant in the lives of faithful believers when compared to that bestowed upon fellow humans by a secular society/civilization, which generally chooses to honor individuals for some form/type of human achievement.   

Similarly, Romans 13:5 instructs and encourages believers to …

Render to all what is due them: tax to whom tax is due; custom to whom custom; fear to whom fear; honor to whom honor.

The Greek word translated “honor” in this text is “timeén,” pronounced “tee-may” and means to value, money paid as a tribute, to esteem (especially to the highest degree), and/or the idea of dignity itself.  However, in Hebrews 5:4 this word is used differently in reference to the honor being afforded an individual who is called out by the Lord God for a specific or unique task in His work.  In this case, Aaron is set apart for the ministry of the Hebrew priesthood. 

In Hebrews 2:9, our Lord, Jesus Christ, is rightly crowned with the highest “honor” on account of His sufferings and willingness to experience death on our behalf …

who for the joy set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. (See Hebrews 12:2) 

Here one sees the Lord worthy of honor as the answer to humanity’s dilemma. Christ came in the flesh so that He might suffer and die for mankind’s sin and restore us into a relationship with God that was lost as a result of our sin.  As the Lord ministered here on earth, He clearly exercised supreme authority over many aspects of creation; and then as the second/last Adam (see I Corinthians 15:45),

Jesus Christ was established with glory and honor

far above all rule and authority and power and dominion, and every name that is named, not only in this age but also in the one to come.” (see Ephesians 1:21)  Accordingly, today and forever, all things are … yes everything is … in “subjection under His feet! (see Ephesians 1:22)

Spiritually and biblically speaking, true honor comes from the Lord and is granted to humanity in numerous forms … children, positions of responsibility and service in His church, career and leadership opportunities in business and society, etc. In reality, humans honor other humans, but the Lord honors all humanity first through their position in creation, then distinctly and uniquely as His people!  Shall we therefore honor Him?  “Worthy are You, our Lord and our God to receive glory and honor and power.”

Just do it! — PF


“If I could relive my life, I would devote my entire ministry to reaching children for God!”

These are very intriguing, and even somewhat stirring words of D.L. Moody … originally a shoe salesman/trader and Sunday School teacher who grew his Chicago-based North Market Hall Sunday School to a membership of 1500 in 1863.  While Moody became primarily known throughout America and the United Kingdom as an evangelist, publisher (Moody publishers), and the founder of what is now the Moody Church (originally Chicago Avenue Church) as well as Moody Bible Institute (Chicago Bible Institute), his clearly stated desire to reach children with Christ’s gospel and educate them in the scriptures is often overlooked.

Every year, West Oaks Fellowship facilitates and underwrites a youth and young adult led outreach to all the children of Willacy County, Texas, which is one of the poorest counties in our state, aka MISSION TRIP.       

The primary objective of each year’s youth mission trip ministry is relatively  simple … introduce others to Jesus Christ (His Love, Grace, Forgiveness, and Salvation) through our Extreme ABC VBS ministry (which is not relatively simple).                      

Nonetheless, the first step in obeying Christ’s imperative command of Matthew 28:19-20 (“make disciples”) is introducing Jesus Christ and the message of His gospel to those who haven’t heard it, and/or those who haven’t fully believed!

Needless to say, I Timothy 2:3-4 provides motivation for our mission and offers continued encouragement for all those who participate in this sacrificial endeavor:

This is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior, who desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth.

In addition, there are several other meaningful and spiritually significant purposes and goals of our annual mission trips to south Texas as well. 

  • Provide opportunities for youth and young adults from various ministries (not only from WOF) to participate in a meaningful, life-changing, genuine ministry experience.

Let no one look down on your youthfulness, but rather in speech, conduct, love, faith and purity, show yourself an example of those who believe.

I Timothy 4:12

  • Assist in the establishment of a New Testament church ministry in this relatively unreached community where no evangelical outreach ministry or church currently exists.
  • Provide a unique opportunity for youth and young adults to serve and minister along-side youth / young adults from other churches/ministries.

Charles Spurgeon, British Baptist Pastor/Author stated:

Satan always hates Christian fellowship; it is his policy to keep Christians apart. Anything which can divide saints from one another he delights in, since union is strength, he does his best to promote separation.

  • See the purposes of the Lord, Jesus Christ, accomplished as both youth, young adults, and adult believers work side–by–side … together in unity.

Missionary, author, and holocaust survivor, Corrie ten Boon put it this way, “Be united with other Christians. A wall with loose bricks is not good. The bricks must be cemented together.”

Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brothers to dwell together in unity!  It is like the precious oil upon the head, coming down upon the beard, even Aaron’s beard, coming down upon the edge of his robes. It is like the dew of Hermon coming down upon the mountains of Zion; for there the Lord commanded the blessing — life forever.

Psalm 113:1-3

Pastor, Author, Seminary President, Dr. John Walvoord proposed:            

The only way it is possible to have one mind is to have the mind of God derived from the unity of the Spirit of God, a unity which comes only when believers find the will of God and give themselves unselfishly and unstintingly to its fulfillment.

Now, Mission Trip 2017 is upon us!  We need the Lord’s protection, guidance, wisdom, and strength, as well as your participation, unrelenting intercessory prayer, and financial contributions (you can even help us raise additional funds by selling some raffle tickets to those outside the church too) in order to accomplish all these objectives. (We’ve enclosed some Mission Trip 2017 info along with an offering envelope as well).  

In John 17:21-23, Jesus said:

The glory which You have given Me I have given to them, that they may be one, just as We are one; I in them and You in Me, that they may be perfected in unity, so that the world may know that You sent Me, and loved them, even as You have loved Me.

Please ask the Lord how you should be part of this ministry — His & Yours, PF


Greetings Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

I’m writing a personal letter this month in order to reveal my heart concerning the ministry of our church Mission Trips and particularly that of Mission Trip 2018.  Last Sunday, April 22, 2018, I shared some uncoached statements our youth and young adults voluntarily made concerning the dynamic, life-transforming, spiritual impact our mission trips have created in their lives. (You can watch the teaching on YouTube, West Oaks Fellowship, “Our Purpose For Mission Trip 2018” or on our church website, click on Worship Service Videos)

Why, as a minister of Christ’s gospel and the Lead Pastor of West Oaks Fellowship, am I “all-in” on our short-term missionary-type evangelical outreaches in the South Texas Valley?

One of the greatest things about the way WOF does mission trips is that they are consistently and uncompromisingly about our Mission Trip participants having a direct, literal — hands-on opportunity — to express the grace, acceptance, and love of Jesus Christ to children of all ages.  Unless one has actually personally witnessed our ministry teams in action (unconditional kindness and care relentlessly demonstrated to every VBS participant), it is almost unexplainable and unbelievable.  Yes, when 500-600 children are divided up into small groups of 10-15 in each crew and they swarm (no kidding) around our youth crew leaders (who are responsible for their daily activities) and they just keep on loving the children moment by moment, tears come to my eyes.  When I observe our adults and young adults sacrifice income, vacation time, sleep, and funds, along with no telling what else, to faithfully support our young people in their ministries, again it evokes emotions from deep within.  Sometimes I just go hide so no one sees the tears running down my face; other times, I just sit down, which doesn’t happen often throughout any given day, and celebrate in gratitude to my Lord for all that is going on (in His name and for His glory)

See, I know exactly what it’s like to take youth on mission trips who don’t really want to do the mission at hand.  I’ve put roofs on pastors’ homes, repaired church buildings, cleaned and painted facilities, cut down and chopped up huge trees, dug ditches and buried water lines for baptistries, built walls, installed a/c units, doors, hardware, windows, lights, plugs, switches and even run electrical circuits.  I’m confident that all this work was needed, but I’m not sure it was overwhelmingly life-changing for any of those mission trip participants … including me.  While in most cases the church and church leaders were generally grateful for our efforts, I am not confident that those trips directly resulted in the youth and young people who participated sharing the truth/gospel and straightforwardly demonstrating Christ’s love, grace, mercy, and forgiveness.

As a result, way back in 1980, I became determined to never participate in mission trips that were primarily service oriented – not that they are wrong, (sometimes we engage in these type of activities) – but if it is a mission trip, then the mission should be simply, basically, and clearly sharing the Gospel of Christ and being servants of our Lord, working to build His kingdom.

While there are many opportunities to participate in what I would call real or authentic mission trips, the Lord has continually opened doors for us in the South Texas Valley.  I have been working in this region, actually on both sides of the border (even though we don’t cross the border with our young people anymore), for 38 years.  I guess that’s called commitment, and I’m hereby inviting you to make a sacrificial (that which has great value) commitment right now to join Mission Trip 2018.  Make (in today’s lingo “strongly encourage”) your teenager(s) join the team … young adults, take off work and rise up in ministry and leadership … adults, just come (I know it’s hard, but you’ll bless others and you’ll be blessed), help us prepare, support financially, and pray.  In fact, ask yourself … Why not all the above! 

FYI – That’s your personal invitation to participate!

Now, will you be so brave as to listen honestly and sincerely to the Lord, and then openly respond to (obey) His leading, rather than entertaining all the reasons and excuses that will flood your mind telling you why not to participate? 

I fully trust that the Lord will work powerfully in and through each of us as we fully embrace Mission Trip 2018 as our ministry, and let it all happen … for His glory and purpose(s)! 

That’s my heart … His and yours, PF