Every year, as July 4th approaches, my heart and my mind turn to the ideals and concepts of social/political freedom as well as those at the root of a believers’ spiritual liberty.  While these freedoms are not the same, they are birthed from the same underpinnings, and in fact, social and/or political freedom cannot thrive, or ultimately even survive, without God’s people faithfully living in and experiencing individual spiritual liberty!  While some would disagree with that statement, the reality is undeniable … True liberty rests upon the laurels of God’s absolute truth and Christ’s gospel of grace and redemption.

In John 8, one finds Jews that don’t even recognize the bondage they are experiencing, both politically and spiritually.  A lack of, shortage of, or denial of truth has resulted in their blindness in both realms.  In John 8:31-32, Jesus states:

If you continue in My word, (then) you are truly disciples of Mine; and you will know the truth, and the truth will make you free. 

Their response to His words in John 8:33 are incredibly revealing:

We are Abraham’s descendants and have never yet been enslaved to anyone; how is it that You say, ‘You will become free’?

  At that exact moment, their nation was controlled by the Romans! They hadn’t experienced any social/political liberty in hundreds of years and each of them was individually under the spiritual bondage of religion as well to the law of sin and death. Inevitably, the absence of God’s absolute truth breeds contempt for truth itself.  Perhaps we all need to be reminded of Christ’s prayer for His followers/disciples/us in John 17:17:

Sanctify them (set them apart from the things of this fleshly/sinful world for a sacred/spiritual use … unto the things that are holy/of God) by the Truth; Your Word is Truth.

Genuine liberty works in an unusual manner.  It liberates one from someone or some condition of bondage and offers (liberates one to/unto) new opportunity.  You may recall how Moses initially served the Lord by demanding of Pharaoh liberty for God’s people from the bondage of Egyptian slavery.  Eventually, they were set free and the Lord offered tremendous liberty, allowing them the opportunity and privilege of following and serving the one true God. Their initial freedom brought a separation from Egypt and all the things of that land and the life they previously lived. 

In addition, their liberty uniquely set them apart (sanctified) to be/become God’s people.  In John 8, Jesus offered those present liberty from their condition of bondage in much the same manner. Nonetheless, they were so blinded by years of truth drought, that they were unable to even recognize their own spiritual, as well as social/political bondage. 

As truth decreases, bondage increases.  Ultimately it takes hold of an individual or even a whole society and enslaves him/her/it.  At that point, a blindness starts to occur and the truth becomes harder and harder to identify.  Simply put, most people would hold that 1+1=2.  Is that the truth?  In  George Orwell’s book/film,  “1984,” 2+2 no longer equals 4 … instead, according to the “Party” … 5.  Who has/holds the power or right to control truth?  In “1984” the “Party” determines truth and tells every citizen what they believe.  Therefore, without any absolute, 2+2=5.  That’s bondage, but this slavery is not necessarily recognized for what it is!  As long as the “Party” continues perpetuating the lies, the people are kept in slavery. 

However, according to Jesus Christ, if one continues in His Word, one will know TRUTH and that TRUTH will bring freedom/liberty.  The society in “1984” was forever bound-up in darkness until 2+2=4.  At that point other freedoms follow — once people know the truth, they are at liberty to leave bondage and free to pursue something else like God’s eternal, immutable truth that will ultimately offer spiritual, as well as social/political liberty.  However, if the there is no sincere and diligent quest for/of truth, another form of bondage will encroach.  

Galatians 5:1 — It was for freedom that Christ set us free; therefore keep standing firm and do not be subject again to a yoke of slavery.

I say all this because difficult times are ahead according to the truth …

II Timothy 4:3-4 — For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but wanting to have their ears tickled, they will accumulate for themselves teachers in accordance to their own desires,  and will turn away their ears from the truth and will turn aside to myths.

I Timothy 4:1-2 — But the Spirit explicitly says that in later times some will fall away from the faith, paying attention to deceitful spirits and doctrines of demons, by means of the hypocrisy of liars seared in their own conscience as with a branding iron.

Now concerning truth, its absence or presence … concerning spiritual liberty, it’s absence or presence, and without too big of a stretch Christ words in Matthew 6:22-23 might be applied to social/political freedom, its absence or presence as well:

The eye is the lamp of the body; so then if your eye is clear, your whole body will be full of light.  But if your eye is bad, your whole body will be full of darkness. If then the light that is in you is darkness, how great is the darkness?

Therefore, this is my prayer, please Lord, nothing but truth, light, grace, peace, hope, liberty, and freedom for all who know you, Christ Jesus, as their source of life and godliness!   — Pastor Frank                         


This man embodies/personifies all that is wrong in Israel… In the narrator’s eyes Samson represents the nation. This person — uniquely set apart, called, and gifted (by God) for divine service — not only fraternizes with the enemy, but he also seeks to live among them.

Daniel Block


At the point in Israel’s history when Samson appeared, the nation was rudderless and the people were adrift.  Sound familiar?  In more recent history we see a similar event with the countries of Europe prior to the World War II (1939-1945) and perhaps even today with the civil, political, social, and spiritual unrest that is working to openly paganize most of our world. As spiritual complacency sets in, the sacred was discarded for the secular and the condition of Lord’s people continually digressed into self-satisfaction/gratification as depicted in the biblical text and unmistakably exemplified in life of Samson.

Samson was a Nazirite (Hebrew – “nazir” meaning a consecrated one or devotee), therefore, as an individual he was committed to the Lord’s service/ministry (as was Samuel and John the Baptist in the time of Christ) and set apart from the society by the Nazirite oath/covenant/ lifestyle/behavior. (See Numbers 6:1-21)  The Lord God intentionally, at the appointed time, raised up Samson to make the Hebrew people’s coexistence with the Philistines less comfortable and in fact, difficult. (See Judges 14:4) His purpose was to “begin to deliver Israel from the hand of the Philistines” (See Judges 13:5) which would keep the nation committed to its intrinsic values and help them resist being influenced, dominated, and ultimately absorbed spiritually and culturally by this pagan society (See Exodus 19:5, Leviticus 20:26). Unquestionably, according to the OT scriptures, this was his life’s purpose. However, Samson’s infatuation with a Philistine woman in the neighboring town was understandably very disappointing to his parents (See Judges 14:3-4). But they “did not know that it was from the Lord,”… GOD was “seeking an occasion against the Philistines.” Curiously, Samson’s non-conformance to his godly upbringing provided the spark for the chain of events that eventually undermined some of  the Philistine’s dominance.  Nonetheless, his rebellion festered when after killing a lion, he chose to eat honey found in it’s decaying carcass. (See Judges 14:5-9) This behavior illustrated both his heroic strength and his disregard of the Nazirite prohibition against contact with dead bodies.  He then openly violated his vow once again by having a wedding “feast” where there was extremely heavy/excessive drinking (Hebrew “‎mišteh” — which literally means a drinking party). (See Judges 14:10)  How many call themselves “Christians” yet abandon their values to partake of the world’s delights?

The rest of Samson’s life was pretty much a disaster until its very end, when he once again cried out to the Lord and was graciously granted supernatural ability/power to defeat the enemies of God.

  • He engaged in an intimate relationship with a prostitute
  1. The first was a brief affair that gave clue to his moral and spiritual undoing (See Judges 16:1-3)
  2. Even though a trap was set for his capture, he ultimately escaped
  • He engaged in an intimate relationship with a prostitute named Delilah
  1. Samson “loved her” (See Judges 16:4)
  2. Like his former wife, Delilah was persuaded by the Philistines (this time with a large bribe) to betray him
  3. After putting her off three times, he finally/sinfully divulged the secret of his strength: the Nazirite vow prohibiting the cutting of his hair. While he was sleeping his hair was shorn, and “his strength left him … And he did not know that the Lord had left him” (See Judges 16:19)
  4. The Philistines seized Samson, gouged out his eyes, and forced him into humiliating slavery
  •  Samson returned to the Lord’s favor (Judges 16:23-30) when the defeated Israelite was brought in to “make sport” of.  Samson’s motives once again aligned with God’s purpose of discomfiting the Philistines. In a grim, heroic climax, Samson pulled down the two main supporting pillars of the temple portico killing about   three thousand Philistines and himself — the (one true) God of  Israel showing Himself more powerful than the pagan deity, Dagon
  • Ironically, Samson killed more Philistines at his death than during any point in the rest of his life

I wonder how much, and how often we are too much like Samson.  Believe me, I know his name is listed in Hebrews with the “heroes” of faith.  Nonetheless, his character/behavior reveled the condition of his soul as well as that of his nation.  I pray we don’t wait for blindness, slavery, and death before calling upon our Lord for strength and through a life of commitment and obedience, resisting all the enemies of our faith!                     

Think about it, ask the Lord about it!  

His & yours, PF