People are frequently afraid to admit that hatred is a Christian virtue, and it’s difficult to imagine that our eternally loving and gracious God actually displays hate as an absolute attribute in the scriptures.  While generally one doesn’t consider “hate” a characteristic of God, ignorance of this concept may lead to an indistinct, somewhat distorted human view of the One — True —  Almighty — God.   According to Proverbs 6:16-19, the Lord “hates” six things, “Yes, seven are an abomination to Him.” 

Undeniably, our Lord hates: 

  1. haughty eyes; 
  2. a lying tongue; 
  3. hands that shed innocent blood; 
  4. a heart that devises wicked plans; 
  5. feet that run quickly/rapidly to embrace and/or participate in evil; 
  6. false witness who breathe/utters lies;
  7. those who sows discord/spreads strife among believers. 

Certainly, if God hates such things shouldn’t Christ’s faithful as well?  

As believers, we often hear the term, “hate the sin, but love the sinner” or some similar derivative.  Therefore, although Christians conceptually “get it” (attempting to love all humanity because God loves us and proves it through Christ’s sacrificial and atoning death), practically it’s difficult to fully accomplish.  Surely the spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak due to one’s fleshly/worldly (not fully spiritually transformed) weaknesses. 

Nonetheless, the stakes are raised even higher as true Christians actually incorporate loving what the Lord loves and “hating” whatever/everything He “hates!”  Therefore, it’s with this precise understanding and expectation that we’re instructed to, “Abhor what is evil” and “cling to what is good” in Romans 12:9. 

Abhor may be an unfamiliar term to some since it’s not a common expression in modern-day English, but scripturally it presents an essential, exact, and meticulous denotation.  The Greek word, apostugoúntes (from apostugeo), translated here as “abhor,” actually means to utterly detest and/or intensely hate.  Thus in the biblical context, believers are unequivocally instructed (not simply challenged) to utterly detest and intensely hate evil. In other words, as Adam Clarke declares, “Hate sin as much as you would the hell to which it leads!” 

The implication is that one should hate evil with shuddering horror, rather than a raised eyebrow or casual smirk/sneer.  This imperative (obligatory command) leaves no options, no alternate routes, no y’all-buts or what-ifs!  Those that follow Christ and His teaching simply must, without exception turn away from, run or flee from, and absolutely avoid all/every form of evil. (See I Thessalonians 5:22) 

Furthermore, the reality of this verse extends even further, taking a much broader stroke, teaching that evil should sicken all those called by His magnificent Name!  Have you ever considered this as a mark of true Christian character? 

Does one “abhor” (utterly detest — intensely hate — to the point of making one sick):

  • Seemingly small sin (although that doesn’t actually exists) as well as great wrongdoing?
  • Secret sin as well as mass public transgressions?
  • Personal sin as well as destructive social vices?
  • Sin in/of thought as well as acts of disobedience?

Please understand . . . the abhorrence must be there, hate should be directed against everything (ideas, philosophies, actions, etc.) that is evil just as it was in Jesus Christ.   

Speaking prophetically concerning Christ, Psalms 45:7 declares:

You have loved righteousness and hated wickedness; Therefore God, Your God, has anointed You above your companions. (Also Hebrews 1:9) 

Now, thank God that our Lord Jesus Christ has left us the example of His hatred!  He loathed sham, pretense, and hypocrisy! Christ metaphorically and spiritually ripped the masks from the faces of the Pharisees and religious leaders, revealing who and what they really were!  In return, they hated Him, for by His penetrating questions He exposed their artifice and deceit, their guile and trickery.

The life and ministry of our Lord, Jesus Christ is autographed by abhorring that which is evil.  The Bible is everywhere inscribed with God’s hatred of all that is evil.  Therefore, when the text, commands us to abhor that which is evil, it is declaring that we are to be just like our Savior, our Lord … Jesus Christ!             

— Pastor Frank


Now there’s a word you don’t hear much anymore!  In fact, I’m not sure I’ve ever heard a sermon or teaching on the topic other than a brief pass-by when someone is teaching on the “virtuous woman” of Proverbs 31 or a short mention when discussing the biblical qualifications for the New Testament offices of Overseer (Elders) and/or Deacons in I Timothy 3. 

Actually, there are at least 9 Hebrew words and 10 Greek words in our bibles that mean and/or could be translated into English as “dignity”.  In Proverbs 31:25, which is perhaps most familiar passage where this word occurs, that after talking about this incredible lady literally making clothing for her family and others, the writer of Proverbs also makes a spiritual application about her spiritual attire.  One can certainly have garments and fine fashions that makes you look dignified, but that has little to nothing to do with the divine attribute of dignity! In Galatians 3:27, Paul uses a similar illustration by comparing what one wears as an outer garment in a practical sense to spiritual adornment when declaring, “For all of you who were baptized (as believers) into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ” when becoming God’s children through new-birth by faith in Jesus Christ.  Romans 13:14 also reminds us of our everyday need for spiritual attire as we are instructed to, “put on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make no provision for the flesh in regard to its lusts.”

Throughout the scriptures, the word “dignity” is used in reference to an inner quality of amiable behavior as well as that of being very or extremely honorable, having a good name (reputation), virtuous (upright and honest), noble and excellent. In Proverbs 31:25 this woman’s beauty shines forth from her inner most being as she has wrapped herself in the very attributes and characteristics of the Lord, therefore she is no shameful, unskilled, unimportant weakling in the family, society, or in reference to God’s perfect design for humanity! 

 As a result of her spiritual garments, she is clothed with strength, which means power over the changes of temporal circumstances … which too often and easily shatter families, bringing whole households to ruin when built and resting upon shaky and less solid foundations.  She rises above the common, the deceptive traps of one’s culture, society, peer pressure, and the like. Her raiment is spot-on . . . “dignity” which empowers her to peer confidently into the future and all that it holds for her family, business, and ministry, as well as her faith-based relationship with the Lord. She moves from strength to strength (Psalm 84:6-7) with the blessings of Almighty God, maintaining her faith and “dignity” through the plethora of situations and circumstances she encounters on a daily basis!  She is invested with a moral force and “dignity” which arm her against the typical distracting cares and worries of this life with the divine (supernatural) power of a righteous purpose that reveals itself in her deportment and demeanor.

No wonder she’s been given the renowned and glorious title, “Virtuous Woman.”  She enjoys a firmness and constancy of mind, has spirit to bear up under the many crosses and disappointments which even the wise and virtuous must expect to meet within this world; and this is her clothing, for defense as well as decency. She deals honorably with all, and takes great delight, fulfillment, and pleasure in so doing. 

Unquestionably, this one of “dignity” reflects upon life with comfort, and even as she grows old, knows her life was not filled with idleness and/or uselessness.  She is not disquieted by fears of what might/may be or happen, knowing full well in whom she trusts (Psalm 112:1-10), and having done her duty responsibly and to the utmost of her ability.  Even in the day of her death it will be a pleasure for her to reflect, absolutely and assuredly knowing that she lived for a purpose higher than herself — her Lord’s glory good purposes!  Yes, she will rejoice in the things of an eternity to come … being recompensed for her life, her adornment, her service, and the authenticated and indisputable “dignity” she so willingly, honestly, and openly displayed.

In our common English language, “dignity” is defined as:

1.  the state or quality of being worthy of honor or respect.

     “a person of dignity is one of unbending principle”

2.  a composed or serious manner or style.

     “he/she bowed with great dignity”

3. a sense of self-respect.

4.  a high or honorable rank or position.

Perhaps today we ask ourselves, “Are we individuals of dignity?”  If not, why not?   Think about it. His & Yours by GRACE (God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense)  –PF