In II Corinthians 3:4-6 believers are reminded that they are “adequate servants of the new covenant” (NT grace/gospel-based relationship/contract with God through Christ Jesus alone).  How often do we actually consider, or view ourselves in this light?  The Lord is not simply calling us out as servants of the New Covenant, but as believers who are “adequate” in the framework (apparatus and structure) of that calling.  In order to fully comprehend “adequacy,” let’s first consider the context of this dynamic, empowering, and far-reaching comprehensive statement:   

Such confidence we have through Christ toward God.  Not that we are adequate in ourselves to consider anything as coming from ourselves, but our adequacy is from God, who also made us adequate as servants of a new covenant, not of the letter but of the Spirit; for the letter kills, but the Spirit gives life.

First, one must recognize/acknowledge “inadequacy” (insufficiency and even incompetency) as a significant and mandatory qualification for becoming a “servant of the new covenant.”  

Not that we are adequate in ourselves to consider anything as coming from ourselves.

How often do individuals overlook their own personal inadequacies in direct disagreement (even in prideful rebellion) with the Lord’s Word?  Doesn’t Christ simply desire for us to come into agreement with Him?  Even when one begins to face the truth about his/her own spiritual inabilities, especially when it concerns producing the type of life Christ is looking for, one can easily underestimate the extent of human deficiency.  Believers may come to think that they are just not able to produce everything, or as much as, God desires/wants in their lives.  Needless to say, our Lord has a more radical viewpoint, clearly stating that we cannot view ourselves as adequate in ourselves to consider anything as coming from ourselves.”  Again, doesn’t Christ simply desire His followers to come into agreement with Him?

Second, one must recognize/acknowledge God’s undeniable, irrefutable, sufficient and competent adequacy.  “Our adequacy (sufficiency) is from God” and no other!  The adequate and all sufficient resources for living the Christian life are to be found in Him and Him alone!   

We are to be the beneficiaries, by/through His grace, and recipients of God’s full and adequate supply.  Humans are not the source — even strong, dedicated, faithful believers are not the adequate, sufficient providers! 

The Lord is the right and proper resource and supply … all that’s needed for life and godliness (fearless, faithful, victorious, righteous living — see II Peter 1:3)!  

Can anyone simply agree with Him?

According to the scripture previously referenced (II Corinthians 3:4-6) the difference between living by God’s supply or by our own adequacy and resources is a matter of life and death . . . for the letter kills, but the Spirit gives life.”  Living the Christian life by our own capabilities will spiritually kill us. It will eventually leave us exhausted, discouraged, and condemned. Whereas, depending upon God’s Holy Spirit to supply the abundant grace of God will ultimately provide adequate strength, encouragement, and comfort.

Under the Old Testament Law and provisions of the Old Covenant, only the Levites were actually called and set apart to be officially God’s servants.  They were not allowed to participate in “earthly” or what we would call secular work, and they were to be totally supported by the tithes received from the other tribes of Israel.  It seems that modern- day Christianity may have unquantifiably and unreservedly adopted some of this Old Covenant philosophy and dumped it right out in the pews of today’s church. 

Where does the New Testament teach that only those who give up their secular jobs can become servants of God?  Undoubtedly, undeniably, irresponsibly, recklessly, negligently, and carelessly, this prominent teaching of human religion and tradition has been elevated as God’s will/purpose/truth. However this convoluted concept is without New Testament/New Covenant support, and stands in direct contradiction to the teachings of Christ and the biblical examples of New Testament church leadership.  Consider Romans 6:22:

But now having been freed from sin and enslaved to God, you derive your benefit, resulting in sanctification, and the outcome, eternal life.

One is made free from sin — then as a result becomes “enslaved to God,” or in other words, a servant/bondservant of the Lord.   The Greek word translated here “enslaved” is from the root word doulo/douloo, meaning both literally and figuratively to become (make) a servant and/or to bring into bondage/servitude.  Obviously apparent, this passage has nothing to do with how one makes a living, or someone giving up their secular job in order to become God’s servant!  The inexorable and unmistakable truth revealed here calls all those who believe in Jesus Christ to enter servanthood based upon them becoming eligible for that position and opportunity through God’s grace and provision for the removal of one’s sin found only in Jesus Christ!  It’s ultimately HIS adequacy and sufficiency that allows our privileged calling as adequate/sufficient servants of the New Covenant!   

Perhaps Christ’s followers should simply come into agreement with Him?  This prayer may help turn one’s heart and embrace this abiding Truth.

Lord of Grace, I humbly admit that I have often held a perspective so different from Yours on this subject of adequacy and sufficiency.  I have repeatedly behaved as though my entire Christian life experience depended upon what I thought I could do with/from my own abilities and resources.  Lord, as You have declared, it has brought forth spiritual deadness.  Please teach me to trust You and God’s Holy Spirit to birth (into my Christian life experience) the full adequacy and sufficiency of Your immeasurable grace. 

In Jesus’ name, Amen.                                                        

Simply try it … Pastor Frank


When Solomon built the first Hebrew temple which the Babylonians destroyed (586 BC – See 2 Kings 25:8–10), he had almost unlimited resources at his disposal since his father, King David, had fought many battles and collected huge spoils of war to be used in building God’s original temple. (See 1 Chronicles 26:20, 27-28) King Solomon was a powerful monarch with a vast kingdom, even ruling over some Gentile populated regions, but the Jews in the days of Zerubbabel and the prophet Zechariah had no such power, authority, or wealth!

In 538 BC, Zerubbabel, a leader from the tribe of Judah, was allowed to return to Jerusalem with other Jewish captives. (See Ezra 1:1-4) The Persian king appointed Zerubbabel as governor of Judah (See Haggai 1:1), and he began rebuilding the temple with the help of Jeshua, the high priest. (See Ezra 3:2-3, 8)

It took Zerubbabel two years to rebuild the Temple’s foundation. Construction was then delayed due to hostile opposition (See Ezra 4:1–5) and as a result, Persia withdrew its support.  For seventeen years the temple construction remained unfinished. (See Ezra 4:21) 

Nonetheless, while undoubtedly many had given up on the project, our Lord had a different / superior plan for His temple.  God then spoke to the remnant of His people in Jerusalem through His prophet in Zechariah 4:6-7:

This is the word of the Lord to Zerubbabel saying, ‘Not by might nor by power, but by My Spirit,’ says the Lord of hosts. What are you, O great mountain? Before Zerubbabel you will become a plain; and he will bring forth the top stone with shouts of “Grace, grace to it!”

Here in this text, the word “might” is referring to military strength, what people can do together as an army … but the remnant had no soldiers. “Power” refers to the strength of a commanding individual, but Zerubbabel’s abilities were no doubt limited, nothing like that of King Solomon! The idea of not being discouraged and trusting the Lord was at the heart of the prophet’s message.  Is it possible that the Spirit of God would enable them to accomplish something even in their apparent weakness?

There are three ways we can attempt to do the work of God:

1) We can trust our own strength and wisdom.

2) We can borrow the resources of the world.

3) We can depend on the power of God, the Almighty (omnipotent).

The first two approaches may usually appear to succeed, but the true work of the Lord is not accomplished in that manner! Only work done through the power of God’s Holy Spirit will glorify Him and endure the fires of His judgment. (See 1 Corinthians 3:12-15)

With limited resources, completing the temple looked to those Jews as impossible as moving a mountain! However, God told Zerubbabel that he would, by the power of God’s Spirit, level the mountain and make it a plain! In a similar manner, Jesus told His disciples that simple faith like a mustard seed (small but alive) could move mountains. (See Matthew 17:20; 21:21).

How often do we say that we are depending on God’s Holy Spirit? Revivalist Vance Havner (1901-1986), in commenting in that context on the methods of the modern-day church, stated:

But actually we are so wired up with our own devices that if the fire does not fall from heaven, we can turn on a switch and produce false fire of our own. If there is no sound of a rushing mighty wind, we have the furnace all set to blow hot air instead. God save us from a synthetic Pentecost!

God finishes His work! (See Zechariah 4:7b-10) God assured Zerubbabel that he would complete the rebuilding of the temple and the people would rejoice. The Lord gave a clear promise that Zerubbabel would complete the temple! (See Zechariah 4:9)

Shouldn’t this remind us of God’s promise and the true working of His Holy Spirit in us?

For I am confident of this very thing, that He who began a good work in you will perfect it until the day of Christ Jesus. (See Philippians 1:6)     

Are you serving and living in the strength our Lord supplies through the presence of His Holy Spirit? (See I Peter 4:11)  

Think about it, pray about it!                                                    

His & Yours, PF