During the past 35 years of Grace Ministries & Fellowship dba West Oaks Fellowship, I’ve preached over 30 sermons and written a plethora of short articles on the biblical concepts of “liberty” and freedom. It is truly one of my favorite topics, with more cogitating and pondering than I could ever hope to share. 

The Hebrew word “derowr” only appears a handful of times in the Old Testament, always meaning the direct opposite of servitude or bondage. Hence, it’s applicable to captives or slaves being liberated (set free) from any and all forms of oppression (See Leviticus 25:10; Isaiah 61:1). In the Old Testament, godly individuals might also speak about having a measure or portion of “liberty” as in Psalms 119:45, where the Hebrew word “rachabh” – translated “liberty” in English – means “room” or “breadth.” Nonetheless, it is the Gospel — only the Gospel of Jesus Christ — which bestows the fullness of “liberty”!

In the New Testament Scriptures, the Greek words “exousia” and “eleutheria,” both translated as “liberty” in our English Bibles, are presented as essential elements in one’s successful Christian life/journey. Morally and spiritually speaking, the power which enslaves humanity is sin (see John 8:34), and “liberty” exists not simply in a sense of external freedom, or if one is actually in full possession of the power of choice, but in the authentic deliverance from the darkening of the mind/heart — the tyranny of sinful passions/lusts (strong desires) and the enthrallment of the human will — which is induced by a morally/spiritually corrupt state of existence.

In a positive respect, “liberty” consists in the possession of God’s righteousness through Christ Jesus, which empowers believers with the desire, will, and ability to choose and do what is right and good (according to the Lord … not necessarily from the world’s perspective or view point). This “liberty” — to respond affirmatively and obey the Lord — is only possible within the born-again/renewed condition of the soul, coupled with the indwelling presence of God’s Holy Spirit, which cannot exist apart from genuine faith in Jesus Christ.

Christ’s liberating gospel lifts the believer out of the sphere of external law/legalism and gives one a sense of genuine freedom in a new filial relation with the Lord. In that respect and biblical context, the New Testament expressions concerning a believer’s “liberty” are almost overwhelming!

Consider – “the glorious liberty/freedom of God’s children” as described in Romans 8:21. Then compare the issues/struggles of Galatians 2:4 and 5:13! Our “liberty” in Christ Jesus to listen, love, follow, serve, and obey Him shall not be enslaved by the creeping claws of self-exalting religious works and self-righteous legalism. These are not the work of God’s Holy Spirit as described in 2 Corinthians 3:17! We live/walk in “the perfect law of liberty” (See James 1:25), and are, indeed, blessed! Therefore, as believers, we should never abuse this magnificent provision of Christ — as we are all clearly warned in Galatians 5:11 and 1 Peter 2:16.

We must never forget that the precision instrument through which this fabulous “liberty” is conveyed is “the Truth” as Christ taught in John 8:32. Has His Truth set you free?

Don’t just think about it, live it! Pastor Frank