War, killing, and the shedding of blood (guilty and/or innocent) appear throughout humanity’s history. From the entrance of sin into the human race (Genesis 3), mankind has successfully devised ways to inflict pain and/or eliminate one another. The first messianic prophecy (Genesis 3:15) even announces hostility between the offspring (seed) of Eve (all mankind and ultimately the second Adam, Jesus Christ) and the seed of the serpent (Satan/Devil/demons/evil spirits/etc.). This great war of spiritual dimension is concluded when Jesus Christ overthrows Satan’s dominance on earth (Revelation 6-19), removing the regime, control, and power of all God’s enemies! Christ triumphantly and gloriously returns “King of kings & Lord of lords,” establishing His rule of truth, justice, and righteousness throughout the entire earth. During His reign (The Millennium, 1000 years) peace will be enjoyed, yet one final combat still must occur. Then, in irrevocable defeat, our Lord’s enemy, Satan, along with all his followers (those that reject Jesus Christ) face second death, and are cast into the “Lake Of Fire” (Revelation 20:1-3, 7-10).

In the light of this spiritual/biblical struggle of good -v- evil, Christ -v- Antichrist, God -v- Satan, it is not at all surprising that wars would be prominent in the Scripture, as well as throughout all mankind’s history. Humans without Christ simply wage war. Ecclesiastes 3:8 reminds us, “There is a time for every purpose under heaven,” which includes, “a time for war.” Some wars are just and holy, others political, and some totally absurd and sinful — based in greed, pride, dominance, etc. War too often illustrates the malignity of the wicked (Psalm 55:21). However, Jehovah (Lord God) is declared to be “a warrior” (literally — a man of war, Exodus 15:3-19) as One who knows how to wage war successfully and possesses the ordnance necessary to destroy His enemies! Thus the concept of a “Holy War” (Exodus 17:16; Numbers 31:3) emerges, where every warrior/soldier considers himself a servant of God, consecrated to the Lord (Isaiah 13:3) and willing to totally abstained from certain activities in order to sanctify (set apart/purify) themselves (Judges 20:26; II Samuel 11:11) for His Holy purpose and service. I’m not sure mankind can actually declare a “Holy War,” however we can declare “just war” if asked to stand against the lies and evil of Satan.

The devaluation of human life, slavery, forms of oppression and persecution certainly fall into this category. Figuratively, in a spiritual sense, and literally, each person is at war with sin and ultimately the consequences of sin – physical and spiritual death (Romans 7:23-24). However, this conflict is not ours to fight alone. God recognizes that no matter how hard we try, or how good we are, everyone eventually succumbs to sin and surrenders the war in humiliating defeat and death.

However, a mighty Warrior was dispatched to conquer sin and death, literally handing us (believers) a great victory (I Corinthians 15:56-57), even in the midst of our own capitulation (Romans 6:23). As Jesus Christ hung on the cross, a holy war raged in His flesh and spirit. He ultimately surrendered, becoming sin (II Corinthians 5:21) and a casualty of this war as all other humans. However, Sunday was on its way, indeed the war was not over, but a short pause occurred in the conflict while preparation was made for one final assault. Then,

“Up from the grave He arose (Acts 10:40-41), with a mighty triumph o’er His foes. He arose a victor from the dark domain (of sin and death) and He lives for every with His saints to reign! He arose, He arose, Halleluiah Christ arose!”

Just Think About It! — Pastor Frank