In James 1:23 one finds the word “mirror” used in a unique application that demonstrates a tremendous spiritual truth and perspective for every believer:

For if anyone is a hearer of the word and not a doer, he is like a man who looks at his natural face in a mirror; for once he has looked at himself and gone away, he has immediately forgotten what kind of person he was. But one who looks intently at the perfect law, the law of liberty, and abides by it, not having become a forgetful hearer but an effectual doer, this man will be blessed in what he does.

Here we have “a hearer.” This individual looks at him/herself to see how they look and then races off to the duties of life.  Before long, there is no more consideration of the image seen in the mirror as the demands of life overtake/overcome all remembrances.  The mirror viewer has seen what they have seen, just as the hearer has heard what they have heard, however, nothing heard has any significant impact in their life, being easily drowned out and forgotten as life moves on. 

A “doer” takes a much different approach.  Instead of interpreting him/herself in light of him/herself (the reflection seen in the mirror), the doer compares or contrasts his/her life by the scrutiny and/or standard of something other than the image that’s projected. In contrast, spiritually speaking, the hearer certainly contemplates and considers the truth of God’s Word, but totally fails in application.  Simply hearing about a feast will not satisfy hunger, hearing about a fresh spring will not quench thirst.  The knowledge that there is shelter in the midst of a storm provides no protection from the storm’s fury, just as receiving information concerning a cure for some disease will never make the sick well! 

However, the doer takes it to a different level by laying the template of “the perfect law of liberty,” which is the transcript of Christ’s character, upon their life and honestly/openly evaluating the places where the lines don’t match (spitting into the wind).  Conversely, the hearers forget what manner of individual they truly are, making no effort to correct anything or align themselves within the lines/framework of God’s Word/Truth.

Contextually speaking, the Greek word “esóptroo,” which is translated into English as glass or mirror, refers to the best available reflective objects of that time period, mirrors made of highly polished Corinthian bronze.  Even though no mirrors of that period produced the accurate images available today (Paul’s statement in I Corinthians 13:12), they were primarily used when fixing hair.  Those of lesser means may have never owned a mirror, potentially not even knowing what they looked liked, certainly not even recognizing their own appearance.

If this were the case, then the meaning of this illustration expands, because those peering into the mirror are not even capable of accurately evaluating themselves spiritually even though they have “heard.” How many believers hear God’s Truth/Word, look in the mirror, and quickly forget who/what they actually are?  How many willingly embellish what they see, afraid of our Lord’s chipping, shaping, and molding (transformation)?  Is there a place in every faithful believer’s life for spiritual evaluation (moral inventory), where one’s own life is laid upon the template of Jesus Christ, His Word, His Truth?  This “mirror” metaphor is very simple, yet highly expressive. If a person desires to see their face/self, and how they appear in their natural state, they gaze into a mirror. Their real face, with all its blemishes and imperfections, is clearly exhibited. Then, the individual is affected by their own appearance; they see deformities that might be remedied; spots, superfluities, and impurities, that might/could be removed. 

While continuing to look into the mirror, one wishes a different appearance, purposing to do what ever is necessary to render a change (“I’ve got to lose some weight” or “wash this gray away, etc.”).  However, upon leaving or removing the mirrored image, one soon forgets what really is, no longer recollecting how disagreeable one appears and even one’s own resolutions for improvement!  

In most societies/cultures, there even exists another group of individuals as well, that are in absolute blindness, being totally deceived by contemporary philosophies, humanistic, narcissistic psychology, and corrupted theology. They stand before the mirror with a child’s rhyme, “Mirror, mirror on the wall, who’s the greatest of them all,” actually expecting to hear their name being broadcast in reply!  Sadly, to their own demise, and ultimately the impotence of Christ’s church, many who call themselves teachers, evangelists, prophets, apostles and pastors have erroneously united with this ideology. 

Only the Word/Truth of God, coupled with the convicting power of His Holy Spirit, provides an authentic, distinctly clear, image for spiritual evaluation.  The one who responds to what’s seen/heard has the opportunity to move forward, becoming more than just a hearer, but an effectual doer, as they carefully examine their own life compared only to Jesus Christ (not anyone or anything else) and His perfect law of liberty.  Without this standard, the hearers presuppose an unscriptural trust in God’s mercy, convincing themselves that genuine repentance is not necessary and that a transformed life is simply an unrealistic dogma, thus deceiving their own spiritual being.  Consider . . .

They come to you (the Prophet, a man of God with the Word/Truth of God) as people come,  and sit before you as My people and hear your words, but they do not do them, for they do the lustful desires expressed by their mouth, and their heart goes after their gain.  Behold, you are to them like a sensual song by one who has a beautiful voice and plays well on an instrument; for they hear your words but they do not practice them. — Ezekiel 33:31-33

Don’t foolishly ask how you look to you, or even how you look or think you look to others!  You will soon forget.  Instead ask yourself how you look in comparison to your Lord, and humbly request to become an accurate reflection of His nature, character, and glory. 

May we all be effectual doers!  — Pastor Frank


The appearance of stars marks the end of the day . . . In Nehemiah 4:21, those rebuilding the walls of Jerusalem had to split their efforts between half standing guard and half diligently laying stones, both working long hours … “from the break of dawn till the stars came out.”  One may recall that one of the reasons our Lord placed lights (including the stars) in the heavens was “to separate the day from the night, and let them be for signs and for seasons and for days and years.”  However, God uses the “star” and our “stars” throughout the scriptures for many distinctive purposes.     

The OT shows awareness of the stars’ immense number, which many explain why so many humans looked to them for spiritual direction, or even worshiped individual stars and constellations as gods.  Of course, consulting their alignment for spiritual guidance (astrology, not astronomy or geography) or worshiping them in any manner was strictly forbidden because it completely disregarded and rebelliously denied God’s purpose in their creation.  (Perhaps one should take a moment right now just to consider how many other things in God’s creation have crumpled into this same type of demise.) 

Stars were created by God … their task is only that which is established by God.  They are totally subordinate to God, under His absolute authority and control, and intended for His glory/ purpose(s). (See Psalm 19:1-6) This status is tenaciously reinforced in Psalm 147:4:

He counts the number of the stars; He gives names to all of them. 

Thus, their existence and destiny are completely according to His will, even including whether they shine or not! (See Job 9:7-10).  Actually, they respond as creatures, in the same manner we as Christ’s followers, God’s children, should.  While the language in Judges 5:20 is certainly poetic, stars fighting against Israel’s enemies clearly demonstrates that the Lord can deliberately and unreservedly use any and all the forces of the universe to accomplish His purpose(s). After all, whose universe is it? 

Accordingly, throughout the universe, all stars are to “praise Him.” (See Psalm 148:3)  

Is there any different calling for humanity? 

Interestingly, in the Bible, perhaps because of their brilliance and glory, the word “star” is used symbolically of creatures, both enemies and servants of God, as well as individuals.  In an unique play on words, according to Isaiah 14:12, the symbolic king of Babylon, Lucifer, imagining himself to be the “Day Star,” “son of Dawn,” or the “Star of the Morning,” was not satisfied with his dominant position, but sought to ascend above the stars (a place reserved for God alone).  His desire to take the place of God presented a direct challenge to God’s authority and power. 

As a result, the king was cast down in defeat (14:12-15). By the way, astronomically speaking, Venus is the morning star because it’s seen first from the earth’s perspective.  Jesus Christ is not the “Star of the Morning” (that’s Lucifer/Satan), as presented by some biblically illiterate or confused Christian musicians, but He is undeniably the Bright Morning Star described in II Peter 1:19 and Revelation 22:16. 

Jude 13 audaciously and fearlessly declares the opponents of God as:

wandering stars, for whom the black darkness has been reserved forever. 

Conversely, the OT compares the coming Messiah to a rising star and scepter in Numbers 24:17, and in one case, stars symbolize the glory of the resurrected life for true believers … Those who turn many to righteousness will rise in the resurrection, and will shine “like the stars for ever and ever.” (See Daniel 12:1-3). In addition, Paul compares the glory of a Christian’s exclusive resurrected body to the glory and distinction of the stars in I Corinthians 15:40-49. 

Agnostic pantheist Carl Sagan, American astrophysicist, cosmologist, exobiologist, author (“Contact”) and TV host (“Cosmos”), stated, “we are star stuff.”  However, the God who created the stars and their shine — the One who declared:

Light shall shine out of darkness, is the One who has shone in our (every true believer’s) hearts to give the Light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ. (See II Corinthians 4:6) 

Simply “star stuff” — or partakers and bearers of the True Light?  God’s call, not ours or Sagan’s.  See, knowing Him is knowing Truth … that’s GOD’S star stuff!                                                                            

— Pastor Frank 


In Romans 2:11 the scriptures declare that there is no partiality (respect of persons)(Gk – prosopolempsia) with God,” meaning that our Lord shows no favoritism in respect to one’s earthly position or rank, popularity, circumstances, wealth, knowledge, power, influence, etc. in His judgments.  In Ephesians 6:9, we are reminded once again that, “there is no partiality with Him” and in Colossians 2:25 we see that Christ, as the ultimate judge of humanity, will arbitrate “without partiality (favoritism).”

In these biblical references, the nature and character of God/Christ is clearly revealed in a sense much too broad for human understanding.  However, from a spiritual perspective … a renewed mind in the Lord, and with the inspiring assistance of God’s Holy Spirit, believers are able to gain a glimpse/foretaste of understanding, in spite of our lingering sin nature (fleshly passions), worldly perspectives (ungodly thinking), and ingrained cultural influences. As a result, Christians, whether admitted and addressed (dealt with) or not, genuinely struggle with the deeper truth and internal applications of unpretentious/unassuming spiritual impartiality as emphasized in James 2:1.  

My brethren, do not hold your faith in our glorious Lord Jesus Christ with an attitude of personal favoritism.

The apostle James continues in 2:2-10 (please read before going on) by providing an explanation of what would be considered improper behavior within Christ’s church.  Perhaps you recall Samuel’s struggle in I Samuel 16 while searching in the household of Jesse for the nation’s second king. But the Lord said to Samuel:

Do not look at his appearance or at the height of his stature, because I have rejected him; for God sees not as man sees, for man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.

The Lord does not see what man sees!  Partiality occurs when one shows favoritism with respect to the outward appearance or circumstances of another human, instead of their intrinsic merit and value as determined from God’s perspective.

YIKES … My exact word to myself!  As the human race increased on this earth, human standards of judgment were erected by men to replace the divine ideals, which they continually rejected. Cain murdered Abel, and his descendants, while seemingly successful, became immoral oppressors. As individuals took upon themselves the position of judges over their fellow humans, they deemed others as inferior because of wealth/possessions, supposed intelligence (or lack of it), heritage and skin color.

As humanity grew, it also divided into various strains/groups where almost everyone looked down upon someone else for one reason or another.  Individuals have always sought to cover their own inferiority by creating another class beneath them, upon which they can vent the expression of their indignities. The inferior members of one group were despised by their supposed superiors, so they in turn looked down upon other groups because they differed in race, language, abilities, etc., etc.

Thousands of partialities have scarred the human race — thousands of resentments have risen.  Mankind is hopelessly trapped (without Christ), unable to resolve this problem. Society itself demonstrates the demented, growing intricacies of human interactions, which will eventually reach such entanglement that only the Sword/Word of God will be able to cut through the stronghold of partiality/favoritism bringing about right thinking and right living.  

Nonetheless, one must recognize that God created human life and left us choices. The fruit of wrong choices, such as partiality, which ultimately denies the truth that all are created in the image and likeness of God, is like a spider’s web. If a fly chooses to enter the web, or is attracted to the snare by some enticing temptation, it’s entrapped by the very nature of the web itself.  At that point, refusal to accept God’s abundant grace (through faith in Jesus Christ) and apply God’s Truth/Word has enmeshed that individual into a life from which they can never escape, having no power to free themselves!  This concept is pretty obvious if you simply consider the behavior of human beings towards one another throughout our world, and even currently in our own nation. 

While the perfect context of Romans 2:1 is in reference to God’s perfect, impartial, unbiased judgments, the born-again, faithful believer, who is living by faith in Jesus Christ, is clearly admonished throughout scripture to live life without partiality, preconceived bias, favoritism, prejudice, and/or bigotry.  While this does not mean living without discernment or wisdom, it is certainly a call for a redeemed thought process and overriding godly character!      

These also are sayings of the wise. To show partiality in judgment is not good.

Proverbs 24:23

The goddess of Justice, in the Greek system, had a bandage over her eyes so that she could not see the person (no face) who came before her for judgment. She also carried a set of scales so that justice could be given with absolute balance and equity.  Needless to say, we as believers are never called to function in blindness, but we must certainly desire to have the mind of Christ in all our judgments, in supreme superiority to the partiality and favoritism imbedded in every aspect of human society and reasoning.

May we be free of this menace! -PF