Have you ever noticed that almost everything in our world changes?  Change is sometimes very difficult to embrace and often, even more difficult to accomplish.  Clergyman Henry Ward Beecher put it this way:

Our days are a kaleidoscope. Every instant a change takes place. … New harmonies, new contrasts, new combinations of every sort. … The most familiar people stand each moment in some new relation to each other, to their work, to surrounding objects.

How many changes have you experienced in the last ten years, last year, last week, today?  Certainly there are many realms of change . . . physical and spiritual, ideological and philosophical, likes and dislikes, mental and emotional, even family, relationships, careers, etc.  Needless to say, change is an inevitable component of human existence, even if one doesn’t like it, works against it, or in denial, refuses to accept it. 

Even though change is certain and unavoidable, that doesn’t make it all good or right, nor does it deem change all bad or evil.  Some changes work in excellence (even though it may be extremely troublesome or painful), causing great improvements in one’s life, family, nation, business, organization, and/or ministry, while others seem to reap havoc, damage, and/or even destruction. 

However, in a world and life of much and constant, inexorable change, only one thing escapes modification, alteration or transformation . . . the nature/character of our Lord.  Scripture clearly declares God’s immutability in Malachi 3:6, as He clearly announces His own incomputable, invariable, inalterable, and unchangeable character:

For I, the Lord, do not change.  (also I Samuel 15:29, James 1:17, Hebrews 6:18; 13:8)

In this Hebrew text, God chooses to call Himself, Yahweh . . . the covenant-name of God to the Hebrews (See Exodus 6:3), and a name which fully implies His immutable character and inalterable faithfulness in fulfilling His promises.  In this case, because He is a God Who does not, and will not change, His people are not, and will not be destroyed (even though they without a doubt, absolutely  deserved it).  Thanks be to God for His invariable nature of grace and mercy towards His people, who are not without discipline, but certainly don’t get what’s fully deserved.     

Now, consider this spin.  God, Who is unchanging and unchangeable, created a world that is constantly being modified, and filled it with His most exalted and valued creation — humanity — who is constantly in a process of alteration and transformation. Those changes being wrought in Christ are excellent, but those produced by adaptation to our world’s thinking, philosophies, and self-proclaimed wisdom continuously harvest mayhem, injury, harm, devastation, and ruin. 

As an example, I’m constantly amazed by all the “Christian” parents who completely ignore God’s instructions concerning appropriate discipline and sound (proven) principles for correcting their children.  Then they wonder why their children are out-of-control, spoiled, disobedient, and disrespectful.  They may pray 24/7 for their family and offspring, but if they discount and ignore His immutable truth, those prayers are simply a waste of words and breath. 

How about “believers” who are gainfully employed and refuse to provide significant, consistent, sacrificial financial support for their church?  The New Testament clearly teaches the God-ordained concept of giving (Did He not give His Son, did His Son not give His life?) as a significant part of Christian living. They may pray 24/7 for His financial blessing and help, but if His immutable truth is denied and ignored, or even discounted, those prayers are simply another waste of words and breath!  

Ultimately, one’s unchangeable Lord is the active and effective change agent in a believer’s life Who designs, directs, and empowers significant spiritual modifications within His people . . . even complete emotional, as well as  mental, alterations and healing.  The definitive and obvious goal is the complete transformation of Christ’s followers, molding and shaping them into functional vessels of honor and glory for His purposes!  What a calling — what a blessing!  It’s almost incomprehensible to consider or grasp the fact that Christ changes us for the fulfillment of His immutable everlasting purposes. 

As a result of God’s purpose in each and every one of His follower’s lives, believers are, without a doubt, challenged, as well as spiritually encouraged, and convicted to change.  Consider these essential questions: Are you affirmatively willing to change? Are you passive about change? Are you persistently resistant to change? No matter what the answer, be confidently assured that your unchanging Lord is immutably committed to your spiritual, mental and emotional transformation! So one chooses, almost on a daily basis, to enthusiastically comply and embrace His move/work in one’s life, act nonchalantly about His purpose in you, or defiantly ignore/revolt.  

Since I was 17 years old, my senior year in high school, I’ve been fully committed to Christ and serving Him.  During these years, I’ve embraced His change. However, at times, I’ve also acted indifferently about His call, and even openly resisted spiritual, emotional, mental healing and transformation. I’ve been privileged to organize numerous ministries, serve in several others, and with the exception of just a few years in the construction business, been actively engaged in ministry for 40 years.  

Here’s what I’ve (sometimes painfully) learned:

  1. all change, personal or in a church/ministry, is good, as well as beneficial if initiated by the Lord. 
  2. if I will move beyond the past, what was, and fully grip the opportunity that lies ahead through change, it’s always proven to be forever better!  

At West Oaks Fellowship, we are on the precipice of change, both as individual believers and our entire ministry. New vision is being birthed and the Lord is challenging us to step towards Him, fully embracing His improvements. Therefore, please always remember, change is inevitable, and our immutable Lord demands it of His followers. Will you join me in responding affirmatively and enthusiastically to all the transforming work He is bringing to our lives and our church?

His & Yours, Pastor Frank


As you’re reading this article, we have only 20 weeks (or less, depending on delivery date) to prepare for Mission Trip 2014.  While this annual event is a huge undertaking for a ministry our size and arduous to plan and administer, every year we see untold blessings beyond anything that can be measured, valued, or even imagined from a human view-point/perspective.

Now to Him who is able to do far more abundantly beyond all that we ask or think, according to the power that works within us, to Him be the glory in the church and in Christ Jesus to all generations forever and ever. Amen.  

— Ephesians 3:20-21

Similar to last year, we’ve been invited to Lyford/Sebastian, Texas by the superintendent of schools (a faithful believer) with the full endorsement of the community, local school board, and administration/personnel.  Praise be to God for the way He continually opens doors and provides unique opportunities for all those willing to accept the challenge of boldly and sacrificially serving Him without consideration of their own personal comfort, blessing, and/or benefit (in many cases, even the loss of income for our independent contractors and small business owners).             

For the love of Christ controls (urges/compels – presses on us from all sides, holding us to one end and prohibiting us from considering any other, wrapping itself around us in tenderness, giving us an impelling motive) us, having concluded this, that one died for all, therefore all died; and He died for all, so that they who live might no longer live for themselves, but for Him who died and rose again on their behalf.  

— II Corinthians 5:14-15

For not one of us lives for himself, and not one dies for himself;  for if we live, we live for the Lord, or if we die, we die for the Lord; therefore whether we live or die, we are the Lord’s.     

— Romans 14:7-8

Last year, our first time in Lyford/Sebastian, was a great success with attendance far above expectations and many decisions for Christ. In addition, everyone in the area was delighted with our ministry, as well as our friendly, encouraging, exciting, yet non-compromising, distinctively evangelical outreach to the children and youth in the community.  As in former locations (other South Texas communities where we’ve ministered to children and youth), we worked diligently to establish a good reputation with the local businesses, all community leaders, and the parents of the children who participated in our community-wide VBS ministry.

Likewise urge the young men to be sensible; in all things show yourself to be an example of good deeds, with purity in doctrine, dignified, sound in speech which is beyond reproach, so that the opponent will be put to shame, having nothing bad to say about us.  

— Titus 2:6-8

Generally, our goals remain the same (listed below), however, this year we will need even more involvement from those at WOF who cannot come and the active participation of our teenagers’ parents as we prepare them for this year’s mission.  I’m praying that whether one goes or not, it’s still your mission trip … that everyone at WOF has a part in this incredible  undertaking.  Certainly prayer is always at the top of the list, along with significant financial support/scholarships/donations and fundraising efforts/ideas are absolutely essential and greatly appreciated. However,  this year we will be asking for your help, from time-to-time, in many ways.    

Now, brethren, we wish to make known to you the grace of God which has been given in the churches of Macedonia, that in a great ordeal of affliction their abundance of joy and their deep poverty overflowed in the wealth of their liberality.  For I testify that according to their ability, and beyond their ability, they gave of their own accord, begging us with much urging for the favor of participation in the support of the saints, and this, not as we had expected, but they first gave themselves to the Lord and to us by the will of God. 

— II Corinthians 8:1-6


  1. Introduce children & youth to Jesus Christ!  We strategically plan to provide every child with an opportunity to experience Christ’s love, coming to know forgiveness of sin and salvation that He alone offers.  See I Timothy 2:3-7
  • Provide opportunity for WOF’s youth and young adults, as well as those from other churches, to participate in a meaningful, life-changing ministry event where they are the Lord’s primary ministers/servants.  See I Timothy 4:12
  • Assist other churches/ministries in their efforts to reach a community with Christ’s message of grace and forgiveness.  See Romans 16:1-2
  • Provide a unique opportunity for WOF youth to serve and minister alongside youth from other churches/ministries.  See Psalm 33:1
  • See the purposes of God accomplished as both youth and adult believers work together in unity.  See John 17:22-23

Lyford/Sebastian, Texas is a field white unto harvest. May we lift up our eyes and look … seeing the opportunity afforded us as a church/ministry. 

See John 4:35      

In Luke 10:2-3, Jesus said to His disciples:

The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few; therefore beseech the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest.

Perhaps He is speaking to us as well!  Certainly we understand this individually in our day-to-day lives, but what about as a church/ministry?  Here are two little towns where few have heard the Truth of Christ’s Gospel (His message of grace, love and forgiveness), and we’ve been invited to a harvest.  How shall we respond?  Shall we heed our Lord’s request?  Certainly, our time is now!                    

— Pastor Frank  


The word “abundant” is used throughout our Old Testament scriptures to describe Yahweh’s unlimited love and His covenant faithfulness. The authors readily confess that their God is abounding in (Hebrew ‎ra»-µese¼‎‎), or has an abundance of (Hebrew rœ» µese¼‎) steadfast love!

Psalm 86:5

For You, Lord, are good, and ready to forgive, and abundant in lovingkindness to all who call upon You.

    Isaiah 63:7

I shall make mention of the lovingkindnesses of the Lord, the praises of the Lord, according to all that the Lord has granted us, and the great goodness toward the house of Israel, which He has granted them according to His compassion and according to the abundance of His lovingkindnesses.

In Isaiah 55:7, the Lord’s prophet calls upon the people of Israel to repent of their wickedness and return to Yahweh, “for He will abundantly pardon” (Hebrew ‎yarbeh lislô(a)µ‎, literally meaning to “multiply pardon”).

In the New Testament, (Greek gk perisseúœ‎, hyperperisseúœ‎) abound, abundance, abundant, and abundantly are usually translated — “to be or make extremely rich” — “to overflow” — “cause to overflow” or “to be present in greater abundance” as proclaimed concerning God’s grace in Romans 5:20-21:

The Law came in so that the transgression would increase; but where sin increased, grace abounded all the more, so that, as sin reigned in death, even so grace would reign through righteousness to eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.

The familiar passage of scripture in John 10:10 speaks of an “abundant” life afford those who truly believe in Jesus Christ:

The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly.

The Biblical text repeatedly warns against putting one’s trust in the abundance of material things. In Psalm 37 we are advised against envy when seeing the wicked prosper … knowing that they, along with their wealth, will be destroyed, and that the Lord is faithful to preserve those who put their faith/full trust in Him. (see Psalm 37)  Therefore, the little that the righteous may have is ultimately better than the abundance of the wicked (see Psalm 37:16).  Consider:

Proverbs 15:16

Better is a little with the fear of the Lord, Than great treasure and turmoil with it.

Proverbs 16:8

Better is a little with righteousness, Than great income with injustice.

Unquestionably, Yahweh promised — and gave — to Israel an abundance of material blessings (see Deuteronomy 28:11); but He also warned that if this prosperity did not lead to the faithful service it could/would be taken away (see Deuteronomy 28:47). In fact, this is exactly what happened to Israel, as prophesied by Ezekiel (see 7:11) and recounted by Ezra (see Nehemiah 9:25).

Nonetheless, Israel was promised that when she repented of her disobedience, her fortunes would be restored and she would experience prosperity greater than she had known before (see Deuteronomy 30:9; Isaiah 66:10; Jeremiah 31:12-14; 33:6-9; Ezekiel 36:29). Therefore, it appears that God’s desire throughout history (HIS STORY) has always been to abundantly bless His people.  

In the NT, abundance takes on many forms much greater than that of material possessions. Knowing abundance is an absolute characteristic of one’s new life obtained through genuine salvation — faith in Christ Jesus!  This abundance is unlike anything previously known, and is stimulated by spiritual growth. The Lord’s abundance is appropriated (poured out, received and acted upon) in every Christian’s life to bring about complete transformation.

This fullness is not manifested in the realm of material blessings, but in the abundance of grace that is, according to the scriptures, lavished upon His Church (see Ephesians 1:3-14). Thus the believing, Christian community is empowered to do far more than it could dare to imagine (see Ephesians 3:20)!  

While the NT does not denounce material abundance, it stresses its imperfect value and its dangers. Jesus warned that “a man’s life does not consist in the abundance of his possessions” (see Luke 12:15).  Remember, Paul testified that he had learned to face both material abundance and deprivation with equanimity (see Philippians 4:12).  One value of material abundance lies in the opportunity it provides for generosity (see II Corinthians 8:14); and to those who give generously, there is the promise that:

God is able to provide you with every blessing in abundance, so that you may always have enough of everything and may provide in abundance for every good work.

In this regard, my consistent prayer for all of us at WOF is that each one will prosper and be in good health, even as one’s soul prospers.  — From III John 2                          

II Corinthians 9:8

His & Yours, PF


Isn’t this the genuine life-mission of every true follower/disciple of Jesus Christ?  The word “faithfulness” appears in both the Old and New Testament biblical texts, primarily addressing two main themes:

  1. The faithfulness of God
  2. The faithfulness of God’s people  

THE FAITHFULNESS OF GOD can simply (perhaps overly simplified) be defined as His determined loyalty to keep His word and fulfill all His covenants. Psalm 25:10 clearly and unmistakably links our God’s faithfulness to the concepts of love and truth … “All the paths of the Lord are lovingkindness and truth to those who keep His covenant and His testimonies” … for all those in relationship with Him.   However, His faithfulness, fully displayed in love and truth, extends far beyond those who believe — to every aspect of His creations!    Psalm 57:10 – “For Your lovingkindness is great to the heavens and Your truth to the clouds.”

Our New Testament scriptures also affirm God’s continued faithfulness which is ultimately, powerfully, permanently, and finally, confirmed in Jesus Christ our Lord.  I Corinthians 1:9 declares, “God is faithful, through whom you were called into fellowship with His Son, Jesus Christ our Lord.” Here, one sees God’s continued determined loyalty to  lovingkindness and truth through the continuation of His gracious unalterable covenants. God fully demonstrates His care for all humanity in II Corinthians 1:18-22 –

But as God is faithful, our word to you is not yes and no.  For the Son of God, Christ Jesus, who was preached among you by us — by me and Silvanus and Timothy — was not yes and no, but is yes in Him.  For as many as are the promises of God, in Him they are yes; therefore also through Him is our Amen to the glory of God through us.  Now He who establishes us with you in Christ and anointed us is God, who also sealed us and gave us the Spirit in our hearts as a pledge.

This pledge, of His Holy Spirit, further proves His faithfulness!

THE FAITHFULNESS OF GOD’S PEOPLE is also prevalent in both the Old and New Testament scriptures!  In Numbers 14:24-25 a noticeable and distinct example of faithfulness results in God’s blessings upon all of Caleb’s descendants! 

But My servant Caleb, because he has had a different spirit and has followed Me fully, I will bring into the land which he entered, and his descendants shall take possession of it.

There are numerous examples of “faithfulness” like this in the biblical text that provide illustrations and patterns of this valuable attribute for our lives as authentic believers. Nonetheless, does our God’s faithfulness somehow demand a response of faithfulness from His people … those redeemed and called by His name?  That’s a question one must answer.

See, God’s prophet, Samuel spoke openly with the Lord’s people in I Samuel 12:24 –

Only fear the Lord and serve Him in truth with all your heart; for consider what great things He has done for you.

The New Testament refers to human faithfulness as a God-granted virtue/asset/quality. In Galatians 5:22 it is listed as fruit in one’s life — resulting from the indwelling of God’s Holy Spirit!  I Timothy 3:11 exhorts godly women be “faithful in all things.”  Matthew and Luke both reference the concepts of the faithful servants and faithful stewards (Matthew 24:45; 25:21,23; Luke 12:42; 16:10-12; 19:17). “Faithful” here is very much role-relative; but the point of the parables is not that the Christian should allow role expectations to determine totally his or her behavior, but that one should be faithful to God and give that loyalty precedence over all others.

In I Timothy 1:12, the apostle Paul gives the reason for his appointment as “faithfulness,” according to Christ’s judgment. He also instructed Pastor Timothy to find “faithful men” and to appoint them to the role of teachers in Christ’s Church (II Timothy 2:2). However, in every one of these examples, faithfulness in a particular role meshes inseparably with faithfulness to the Lord, as is seen by the frequent addition of epistemological phrases such as “in Jesus Christ.”

Now, brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus, please meditate on this one for a few days & nights …

It is a trustworthy statement: If we are faithless, He remains faithful, for He cannot deny Himself.

II Timothy 2:11, 13

That’s our Lord!                                                         

His & Yours, PF