Over the past 38 years, as the pastor of our church / ministry, I have taught numerous messages and various series on the topics of Freedom, Liberty, Independence, etc. In addition, I’ve frequently written articles (16), dating back to 2004, for our monthly newsletter, “Fusion,” on similar themes / subjects. Here are the links to some of those articles:

Thoughts On Freedom  

A Nation Under God


America (#2)

Truth and Liberty

Freedom of Speech

Faith & Freedom


Today, rather than addressing these concepts from a social, cultural, or political perspective, I’ll discuss the most significant and important aspects of Freedom / Liberty / Independence.  

In our current, ever-expanding pagan / secular philosophy, individuals are eagerly embracing liberty, and defining it as “absolute freedom” … insisting they have the right to (or can) live however (in any way) they may choose / desire! This lifestyle of no restraints is based upon a self-defined independence or concept of freedom that ultimately justifies anything and everything (whatever) one may or may not choose to do, resulting in a world without restrictions / limitations of any kind. At the outset, this may sound quite attractive or desirable; however, in such a society or culture, both adults and children will inevitably have great difficulty distinguishing / determining / discerning right from wrong and / or good from evil.

It’s often forgotten that genuine freedom, as well as true liberty, are impossible without Truth, and are unequivocally connected to human responsibility (see Luke 12:48). Therefore, as believers in Jesus Christ, we must be very careful — properly defining Christian Freedom, as well as Christian Liberty, while cautiously exercising and implementing these values correctly / appropriately in our lives.


“It was for freedom (or liberty) (Greek – eleutheria; independence from bondage) that Christ set us free; therefore keep standing firm and do not be subject again to a yoke of slavery.” (Galatians 5:1) Obviously, the scripture is addressing a realm of freedom distinct from that of political or societal liberty. In fact, this freedom is not granting believers the right to live however they want, say whatever they want, and / or do whatever they want, whenever they want! This step of independence is from the dominating control and entrapments of legalistic, enslaving religious systems that falsely attempt to persuade individuals to seek eternal life and / or righteousness (right standing before a deity) based upon their own deeds and actions. That form of bondage is present in nearly all world religions because one’s eternal destiny is based upon achievements that are good according to a particular belief system or what’s deemed as worthy / righteous within a certain / particular culture.

In Christ, by genuine faith in Him alone, one undeservedly is granted deliverance (the action of being rescued or set free – liberated or released) from the curse that God’s Law pronounces upon all sinners who are striving unsuccessfully to make themselves good enough for a spot in heaven eternally. Galatians 3:10-14 states, “For as many as are of the works of the Law are under a curse; for it is written, ‘CURSED IS EVERYONE WHO DOES NOT ABIDE BY ALL THINGS WRITTEN IN THE BOOK OF THE LAW, TO PERFORM THEM.’ Now that no one is justified by the Law before God is evident; for, ‘THE RIGHTEOUS MAN SHALL LIVE BY FAITH.’ However, the Law is not of faith; on the contrary, ‘HE WHO PRACTICES THEM SHALL LIVE BY THEM.’ Christ redeemed us from the curse of the Law, having become a curse for us — for it is written, ‘CURSED IS EVERYONE WHO HANGS ON A TREE’ — in order that in Christ Jesus the blessing of Abraham might come to the Gentiles, so that we would receive the promise of the Spirit through faith.”

NO ONE IS JUSTIFIED (made righteous) BY THE LAW!

Romans 8:1-5

“Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus. For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has set you free from the law of sin and of death. For what the Law could not do, weak as it was through the flesh, God did: sending His own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh and as an offering for sin, He condemned sin in the flesh, so that the requirement of the Law might be fulfilled in us, who do not walk according to the flesh but according to the Spirit.”

NOTE: “What the law could not do . . . God did”

HOW: By “sending His own Son”

Galatians 3:22

“But the Scripture has shut up everyone under sin, so that the promise by faith in Jesus Christ might be given to those who believe.”


Galatians 4:4

“But when the fullness of the time came, God sent forth His Son, born of a woman, born under the Law, so that He might redeem those who were under the Law, that we might receive the adoption as sons.”

Those that Christ has set free are in fact “free indeed” (see John 8:36) … we are now free to live as the sons and daughters of the “ALMIGHTY.” (see 2 Corinthians 6:18) Now just think about that and its implications for one’s life right now and forever!

His & Yours, because of GRACE (God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense)

Pastor Frank


It’s 2023. Media is king. If you haven’t noticed by now, chances are you have been living under a rock. Whether it be movies, TV, social media, news outlets, magazines, or newspapers, media has never been more prevalent in the lives of people today. Everyone follows someone. It has never been easier to choose and filter where your sources come from and choose which voices to listen to and which voices to tune out.

The word “follow” (Gk akoloutheó) is defined in the Scriptures, particularly Matthew 16:24, as:

“to accompany, to follow one who precedes, to join as or become a disciple.”

When we closely follow these media types, we in essence become their disciple, listening to and taking to heart what is said, whether it be true or false, good or evil, or from a biblical worldview or otherwise. We often look to these people to enlighten us, to show us the way, to explain the things going on around us, or to lead us on a path forward. And more times than not, we are hoodwinked, led astray, run amuck, and flat out deceived. Perhaps we’ve been going about this wrong.

In Psalm 119:105, we read, “Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.” The Bible itself clearly states that our paths are illuminated by Scripture. The Word of God (1 Thessalonians 2:13), which is living and active (Hebrews 4:12), and profitable for all kinds of things (2 Timothy 3:16), shows the way that we must follow. But there’s even better news than that!

In the past few weeks, Pastor Frank and I have preached on proper Bible study and being a disciple of Christ. These go hand in hand. If we follow the Word (Scripture), we will in turn be following the Word (Jesus Christ). Conversely, we follow the Way (Jesus Christ, John 14:6) by following the way (Psalm 119:105).

This is as clear to us now as ever before, although all throughout Scripture, the Way has been revealed to all those would have ears to hear. In the Old Testament alone, the Ancient Word (Psalm 119:9-16, 160) shows us the Ancient Paths (Jeremiah 6:16), that leads us to the Ancient of Days (Daniel 7:9-14).

In the New Testament, several messages by Jesus reveal who we are supposed to follow. Luke 14:25-33 is one of the most powerful messages we have about the importance of following Christ, and counting the cost of doing so. But Christ, being the Word, also emphasized the heeding of His Word throughout His ministry, such as in the Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 7:24-27).

If we continue to look forward, Paul writes regarding the Truth of God’s Word and the person of Jesus Christ at work simultaneously. In Romans 10:17, faith in Christ comes by hearing the Word. In Colossians 3:16, we are admonished to commit the Word to our hearts so deeply that it dwells in us. In 2 Timothy 2:15, we are told to be accurate handlers of the Word. And in 1 Corinthians 11:1, Paul says as I imitate Christ, imitate me.

Time and time again throughout God’s Holy Word, we are shown how studying, understanding, meditating upon, heeding, and living according to Scripture is vitally united to knowing our Great Shepherd, hearing His voice, and following Him. There is no disconnect; if we wish to follow the Lord, we must follow His Word, and vice versa. Jesus Christ is at the same time the Way, the Truth, and the Life. No part of this is in existence without the other. Since this is the case, the ultimate Truth revealed in the Scripture and realized in the person of Jesus Christ must be considered when following the Lord.

Everyone follows someone. I wonder, who do you follow today? Will you merely profess Christ, and run around listening to everyone but Him? Or will you be a doer of the Word, and not merely a deluded hearer (James 1:22)? Don’t let anyone tell you any differently. Even in 2023,                                        




Soli Deo Gloria,



In 1969, Ralph Carmichael and Kurt Kaiser produced a folk musical / drama entitled, “Tell It Like It Is,” which was fairly well received in churches throughout America as they were struggling with the rise of the Jesus Movement among the youth. This youth production included the well-known Christian camp song, “Pass It On,” with the theme song, “Tell It Like Is” which boldly proclaimed a much-needed transparency in that day and time.

Let’s tell the truth about the world we live in,                                                       

Let’s ask about the God who put it here                                                                 

Let’s tell the truth about our friends and neighbors                                               

Let’s check the cause of all our hate and fear.

Let’s look at love and find out where it comes from                                             

Let’s look at life and all that we hold dear                                                          

Let’s check it now before it quickly passes                                                            

Let’s use today before it disappears.

Let’s tell it like it is, Tell it like it is,                                                                         

We’re tired of pretty words designed for youth.

Let’s tell it like it is, Tell it like it is,                                                                              

Get down to where the “searcher” meets the truth.

If some demented, deluded (yes – delusional), scientist decided to sew 4 legs that have hooves on a fish, would that make the fish a horse? You’d say come on PF, that’s ridiculous! Nonetheless, that’s exactly what’s going on in our world. We have a society which is being influenced by certain cultural norms and pressures to actually believe that a fish can become a horse because of physical modifications coupled with its inner feelings. However, there is no Truth involved – or else, a horse is not a horse, and a fish is not a fish. It’s as stupid and as absurd as the old joke, when is a door not a door … when it’s ajar!

Truth is under serious assault / attack today and that onslaught is coming from many, many directions. Here’s a good contemporary example. A word, which is now common place today is transgender, yet in reality there is absolutely no such thing! The etymology of the word actually reveals this, perhaps stunningly! Trans comes from Latin meaning to cross over, and gender most likely is an Old Latin, Greek, and / or French word, genos, meaning species, or kind. Within the concept of this word’s original meaning lies the idea of clearly identifiable physical characteristics of a male or female. Each one human, but obviously and distinctively different.

In truth, within the framework of modern science, we know that God’s creation includes greater distinctions and differences than just the normal, usually identifiable, physical attributes of an individual. Within the exalted framework of God’s design for human beings, there is no way to cross over, even if one feels a certain way or eliminates certain identifiable physical traits … even sewing new ones on! “God made them male and female He made them” (A simple, but highly complex Truth from Genesis 1:27). A female can dress like a male, walk like a male, act like a male, and even modify her physical body to appear as a male, but she is still a she, biologically / anatomically … according to God’s purpose, and His sacred original design, all for HIS ultimate glory! NOT HUMANITY’S. The same is true for any male … all males, gay, straight, or in modern vernacular, trans. He is still a he, even if he wants to be a she, or on the inside has decided to feel like a she.

It’s interesting that medical science, even including current Covid research, where male deaths are 2.4 times higher than that of females, reveals that if only males are used in clinical studies, that a higher adverse reaction rate is always found among females. Why? Aren’t they both human? Obviously, there are too, too many distinctions to even start to discuss here, but absolute truth is essential for proper medical treatment … a female with prostate cancer or a male with cervical cancer! Really. Well now there is some true gender identity issues.

This is just one example of Faux Truth … like man-made pearls, they are simply fake. Lie after lie is being presented and promoted in our world from various sources to selfishly achieve their own agenda(s). A big lie (German: große Lüge) a propaganda technic used by Hitler … tell a big enough lie, tell it over and over, and the people will come to believe it. We can see how that worked out really well for him and the Germany people!

As God’s people, we must not be swept up and captured by / in the lies of our pagan, unbelieving culture. Instead, we must continually speak the truth in love (Ephesians 4:15) and walk / live in the same truth we speak. Please, never forget, discount, or abandon the words of our Lord, Jesus Christ, “I am the way, the truth and the life.” (John 14:6)  “And you shall know the truth and the truth shall make (set) you free.” (John 8:32)

As believers, our lives are all about Truth – not some faux beliefs or faux religious system. Are we like those faux blinds hanging in your home windows, or are we authentic? If faux blinds dominate the market and are hanging in every house, before long, nobody will even know what real wood blinds are, or if they ever really existed! Are we Faux Christians or the real thing? Isn’t it time totell it like it is, like it really is, so the searching world can know the truth?

Today I’m calling us, as a church, to stop playing games with our beliefs, cease our compromises with the world system and its pagan culture of delusion, deception and lies. Let’s simply, and authentically, “tell it like it is”, “speaking / sharing the truth in love.” Are we trusting and brave enough to move forward in TRUTH? Just as I spoke about Sunday, (“That’s Too Much”) lose the calculator!

I’m asking the Lord to help me, and help us all, to “tell it like it is” as the need for truth becomes ever more apparent in our world.

His & Yours, because of GRACE (God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense), PF


Acts 17:24-29 – “The God who made the world and all things in it, since He is Lord of heaven and earth, does not dwell in temples made with hands; nor is He served by human hands, as though He needed anything, since He Himself gives to all people life and breath and all things; and He made from one man every nation of mankind to live on all the face of the earth, having determined their appointed times and the boundaries of their habitation, that they would seek God, if perhaps they might grope for Him and find Him, though He is not far from each one of us; for in Him we live and move and exist (are, have our being), as even some of your own poets have said, ‘For we also are His children.’”

Perhaps, in reality, one doesn’t actually see or fully understand things as they are; instead one most likely sees and understands them from the somewhat skewed perspective of either fallen or redeemed humanity. In actuality, sometimes sad to say, the way one views life (and in particular their own life) actually shapes / forms one’s own existence! At that crossroad, the way one defines “life” serves to determine one’s own destiny. Beliefs will influence how one invests their time, money, skills / talents, and even, as a believer in Christ Jesus and His Word, the intrinsic value of worship, fellowship, study, prayer, and relationships!

Individuals often outwardly express their beliefs through clothes, jewelry, cars, hairstyles, bumper stickers, social media connections, tattoos, sports / hobby interests, and social circles. These somewhat unspoken influences make an impact and bring about effects (positive or negative) in life much more than one may realize or even understand. Too often they actually serve to determine expectations, moral / ethical values, spirituality, relationships, goals, and of course priorities. If life is a party, the primary value in life will be having fun. If life is in itself a battle or a game, winning will be of highest importance! However, If life on earth is viewed as a pilgrim, and one is simply passing through, the Lord’s view, God’s divine perspective, about everything becomes essential!

The Scripture (above) declares, “He Himself gives to all people life and breath and all things!” If life is from the Lord, (the Lord God formed man … and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living being. From Genesis 2:7-8) then the perhaps simplified, but absolutely and undeniably the best way to view life is from His perspective! If then, “In Him we live and move and have our existence (being),” what other view should be effectively applicable?  

Is life a test? Is life something entrusted to humanity? Is life a race? Is life as we know it a temporary assignment?

Study the TRUTH and receive the ANSWERS!

James 1:12, Hebrews 11:6, Jude 1:3

Jeremiah 1:5, Psalm 139:14, Romans 14:7-9

Hebrews 12:1, 1 Corinthians 9:24

Psalm 39:4-5, James 4:14, Hebrews 13:14, Philippians 3:20

This is my constant prayer for those that participate in the ministries of West Oaks Fellowship, “May the Word of God / Christ richly dwell within each of you /us!”

– taken from Colossians 3:16

His & Yours, because of GRACE (God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense),

Pastor Frank 


In Acts 16 one finds Paul and Silas ministering the Gospel of Jesus Christ in the community of Thyatira.  However, they have been tossed into jail by local magistrates for disrupting some of the town’s commerce when they cast a demon out of a female fortune-teller who was hindering them.  According to the biblical text (Acts 16:24) they were placed in the inner prison and their feet were secured in stocks. 

Then around midnight (Acts 16:25), while they were praying and singing praises, a great earthquake causes the foundation of the prison to shake (Acts 16:26) and amazingly all doors are opened and everyone’s shackles are unfastened.  Needless to say, at that point it’s only logical that all the prisoners would have escaped, but not in this case, instead they all stay, which ultimately saves the life of the jailer (Acts 16:27).   Acts 16:28-30 reveals what happened next:

But Paul cried out with a loud voice, saying, ‘Do not harm yourself, for we are all here!’ And he called for lights and rushed in, and trembling with fear he fell down before Paul and Silas, and after he brought them out, he said, ‘Sirs, what must I do to be saved?

Isn’t it incredible how the Lord literally moves heaven and earth to bring one soul … one family, into His Kingdom!  Notice their clear answer to the jailer’s question in Acts 16:31:

Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved, you and your household.

The directive is, “Believe in the Lord Jesus” … it’s simple and to the point, only requiring a genuine belief/faith in one thing/person, Jesus Christ!  There are no, ZERO, conditions attached!    

The Greek word for “believe” used in this passage, “pisteuo” (pronounced – pist-yoo’-o), means to fully commit, put in trust with, to have faith in, upon, or with respect to, a person or thing. By implication, in this case, it means to fully (whole-heartedly) entrust one’s spiritual well-being to Christ!

But the righteousness based on faith speaks as follows: “DO NOT SAY IN YOUR HEART, ‘WHO WILL ASCEND INTO HEAVEN?’ (that is, to bring Christ down), or ‘WHO WILL DESCEND INTO THE ABYSS?’ (that is, to bring Christ up from the dead).”  But what does it say? “THE WORD IS NEAR YOU, IN YOUR MOUTH AND IN YOUR HEART” — that is, the word of faith which we are preaching, that if you confess with your mouth Jesus as Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved; for with the heart a person believes, resulting in righteousness, and with the mouth he confesses, resulting in salvation.  

For the Scripture says, “WHOEVER BELIEVES IN HIM WILL NOT BE DISAPPOINTED.” For there is no distinction between Jew and Greek; for the same Lord is Lord of all, abounding in riches for all who call on Him; for “WHOEVER WILL CALL ON THE NAME OF THE LORD WILL BE SAVED.” — Romans 10:6-13

Ever since SALVATION IN CHRIST ALONE came into view, humans have attempted to add something of individual merit to the process without understanding that this approach takes away from the completed work of Jesus Christ.  This methodology actually denies the teaching of Christ Himself, the apostles, Christ’s early church, and the revelation of Scripture!  In Acts 15:11, after a hearty debate concerning salvation and the part that the “Law of Moses” should play in the conversion of Jews and non-Jews/Gentiles, our early church leaders boldly declared:

We believe that we are saved through the grace of the Lord Jesus, in the same way as they also are.

However, here is the persisting problem — salvation doesn’t come by simply stating, “I believe Jesus.”  James reminds us that one does well to believe, but according to 2:19 … “the demons also believe, and shudder.”  Genuine salvation is placing your full faith/trust in Jesus Christ.  When that occurs, a process of spiritual transformation begins which makes one’s belief and/or faith in Jesus Christ absolutely and undeniably evident.   According to James 2:18-20 the works of one’s living faith becomes obviously apparent (dynamically observable)!  I John 5:1-10 speaks of such undeniable proof … true believers love God, love other believers, follow the Lord’s commandments, overcome the world (its philosophies, lies and fleshly passions), and possess an inner testimony of our Lord’s work that ultimately shines forth from within the heart and soul of Christ’s faithful.

As one looks further into this matter of believing, genuine salvation, and understanding who is a true believer, Hebrews 12:4-11 cannot be ignored. Our Lord is faithful to discipline those He loves for their own benefit (eventual blessing), as well as in accordance with His definitive and decisive plan/purpose.  Unquestionably, if one isn’t receiving discipline, then no relationship exists according to Hebrews 12:7:

For what son (child/heir) is there whom his father does not discipline?

Certainly other spiritual qualities confirm one’s position in Christ such as the indwelling presence and abiding power of God’s Holy Spirit in causing believers to bear fruit (John 15:1-11), equipping them with spiritual gifts for service in His Body (Romans 12:3-8), providing supernatural manifestations (I Corinthians 12:7-11), and the substantiating Fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22-25).

Please hear the essential, indispensable questions: Are these qualities/traits yours and are they ever increasing as you live a life of faith (trusting and relying/believing in/on Jesus Christ)? (II Peter 3:4-11)  As the Lord’s people, are we laying aside every encumbrance, the sin that so easily entangles us and running with endurance the race He has set before us with our eyes fixed upon Jesus? (Hebrews 12:1-2If not, isn’t it time to truly, (full-heartedly) believe?  Call upon the name of the Lord, Jesus Christ and experience His abundant mercy and grace, then the transformation will begin and you’ll never wonder again if you’re truly saved because the evidence will be apparent, noticeable by you and others as well! 

Just do it! 

His & Yours,

Pastor Frank 

For we also once were foolish ourselves, disobedient, deceived, enslaved to various lusts and pleasures, spending our life in malice and envy, hateful, hating one another. But when the kindness of God our Savior and His love for mankind appeared, He saved us, not on the basis of deeds which we have done in righteousness, but according to His mercy, by the washing of regeneration and renewing by the Holy Spirit, whom He poured out upon us richly through Jesus Christ our Savior, so that being justified by His grace we would be made heirs according to the hope of eternal life. 

— Titus 3:3-7


Mohammed was the prophet of war;

       Christ is the Prince of Peace. (Isaiah 9:6-7)

Mohammed’s disciples killed for the faith;

       Christ’s disciples were killed for their faith. (Acts 12:2; II Timothy 4:6-7)

Mohammed promoted persecution against the “infidels”;          

Christ forgave and converted even His chief persecutor. (I Timothy 1:13-15)

Mohammed was the taker of life;

       Christ is the giver of life. (John 10:27-28)

Mohammed and his fellow warriors murdered thousands;

       Christ murdered none but saved mllions. (John 12:46-48)

Mohammed practiced FORCE;

       Christ practiced and preached FAITH. (John 6:29, 35)

Mohammed was a WARRIOR;

       Christ is a DELIVERER. (Col. 1:13; I Thess. 1:10)

Mohammed said to the masses, “Convert or die!”;

       Christ said, “Believe and live!” (John 6:47; 11:25-26)

Mohammed was swift to shed blood (see the evil spoken of in Romans 3:15-17);

       Christ shed His own blood for the salvation of many. (Ephesians 1:7)

Mohammed preached “Death to the infidels!”;

       Christ declared “Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.” (Luke 23:34)

Mohammed declared a holy war (Jihad) against infidels;

       Christ achieved a holy victory on Calvary’s cross (Colossians 2:14-15) and His followers share in that victory. (John 16:33)

Mohammed constrained people by conquest;

       Christ constrains people by love. (II Corinthians 5:14)

Modern terrorists derive their inspiration from Mohammed and carry out their despicable atrocities in the name of his god;

Christians derive their inspiration from the One who said, “Blessed are the peacemakers.” (Matthew 5:9)

Modern day disciples of Mohammed respond to the terrorist attacks by cheering in the streets;

Modern day disciples of Christ are deeply grieved by atrocities carried out by those who were   “Christians” in name only (the Crusades, the Spanish Inquisition, Westboro Baptist Church, etc.).

Many Muslims claim to be peaceful and peace-loving because they are not strictly following the teachings of their founder;

Many Christians are peaceful and peace-loving because they do strictly follow the teachings of their Founder. (Romans 12:17-21)

Mohammed called upon his servants to fight;

Jesus said, “My kingdom is not of this world; if My kingdom were of this world, then would My servants fight . . . but now is My kingdom not from here.” (John 18:36)

Mohammed ordered death to the Jews (see A. Guillaume, The Life of Muhammad, Oxford University Press [1975], p. 369);     

Christ ordered that the Gospel be preached “to the Jew first.” (Romans 1:16)

The Koran says, “Fight and slay the Pagans (idolaters, polytheist) wherever ye find them” (Qu’ran 9.5);

Christ said, “Preach the Gospel to every creature.” (Mark 16:15)

Mohammed’s mission was to conquer the world for Allah;

Christ’s mission was to conquer sin’s penalty and power by substitutionary atonement, (II Corinthians 5:21;I Peter 3:18)

Mohammed claimed that there was but one God, Allah;

Christ claimed that He was God. (John 10:30-31; John 8:58-59; John 5:18; John 14:9)

Mohammed’s Tomb: OCCUPIED!  No assurance of eternal life.

Christ’s tomb: EMPTY!  Full assurance of life.  (John 3:16)

JIHAD VS THE GOSPEL Jihad is the “peak” of Islam, held up by the five and the second greatest command of Muhammad. It is not only commended, but clearly commanded in the Quran. Even though the crusades ended many centuries ago, Islamic Jihad is carried   out right now, to this day! Millions of people have been slaughtered throughout the centuries by Islamic militants – such as in 1915, the slaughter of 1.5 millions Armenians in Turkey. Christians have continued to be slaughtered by Islamic militants throughout the world as well. We don’t kill people because they fail to believe, instead we pray!

Therefore, before faithful New Testament believers buy into the lie of this so called “peaceful religion” or accept some responsibility for the atrocities of the Catholic endorsed crusades, which ended over 700 years ago … it would be extremely wise to first learn from reliable sources what the crusades were all about, study Islamic teachings, and consider the track record of Jihad over the last 14 centuries.

Do it!                                                          His & Yours, Pastor Frank


The basic goal of tolerance is a noble one— to eliminate hatred towards other people by encouraging respect for differing ideas and opinions. However, over the past few decades, the word has evolved to mean, “Show respect by approving whatever another person chooses to believe or do.” In this way, our culture touts tolerance as one of the greatest of all virtues.

Actually, this is a pagan/worldly/fleshly/carnal attempt to dethrone the very action God cited as highest: love (see I Corinthians 13:13). Instead of simply acknowledging the values of fellow humans, we are now being asked, or even commanded, to accept and embrace them. This type of “tolerance” is based on the false idea that “truth” is whatever anyone decides or determines it to be, making it relative to each individual. In other words, each individual establishes what is right and wrong, good or evil, sinful or righteous for themselves in their own heart. Such a tenet creates an unavoidable chasm between God’s concept of love and our culture’s tolerance, because the actions of biblical love are rooted in absolute truth from His Holy Word, the Bible.

This shift in paradigm represents a dangerous and real trend that puts all of us on the front lines of a major cultural and spiritual battle. Is it a battle worth fighting? The answer is a resounding yes! Tolerance, as currently defined by our culture, will ultimately result in a society devoid of a biblical foundation. When the philosophy of relativism and the practice of absolute tolerance are adopted as the highest virtues by a society, the truth of Jesus Christ can no longer be proclaimed because it may be, and will be viewed as, offensive to some people. Eventually, in total hypocrisy, claims that our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ is the way and the truth (see John 14:6) will be dismissed as bigotry. Unfortunately, it seems those times are quickly approaching, or perhaps already here!

As Christians, we can fight and win this battle. We must ask ourselves, “Am I afraid of being labeled “intolerant,” or do I care enough to take a real interest in others and share Christ?” While Christians are exhorted to hate evil (see Amos 5:15), we are nonetheless commanded to love our enemies as well as our neighbors (see Leviticus 19:18, Matthew 5:44). For all true disciples of Jesus Christ, this directive relates to all humanity without respect to their gender, race, nationality, heritage, position in life, fame, fortune, looks (good or bad), abilities (great or limited), idiosyncrasies, beliefs, etc. We, as believers, have no business being condescending under any circumstances. Arrogance on our part not only builds a wall between us and others, but it also shows a complete lack of understanding of Christ’s sacrifice and our dependence upon Him.

I Corinthians 13:4 states, “Love does not brag and is not arrogant.” In other words, rather than criticizing harshly, we should gently minister to people whose morality differs from our own biblical principles. Furthermore, displaying true love requires placing a priority on the needs of those around us. Otherwise, it becomes evident that we are not acting out of genuine love for others, but instead are only concerned with ourselves.

Additionally, I Corinthians 13:6 says, “Love does not rejoice in unrighteousness, but rejoices with the truth.” That means, we should not at all agree with everything/anything! True love means supporting absolute biblical truth. In order to do so, we must know the truth, God’s Word, or else we will have nothing left to stand upon except our own ideas and opinions, similar to those who do not know the truth or its Author. Now, I Corinthians 13:7 teaches, “Love bears all things and endures all things.” However, that doesn’t mean, “Tolerates all things.” No, it actually means that when we take a stand, do what’s right, and/or “speak/share the truth in love,” whether in personal interactions or in the public arena, some people will hate and despise us.

In Matthew 5:44, Jesus tells us to pray for those who persecute us. It is a fact, that no matter how kind we are, we will be persecuted for proclaiming God’s absolute truth. But, if we are genuinely demonstrating His love, we will be motivated to lift our antagonist in prayer, bearing and enduring whatever insults and persecution they deliver. In so doing, your constant prayer for those who insult and persecute you will become a great and powerful weapon to pry open their spiritual eyes and penetrate their stone cold heart!

We must remember that Jesus Christ Himself was not tolerant of all ideas and philosophies. He allowed those He encountered the right to hold and adhere to ridiculous opinions and erroneous philosophical ideas (see Matthew 10:13-14; 12:30). However, our Lord effectively tailored His replies and comments to each individual’s level of spiritual understanding. By so doing, He challenged and expanded their thinking in a God-ward direction (see John 3:3-12; 4:7-29). We might call this approach, “loving the sinner while hating the sin.” It would be extremely wise for us to become “intolerant” exactly in this same way; the way Jesus Himself was. We must become counter-cultural by learning to act out of, and pro-actively respond through, the powerful and holy combination of true biblical love and absolute truth! Jesus was the world’s best at this, but I’m confident He has not failed to equip us with this exact same ability!

Today, there is a desperate need in our church, our families, our diverse culture(s), and in our society to see God’s glory revealed by the application of this divine formula — absolute truth + matchless love (see I Corinthians 13:8). Remember, this fight is not against the intellect of a particular man/woman, against our peers, or others from perhaps different cultures (see Ephesians 6:12). In fact, it is a battle for our friends, loved ones, and all of humanity, which must boldly stand in direct opposition to the wiles and schemes of a tolerant contemporary culture, promoted by Satan himself. Not everyone is going to like us — some will not tolerate us! Yet, as you and I practice love, and develop the right kind, the Jesus kind, of “intolerance,” may you find strength and courage from God’s Holy Spirit and the words of our Lord in John 16:33, “In this world you have tribulation, but take courage; I have overcome the world.” YES! In Him we can/will know and experience the victory!

Just think about it – Pastor Frank


War, killing, and the shedding of blood (guilty and/or innocent) appear throughout humanity’s history. From the entrance of sin into the human race (Genesis 3), mankind has successfully devised ways to inflict pain and/or eliminate one another. The first messianic prophecy (Genesis 3:15) even announces hostility between the offspring (seed) of Eve (all mankind and ultimately the second Adam, Jesus Christ) and the seed of the serpent (Satan/Devil/demons/evil spirits/etc.). This great war of spiritual dimension is concluded when Jesus Christ overthrows Satan’s dominance on earth (Revelation 6-19), removing the regime, control, and power of all God’s enemies! Christ triumphantly and gloriously returns “King of kings & Lord of lords,” establishing His rule of truth, justice, and righteousness throughout the entire earth. During His reign (The Millennium, 1000 years) peace will be enjoyed, yet one final combat still must occur. Then, in irrevocable defeat, our Lord’s enemy, Satan, along with all his followers (those that reject Jesus Christ) face second death, and are cast into the “Lake Of Fire” (Revelation 20:1-3, 7-10).

In the light of this spiritual/biblical struggle of good -v- evil, Christ -v- Antichrist, God -v- Satan, it is not at all surprising that wars would be prominent in the Scripture, as well as throughout all mankind’s history. Humans without Christ simply wage war. Ecclesiastes 3:8 reminds us, “There is a time for every purpose under heaven,” which includes, “a time for war.” Some wars are just and holy, others political, and some totally absurd and sinful — based in greed, pride, dominance, etc. War too often illustrates the malignity of the wicked (Psalm 55:21). However, Jehovah (Lord God) is declared to be “a warrior” (literally — a man of war, Exodus 15:3-19) as One who knows how to wage war successfully and possesses the ordnance necessary to destroy His enemies! Thus the concept of a “Holy War” (Exodus 17:16; Numbers 31:3) emerges, where every warrior/soldier considers himself a servant of God, consecrated to the Lord (Isaiah 13:3) and willing to totally abstained from certain activities in order to sanctify (set apart/purify) themselves (Judges 20:26; II Samuel 11:11) for His Holy purpose and service. I’m not sure mankind can actually declare a “Holy War,” however we can declare “just war” if asked to stand against the lies and evil of Satan.

The devaluation of human life, slavery, forms of oppression and persecution certainly fall into this category. Figuratively, in a spiritual sense, and literally, each person is at war with sin and ultimately the consequences of sin – physical and spiritual death (Romans 7:23-24). However, this conflict is not ours to fight alone. God recognizes that no matter how hard we try, or how good we are, everyone eventually succumbs to sin and surrenders the war in humiliating defeat and death.

However, a mighty Warrior was dispatched to conquer sin and death, literally handing us (believers) a great victory (I Corinthians 15:56-57), even in the midst of our own capitulation (Romans 6:23). As Jesus Christ hung on the cross, a holy war raged in His flesh and spirit. He ultimately surrendered, becoming sin (II Corinthians 5:21) and a casualty of this war as all other humans. However, Sunday was on its way, indeed the war was not over, but a short pause occurred in the conflict while preparation was made for one final assault. Then,

“Up from the grave He arose (Acts 10:40-41), with a mighty triumph o’er His foes. He arose a victor from the dark domain (of sin and death) and He lives for every with His saints to reign! He arose, He arose, Halleluiah Christ arose!”

Just Think About It! — Pastor Frank


In our Old Testament scriptures, the word “eye” is translated from the Hebrew word ‘ayin, generally speaking, literally, of the physical organ of sight, which is one of the chief channels of information for human beings. David is described as having beautiful eyes (1 Samuel 16:12), and in Canticles (Song of Songs or Song of Solomons), the lovers describe each other as having eyes like doves (1:15; 4:1; 5:12) and comparable to the pools in Heshbon (7:4). You may also recall from Genesis 29:17, that Leah (Jacob’s first wife) had “weak” eyes, although the meaning of the Hebrew word in this passage could mean faint as well as soft, delicate, or tender hearted.

A very cruel, fully-sanctioned custom among heathen nations was gouging out the eyes of one’s enemies or rivals because this significantly and effectively shattered their power (Judges 16:21; 2 Kings 25:7; Jeremiah 39:7). The judgmental blinding or putting out of the “right eye” was also considered a deep form of societal humiliation, robbing the victim of beauty, and making one unfit or ineligible for military service (1 Samuel 11:2; Zechariah 11:17).

In Deuteronomy 7:16, the Israelites were instructed by Moses, in the execution of Yahweh’s judgment upon nations and wrongdoers (Deuteronomy 19:13,21; 25:12), that their “eye shall not pity,” … therefore not deflected from the dictates of God’s laws by feelings of sympathy. In a similar way, God, in Ezekiel 5:11 warned, “My eye will have no pity and I will not spare” the execution of judgment upon those who, “defiled My sanctuary with all your detestable idols and with all your abominations!” Even the Hebrew laws, “lex talionis” (law of retribution or retaliation), at times demanded … “life for life, eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot” (Exodus 21:23-25; Leviticus 24:20; Deuteronomy 19:21). By the way, genuine believers are enlisted by a different calling and standard in Matthew 5:38-48 … check it out!

The New Testament generally uses the Greek root word, ophthalmos for “eye” which is akin to opis, commonly translated as “sight” in English Bibles. When Christ restores the sight of two blind men alongside the road while leaving Jericho, this Greek root word is referring to the eye as the physical organ, which clearly demonstrated His power over eyesight, proving His Messiahship according to the Luke 4:18-19!

Our Bibles also use the word “eye” figuratively to beautifully illustrate the intimate relationship (in Hebrew thought) between spiritual and physical realities. The brightness of eyes is a sign of well-being (Psalm 19:8 compared to Psalm 38:10). In addition, eyes provide a path of expression for a variety of emotions and/or mental attitudes – grief (Psalm 6:7); tears (Psalm 119:136); expressions of mockery and or hatred (Psalm 35:19; Proverbs 10:10, 30:17), haughtiness (Psalm 18:27; Proverbs 6:18), evil sexual desires/lusts (2 Peter 2:14; Matthew 5:29).

Next, to “lift up the eyes” is an important phrase found in the scriptures. Largely, it means looking around for information, direction, and sometimes for help. To “close the eyes” or “hide the eyes” indicates carelessness or lacking sympathy as in Matthew 13:15. Proverbs 28:27 declares, “He who gives to the poor will never want, but he who shuts his eyes will have many curses.” Setting or fixing one’s “eyes upon,” means focusing attention to something or toward a particular individual(s). In Psalm 119:6 the focus is turned to all the Lord’s commandments, and in Luke 4:20 all the eyes of those in the synagogue are fixed upon Christ as He reads about Himself from Isaiah 61 and declares, “Today this Scripture has been fulfilled in your hearing.”

Biblically speaking, often the eye(s) represents the total process of perception and understanding … the organs of spiritual cognizance that may be enlightened, awakened, or opened as is the request found in Psalm 119:18, “Open my eyes, that I may behold wonderful things from Your law.” This action is accomplished by the Word (Psalm 19:8) and/or by the works of God’s Holy Spirit within believers (Ephesians 1:18-19). Sadly, a person’s eyes may also be “darkened” and/or “blinded” as found in 2 Corinthians 4:3-4.

Undoubtedly, in this very moment/hour, it’s essential that we, as believers carefully consider the admonition of our Lord, Jesus Christ from Matthew 6:22-23, “The eye is the lamp of the body; so then if your eye is clear, your whole body will be full of light. But if your eye is bad, your whole body will be full of darkness. If then the light that is in you is darkness, how great is the darkness!” (Also see/study Luke 11:34-36)

Please take time to study these many verses, and as Hebrew 12:2 states, fix your eyes upon Jesus, “the author and perfector of faith!”

His & Yours,



Have you ever heard the term, “not worth his/her salt?” That concept comes from the Latin word “salarium” from which we get the English word, salary.  The “sal” of “salarium” actually means salt.  A soldier in the Roman Empire might have actually have been paid in salt blocks due to the fact that it was a valuable commodity and could easily be traded or sold in any country or region’s market place.

In biblical times, salt was recognized as a necessity for life as referenced in the extra biblical writing, Ecclus 39:26:

“The principal things for the whole use of man’s life are water, fire, iron, and salt, flour of wheat, honey, milk, and the blood of the grape, and oil, and clothing.”

In Judaism, according to Leviticus 2:13, salt was a required additive to offerings and was spiritually symbolic within a covenant. 

“Every grain offering of yours, moreover, you shall season with salt, so that the salt of the covenant of your God shall not be lacking from your grain offering; with all your offerings you shall offer salt.”

In the Middle East, when men ate together, they became friends – thus the Arabic expressions, “there is salt between us” or “he has eaten of my salt,” which means partaking of hospitality which cemented friendships.  Since salt was valuable, needed as a preservative, and used to enhance taste, it became symbolic of an enduring covenant relationship.

Abimelech, a judge of Israel, sowed salt over his own capital city, Shechem, after quelling a revolt against him around 1050 BC (See Judges 9:35). We know historically, that this became a common practice in the Roman Empire as well. They also used this same sowing process to sterilize soil and keep vegetation from damaging their roadways. 

Turning to the New Testament, we find salt used practically, as well as symbolically.  In Matthew 5:13, Christ Jesus declares,

“You are the salt of the earth; but if the salt has become tasteless, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled underfoot by men.”

It is clearly understood that sodium chloride is a stable compound that does not disintegrate … losing its “saltiness.” However, the common salt in Israel was primarily salt from the Dead Sea, aka Salt Sea, which was highly contaminated with other minerals.  As a result, it would dissolve and could become (in the process of evaporation which was used to separate the salt from the water) a tasteless substance. These salts all diminished in flavor and/or usefulness over time.  Therefore, this fact provides contextual understanding to Christ’s statement in this passage.

Here, our Lord is speaking to His followers and those gathered to hear Him teach, which is a Hebrew/Jewish audience.  He also makes similar references in the other Synoptic Gospels (see Mark 9:50 and Luke 14:34). Jesus’ potential followers could/should have ultimately (as their faith developed) become like salt in that they would create a thirst in others for greater information and understanding … enhancing the taste. When one sees a unique individual, who possesses superior qualities in specific areas, one desires to discover why that person’s life is distinctly different from others in the world. It’s also possible that salt, as a preservative (a means and method familiar in that society – particularly among fishermen), means these individuals would/could/should serve as a preservative restraint against the evils in society. Whichever view is taken, the important and significant quality to denote in Christ’s teaching is that the salt must absolutely maintain its basic trait/characteristic. If, somehow it fails to be salty, then it has definitely lost its purpose for existence and should be discarded. 

Is there a message here for believers in Christ’s 21st century church? While I, personally, use little salt on my food, and frankly don’t understand why some people ruin an excellent food’s taste by over-salting it, or even salting before tasting — in this case the more salt/saltiness the better!  Shake it out.

Are you salty?  Think about it, pray about it … then do something about it.  Let’s all agree to be — worth our salt!

His & Yours, Because of GRACE (God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense)