The word reckless, which appears 4 times in the biblical text, is an Old English/German word meaning to be utterly unconcerned about the consequences of some action; taking specific action without considering or caring about the consequences of that action; action or activity without any concern or caution; being or acting careless. (  and  merriam–  

In Judges 9:4, one finds the Hebrew word “pachaz” translated in English as reckless, which is used to describe the worthless cadre hired by Abimelech.  A similar phrase, “pachazuwth,” is employed by the Prophet Jeremiah in 23:32 to describe the false prophets of his day.  In Zephaniah 3:4, “pachaz” is once again used, this time in reference to rebellious and defiled nations whose prophets are “reckless and treacherous” individuals. 

In the New Testament, the Greek word, “propetes” is translated reckless, along with a host of other carnal traits and behaviors in II Timothy 3:4, to describe the nature and character of human beings during “the last days.”

Recently, a new contemporary Christian song by Cory Asbury, has risen to enhanced popularity that employs the word “reckless” in reference to God’s love.  While he may offer an explanation for his use of the term in his song, this word used in reference to God’s love is absolutely ungodly, inexcusable, and in reality, a reckless theological error and heretical lie. 

Some will say, “that’s not fair, you’re judging him.”  NO! The truth is that God’s love is NOT reckless — no matter what the justification for use of the phrase may be, and those words should never be uttered by the mouth or flow forth from the lips of a genuine believer in Jesus Christ!  If some catchy song with a good hook in the chorus and a great rhythm said, “Jesus is a liar,” would you repeat that phrase?  Would you use that song during worship?  Would you sing along with your car stereo blasting?

Confusing, degrading, anti-God, heretical lies have occurred before in Christian music, both traditional and contemporary, and, in each more recent case, some lame exegesis of an excuse is offered in hopes of gaining popular approval and imploring the faithful to overlook the obvious doctrinal catastrophe.  In 1982, Leon Patillo brought forth a popular song, “Star Of The Morning” on his album entitled The Definitive Collection.  Who is the Star Of The Morning (Isaiah 14:12) as opposed to The Bright And Morning Star?  Sadly, no retraction or correction.  Then, Phillips, Craig, and Dean make the same blunder and declare the same heresy in the 2012 song, “When The Stars Burn Down!”  How can a clear reference to Satan himself be substituted for the one and only true Messiah, Jesus Christ, who, as The Bright And Morning Star, (Revelation 22:16) stands in direct opposition to the Star Of The Morning? 


While one may have been living a completely reckless life when they experienced the fullness of God’s love, that provides no foundation or possible justification for assigning such a characteristic to His love which is poured into our hearts (Romans 5:1-5), causing us to be more than conquerors (Romans 8:37-39), working to bring about unity (Colossians 3:14), perfect  (I John 4:15-21), and is manifested (displayed) among us (I John 4:9-11).   In fact, genuine Christianity is the only world religion that sets forth the Supreme Being as Love (I John 4:8)!

Just in case you were wondering, there is nothing reckless concerning the love of God for all humanity. In fact, just the opposite is true, because He is not, will not, and cannot be reckless about anything!  It is entirely and absolutely against His very nature and character.  In addition, our salvation is a strategic move/plan on His part, and the nature of who we are becoming in Christ Jesus is void of anything reckless!  For that I thank Him daily!  How about you?

Were you redeemed as some part of a reckless adventure, or distinctly set apart by God, uniquely created and designed for a divine/holy/blameless relationship with Him through Jesus Christ from the very foundation of the world “according to the kind intention of His will?” (See Ephesians 1:3-6)          

His & Yours, PF