This word is tossed around like a hot potato or kicked around like a soccer ball in our modern society.  So misused, so distorted and abused, its meaning is becoming insensately meaningless.  Does anyone really know what’s meant or intended when someone passionately cries out or humbly appeals for “justice?”  Has the whole idea of justice become simply what one thinks or believes is right in a given situation within the framework of certain circumstances? 

It’s interesting to note that in both the Old and New Testaments, the Hebrew and Greek  words for “justice” are generally translated or rendered the same …  “righteousness” in our English Bibles.  While this may not seem important, it is highly significant because spiritually and scripturally speaking these two ideas are essentially the same.  Therefore, one must keep this in mind when reading and/or studying the biblical text, and not insert a modern, human, westernized definition or understanding of either word (which one may tend to do).    

In the Old Testament, a lot of emphasis is placed upon human justice, primarily dealing with one’s conduct in relation to others, especially in regard to the property, privileges, and rights of others. It applied to business — where just weights and measures are demanded (Leviticus 19:35-36; Deuteronomy 25:13-16; Amos 8:5; Proverbs 11:1; 16:11; Ezekiel 45:9-10). It is demanded in courts — where the rights of rich and poor, Israelite and sojourner, are equally to be regarded.  Neither station, nor bribe, nor popular clamor, shall influence judges or witnesses.  In actuality, all of God’s people are instructed . . .

Justice, justice shalt thou follow (Deuteronomy 16:18-20; Exodus 23:1-3,6-9). 

This justice is what we, as faithful believers/followers, might call, “righteous living” — as contrasted with the wickedness and evil of those who fail to fear God and/or give due respect to other human beings.  Remember the parable of the “unrighteous judge” in Luke 18:1-8?  Jesus stated that he, “did not fear God and did not respect man” . . . So why was he called an unrighteous judge? 

In a broader sense, justice is not only honoring others by granting them their rights, but may actually involve the duty and/or activity of establishing someone else’s rights.  Remember the problem found in Acts 6:1-6, Christ’s first church meeting in Jerusalem? A specific group of individuals were being overlooked in the fellowship.  It did not matter if that was intentional or unintentional, it simply wasn’t appropriate/right. 

Therefore, justice was needed/demanded, and was promptly and forthrightly established!  Those living righteously were, in an unprecedented manner, able to establish righteousness/justice for all.  Please note, this wasn’t through the establishment of a governmental program or action, but the supreme  execution of a better system . . . righteous people simply doing righteousness, thus justice was established and prevailed!  In addition, consider the outward impact that occurred as His Church successfully resolved (without any outside influence) an internal problem —

The word of God kept on spreading; and the number of the disciples continued to increase greatly in Jerusalem, and a great many of the priests were becoming obedient to the faith.

Throughout the scriptures, the idea of seeking justice means to:

  1. relieve the oppressed”
  2. “aid the fatherless”
  3. “plead for and assist the widow” (Deuteronomy 24:12-13; Isaiah 1:17, 11:4; Jeremiah 22:15-16; Psalms 37:21,26, 82:2-4, 112:4-6).  

However, this conception of justice falls short of its full spiritual denotation and significance. Remember, biblically speaking, the concept of justice and/or righteousness is essentially the same. That idea becomes even more profound and focused within the spiritual, moral, and ethical aspects of a New Testament Christian’s life. It’s a matter of character, not some wishful norm of good human behavior.  For believers, the absolute, prevailing standard is clearly established in 1 John 3:7:

Little children, make sure no one deceives you; the one who practices righteousness is righteous, just as He is righteous; the one who practices sin is of the devil; for the devil has sinned from the beginning.

A mere give-and-take justice, defined by humans for humans, is not justice at all, and it is consistently never/not enough! The unfailing ideal is righteousness/justice, not simply extra rights or more privileges that somehow are supposed to give the less-advantaged the advantage. Yes, “the folly of fools is foolishness” (Proverbs 14:24) and “The naive inherit foolishness. (Proverbs 14:18)  While the ways of humanity may seem right to humanity (see Proverbs 16:2), God clearly reveals that even American justice is supremely deficient and flawed, because those that live justly/righteously are the only ones qualified to identify, establish, and implement true justice!  Think about it –

How blessed are those who keep justice, who practice righteousness at all times!(Psalms 106:3)

May the just arise from among us, may the righteous step up!

                   His & Yours, Pastor Frank


What is justice? Where is justice found?  The original Hebrew words (tsedhaqah‎; ‎tsedheq‎) and the Greek word (dikaiosune‎), are essentially the same as those rendered or translated “righteousness.”  This is common in about half of the uses in the King James Version of the biblical text as well as in the American Standard Revised Version.  Other versions use the words interchangeably based upon the context of the verse. Nonetheless, it must be constantly borne in mind that the two ideas are essentially the same throughout the entire Bible.

1. Human Justice primarily has to do with conduct in relationship to others, especially with regard for the rights of individuals.  This justice, in general, is contrasted with humanity’s evil or wickedness which “feared not God, and regarded not (one’s fellow) man” (See Luke 18:2). In a larger sense, justice involves not only giving others their rights, but the active duty of establishing their rights.   

Isaiah 1:17 Learn to do good; Seek justice, reprove the ruthless, defend the orphan, plead for the widow.

Psalm 82:2-4 How long will you judge unjustly and show partiality to the wicked?  Selah. Vindicate the weak and fatherless; Do justice to the afflicted and destitute. Rescue the weak and needy; Deliver them out of the hand of the wicked.

In our New Testament, the idea of justice or righteousness (remember … these are essentially the same) becomes more spiritual and ethical. It is truly a matter of character, and God’s own spirit is the standard!   

I John 3:7-8 Little children, make sure no one deceives you; the one who practices righteousness is righteous, just as He is righteous; the one who practices sin is of the devil; for the devil has sinned from the beginning.

The mere give-and-take idea of justice is not enough. Believers are unquestionably and uniquely called to be  merciful … merciful to all fellow humans!  The ideal is our righteousness in God through Christ Jesus, not rights!  In Matthew 5:20, Jesus declared:

Unless your righteousness surpasses that of the scribes and Pharisees, you will not enter the kingdom of heaven.

2. God’s justice, or righteousness, is found to be an essential aspect of His divine nature.  However, just as with humanity, it is not something abstract, but is clearly revealed in His relationship to mankind and the world He created. It is His Lordship/Kingship that established and maintains justice. Even though it appears as retributive justice, it’s the reaction of His Holy will/nature, and is  grounded in His very being.  He is against evil … whatever,  wherever found.

Habakkuk 1:13 Your eyes are too pure to approve evil, And You can not look on wickedness with favor.

Therefore, He is not, and cannot be … indifferent to good and evil, right and wrong, etc.  All the great prophets of the Old Testament, Isaiah, Micah, Amos, Hosea, each understood God’s just/righteous nature, and insist upon Yahweh’s call/demand for justice/righteousness in/with God’s people.

Today, our cultures and societies know little of genuine justice and in fact may even come to deny it’s existence or origin, despite the consequences within the framework of human civilization.  Nevertheless, God’s people are to seek justice, justice for all — as a fundamental component of our belief system/faith … apart from which there is no, and will never be any, true or valid, justice/righteousness.    

At West Oaks Fellowship, I pray we “seek justice” and embrace the true meaning of justice for all, standing firm in the understanding that God is just, and the justifier of all those who place their full faith in Jesus Christ!  (See Romans 3:26).

                                                                           His & Yours, PF


In Romans 2:11 the scriptures declare that there is no partiality (respect of persons)(Gk – prosopolempsia) with God,” meaning that our Lord shows no favoritism in respect to one’s earthly position or rank, popularity, circumstances, wealth, knowledge, power, influence, etc. in His judgments.  In Ephesians 6:9, we are reminded once again that, “there is no partiality with Him” and in Colossians 2:25 we see that Christ, as the ultimate judge of humanity, will arbitrate “without partiality (favoritism).”

In these biblical references, the nature and character of God/Christ is clearly revealed in a sense much too broad for human understanding.  However, from a spiritual perspective … a renewed mind in the Lord, and with the inspiring assistance of God’s Holy Spirit, believers are able to gain a glimpse/foretaste of understanding, in spite of our lingering sin nature (fleshly passions), worldly perspectives (ungodly thinking), and ingrained cultural influences. As a result, Christians, whether admitted and addressed (dealt with) or not, genuinely struggle with the deeper truth and internal applications of unpretentious/unassuming spiritual impartiality as emphasized in James 2:1.  

My brethren, do not hold your faith in our glorious Lord Jesus Christ with an attitude of personal favoritism.

The apostle James continues in 2:2-10 (please read before going on) by providing an explanation of what would be considered improper behavior within Christ’s church.  Perhaps you recall Samuel’s struggle in I Samuel 16 while searching in the household of Jesse for the nation’s second king. But the Lord said to Samuel:

Do not look at his appearance or at the height of his stature, because I have rejected him; for God sees not as man sees, for man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.

The Lord does not see what man sees!  Partiality occurs when one shows favoritism with respect to the outward appearance or circumstances of another human, instead of their intrinsic merit and value as determined from God’s perspective.

YIKES … My exact word to myself!  As the human race increased on this earth, human standards of judgment were erected by men to replace the divine ideals, which they continually rejected. Cain murdered Abel, and his descendants, while seemingly successful, became immoral oppressors. As individuals took upon themselves the position of judges over their fellow humans, they deemed others as inferior because of wealth/possessions, supposed intelligence (or lack of it), heritage and skin color.

As humanity grew, it also divided into various strains/groups where almost everyone looked down upon someone else for one reason or another.  Individuals have always sought to cover their own inferiority by creating another class beneath them, upon which they can vent the expression of their indignities. The inferior members of one group were despised by their supposed superiors, so they in turn looked down upon other groups because they differed in race, language, abilities, etc., etc.

Thousands of partialities have scarred the human race — thousands of resentments have risen.  Mankind is hopelessly trapped (without Christ), unable to resolve this problem. Society itself demonstrates the demented, growing intricacies of human interactions, which will eventually reach such entanglement that only the Sword/Word of God will be able to cut through the stronghold of partiality/favoritism bringing about right thinking and right living.  

Nonetheless, one must recognize that God created human life and left us choices. The fruit of wrong choices, such as partiality, which ultimately denies the truth that all are created in the image and likeness of God, is like a spider’s web. If a fly chooses to enter the web, or is attracted to the snare by some enticing temptation, it’s entrapped by the very nature of the web itself.  At that point, refusal to accept God’s abundant grace (through faith in Jesus Christ) and apply God’s Truth/Word has enmeshed that individual into a life from which they can never escape, having no power to free themselves!  This concept is pretty obvious if you simply consider the behavior of human beings towards one another throughout our world, and even currently in our own nation. 

While the perfect context of Romans 2:1 is in reference to God’s perfect, impartial, unbiased judgments, the born-again, faithful believer, who is living by faith in Jesus Christ, is clearly admonished throughout scripture to live life without partiality, preconceived bias, favoritism, prejudice, and/or bigotry.  While this does not mean living without discernment or wisdom, it is certainly a call for a redeemed thought process and overriding godly character!      

These also are sayings of the wise. To show partiality in judgment is not good.

Proverbs 24:23

The goddess of Justice, in the Greek system, had a bandage over her eyes so that she could not see the person (no face) who came before her for judgment. She also carried a set of scales so that justice could be given with absolute balance and equity.  Needless to say, we as believers are never called to function in blindness, but we must certainly desire to have the mind of Christ in all our judgments, in supreme superiority to the partiality and favoritism imbedded in every aspect of human society and reasoning.

May we be free of this menace! -PF