The basic goal of tolerance is a noble one— to eliminate hatred towards other people by encouraging respect for differing ideas and opinions. However, over the past few decades, the word has evolved to mean, “Show respect by approving whatever another person chooses to believe or do.” In this way, our culture touts tolerance as one of the greatest of all virtues.

Actually, this is a pagan/worldly/fleshly/carnal attempt to dethrone the very action God cited as highest: love (see I Corinthians 13:13). Instead of simply acknowledging the values of fellow humans, we are now being asked, or even commanded, to accept and embrace them. This type of “tolerance” is based on the false idea that “truth” is whatever anyone decides or determines it to be, making it relative to each individual. In other words, each individual establishes what is right and wrong, good or evil, sinful or righteous for themselves in their own heart. Such a tenet creates an unavoidable chasm between God’s concept of love and our culture’s tolerance, because the actions of biblical love are rooted in absolute truth from His Holy Word, the Bible.

This shift in paradigm represents a dangerous and real trend that puts all of us on the front lines of a major cultural and spiritual battle. Is it a battle worth fighting? The answer is a resounding yes! Tolerance, as currently defined by our culture, will ultimately result in a society devoid of a biblical foundation. When the philosophy of relativism and the practice of absolute tolerance are adopted as the highest virtues by a society, the truth of Jesus Christ can no longer be proclaimed because it may be, and will be viewed as, offensive to some people. Eventually, in total hypocrisy, claims that our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ is the way and the truth (see John 14:6) will be dismissed as bigotry. Unfortunately, it seems those times are quickly approaching, or perhaps already here!

As Christians, we can fight and win this battle. We must ask ourselves, “Am I afraid of being labeled “intolerant,” or do I care enough to take a real interest in others and share Christ?” While Christians are exhorted to hate evil (see Amos 5:15), we are nonetheless commanded to love our enemies as well as our neighbors (see Leviticus 19:18, Matthew 5:44). For all true disciples of Jesus Christ, this directive relates to all humanity without respect to their gender, race, nationality, heritage, position in life, fame, fortune, looks (good or bad), abilities (great or limited), idiosyncrasies, beliefs, etc. We, as believers, have no business being condescending under any circumstances. Arrogance on our part not only builds a wall between us and others, but it also shows a complete lack of understanding of Christ’s sacrifice and our dependence upon Him.

I Corinthians 13:4 states, “Love does not brag and is not arrogant.” In other words, rather than criticizing harshly, we should gently minister to people whose morality differs from our own biblical principles. Furthermore, displaying true love requires placing a priority on the needs of those around us. Otherwise, it becomes evident that we are not acting out of genuine love for others, but instead are only concerned with ourselves.

Additionally, I Corinthians 13:6 says, “Love does not rejoice in unrighteousness, but rejoices with the truth.” That means, we should not at all agree with everything/anything! True love means supporting absolute biblical truth. In order to do so, we must know the truth, God’s Word, or else we will have nothing left to stand upon except our own ideas and opinions, similar to those who do not know the truth or its Author. Now, I Corinthians 13:7 teaches, “Love bears all things and endures all things.” However, that doesn’t mean, “Tolerates all things.” No, it actually means that when we take a stand, do what’s right, and/or “speak/share the truth in love,” whether in personal interactions or in the public arena, some people will hate and despise us.

In Matthew 5:44, Jesus tells us to pray for those who persecute us. It is a fact, that no matter how kind we are, we will be persecuted for proclaiming God’s absolute truth. But, if we are genuinely demonstrating His love, we will be motivated to lift our antagonist in prayer, bearing and enduring whatever insults and persecution they deliver. In so doing, your constant prayer for those who insult and persecute you will become a great and powerful weapon to pry open their spiritual eyes and penetrate their stone cold heart!

We must remember that Jesus Christ Himself was not tolerant of all ideas and philosophies. He allowed those He encountered the right to hold and adhere to ridiculous opinions and erroneous philosophical ideas (see Matthew 10:13-14; 12:30). However, our Lord effectively tailored His replies and comments to each individual’s level of spiritual understanding. By so doing, He challenged and expanded their thinking in a God-ward direction (see John 3:3-12; 4:7-29). We might call this approach, “loving the sinner while hating the sin.” It would be extremely wise for us to become “intolerant” exactly in this same way; the way Jesus Himself was. We must become counter-cultural by learning to act out of, and pro-actively respond through, the powerful and holy combination of true biblical love and absolute truth! Jesus was the world’s best at this, but I’m confident He has not failed to equip us with this exact same ability!

Today, there is a desperate need in our church, our families, our diverse culture(s), and in our society to see God’s glory revealed by the application of this divine formula — absolute truth + matchless love (see I Corinthians 13:8). Remember, this fight is not against the intellect of a particular man/woman, against our peers, or others from perhaps different cultures (see Ephesians 6:12). In fact, it is a battle for our friends, loved ones, and all of humanity, which must boldly stand in direct opposition to the wiles and schemes of a tolerant contemporary culture, promoted by Satan himself. Not everyone is going to like us — some will not tolerate us! Yet, as you and I practice love, and develop the right kind, the Jesus kind, of “intolerance,” may you find strength and courage from God’s Holy Spirit and the words of our Lord in John 16:33, “In this world you have tribulation, but take courage; I have overcome the world.” YES! In Him we can/will know and experience the victory!

Just think about it – Pastor Frank


In 1 John 4:1, believers are instructed to “test the spirits” so one can determine/know their origin. The reasoning for this instruction is pretty clearly distinguished … “because many false prophets have gone out into the world!”  Then additionally, most essential, instructions are provided for us in 1 John 4:2-3

By this you know the Spirit of God: every spirit that confesses that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is from God; and every spirit that does not confess Jesus is not from God; this is the spirit of the antichrist, of which you have heard that it is coming, and now it is already in the world.

While one might fully agree with the idea of testing the spirits simply because it’s GOD’s WORD/TRUTH, have you ever asked, “In what way and where, have the false prophets (spirit of antichrist) gone out into our world?”

1.   The False Prophets of Science (antichrist’s pseudoscience) – particularly in connection with the study and interpretation of nature. There are three (simplified/summarized) points in the scientific world that appear to be dominate/prominent.

A.   Nature — in relation to this present life — is supreme.

B.   Natural and/or physical law is uniform and has been somewhat consistent since the creation of the universe.

C.   Humanity developed from the basis of nature, and in accordance merely with natural laws.

Now, if those be true, one can, without hesitation, claim that the position and claims of Biblical Christianity are quite incompatible and our worldview must be eradicated!  There is no place for Divine Revelation and/or God’s miraculous powers, thus humanity’s only hope rests in obedience/compliance with what has been determined as the directives of natural law. These may even claim that our faith has been a misfortune to the world, so that when plagues/crisis/etc. come, this spirit declares the uselessness of prayer, and that the only thing that can save us is to perfect our science.  This is a spirit of antichrist, for it is the denial of any moral responsibility to the Creator!

2.  The False Prophets of Secularism (antichrists in the kingdoms of the world). Kingdoms/governments are necessary to maintain order, to suppress violence, and maintain independence/borders which are unquestionably the ordinances of God.  Nonetheless, they perpetuate injustice, display blatant disregard for human life, promote the pleasures of wickedness/sin/evil/corruption, and deny the very God that originally established them and allows their continued existence.

3.   The False Prophets of Literature/Music/Media (antichrist musicians, writers, producers, publishers). Undoubtedly, we live in an era of great thinkers and extremely skilled writers/movie producers, etc. While we do not judge them individually, their works must be judged in contrast to GOD’s WORD/TRUTH.  The spirit of their works must be examined/tested as to whether it is of God or not. We know that some of the greatest works in the world are written in defense of Christianity; but it is also true that some skilled writers/producers of considerable influence have taken up bold positions against Christianity, and have sufficiently demonstrated that they do not believe that, “Jesus Christ has come in the flesh.”

4.  The False Prophets of Religion (ecclesiastical antichrists). A system of worship that focuses on the existential and ethereal leads to blind hero worship (celebrity pastors/leaders), greed, prideful self-exaltation, deceiving tales, and false/unbiblical doctrine/beliefs.  It’s unfathomably cunning with a name and appearance that’s alive while in essence is actually destructive, lifeless/dead.

The “spirit of antichrist” is inventively at work in the everyday life of every individual. There we find its most lethal venom! (remember the very nature of our enemy in Genesis 3:1) This work professes great respect for Christianity, but promotes and thrives upon being in continual opposition to its principles. We can no longer simply shut our eyes to the fact that for a great amount of professing Christians in our churches and country, their walk of faith in Christ Jesus and this world, is merely a verbal profession. While America may have once been called a “Christian” nation by some, a look at the woes that are festering in our midst speaks volumes.  Just think of all the rampant worldliness and heartlessness that has been baptized in the name of GOD THE FATHER, GOD THE SON, and GOD THE HOLY SPIRIT!

While the ANTICHRIST (Gk – antichristos; meaning either “against Christ” or “instead of Christ,” or perhaps, combining the two, “one who, assuming the guise of Christ, opposes Christ”) is a significant individual in the end-time events of our world (connected closely to the Beast and False Prophet), this spirit is alive and well on planet earth (1 John 2:18-23) … therefore, we, Christ’s faithful, must determinedly “test every spirit” in 2021! 

For many deceivers have gone out into the world, those who do not acknowledge Jesus Christ as coming in the flesh. This is the deceiver and the antichrist. Watch yourselves, that you do not lose what we have accomplished, but that you may receive a full reward.

2 John 4-8


Are you operating in biblical discernment, or are you allowing various fears from multiple sources to direct your daily life?  In the midst of our current situation with COVID-19, Floyd’s unfathomable murder, legal protests, and illegal rioting and vandalism, I’m always shocked to learn how many believers allow themselves to be entrapped by penalizing and paralyzing fear, rather than actively partnering with divinely authorized, supernatural power (God’s Holy Spirit).

2 Corinthians 10:3-6 offers very clear and precise instruction for Christ’s faithful:

For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war according to the flesh, for the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh, but divinely powerful for the destruction of fortresses. We are destroying speculations and every lofty thing raised up against the knowledge of God, and we are taking every thought captive to the obedience of Christ, and we are ready to punish all disobedience, whenever your obedience is complete.”

1 Corinthians 12:7 declares that

“to each one (individual, faithful followers of Jesus Christ) is given the manifestation of the Spirit for the common good.”

One of those manifestations (displays of our Lord’s presence and power through the indwelling of God’s Holy Spirit) being “the distinguishing of spirits” from 1 Corinthians 12:10. This is an essential component of a successful spiritual, yet fearless life of faith in Christ Jesus.

The Greek word, diakrisis, used in the biblical text stated above, literally means discerning, making a judicial estimation, distinction and/or determination.   Therefore, according to the context, a believer is given this manifestation for their own good or that of Christ’s Body/His Church. According to 1 Corinthians 12:11 (same context), “one and the same Spirit works all these things, distributing to each one individually just as He wills.”

At this point, it’s really important that one comes to understand the manifestation of “distinguishing” or “discernment of spirits.” The need for this manifestation is obvious in our world and within the life of each and every believer. Who doesn’t need to have spiritual insight into what’s actually going on in the realm of the unseen — the spirit world? We all experience individuals or certain entities (government, religious organization, political, business, etc.) behaving in certain questionable ways (immoral, unethical, etc.).  What are the forces and/or powers motivating their actions?  Are they those of angelic beings interfering in the affairs of humanity, are they evil, demonic spirits attempting to control a situation, spirits of our world system directly challenging the Truth of God, and/or carnal fleshly motivations empowered by human desires/lusts (strong passions) — or the  workings of God’s Holy Spirit? 

Fear easily slips into one’s mind and heart when this type of question and confusion prevails. Have we become so accustomed to applying human reasoning to a situation or circumstance (just like the unredeemed in our world, who do not have the mind of Christ) that we are actually, perhaps even unknowingly, embracing lies and concepts completely foreign to the Truth of God’s Word and the ways of our Lord?  

How did Peter know (properly discern) what was actually going on with Ananias and Sapphira in Acts 5:1-10? Their sin certainly wasn’t holding back some of the funds from the sale of property, but in reality, pretending to give a sacrificial offering of the whole amount that had been gained through the real estate transaction. Ananias was under no biblical compulsion or mandate to give all! (The common sharing that occurred within the early Jerusalem church was not absolute communism, but purely voluntary. — See Acts 5:4) Falsehood and total hypocrisy (“lying to God’s Holy Spirit” – See Acts 5:3), rather than greed, were the sins for which each of them was severely punished.

Peter experienced the manifestation of spiritual discernment! Nothing of a natural, human process would have revealed this Truth without some investigation!  Peter supernaturally saw the unseen, a spiritual realm that he could have never known unless God’s Holy Spirit provided the miraculous manifestation of discernment (the distinguishing of spirits)

1 John 4:1 reminds us

“Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, because many false prophets have gone out into the world.”

This means one must ask God for His help, seeking His perspective (DVP – divine viewpoint) on all of life’s issues! What are the things He is planning/desiring?  Then ask, how do I fit in?  What is it You’re asking of me — Your faithful, loyal servant?

Beloved, we have incredible opportunities to partner with the Lord, God Almighty Himself!  How then shall we live?                            

His & Yours, PF