Last week, when I was teaching from I John, two mature/growing believers texted me almost the exact same question from I John, but from chapter 5 verses 16-17, rather than from where I was teaching from chapters 1 and 2 in preparation for communion celebration.  As a result of their questions, I assumed that perhaps others in the body might have similar questions and deemed it prudent to discuss the issue of “sin unto death.

First, one must recognize that the Elder and Apostle John is speaking to believers and the immediate context (beginning in verse 14) is that of believers being faithful in praying for one another. However, there is a broader context revealed as well throughout the chapter related to an individual’s relationship with Christ. In addition, the subject passage also reveals several concepts that must be considered astutely relevant if one desires a proper interpretation of the text and/or a meaningful application, as well as an intrinsic spiritual understanding of the phrase “sin unto death.”

TWO PARALLEL OR ANALOGOUS (must be considered side by side without the exclusion of the other) TRUTHS.

  1. According to verses 16 and 17, there is “sin not leading to death.”
  2. According to verse 16, there is “sin leading to death.”

Obviously the discussion of these passages is not that of “original” sin and its encroaching penalty of physical death (see Ecclesiastes 7:20, Romans 3:23).  Instead, one discovers a compelling sidebar to the original context that demands intentional consideration of each statement’s meaning, as well as an indispensable awareness of its implication or application.

WHAT WE KNOW SCRIPTURALLY (concerning specific sins leading to physical death):

  • From the Old Testament
    1. Exodus 32 shows God’s wrath upon His people for making and worshiping the calf made of gold.
    2. Leviticus 10 represents the one true God as requiring proper loyalty, respect, and honor from His servants when Aaron’s sons are devoured as they offered “strange fire before the Lord.”  
    3. Numbers 16 finds direct disobedience to the Lord’s instructions is punished severely as the ground opens up and “all that belonged to them went down alive to Sheol.”
  • From the New Testament
    1. I Corinthians 11:28-32 clearly informs all believers concerning the potential consequences of improperly participating in Communion/The Lord’s Supper. One of those negative effects being physical death.
    2. Acts 5:1-10 reminds us of extreme/severe consequences suffered by two early church participants related to their improper behavior and misrepresentations.
    3. I Corinthians 5:5 presents a process of church discipline where one individual is turned over to “Satan for the destruction of the flesh, so that his spirit may be saved in the day of the Lord Jesus.”

Scripturally speaking, sin can apparently lead to both physical and spiritual death.  Samson and King Saul serve as good examples of those experiencing spiritual death before their physical bodies ceased functioning.  In the New Testament we find Demas, although we are not sure of his authentic salvation, who “loved this present world” … observably he is on death row spiritually. Perhaps in an act of mercy, and/or even to protect His church and His people, the Lord removes those from this world who live in such a manner that their lives serve nothing but fleshly passions and worldly purposes/pursuits.  These are experiencing no real blessing, no true presence, nor power, since God’s Holy Spirit is constantly being loutishly quenched. 

I’m sure we all know those in this, or similar situations … unquestionably, as well as undeniably, living in miserable mire from a spiritual perspective.  This may have been the case in 1 Kings 13, when the disobedient prophet is abruptly and forcibly removed in verse 26, “therefore the Lord has given him to the lion, which has torn him and killed him.”  However, in this passage, as is consistent throughout the biblical text, there is not one/some specific sin that automatically results in physical or spiritual death other than the blasphemy of God’s Holy Spirit.  (see Matthew 12:31-32)  

While the intended specific context of this passage is related to believers praying for one another and the book’s overall context is encouragement for righteous/faithful living, the seriousness of sin in a believer’s life is ominous/threatening to those desiring the abundant life in this world promised by Jesus Christ.  Thanks to the Elder/Apostle John, the true, faithful believer is hereby reminded to continually walk/live in the glorious and radiant light/truth of Jesus Christ, finding oneself fully forgiven and free from sin’s eternal encroachment.  Graciously, perhaps for proper theological understanding and support, I John also takes into account that even those who walk in the light will indeed sin, but not habitually (due to a transformed nature).  

Therefore, he writes these encouraging words to all his brothers and sisters in Christ to keep them from sinning and providing understanding for the heart and soul on the occasion that one stumbles into sinful thoughts and/or behaviors.   Remember, Jesus Christ didn’t come to make it easier for one to sin, or to do so with a clear conscience.  No, HE came to set us free from the very bonds of sinful thoughts and sinful behaviors. (see Romans 8:2)

Nonetheless, the scriptures insist that when believers sin, they have the ultimate support system, ONE who runs to their aid and to Father God on their behalf (see I John 2:1-2).  I know of no other book that takes sin more seriously than 1 John, but make no bones about it, while sin is very serious, and can have some deadly consequences, in Jesus Christ all sin and all sins are fully dealt with — past — present — future!  Not that grace may abound … may it never be, but so that each and every believer can live a victorious Christian life in this world as preparation for the life to come!                                                 

— Blessings, Pastor Frank


Of all the fears that grip the hearts of modern humanity, one of the greatest seems to be the personal fear of one’s impending death.  While genuine believers in Christ may not succumb as easily to these fears because of their faith and eternal hope, undoubtedly, terrorism, mass shootings, and the progress of warfare technology has contributed to the fact that many individuals are greatly troubled because death is constantly before everyone’s eyes. Someone, somewhere, in a somewhat remote office or at sea, can launch a missile that successfully finds its target from thousands of miles away, taking out a whole city block and killing thousands, and yet they still have time for a game of tennis or a round of golf after lunch. 

Killing is also more efficient than ever … someone, somewhere, sends package bombs through delivery or postal services, someone else, somewhere else, loads up a vehicle with explosives and drives it into an occupied building, someone, somewhere else, decides to take vengeance on relatives and shoots up a church on Sunday morning, someone else, somewhere else goes after fellow students, or teachers and administrators, shooting up a school, or someone, somewhere else decides to eliminate fellow human beings by shooting at hundreds from an advantageous lofty perch.  Death is aplenty everywhere, yet II Timothy 1:10 declares that our Savior, Christ Jesus, has abolished death and has brought life and immortality to light through the Gospel.    

Hebrews 2:14-15 puts it this way:

Therefore, since the children share in flesh and blood, He Himself likewise also partook of the same, that through death He might render powerless him who had the power of death, that is, the devil, and might free those who through fear of death were subject to slavery all their lives.

The obvious question then is … If death has been “abolished” and is “powerless,” why do we still die? The most palpable answer is that one dies because of sin — See Romans 5:12. Sin always leads to death …  not sickness, old age, accidents, cancer, stroke or heart attacks … as long as sin exists, death will never be very far away.

How certain is the fact of death?  So certain that there are entire industries built upon the expectation of your death. Life insurance and all funeral/burial related trades are based totally upon the undeniable theological truth:  Death reigns! (In reality, even cryonics and cloning.)   

How did Jesus Christ then render death to death?  When Christ rose from the dead, He resolutely broke the power of death.  He died just like we die, just like all humans.  According to the recorded accounts, He was really dead (the eye witness account of John 19:31-42), actually dead, fully and completely dead, not partially, or almost dead.  He was as dead as any person could be dead.  Then, from that state of death, God raised Him to life. He got up, unwrapped the face cloth around His head (See John 20:1-9), and then walked away victorious! (See Luke 24:1-7)

As a result, physical death takes on new meaning for the Christian, being simply a separation from the physical form/shell that we now live in, to await our own physical resurrection in the type of Christ’s. This is exactly what Jesus meant in John 11:25-27 when He said the following:

I am the resurrection and the life; he who believes in Me will live even if he dies, and everyone who lives and believes in Me will never die.

See, there is good news from the graveyard today! There’s an empty tomb in Jerusalem’s Garden Cemetery.  It’s the former tomb of Jesus Christ, Who died and was buried (according to Hebrew tradition).  However, on Sunday morning His tomb was found to be empty by the power of God Almighty!  This is God’s good news message for all humanity!  Death could not keep Him, and that grave could not hold Him.  Understand, He is truly the Lord of life, the King immortal and eternal (See I Timothy 1:17). How did He render death to death?  He conquered death by entering the realm of death in human flesh, then marching out on Resurrection Sunday — triumphant over both sin and death! 

In Revelations 1:17-18, Jesus Himself declares:

Do not be afraid; I am the first and the last, and the living One; and I was dead, and behold, I am alive forevermore, and I have the keys of death and of Hades. 

As faithful Christians, when it concerns our own physical death, we daily align ourselves with the statement of the Apostle Paul in Philippians 1:21-23, “For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain. But if I am to live on in the flesh, this will mean fruitful labor for me; and I do not know which to choose. But I am hard-pressed from both directions, having the desire to depart and be with Christ, for that is very much better!”

Consider I Corinthians 15:54-57:


The sting of death is sin, and the power of sin is the law; but thanks be to God, who gives us (all genuine believers) the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.

Let’s come together to celebrate life over death, and life over the fear of death because of Christ’s resurrection victory this Sunday morning!  

I’m looking forward to seeing you and yours (bring some friends along too).

His & Yours, because of G.R.A.C.E. (God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense)

 — Pastor Frank