PASSION – (pash’-un): “Passion” is derived from the Latin word “passio,” which actually is derived from the verb “patior,” with the root of “pat-.” These Latin concepts are similar and linguistically connected with the Greek root, “path-,” to form words found in Greek, Latin, and English languages and in our Bibles. For some reason, of which I have no clue, words connected with these Greek and Latin roots, pat-, path-, are often susceptible to a great variety of meanings. The word passion itself may have over 20 meanings as we use it in everyday communication, varying from a violent outburst of anger to suffering as a martyr, from strong amorous feelings to simple enthusiasm. Just consult almost any dictionary and you’ll see what I mean. However, the word “passion,” as it appears in English and Greek versions of God’s New Testament, only has three distinct meanings for believers to consider.

  1. In Acts 1:3, Luke (the author) gives testimony concerning Christ’s resurrection, “to whom He also showed Himself alive after His passion.” An actual Greek text might read, “after he had suffered,” instead of the one word passion used here in many English translations. The Vulgate (Jerome’s Latin Bible, 390 AD – 405 AD) reads, “post passionem suam.” This is the only place in the New Testament Scriptures where the word translated “passion” has this meaning, and it is used in contemporary English in the same way when referring to Christ’s suffering, i.e., “Passion Play,” etc.
  2. In Acts 14:15 and James 5:17, the word “passion,” also translated as “nature” refers to human emotions and feelings — “Elijah was a man with a nature (or passions) like ours.” A more literal translation of the Greek might read, “Elijah was a man with exactly the same human feelings and emotions that we have.”
  3. In Romans 1:26, Colossians 3:5, and I Thessalonians 4:5 the word “passion” describes any over-emotion, over-response, exaggerated or overly enhanced desire or feeling, sometimes with immoral sensual overtones. An “inordinate affection” or anything that serves to weaken or rob a person’s self-control/command is perhaps the best understanding of “passion” as used in these New Testament verses.

As Palm Sunday, Good Friday, and Resurrection Sunday approach, I’d encourage you to embrace the thoughts of Christ’s passion. Don’t run from these “passions,” but instead embrace them, considering the magnitude and magnanimity of God’s sacrifice, as He offered His one and only Son, Jesus Christ in passionate demonstration of His love for us and all mankind.

Just Think About It! Hope to see you and yours this Sunday.