In Psalm 32, David speaks of summer in reference to its unpleasant and exhausting “fever heat” as an example of how he’s feeling when bogged down by his own un-dealt-with sin. Without doubt, all of us in Houston, as well as those from many other parts of the world, are fully aware one’s vitality can easily be depleted in the midst of a summer day.  In this case, the Psalmist is experiencing that feeling, yet not because of the outside temperature, but because of internal conflict.  According to verse 4, God’s hand was “heavy” upon him both “day and night.”  The seriousness of this emotional and spiritual internal conflict is revealed when David declares that his body is “wasting away” and that he is “groaning all day long.”    

One of the things one should admire about this psalm, as well as many others, is David’s ability to identify exactly what’s causing the struggle.  It’s not some physical illness, and even though he feels sick, beat down, defeated, etc., he knows the truth.  He understands that he’s not in depression, that he doesn’t need different medication, nor does he need to read another self-help book, listen to feel-good theological mumbo-jumbo, or the psychobabble of some worldly psychiatrist.  No, David simply needs to be honest and at that point he can deal with his issue … sin! 

However, in much of today’s contemporary, culturized church, (particularly those in liberal denominations and/or in the emerging/emergent church movements) sin will not be identified as/for what it is . . . instead those things which are reprehensible to our Lord, Jesus Christ are simply brushed under the carpet, ignored, or actually viewed as tolerable behavior.  Is everything really ok?  In a futile attempt to recognize that God truly loves all humanity and genuinely desires for them to come to the knowledge of the truth, many church’s are indiscriminately and openly, without guilt, shame, or conviction, declaring that everyone is all right/ok. 

How can this be when God alone, through His inerrant scripture defines good and evil, right and wrong, and according to Him, no one is spiritually ok? This is not a matter of one’s own opinion and feelings are certainly not able to determine an individual’s spiritual well-being. Instead, a commendable spiritual condition occurs  through an objective and resolute commitment to the Lord, Jesus Christ, accompanied by adherence to His Word/Truth without reference to a particular social or cultural bias.

In/by/through the “fever heat of summer” David is being graciously disciplined by the Lord (see I Corinthians 11:32; Revelation 3:19) Who desires him to effectively and forthrightly deal with his sin.  This simple, yet substantial action will result in the restoration of David’s spiritual fortitude, as well as his physical, spiritual and emotional healing (see Psalm 32:5-7).

Perhaps one should look at the heat of summer not as a restrictive, confining environment, but a catalyst in one’s life that spawns spiritual growth and stirs the development of godly character.  No doubt, David matured through this process and even learned the benefit of the Lord’s disciplinary, yet merciful hand. How faithful is our Lord, who undeniably caused this “fever heat of summer” in David’s life so he could learn to deal with issues/sin promptly and resolutely. Therefore, when you’re basking or baking in this summer’s sun, remember that the Son provides tremendous opportunities for spiritual development in every situation and season of life.  May we, as His children, fully embrace the indelible imprints of His firm, yet gracious and glorious grip/hand/touch in our lives. 

There is always heat in the kitchen when something good is cookin’!                                                                        – Pastor Frank                                 


When one thinks about America, what pops into your mind?  Currently, the greatest nation on earth?  What a blessing it is to be an American?  The “land of the free” and “the home of the brave?”  A nation once again thrown into the divisiveness of minority/equal rights struggles?  A country at war with terrorism?  A people embattled with economic, health-care, social security, immigration, and defense issues?  Perhaps we are seeing what once upon a time may have been referred to as a “Christian” or “Judeo-Christian” America/nation, quickly sinking into the vast cavity and hollowness of pagan secularism. 

In addition, while I’m not proposing that these United States of America were ever 100% Christian, nor were its founding fathers all believers in the Jesus Christ of the Bible, or our faith and practice, unquestionably these brave individuals were influenced by a both a belief in deity and fear/respect of Almighty God! Nonetheless, in these latter times of the “Information Age,” is it possible that our nation’s obsession and quest for data, digital communication, and information has actually exalted itself above a need/desire for God?  In II Timothy 3, the scriptures declare that difficult times will come, and thus issue a clear and distinct warning concerning this scenario. All those who choose to listen and truly/faithfully believe, are provided with the Lord’s counsel concerning those who are “lovers of money” and “lovers of self,”  that they are, or always will be, “learning and/but (are) never able to come to the knowledge (or understanding) of the truth!” They would rather have gratification and information than become subject to the transformation of our Lord and the presence/indwelling of His Holy Spirit!

Doesn’t all information require proper sorting and thorough sifting before it can be effectively applied to any situation?  As faithful believers, we must, “take every thought captive” (II Corinthians 10:5-6) by applying the discerning and discriminating filter of God’s Holy Word/Truth to each and every slice of information that comes our way.  One might ask, “Exactly how does one select information and use it in the process of personal transformation?”  When it comes to a nation, or people group, how does one determine the authenticity and proper value/importance of information, and then select and process pertinent information in order to affect or impact national transformation?

Listed below you’ll find some biblically-based concepts, that if incorporated into your Christian life and that as an American, will help provide some spiritual understanding as we move into the difficulties of serving Christ within the framework of a pagan secular society.  

  • Confront current issues with an eternal perspective (divine viewpoint).  (See Colossians 3:1-2)
  • Move your personal life “from information to transformation (in Christ Jesus) … from rhetoric to righteousness (living righteously)… from finger-pointing and blame-shifting to personal responsibility.  (See Titus 2:11-14)
  • Stop being a labeler . . .  we must avoid labeling. Labels have become “libels” (vilifications).  (See Ephesians 4:31) They increasingly paralyze relationships, legitimate conversation, communication and the exchange of creative and/or beneficial ideas.
  • Be committed to the restoration of Biblical/Scriptural authority in every aspect of one’s life. (See II Timothy 3:16-17)  It is not talk, but living the truth, which has the potential to restore the foundations of faith and freedom in Christ’s church and our society/nation.
  • Always remember, we are first Christians! God did not call us to be conservative, liberal or libertarian, but men and women of faith in Jesus Christ and His Word. We must call things as they are (by “The Book”) (See Ephesians 5:25) — not by our political persuasions, political correctness, or in light of our rhetoric defined by any/various label(s).
  • Never forget, we speak the truth in love when confronting issues, as well as people who disagree with us.  (See Philippians 2:3-4)  People are sinful and driven by fleshly passion(s)  … we all know that!  (See Ephesians 2:1-5)  Therefore, let us rise above with a proper attitude towards every individual, because every human is created in the image and likeness of God — whether we agree with their lifestyle or not! Our attitude towards the confused, lost, and dying world speaks volumes.  (See James 3:8- 18) 
  • We must overturn the rotting logs and mossy rocks that hide our personal sins (See Psalm 32:1-5) as well as those of our nation (See Proverbs 14:34) . . . openly, yet honestly confronting the deepest issues of our society and Americans’ hearts and homes.
  • Let’s be solution-oriented . . . not just provide tough talk. (See James 2:14-26) Transformation can always occur — even in the toughest and most troubled times! Let’s demonstrate Christian hope and Christ’s healing in our own hearts and homes, as well as for America’s broken families and our nation/society. (See II Timothy 2:23-26)

By employing these concepts and principles, we might just see a genuine transformation.

Don’t just think about it, let’s do it! — PF