The appearance of stars marks the end of the day . . . In Nehemiah 4:21, those rebuilding the walls of Jerusalem had to split their efforts between half standing guard and half diligently laying stones, both working long hours … “from the break of dawn till the stars came out.”  One may recall that one of the reasons our Lord placed lights (including the stars) in the heavens was “to separate the day from the night, and let them be for signs and for seasons and for days and years.”  However, God uses the “star” and our “stars” throughout the scriptures for many distinctive purposes.     

The OT shows awareness of the stars’ immense number, which many explain why so many humans looked to them for spiritual direction, or even worshiped individual stars and constellations as gods.  Of course, consulting their alignment for spiritual guidance (astrology, not astronomy or geography) or worshiping them in any manner was strictly forbidden because it completely disregarded and rebelliously denied God’s purpose in their creation.  (Perhaps one should take a moment right now just to consider how many other things in God’s creation have crumpled into this same type of demise.) 

Stars were created by God … their task is only that which is established by God.  They are totally subordinate to God, under His absolute authority and control, and intended for His glory/ purpose(s). (See Psalm 19:1-6) This status is tenaciously reinforced in Psalm 147:4:

He counts the number of the stars; He gives names to all of them. 

Thus, their existence and destiny are completely according to His will, even including whether they shine or not! (See Job 9:7-10).  Actually, they respond as creatures, in the same manner we as Christ’s followers, God’s children, should.  While the language in Judges 5:20 is certainly poetic, stars fighting against Israel’s enemies clearly demonstrates that the Lord can deliberately and unreservedly use any and all the forces of the universe to accomplish His purpose(s). After all, whose universe is it? 

Accordingly, throughout the universe, all stars are to “praise Him.” (See Psalm 148:3)  

Is there any different calling for humanity? 

Interestingly, in the Bible, perhaps because of their brilliance and glory, the word “star” is used symbolically of creatures, both enemies and servants of God, as well as individuals.  In an unique play on words, according to Isaiah 14:12, the symbolic king of Babylon, Lucifer, imagining himself to be the “Day Star,” “son of Dawn,” or the “Star of the Morning,” was not satisfied with his dominant position, but sought to ascend above the stars (a place reserved for God alone).  His desire to take the place of God presented a direct challenge to God’s authority and power. 

As a result, the king was cast down in defeat (14:12-15). By the way, astronomically speaking, Venus is the morning star because it’s seen first from the earth’s perspective.  Jesus Christ is not the “Star of the Morning” (that’s Lucifer/Satan), as presented by some biblically illiterate or confused Christian musicians, but He is undeniably the Bright Morning Star described in II Peter 1:19 and Revelation 22:16. 

Jude 13 audaciously and fearlessly declares the opponents of God as:

wandering stars, for whom the black darkness has been reserved forever. 

Conversely, the OT compares the coming Messiah to a rising star and scepter in Numbers 24:17, and in one case, stars symbolize the glory of the resurrected life for true believers … Those who turn many to righteousness will rise in the resurrection, and will shine “like the stars for ever and ever.” (See Daniel 12:1-3). In addition, Paul compares the glory of a Christian’s exclusive resurrected body to the glory and distinction of the stars in I Corinthians 15:40-49. 

Agnostic pantheist Carl Sagan, American astrophysicist, cosmologist, exobiologist, author (“Contact”) and TV host (“Cosmos”), stated, “we are star stuff.”  However, the God who created the stars and their shine — the One who declared:

Light shall shine out of darkness, is the One who has shone in our (every true believer’s) hearts to give the Light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ. (See II Corinthians 4:6) 

Simply “star stuff” — or partakers and bearers of the True Light?  God’s call, not ours or Sagan’s.  See, knowing Him is knowing Truth … that’s GOD’S star stuff!                                                                            

— Pastor Frank 


God’s people have always been unique in expressions of giving thanks to the Lord for His blessings and provisions. Throughout history (His story), those that acknowledge the one true God have engaged in spiritually-based celebrations and festivities that both publicly, as well as privately, express collective and personal gratitude.     

Be glad in the Lord, you righteous ones, and give thanks to His holy name. Psalm 97:12

In some nations/people groups “giving thanks” events are deeply imbedded in the culture, as demonstrated in the Hebrew faith and those whose initial values and laws stem from a belief and/or subjection to a divine being.

These things I remember and I pour out my soul within me.  For I used to go along with the throng and lead them in procession to the house of God, with the voice of joy and thanksgiving, a multitude keeping festival. –Psalm 42:4

As we approach the American Holiday (created from the words for holy (halig) and day (daeg) from the 14th century) of Thanksgiving, perhaps we could/should re-think the whole concept.  Are we giving thanks to the Lord based on our material blessings, or is our thanksgiving motivated by the Lord’s character and the spiritual blessing of being in Christ as His own possession? 

In Him, you also, after listening to the message of truth, the gospel of your salvation—having also believed, you were sealed in Him with the Holy Spirit of promise, who is given as a pledge of our inheritance, with a view to the redemption of God’s own possession, to the praise of His glory.  –Ephesians 1:13-14

A few weeks ago, I asked some young people why they needed to go to college.  The answers were not surprising or shocking, considering the materialistic influences that currently exist in our modern culture.  Generally their responses focused on having a comfortable life style, a good job, and making enough money to enjoy a life of affluence and abundance.  That life included concepts of what some would call the “American Dream” … a nice house, cool car, fashionable clothes, kids, comfortable lifestyle, etc.  While I’m not sure when the “American Dream” started evolving into a materialistic-based quest, certainly that was not its original prize. 

Although material gain may be the fruit or positive by-product of freedom and capitalism, how dare we refer to it as the “American Dream?”  Have we undergone a metamorphosis from spiritually-based moral values and the principles of individual freedom into collective hedonistic greed? Assuredly, when people are more concerned with the attainment of things than with the maintenance and continuation of ethics, truth, morals, righteousness, and freedom, it’s a sure sign of moral decadence/spiritual decomposition.

Perhaps this crumbling decay begins when the focus of “giving thanks” shifts from an appreciation and gratitude for God, His character, His holiness, His attributes, grace, mercy, love, etc. to the benefits and blessings of His abundant provisions.  Without question, the Lord God lavishes His goodness upon His people, but is that the foundation, motivation, and source for our “giving thanks” and expressions of gratitude?  Don’t get me wrong, undoubtedly we should offer thanksgiving for all our material blessings, but isn’t there much, much more that demands an appreciative response?

Consider Psalm 7:17 where thanksgiving is offered because of God’s righteousness:      

I will give thanks to the Lord according to His righteousness and will sing praise to the name of the Lord Most High.

 In I Chronicles 16:34 God’s goodness and lovingkindness is the cause for giving thanks:

O give thanks to the Lord, for He is good; For His lovingkindness is everlasting.

Daniel 2:23 offers an interesting perspective … the prophet is thankful because of God’s provision … wisdom, might, and answered prayer:

To You, O God of my fathers, I give thanks and praise, for You have given me wisdom and power; Even now You have made known to me what we requested of You, for You have made known to us the king’s matter.

The psalmist in 107:8 establishes an opportunity for thanksgiving because of His works among humanity:

Let them give thanks to the Lord for His lovingkindness, and for His wonders to the sons of men!

In the New Testament, I Corinthians 15:57 offers similar insight, focusing on the spiritual aspects of our Lord’s work rather than one’s abundance or excess of material blessing:

But thanks be to God, who gives us the victory (over the power of sin, the law, and death … which includes our worldly/fleshly passions) through our Lord Jesus Christ!

Isn’t it time for true believers to reverse the trend of thanksgiving being offered upon valuations of possessions and wealth, comfort, or even health?  Should we humbly give thanks for these things?  Without question!  Wealth and assets aren’t evil, just like forks and spoons don’t make gluttons and guns don’t kill people.  It’s the greed, covetousness, and love of money that’s the root of all sorts of evil. (See I Tim. 6:10)  Remember:

The covetous are never satisfied with money, nor the lovers of wealth with their gain; so this too is vanity.(Ecclesiastes 5:9)  

May we never forget the scriptural warnings in Luke 12:15, Ephesians 5:3-5, and Colossians 3:5 –  all address this issue for Christ’s church.      

Together as individuals and His people collectively, let us be compelled to spiritually, mentally, and emotionally (in the flesh) embrace the words of the psalmist:

Direct my heart toward your testimonies and away from gain.  

Perhaps from this assessment will burst untainted, spiritually-birthed thanksgiving that’s pleasing to our Lord and provider, Jesus Christ.                                       

Think about it, then ask Him about it!  –Pastor Frank