MONEY, MONEY, MONEY – some say you can’t live without it, and yet so many can’t live with it! Often, it’s so vital to an individual that it directly competes with one’s ability to even know and/or faithfully serve the Lord. Even though “money” itself is not inherently evil, wicked, or sinful, the undeniable truth is that any amount of money can be accompanied by many temptations and much danger.

King Solomon, who in today’s economy would have had a net worth of around two trillion (2,000,000,000,000 – two thousand billion) in US dollars (source –, stated in Ecclesiastes 5:10,

“He who loves money will not be satisfied with money, nor he who loves abundance with its income.”

Here’s an individual who may have earned as much as 2,000,000,000 (yes, billion) a year through trade/commerce, tributes, and taxation (enough to spend a million dollars a day for 2000 years, or $5,479,452,054.70 a day for one full year) and what’s he really saying?

  1. The love of money is never satisfied, kind of like what’s found in Proverbs 30:15-16!

“There are three things that will not be satisfied, four that will not say, “Enough”: Sheol, and the barren womb, earth that is never satisfied with water, and fire that never says, “Enough.”

2.    Abundance (Hebrew root, hamon; in this text, meaning a great number of things, wealth, and / or funds) will never satisfy! Isn’t there always something else, something more, something better? 

Augustine of Hippo (early church father, aka St. Augustine) declared, “Until we find our rest in Him, no amount of wealth can ever satisfy.”

While undoubtedly greed is an instigator, a motivational chauffeur that drives individuals to dissatisfaction … who will actually come before the Lord with the heavy load of their unquenchable desire for more and place it on the altar?  Is there genuine peace … a full release of the restlessness in one’s heart with the sacrifice of “wants” and all its embellishments? Remember, those trappings are “never satisfied!”

Scripturally speaking, money / wealth / the accumulation of things is one of the greatest areas for a believer to demonstrate one’s trust in the Lord.  Isn’t that why our scriptures are overflowing with references to money and possessions?  

While certainly many have been blessed materially all their lives, Brenda and I included, that doesn’t mean there weren’t tough or difficult times. In fact, everyone who has, perhaps what some would call an abundance, directly dealt with, or is currently dealing with, the spiritual issue of money, wealth and possessions. Specifically, the devastating sin of greed, which according to Proverbs 28:22, a person with a evil eye (stingy, covetous, greedy) hastens and searches for wealth not knowing or understanding that “want,” in essence, poverty, is the ultimate result.  That’s why believers are reminded:    

Make sure that your character is free from the love of money, being content with what you have; for He Himself has said, “I WILL NEVER DESERT YOU, NOR WILL I EVER FORSAKE YOU,” so that we confidently say, “THE LORD IS MY HELPER, I WILL NOT BE AFRAID. WHAT WILL MAN DO TO ME?”

Hebrews 13:5-6

For this to happen (become realty in one’s life), one must adopt a clear biblical view of money and wealth, recognizing that we are actually called to wealth creation and sound economics by God’s mandate to humanity in Genesis 1:28 concerning the earth (the word subdue in the Hebrew text means to conquer, subjugate and bring into subjection). Our Lord provides all the resources of this world for us to properly manage as good and faithful stewards. When this actually occurs, within the redeemed framework of human responsibility, it inevitably prompts and directs us towards sound, principle / value-based ethical and moral financial action along with decisions that are sensible, knowledgeable, not hasty, and God-honoring. 

Money, wealth, possessions, etc. are all intertwined with one’s spiritual maturity, daily walk, and development. Way too many Christians stagnate right here … ultimately hindering or even draining their spiritual vitality.  Sadly, this huge issue is either unrecognized or ignored, often crippling the effectiveness of one’s peace, service and testimony.  Now is the time for change and decisive action – may God’s people fully, unrelentingly, uncompromisingly, and willfully align themselves properly with our Lord and His Word /  Truth on MONEY, MONEY, MONEY.  The world wants to gobble you up … kill, steal, and destroy you on this issue.  However, Christ came that you may have life, and have it more abundantly!  While the primary focus of this statement from John 10:10 is spiritual, MONEY, for a believer, is spiritual!

His & Yours, PF      


According to Webster’s New World Dictionary, suffering is defined as undergoing something painful or unpleasant, to endure, bear affliction, to allow, permit or tolerate pain, harm, injury, or loss. A great variety of Greek expressions, too large to be enumerated here, have been translated in our Bibles as “suffer(s),”and/or “suffering(s).” However all forms seem to be derived from the same root verb, “pascho” (Greek N.T. Strongs #3958).

In Mark 5:26, we find suffering associated with illness or disease when a woman who “had suffered (or endured) much (many things) at the hands of many physicians,” and “had spent all that she had,” not receiving any help at all, but “rather had grown worse.” Moses, in Hebrews 11:25, chooses to endure ill-treatment (suffering and affliction) with the people of God, rather than “enjoy the passing pleasures of sin.” This potentially represents several types of suffering, from mental and emotional to persecutions related to his position and opportunities in life, as well as that of physical need. In II Timothy 2:9, Paul, speaking about his own life and ministry, declares that for the Gospel of Jesus Christ he suffers “hardship even to imprisonment as a criminal; but the word of God is not imprisoned.”

The Psalmist, David uses the first one-third of the 22nd Psalm (which includes graphic descriptions of suffering and exactly coincides with the sufferings of Jesus Christ) as a lamenting and disconsolate cry of anguish from his persecution by King Saul. Amazingly, his words progress to a trustful cry for help, and then end in vows of thanksgiving which spring from his deliverance (like Christ’s victorious resurrection). No other Psalm demonstrates such an accumulation of excruciating outward and inward suffering which is shown pressing in upon God’s servant who is perfectly innocent. What an illustration of Christ’s agonizing situation – the Crucified One is presented before our eyes in verses 15 through 18: The spreading out of the limbs, the naked body, the torturing pain in both hands and feet, and the burning thirst which our Redeemer suffered in order that the Scripture(s) might be fulfilled. Then He announces in a cry, “dipsoo’ “(Greek – NT word #1372 from John 19:28), “I thirst!”

Consider Christ’s sufferings, both emotional and physical. He suffered in almost every aspect of human life: one of His closest companions denied even knowing Him; other close friends couldn’t manage to stay awake, watch, and pray in a time of His deepest need; His own nation (people) rejected Him; His siblings and other family members considered Him crazy; most of the religious leaders in the community despised Him and spoke openly against Him, conspiring to destroy both His life and His message; a member of His own inner circle (discipleship group) continually stole from His ministry and ultimately betrayed Him; in total innocence, He was charged and found guilty of crimes against both God and the state; He was publicly displayed and crucified as a wretched, heinous criminal, and in His final hour, His Father turned His back. Truly He was a man of many sorrows and much suffering. Yet all to please His Dad and bless humanity as no other could achieve!

How can one refuse the ministry and gift of such a faithful suffering servant? How shall we respond to this Servant when asked to bear a little pain because we identify with His name, or endure suffering for His cause of truth and life?

Just think about it! Hope to see ya Sunday, Pastor Frank


“STUFF” – an old French word, “estoffe” that derived its meaning from “stopfon,” which means “to stop up.” In English we see this understanding when stuff is used in the verb form, like cramming “stuff” into a closet, filling the trunk of one’s car, or jamming clothes into a closet or suitcase. Exactly how one feels after consuming too much lunch or supper!

Additionally, according to Webster’s New World Dictionary, “stuff” in our vocabulary speaks of material goods, like household items and personal belongings and/or the substances out of which things are produced or manufactured. In a general sense, unspecified items may also be referred to as “stuff.” I don’t know about you, but my world consists of (and seems to be filled with), lots of “stuff!”

Some “stuff” is worthless junk, while other is of significance and valuable, yet it’s all still called “stuff.” There’s good stuff and bad stuff, big stuff and small stuff, fun stuff and sad stuff, great stuff and petty stuff, excellent stuff, average stuff, and inferior stuff, strong stuff and weak stuff, important stuff and trivial stuff, beautiful stuff and ugly stuff, healthy stuff and some stuff that’s not so good for you. Some stuff is material and physical, while other stuff is physiological, emotional and spiritual — whatever the stuff, there’s plenty of it.

In Genesis 25:30, Esau (a godless person according to Hebrews 12:16) begs his brother Jacob

Please let me have a swallow of that red stuff (NASU) (translated pottage in KJV however the word does not appear in the Hebrew text or Greek Septuagint) there, for I am famished (worn out, weary). Therefore his name was called Edom (red).

By his own choice of immediate gratification and pleasure, Esau became a godless person, choosing to love and embrace the things (stuff; in this case food) of this world and his earthly life in exchange for the blessings of God, spiritual peace, and hope (confident expectation) for his future.

Esau gave up:

  1. His right to the priesthood – Ex. 22:29.
  2. A double portion of his father’s estate – Deut. 21:17.
  3. His role in the family – Gen. 27:29, 37; 49:3.
  4. His potential role in the Messianic promise/linage of first born sons.
  5. His rights of primogeniture (conveying special blessings upon his descendants – which were among the most noble, honorable, and spiritual in the ancient world).

Esau undervalued “God stuff” and overvalued “red stuff” which filled his belly and brought temporary satisfaction.

In John 6:27-28, Jesus issues a warning that might help us gain some understanding about “stuff,”

Do not work for the food which perishes, but for the food which endures to eternal life, which the Son of Man will give to you, for on Him the Father, God, has set His seal.

Nearly everyone can recall the Parable Of The Sower And Soils in Mark 4:18-19 where the good seed of God is sown among thorns,but the worries of the world (stuff), and the deceitfulness of riches (stuff), and the desires for other things (stuff) enter in and choke” out God’s Word/Truth. Instead of trading the “stuff” of God for the “stuff” of this world, have you ever considered doing the exact opposite? May we, as believers in Christ, be found laying down the “stuff” of this world in order to gain “God stuff!” II Peter 1:8 says “For if these qualities are yours and are increasing, they render you neither useless nor unfruitful in the true knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.”

I pray all our “stuff” becomes useful and fruitful! Just think about it. — Pastor Frank