Have you ever noticed that almost everything in our world changes?  Change is sometimes very difficult to embrace and often, even more difficult to accomplish.  Clergyman Henry Ward Beecher put it this way:

Our days are a kaleidoscope. Every instant a change takes place. … New harmonies, new contrasts, new combinations of every sort. … The most familiar people stand each moment in some new relation to each other, to their work, to surrounding objects.

How many changes have you experienced in the last ten years, last year, last week, today?  Certainly there are many realms of change . . . physical and spiritual, ideological and philosophical, likes and dislikes, mental and emotional, even family, relationships, careers, etc.  Needless to say, change is an inevitable component of human existence, even if one doesn’t like it, works against it, or in denial, refuses to accept it. 

Even though change is certain and unavoidable, that doesn’t make it all good or right, nor does it deem change all bad or evil.  Some changes work in excellence (even though it may be extremely troublesome or painful), causing great improvements in one’s life, family, nation, business, organization, and/or ministry, while others seem to reap havoc, damage, and/or even destruction. 

However, in a world and life of much and constant, inexorable change, only one thing escapes modification, alteration or transformation . . . the nature/character of our Lord.  Scripture clearly declares God’s immutability in Malachi 3:6, as He clearly announces His own incomputable, invariable, inalterable, and unchangeable character:

For I, the Lord, do not change.  (also I Samuel 15:29, James 1:17, Hebrews 6:18; 13:8)

In this Hebrew text, God chooses to call Himself, Yahweh . . . the covenant-name of God to the Hebrews (See Exodus 6:3), and a name which fully implies His immutable character and inalterable faithfulness in fulfilling His promises.  In this case, because He is a God Who does not, and will not change, His people are not, and will not be destroyed (even though they without a doubt, absolutely  deserved it).  Thanks be to God for His invariable nature of grace and mercy towards His people, who are not without discipline, but certainly don’t get what’s fully deserved.     

Now, consider this spin.  God, Who is unchanging and unchangeable, created a world that is constantly being modified, and filled it with His most exalted and valued creation — humanity — who is constantly in a process of alteration and transformation. Those changes being wrought in Christ are excellent, but those produced by adaptation to our world’s thinking, philosophies, and self-proclaimed wisdom continuously harvest mayhem, injury, harm, devastation, and ruin. 

As an example, I’m constantly amazed by all the “Christian” parents who completely ignore God’s instructions concerning appropriate discipline and sound (proven) principles for correcting their children.  Then they wonder why their children are out-of-control, spoiled, disobedient, and disrespectful.  They may pray 24/7 for their family and offspring, but if they discount and ignore His immutable truth, those prayers are simply a waste of words and breath. 

How about “believers” who are gainfully employed and refuse to provide significant, consistent, sacrificial financial support for their church?  The New Testament clearly teaches the God-ordained concept of giving (Did He not give His Son, did His Son not give His life?) as a significant part of Christian living. They may pray 24/7 for His financial blessing and help, but if His immutable truth is denied and ignored, or even discounted, those prayers are simply another waste of words and breath!  

Ultimately, one’s unchangeable Lord is the active and effective change agent in a believer’s life Who designs, directs, and empowers significant spiritual modifications within His people . . . even complete emotional, as well as  mental, alterations and healing.  The definitive and obvious goal is the complete transformation of Christ’s followers, molding and shaping them into functional vessels of honor and glory for His purposes!  What a calling — what a blessing!  It’s almost incomprehensible to consider or grasp the fact that Christ changes us for the fulfillment of His immutable everlasting purposes. 

As a result of God’s purpose in each and every one of His follower’s lives, believers are, without a doubt, challenged, as well as spiritually encouraged, and convicted to change.  Consider these essential questions: Are you affirmatively willing to change? Are you passive about change? Are you persistently resistant to change? No matter what the answer, be confidently assured that your unchanging Lord is immutably committed to your spiritual, mental and emotional transformation! So one chooses, almost on a daily basis, to enthusiastically comply and embrace His move/work in one’s life, act nonchalantly about His purpose in you, or defiantly ignore/revolt.  

Since I was 17 years old, my senior year in high school, I’ve been fully committed to Christ and serving Him.  During these years, I’ve embraced His change. However, at times, I’ve also acted indifferently about His call, and even openly resisted spiritual, emotional, mental healing and transformation. I’ve been privileged to organize numerous ministries, serve in several others, and with the exception of just a few years in the construction business, been actively engaged in ministry for 40 years.  

Here’s what I’ve (sometimes painfully) learned:

  1. all change, personal or in a church/ministry, is good, as well as beneficial if initiated by the Lord. 
  2. if I will move beyond the past, what was, and fully grip the opportunity that lies ahead through change, it’s always proven to be forever better!  

At West Oaks Fellowship, we are on the precipice of change, both as individual believers and our entire ministry. New vision is being birthed and the Lord is challenging us to step towards Him, fully embracing His improvements. Therefore, please always remember, change is inevitable, and our immutable Lord demands it of His followers. Will you join me in responding affirmatively and enthusiastically to all the transforming work He is bringing to our lives and our church?

His & Yours, Pastor Frank


In Psalm 32, David speaks of summer in reference to its unpleasant and exhausting “fever heat” as an example of how he’s feeling when bogged down by his own un-dealt-with sin. Without doubt, all of us in Houston, as well as those from many other parts of the world, are fully aware one’s vitality can easily be depleted in the midst of a summer day.  In this case, the Psalmist is experiencing that feeling, yet not because of the outside temperature, but because of internal conflict.  According to verse 4, God’s hand was “heavy” upon him both “day and night.”  The seriousness of this emotional and spiritual internal conflict is revealed when David declares that his body is “wasting away” and that he is “groaning all day long.”    

One of the things one should admire about this psalm, as well as many others, is David’s ability to identify exactly what’s causing the struggle.  It’s not some physical illness, and even though he feels sick, beat down, defeated, etc., he knows the truth.  He understands that he’s not in depression, that he doesn’t need different medication, nor does he need to read another self-help book, listen to feel-good theological mumbo-jumbo, or the psychobabble of some worldly psychiatrist.  No, David simply needs to be honest and at that point he can deal with his issue … sin! 

However, in much of today’s contemporary, culturized church, (particularly those in liberal denominations and/or in the emerging/emergent church movements) sin will not be identified as/for what it is . . . instead those things which are reprehensible to our Lord, Jesus Christ are simply brushed under the carpet, ignored, or actually viewed as tolerable behavior.  Is everything really ok?  In a futile attempt to recognize that God truly loves all humanity and genuinely desires for them to come to the knowledge of the truth, many church’s are indiscriminately and openly, without guilt, shame, or conviction, declaring that everyone is all right/ok. 

How can this be when God alone, through His inerrant scripture defines good and evil, right and wrong, and according to Him, no one is spiritually ok? This is not a matter of one’s own opinion and feelings are certainly not able to determine an individual’s spiritual well-being. Instead, a commendable spiritual condition occurs  through an objective and resolute commitment to the Lord, Jesus Christ, accompanied by adherence to His Word/Truth without reference to a particular social or cultural bias.

In/by/through the “fever heat of summer” David is being graciously disciplined by the Lord (see I Corinthians 11:32; Revelation 3:19) Who desires him to effectively and forthrightly deal with his sin.  This simple, yet substantial action will result in the restoration of David’s spiritual fortitude, as well as his physical, spiritual and emotional healing (see Psalm 32:5-7).

Perhaps one should look at the heat of summer not as a restrictive, confining environment, but a catalyst in one’s life that spawns spiritual growth and stirs the development of godly character.  No doubt, David matured through this process and even learned the benefit of the Lord’s disciplinary, yet merciful hand. How faithful is our Lord, who undeniably caused this “fever heat of summer” in David’s life so he could learn to deal with issues/sin promptly and resolutely. Therefore, when you’re basking or baking in this summer’s sun, remember that the Son provides tremendous opportunities for spiritual development in every situation and season of life.  May we, as His children, fully embrace the indelible imprints of His firm, yet gracious and glorious grip/hand/touch in our lives. 

There is always heat in the kitchen when something good is cookin’!                                                                        – Pastor Frank