Matthew’s gospel is geared primarily to present Jesus Christ as the King and God’s Son as the Messiah — with the rightful claim (and heir) to King David’s throne.

It all begins in chapter 1 by showing our Lord as the One who should rightfully reign because of the legal Messianic bloodline (See Romans 1:3, John 7:42) — indeed the descendent of David. Then, In chapter 2, the authenticity of His reign was affirmed by the Magi from the east, who, in their own understanding of Old Testament prophecy and through the direction of God’s Spirit, were led to Jerusalem, then Bethlehem in search of the One who had been born, “King of the Jews.” (See Matthew 2:2) This confirmation of the Christ Child as King is a remarkable event – an outstanding occurrence! 

In chapter 3 we have the powerful unrelenting testimony of John the Baptist, the ordained / Holy Spirit-anointed forerunner of the King, declaring, “Repent for the Kingdom of heaven is at hand.” (See Matthew 3:2)

Matthew chapter 4 presents Messiah, the King, whose power and authority is attested to by His one-on-one conflict with Satan.  The very fact that Jesus Christ overpowered the onslaughts of the enemy, overcoming the kingdom of darkness, was a clear testimony to the fact that He was God’s chosen and anointed King.  For only God’s King could fully resist and incapacitate the ultimate enemy of the Word and the Truth – our King’s Gospel message! 

Matthew 4:10-11

Then Jesus said to him, “Go, Satan! For it is written, ‘YOU SHALL WORSHIP THE LORD YOUR GOD, AND SERVE HIM ONLY.’” Then the devil left Him; and behold, angels came and began to minister to Him.

Unquestionably Jesus is proven by His power and authority … The King!

Consider chapters 5, 6, and 7 where He teaches and speaks with authority, much different than others (See Matthew 7:28-29, Luke 4:22, Mark 1:22), continuously revealing principles of His kingdom. Just look at the incredible, unsurpassed “Sermon on the Mount!” (See Matthew 5:1-7:27)

Then, in chapters 8 – 10, one finds further credentials of our King with three chapters of miracles which prophetically prove His Kingship as well as His Lordship … even over various laws of nature itself. (See Matthew 8:5-13) Running parallel with these credentials, seemingly in a very strange element, is also a mounting and ascending rejection of Him, His Gospel, and Kingdom message.  The greater the evidence reveals that He is truly the King, the greater the rejection of His message and His kingdom – thus demonstrating the profound blindness of the Hebrew people.

Finally, one turns to chapter 11 where Jesus denounces the sinful nation of Israel for rejecting Him – declaring a severe judgment! (See Matthew 11:20)

Nonetheless, our gracious Lord and King closes chapter 11 with an invitation …

Come to Me, all who are weary and heavy-laden, and I will give you rest.

(See Matthew 11:28-29)

Incredibly, out of His warning of judgments comes once again the message of grace, an invitation to accept Him. However, in chapter 12 the rejection of King Jesus, His Gospel, His Truth, and His Kingdom reaches its climax, and His pronouncement of judgment also reaches its climax. The final rejection is fully clarified and summed up when they unashamedly accuse Jesus of being Demonic / Satanic (See Matthew 12:23-24). At that point Christ pronounces a detrimental final judgment on the Jewish leaders and says, “You’re beyond the point of being forgiven.” (See Matthew 12:30-32)

Dr. Toussaint, in his commentary on Matthew says, “Not seeing the Messiahship of Jesus in His words and works, they have separated the fruit from the tree.”  It is not necessarily that they denied the King’s miracles, or that they were not fascinated by Christ’s words, as He taught with authority. They were even fully aware of His miraculous power … however, they could never trace the fruit, the works of Jesus, to their logical conclusion. 

They separated them (fruit / works) from the reality of who He was … THE KING who came offering HIS KINGDOM!

Can one have the Kingdom without it’s King?

Undoubtedly, they desired that; however, it was                                                                      not possible without accepting the Kingdom’s King!

Please, never ignore or forget this simple, but profound truth!

His & Yours, PF


The Gospel is under serious attack in today’s secularized church.  It’s impossible to properly stress the imperative need of getting the Gospel right … understanding both the person, the message, and the completed / finished work of Jesus Christ. In addition, we must permanently lock-on-to the personal dimension of how we, as individual believers, benefit from the Gospel through the means of GRACE (unmerited/undeserved/unearned favor) combined with genuine FAITH.

Preachers, Pastors, Evangelists, Bible Teachers, etc. say they “preach the gospel” — but if one listens carefully, with a biblical mindset (world view), we may find very little “Gospel” in what’s being presented. The term “Gospel” has become a nickname for preaching almost anything, rather than something with definitive scriptural-based content and objective. The word for “GOSPEL” comes from the Greek word euangelion.  Notice it has the prefix “eu” which is translated into English meaning something “good” or “pleasant”. The Greek word angelos or angelion is translated into English as “message”. Combined, euangelion, basically and simply means a “good message” or “good news”. Matthew 4:23 declares:

Jesus was going throughout all Galilee, teaching in their synagogues and proclaiming the gospel of the kingdom, and healing every kind of disease and every kind of sickness among the people.  

In ancient times, when armies marched out into battle, the people waited anxiously for a report from the battlefield concerning the outcome of the conflict. Once the results were known, a highly skilled / trained marathon runner would dash back and give a report. This is the concept found in Isaiah 52:7 when God’s prophet penned:

How lovely on the mountains are the feet of him who brings good news, who announces peace and brings good news of happiness!

The watchman in the tower would gaze out as far as he could see, hoping to catch a glimpse of the runner.  Eventually he would see the dust flying as the runner approached the city, and an excellent watchman could even tell by the way the runner’s legs were churning whether it was going to be good news or not.  If the runner was struggling, it indicated a grim, forbidding report, but if his legs were flying, with dust kicking up, that meant good news … which is the fundamental concept of the Gospel!

While the term “Gospel” may be used in literature referring to the first 4 books of the New Testament, as previously stated, Gospel means good news. Christ’s forerunner, John the Baptist, boldly proclaimed as good news, “the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!” Putting it simply, nonetheless, the Gospel (good news message) is Jesus Christ!

The announcement of MESSIAH, who He is, and what He accomplished, is the pinnacle, as well as the culmination of GOOD NEWS!  If we share our salvation testimony with others saying, “I became a Christian last year, or I gave my heart to Jesus,” we are certainly and unashamedly bearing witness about Christ, but we are not sharing the Gospel. The gospel is not about us!  The gospel is only about Jesus Christ – all that He accomplished … His sinless life of perfect obedience, His atoning and sacrificial death on the cross, His victorious resurrection from the dead (conquering forever sin and death), His ascension into heaven, and the powerful outpouring of God’s Holy Spirit upon Christ’s Church on that glorious day of PENTECOST! 

These crucial elements are the objective aspects of the Gospel as presented and reiterated time and time again throughout the New Testament scriptures.  So as believers, will we be determined to stand with the Apostle Paul and the pure good news of Christ’s message, or yield to the influence of another or different gospel? (See Galatians 1:6-8)      

It’s certainly time to consider and verify your position.

His & Yours, Pastor Frank

For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, to the Jew first and also to the Greek.

For in it the righteousness of God is revealed from faith to faith; as it is written,   


Romans 1:16-17