In II Peter 1:13, the Apostle of the Lord tells his audience of fellow believers and friends that he considers it right (his responsibility) to intentionally “stir up” certain spiritual perspectives in their lives.  The Greek word found in this text, “diegeiro” is used sparingly in our New Testaments, usually in reference to awakening someone from their sleep as in the Gospels and Acts.  However in this case, it’s meaning is quite significant. Peter employs “diegeiro” metaphorically within a spiritual context demanding an awakening of the mind/heart/soul in the Lord’s people. 

This theme seems to progressively emerge as the primary objective of Peter’s epistles/letters … calling to remembrance the important truths which they had previously been taught, but of which these disciples were in serious danger of forgetting, or turning away from, due to prevailing errors in their beliefs and lifestyles.  Their minds/hearts were open and candid, but the biblical text and context implies they were not necessarily pure/sincere.  The apostle Peter regards these followers of Christ as disposed to both hear and understand the truth, and yet liable to be led astray by the plausible errors of others and the world. Such minds/hearts needed the spiritual truths of Christ’s teachings and biblical doctrine refreshed and brought to the forefront of their thinking. 

Without question, these truths were familiar — but not active; known — but not followed; understood — but not validated by obedience in the lives of these Christians.  Therefore, Peter uses this word,  “diegeiro” once again in II Peter 3:1-2 where he reveals an intended purpose of this letter . . . “This is now, beloved, the second letter I am writing to you in which I am stirring up your sincere mind by way of reminder, that you should remember the words spoken beforehand by the holy prophets and the commandment of the Lord and Savior spoken by your apostles.”

A related Greek word, “egeiro” is also used within a similar context in Matthew 25:7 where the virgins are not prepared and must awake from their slumber; In Romans 13:11, where believers are reminded to live godly and prepared, anticipating the moment (imminency) when Christ calls for His bride and His subsequent second advent (physical return to earth); In Ephesians 5:14, where Paul challenges Christ’s Church to arise or awake from its spiritual slumber and apparent apathy!  Even in a letter full of personal encouragement and precise instruction to his faithful apprentice, Pastor Timothy, Paul follows a similar path coaching him, “to kindle afresh the gift of God which is in you.” (See II Timothy 1:6) Without question, Peter’s unquenchable,  insatiable hope and desire in II Peter 1:13 and 3:1-2 is to stir up, excite, awake, and arouse the faith and service of those he leads.

According to Peter himself, while awaiting His earthly departure, he will remain steadfast to this end … wholeheartedly, perhaps even with intimidation, stirring up believers so they will pursue excellence in their ministries and focus their minds/hearts upon the divine/spiritual things from above, rather than the overly enticing temptations and sins of this flesh/earth/world that so easily entangles Christ’s people.

As we approach 2012, God is stirring me in order to stir up you, and the body of Christ at West Oaks Fellowship as well.  Last year, our teachings, preaching and instruction seemed to take on a very serious posture of commitment with the  potential of suffering for our faith and the cause of Christ.  This year, our focus will be on re-kindling those things which God has birthed in us, yet for whatever reason have grown stale, ceased to function, or slipped into melancholy mediocrity.  This is my personal commitment to each of you as individuals, and to our entire fellowship. If ministers are negligent in their work, it can hardly be expected that the flock, which is entrusted to their care, will be diligent in theirs. 

Therefore, just as Peter will not be negligent (at no time or place, in no part of his work), but will be exemplarily and universally diligent, so will I, to the best of my ability as God continues to provide me strength, as your Pastor, co-laborer in the Gospel, brother in Christ, and friend.  I am also bound, by the Lord, just as Peter was, to continuously make mention of our Lord’s promises, declare His truths to His people, encourage you to obediently serve and do good to all.  I am trusting that your remembrances will be stirred and that we all awake to the things our Lord has “prepared for us beforehand to walk in!”  While some might think this effort needless or useless, the apostle doesn’t, therefore, nor shall I. 

We must: 

  1. Put in mind what we already know in order to prevent one from forgetting. 
  2. Improve our knowledge of the Lord.
  3. Put into practice what we know and what one learns. 
  4. Diligently study and pursue the things of God so one will not be shaken or moved by every wind of doctrine. 

The great doctrines/truths of the gospel, that Jesus is the Christ, that Jesus Christ came into the world to redeem and restore sinners, that those who believe in the Lord Jesus Christ shall be saved, and given a new life in Christ to carefully maintain and use for His glory/honor until one’s work in this world is accomplished will be our mantra. These are truths the apostles insisted on in their day and these are faithful precepts worthy of our acceptance in 2012 and in every age of the Christ’s church. These must be constantly affirmed by our Lord’s true ministers (See Titus 3:8) … believers must be well instructed and established therein, so each one can resolutely believe and determinedly behave accordingly. Even the most advanced Christian is not, and cannot, while in this world, be above the need for such stirrings and consistent reminders, nor move beyond the methods and means which God has appointed for His people/His body/His church. 

Therefore we will begin 2012 by asking, “Need To Unshelve In 2012?” because many have put things up … out of sight on an obscure shelf in their spiritual lives that need to be awakened — rekindled — stirred up.  I’m sure you’ve heard all the nonsense and speculation about the world ending in 2012 (see Fusion article on the 2012 movie from January 2010 @ the WOF website).  We  absolutely know, according to God’s Word, that this will not happen!  However, Christ may indeed appear in the clouds and call for His saints to be instantly transformed and meet Him in the air. So, if that potential exists, why not be found awake, faithfully serving, and waiting in anticipation of His call, rather than slumbering in dysfunction and snoozing?  Now, don’t just think about it!                    

–Pastor Frank


Being raised from the dead has three primary meanings in our Old and New Testament Scriptures.

1. Miraculous Healings In this usage, resurrection refers to individuals who have been brought back to life from death (resuscitated). Such raisings are recorded in: I Kings 17:20-24 (a widow’s son), II Kings 4:32-37 (the Shunammite’s son), and when a dead man’s body touches Elisha’s bones in II Kings 13:21. Mark 5:41-43 records Christ raising Jairus’ daughter, and in John 11:43-44 Lazarus comes alive after already being entombed. Peter is used by the Lord to raise Dorcas in Acts 9:40-41, and Paul ministers resurrection to Eutychus in Acts 20:9-12.  It is important to note that in each of these biblically recorded (as witnessed by many) resurrection cases, there is no suggestion or evidence that these individuals would not again experience physical death.

2. Our Lord’s Resurrection His resurrection is undeniably linked in the New Testament with victory over all the powers of both sin and death. For Paul, and us, Christ’s resurrection (as witnessed by many) is the basis for the doctrine of resurrection.

(See I Corinthians 15:12-19)

3. Human Resurrection  Many of the Greek philosophers, such as Plato, believed that an immortal soul inhabited a body, and that at death the soul left its bodily prison and soared upward to the divine spirit. In the Old Testament, we learn that “Sheol” is actually the place of the dead, a form of weakened existence.  However, it was a faithful Hebrew’s firm belief that the righteous dead would yet again see God. (See Job 19:26) Upon this expectation was laid the foundation concerning the resurrection of righteous individuals to life!

The Hebrew peoples’ concepts of the resurrection were born out of her relationship to God throughout their tumultuous history.  The prophet Isaiah seems to express a view that the wicked would face eternal separation from God, while the faithful will come to experience a bodily resurrection.  (See Isaiah 26:14 & 19)

In addition, God’s prophet Daniel announced:

Many of those who sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake, some to everlasting life, some to shame and everlasting contempt. (See Daniel 12:2)

Our New Testament scriptures consistently teach a hope (confident expectation) in a physical resurrection unto life for every genuine believer, based upon the resurrection of Jesus Christ as the “firstborn from the dead.” (See I Corinthians 15:12-58; Colossians 1:18; I Thessalonians 4:14-18; I Peter 1:3-5) This concept  of a physical, bodily resurrection is also expressed in terms such as a transformed body (See Philippians 3:21) and new clothing. (See II Corinthians 5:4; Revelation 6:11) The scriptures also contrast the resurrection unto life with a resurrection unto judgment. (See John 5:29; Acts 24:15)  A similar contrast also lies behind the statements in Revelation 20 about the first resurrection (which is that unto life) (See verse 5), and those who are part of the resurrection unto judgment, who ultimately face the lake of fire and the second death. (See verses 12-14)

Sadly, not all who attempted to be identified with Christ’s Church proclaimed the truth of a future resurrection.  In fact, some preached a spiritual awakening, or resurrection, that had already taken place. This view point was adopted by Hymenaeus and Philetus and later promoted by Gnostic heretics.  Needless to say they were sternly rebuked and condemned by the Apostle Paul.  (See II Timothy 2:17-19)

Do you believe in resurrection?  If so, let’s gather as genuine believers for a earnest, heartfelt, jubilant celebration on Sunday, April 16!  It’s victory over sin and death … a time for rejoicing in the precious gift of life, life abundant and everlasting, which has been bestowed upon us through faith in our Saviour and Lord, Jesus Christ!   Let’s do it! 

His & Yours, because of GRACE (God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense)

— PF