The word “sealed” has many meanings and is used in numerous ways in our everyday language; however, when it comes to its use in Scripture, therein one finds great spiritual significance for each and every true disciple of Jesus Christ!

As an example, let’s consider Ephesians 1:13-14 …

In Him, you also, after listening to the message of truth, the gospel of your salvation — having also believed, you were sealed in Him with the Holy Spirit of promise, who is given as a pledge of our inheritance, with a view to the redemption of God’s own possession, to the praise of His glory.

In this incredible passage that speaks volumes to every believer in Christ Jesus, Paul employs the Greek root word “‎‎sphragizo” – to stamp (with a signet or private distinguishing mark) for security reasons or preservation and/or permanency (both literally or figuratively); by implication, to keep, seal up, or plug (as in stopping something up / keep from leaking). In Matthew 27:66, Christ’s tomb was “sealed” for security purposes. Revelation 20:3 reminds us that Satan is “sealed” (to shut him both up and out) in the abyss for 1000 years during the millennial reign of Christ and His redeemed, resurrected, glorified saints / priests! (see Romans 8:17; 2 Timothy 2:12; Revelation 5:10, 20:6)

Accordingly, we as believers have been “sealed with the Holy Spirit of promise” (PTL) “as a pledge of our inheritance!” Now I’m not sure any of us can really understand or comprehend privilege, unless we can fully wrap up this undeserved spiritual endowment that’s been abundantly poured out upon His people. We carry the distinguishing mark of Jesus Christ in the presence, power, preservation, and permanency of God’s Holy Spirit. Unique in all of creation and humanity … we are the ones sealed up by Him “as a pledge on our inheritance!”

“Pledge” – as used in this text, is a Greek word coming from a Hebrew origin, meaning the front-end part of the purchase-money, or in reference to assets that are given / paid in advance as security / a guarantee that the rest of a specific price will be paid in full. This is paid in earnest, from which modern-day real estate contracts derive the term earnest money. As a spiritual and theological application, Jesus Christ has purchased us for / on behalf of God the Father by His own shed blood (see Revelation 5:9), and then, for one’s own assurance, God’s Holy Spirit has been dispatched to be with us and in us, as His possession, “a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation.” (See 1 Peter 2:9) This is security / a guarantee that our Lord’s sacrifice and atoning death, coupled with His indescribable grace and our simple faith / belief in Him, provides every genuine believer with their inheritance … everlasting life, as well as an eternity in His presence. As His people, we are even boldly instructed to confidently rest in and fully rely on this perpetual, immutable truth. (see Hebrews 4:1-16)         

For all who are being led by the Spirit of God, these are sons of God. For you have not received a spirit of slavery leading to fear again, but you have received a spirit of adoption as sons by which we cry out, “Abba! Father.” The Spirit Himself testifies with our spirit that we are children of God, and if children, heirs also, heirs of God and fellow heirs with Christ, if indeed we suffer with Him so that we may also be glorified with Him.

— Romans 8:14-17

Later, in Paul’s letter to the church at Ephesus, he reminds believers not to grieve the Holy Spirit of God in Whom they have been “sealed” while awaiting the day of redemption. (see Ephesians 4:30) Note, believers are “sealed,” not by anything one may achieve or instigate according to their own will or power, but as the authoritative, commanding act of God! One is brought into a life lived by faith in Christ Jesus by a supernatural act of God according to His lovingkindness, mercy, and of course, sovereignty and providence. Then by that same mechanism, “sealed” by Him, for Him, and ultimately stamped with this distinguishing mark for His glory! 

To be “sealed” with God’s Holy Spirit as a pledge of our inheritance in Christ is the gracious gift of God, whereby He demonstrates the authenticity of a believer’s relationship with Him. Here is full-fledged proof / evidence of His authority, His ownership, and His commitment to each one of us forever!

His & Yours, because of GRACE (God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense)

Pastor Frank


The basic goal of tolerance is a noble one— to eliminate hatred towards other people by encouraging respect for differing ideas and opinions. However, over the past few decades, the word has evolved to mean, “Show respect by approving whatever another person chooses to believe or do.” In this way, our culture touts tolerance as one of the greatest of all virtues.

Actually, this is a pagan/worldly/fleshly/carnal attempt to dethrone the very action God cited as highest: love (see I Corinthians 13:13). Instead of simply acknowledging the values of fellow humans, we are now being asked, or even commanded, to accept and embrace them. This type of “tolerance” is based on the false idea that “truth” is whatever anyone decides or determines it to be, making it relative to each individual. In other words, each individual establishes what is right and wrong, good or evil, sinful or righteous for themselves in their own heart. Such a tenet creates an unavoidable chasm between God’s concept of love and our culture’s tolerance, because the actions of biblical love are rooted in absolute truth from His Holy Word, the Bible.

This shift in paradigm represents a dangerous and real trend that puts all of us on the front lines of a major cultural and spiritual battle. Is it a battle worth fighting? The answer is a resounding yes! Tolerance, as currently defined by our culture, will ultimately result in a society devoid of a biblical foundation. When the philosophy of relativism and the practice of absolute tolerance are adopted as the highest virtues by a society, the truth of Jesus Christ can no longer be proclaimed because it may be, and will be viewed as, offensive to some people. Eventually, in total hypocrisy, claims that our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ is the way and the truth (see John 14:6) will be dismissed as bigotry. Unfortunately, it seems those times are quickly approaching, or perhaps already here!

As Christians, we can fight and win this battle. We must ask ourselves, “Am I afraid of being labeled “intolerant,” or do I care enough to take a real interest in others and share Christ?” While Christians are exhorted to hate evil (see Amos 5:15), we are nonetheless commanded to love our enemies as well as our neighbors (see Leviticus 19:18, Matthew 5:44). For all true disciples of Jesus Christ, this directive relates to all humanity without respect to their gender, race, nationality, heritage, position in life, fame, fortune, looks (good or bad), abilities (great or limited), idiosyncrasies, beliefs, etc. We, as believers, have no business being condescending under any circumstances. Arrogance on our part not only builds a wall between us and others, but it also shows a complete lack of understanding of Christ’s sacrifice and our dependence upon Him.

I Corinthians 13:4 states, “Love does not brag and is not arrogant.” In other words, rather than criticizing harshly, we should gently minister to people whose morality differs from our own biblical principles. Furthermore, displaying true love requires placing a priority on the needs of those around us. Otherwise, it becomes evident that we are not acting out of genuine love for others, but instead are only concerned with ourselves.

Additionally, I Corinthians 13:6 says, “Love does not rejoice in unrighteousness, but rejoices with the truth.” That means, we should not at all agree with everything/anything! True love means supporting absolute biblical truth. In order to do so, we must know the truth, God’s Word, or else we will have nothing left to stand upon except our own ideas and opinions, similar to those who do not know the truth or its Author. Now, I Corinthians 13:7 teaches, “Love bears all things and endures all things.” However, that doesn’t mean, “Tolerates all things.” No, it actually means that when we take a stand, do what’s right, and/or “speak/share the truth in love,” whether in personal interactions or in the public arena, some people will hate and despise us.

In Matthew 5:44, Jesus tells us to pray for those who persecute us. It is a fact, that no matter how kind we are, we will be persecuted for proclaiming God’s absolute truth. But, if we are genuinely demonstrating His love, we will be motivated to lift our antagonist in prayer, bearing and enduring whatever insults and persecution they deliver. In so doing, your constant prayer for those who insult and persecute you will become a great and powerful weapon to pry open their spiritual eyes and penetrate their stone cold heart!

We must remember that Jesus Christ Himself was not tolerant of all ideas and philosophies. He allowed those He encountered the right to hold and adhere to ridiculous opinions and erroneous philosophical ideas (see Matthew 10:13-14; 12:30). However, our Lord effectively tailored His replies and comments to each individual’s level of spiritual understanding. By so doing, He challenged and expanded their thinking in a God-ward direction (see John 3:3-12; 4:7-29). We might call this approach, “loving the sinner while hating the sin.” It would be extremely wise for us to become “intolerant” exactly in this same way; the way Jesus Himself was. We must become counter-cultural by learning to act out of, and pro-actively respond through, the powerful and holy combination of true biblical love and absolute truth! Jesus was the world’s best at this, but I’m confident He has not failed to equip us with this exact same ability!

Today, there is a desperate need in our church, our families, our diverse culture(s), and in our society to see God’s glory revealed by the application of this divine formula — absolute truth + matchless love (see I Corinthians 13:8). Remember, this fight is not against the intellect of a particular man/woman, against our peers, or others from perhaps different cultures (see Ephesians 6:12). In fact, it is a battle for our friends, loved ones, and all of humanity, which must boldly stand in direct opposition to the wiles and schemes of a tolerant contemporary culture, promoted by Satan himself. Not everyone is going to like us — some will not tolerate us! Yet, as you and I practice love, and develop the right kind, the Jesus kind, of “intolerance,” may you find strength and courage from God’s Holy Spirit and the words of our Lord in John 16:33, “In this world you have tribulation, but take courage; I have overcome the world.” YES! In Him we can/will know and experience the victory!

Just think about it – Pastor Frank


Last week, I challenged every believer to recognize the need for and the power of “vision;” vision from God in their individual lives, family, and ministry; by reflecting on some principles revealed in the first few chapters of Nehemiah. His life was dynamically changed and impacted by his willingness to; 1) believe God, 2) embrace God’s vision, 3) actively participate in the vision, and 4) pass it on to God’s people. Nehemiah provides an excellent example for every believer as God entrusts him (as He does us) with many opportunities. His clarity of vision, commitment, and faith is directly linked to success —

“The God of heaven will give us success (after all, it’s His purpose and vision conveyed to His people for His glory and their blessing/benefit); therefore we His servants (God’s athletes, builders, stewards, soldiers, workmen) will arise (by faith – trust and obey) and build, but you (cynics and hecklers) have no portion, right, or memorial in Jerusalem.”

As with any true vision from God, Nehemiah faced opposition and attacks from the enemy. That’s true in our lives as well. If God is with you, and for you, you can usually count on someone or something rising-up against you, even though the enemy is powerless against the hand of our Lord! Nehemiah faced overt opposition numerous times in Chapters 4-6:14.

In Chapter 4, the initial attack comes from those on the outside, who openly ridicule the Jewish people, their abilities, craftsmanship, and even their God. Tobiah says, “What they are building – if a fox should jump/climb upon it, he will break their stone wall down.” I find it interesting that this cynic/heckler can make this statement without even evaluating the wall, its design or structural integrity! Nehemiah and God’s people simply cry out to God concerning this attack (vs. 4-5) and continue steadfast and immovable with their faith and trust in God – “So we built the wall and the whole wall was joined together to half its height, for the people had a mind to work!

Next, the enemies of God’s people form an allegiance and threaten to launch a military campaign against Jerusalem which is intended as a distraction to ultimately stop the wall reconstruction project. Once again, God’s people “prayed” (vs9), however they were also compelled (by God’s Holy Spirit as he directed Nehemiah) to post guards and develop military strategies to effectively respond to an enemy attack (vs. 13-23). It’s interesting how forces which normally can’t agree on anything, unite together against a common enemy -– in this case the work of God.

Christ experienced the Pharisees, Sadducees, and other Jewish leaders (Sanhedrin & Chief Priests– who disagreed and constantly fought with each other over spiritual and political issues) coming together in unity, jointly conspiring to eliminate Jesus Christ, as well as Lazarus, whom He raised from the dead (John 11:45-12:11). As believers, we must recognize, and stand firm against, the “schemes (devices/wiles) of the devil” (Eph. 6:11) who is a thief and a liar. We must prepare and post our guards while continuing the work, being adequately equipped in the full armor of God!

The next difficulty faced by Nehemiah (Chapter 5) comes from within, as God’s people fail to live righteously and violate one another by refusing to honor the truths and values established in God’s Word. Satan’s obvious attempt is to stir up strife and divide the body. Many, many times, the enemy is given a foothold in an effective ministry or church, simply because God’s people fail to obey the Word in dealing with one another. This sin was a form of extortion, “Exacting usury each from his brother” (vs7). In verse 6 we learn that this injustice makes Nehemiah “very angry” and according to God’s wisdom and instruction he institutes complete economic reform which brings relief for God’s people.

Nehemiah faces three more onslaughts from the enemy in Chapter 6. The first is through compromise, when Sanballat and Geshem try to set up a meeting with Nehemiah in the “plain of Ono” to talk things over. I love Nehemiah’s response in verses 3-4 as he says O NO, “Why should the work (of God) stop” for me to come down and meet with you? Once again God’s Spirit is directing Nehemiah because they were planning to “do Him harm” (vs2). In verses 5-9 the enemy tries slander against Nehemiah, but his character is true and he trusts God to defend his name.

Next the enemy conspired to entrap Nehemiah (vs10-14) but once again, God’s Holy Spirit leads Nehemiah, providing discernment, and he remains above reproach. You may recall several attempts like this made against Christ in the Gospels. Nehemiah and God’s people find victory, triumph, and success – the wall is completed in 52 days (vs15) and the enemy was completely defeated (vs16)! This type of conquest requires faith, discipline, hard work, and commitment. But, without a clear vision, the project could have been delayed or even dismantled by the enemy’s attacks. Nehemiah continued steadfast, refusing to be sidetracked, and resisting every form of attack (“Resist the devil and he will flee”).

How often is the enemy successful not because we fall into some gross sin, but simply because we get sidetracked and fail to achieve the vision(s) and life purpose(s) God has entrusted to us? Can we trust and obey our Lord, Jesus Christ, believing He wants to accomplish His vision(s) and purpose(s) in us and through us, both personally and as a body, united together in the ministry of West Oaks Fellowship?

Just think about it. –Pastor Frank