An anniversary is the commemoration or celebration of a past event that occurs annually on the same date of the year as the initial, inaugural event.  Needless to say, the simplest example would be one’s wedding anniversary.  As far as we know, this word was first used in relation to religious memorial days that venerated various saints.  These feasts were similar to those associated with Judaism when the Hebrew people gathered to worship the Lord and express their gratitude for all His work in their nation, as well as in their individual lives and families.   

This June, West Oaks Fellowship will observe her 30th anniversary.  In some ways it seems like only yesterday when a handful of young committed believers gathered in hopes of forming a new ministry in association with Westheimer Baptist Church/First Baptist West Houston.  As that aspiration quickly diminished, we came to believe that the Lord was leading us to embrace what seemed to be the next best viable option … start an independent, biblically based ministry/church/fellowship. 

There I was, 30 years old and wading out deep in unfamiliar waters with no bridge back.  Sure, I had led Sonburst (a Jesus band that I was instrumental in forming in 1972), organized and managed my own construction businesses, and served in staff positions for several ministries, but now I was truly out on my own as Christ’s undershepherd … fully responsible and accountable for His flock/people.  Yes, it was somewhat of an intimidating position; one matched only by the loss of my parents and 19 friends in our youth group at age 18 on December 26, 1972, seven months after I had graduated from high school.  Unquestionably, it was truly sink or swim, yet every time I think about those early days of this ministry, then called Grace Church, I am overwhelmed by His abundant grace, and I find myself eternally grateful for three essential elements that God had uniquely orchestrated and put in place for that day and the initial formative years of WOF:

1.    A supporting bride (Brenda) who was succeeding in her own businesses which provided us with not only the funds needed for our well-being, but resources to help underwrite this newly-born New Testament based ministry.

2.     A few godly young men (all around 30) and their wives (some singles too), who loved God, respected one another, and knew His word.  They gave consistently, sacrificially, and responsibly to the ministry of both their time and resources and each of them stepped up to provide the leadership we needed to insure that our initial steps were positioned on a sure, unshakable foundation.

3.    Then, there were all those that came without much expectation (cheap chairs   and creative uses of spaces), but with a strong desire to seek and know the Lord more intimately. Most, wholeheartedly and enthusiastically, even though perhaps nervously, embraced the vision of becoming a church patterned in accordance with the concepts found in the New Testament rather than that of any particular denomination or church entity.

Over the last 30 years, we’ve experienced innumerable blessings, been through some truly difficult seasons, and witnessed a few marked moments when one could certainly declare, “How marvelous, how wonderful is our Savior’s love for us!”  At times our tears, which have been plentiful, have been turned to rejoicing and our sorrows to hope (confident expectation in Him) and celebration.  His faithfulness has guided us through each and every dark time, caused us to overcome seemingly overwhelming odds and difficulties and yet at the same time, learn to be jubilant in the victories.  Through it all, we’ve grown stronger through the trials, becoming steadfast and unrelenting in our pursuit of genuine spiritual transformation. (See Romans 12:1-2, II Corinthians 5:17) Furthermore, scores of lasting, authentic, meaningful, Christ-centered relationships/friendships have emerged within our church body at WOF, providing biblical encouragement, acceptance, and support for one another.  (See I Thessalonians 5:11, Romans 15:7)  The Gospel of Jesus Christ has been affirmed as TRUTH, and God’s Word has been boldly declared with uncompromising passion in well over 3500 public presentations.  (See I Corinthians 1:22-25, II Timothy 4:1-5) 

Have you ever considered that throughout our fellowship’s history, over 15,000 songs of worship and praise, along with many of the enduring hymns of Christ’s church, have been offered in declaration of God’s character/nature and in adoration of the Lord?  (See Ephesians 5:18-21,  Colossians 3:16, Psalm 150)  How many came to know Christ, how many baptized, how many lives positively impacted and changed for His glory?  Only the Lord really knows the fruit of our labor together in this ministry, but most of us would agree, it’s been a good race!

Now let’s consider … What do the next 20 – 30 years look like?  If our Lord graciously tarries, and we haven’t joined Him in His end time conquests, then I sincerely pray that the foundation and heritage that’s been laid by all of us at WOF will continue to provide all the necessary support that’s needed for the next generation to assume and continue the work of Christ until He returns and establishes His Kingdom.

It’s been an incredible blessing and distinguished honor to serve each of you over the last 30 years.                                              

Thanks, Pastor Frank


Last week, I challenged every believer to recognize the need for and the power of “vision;” vision from God in their individual lives, family, and ministry; by reflecting on some principles revealed in the first few chapters of Nehemiah. His life was dynamically changed and impacted by his willingness to; 1) believe God, 2) embrace God’s vision, 3) actively participate in the vision, and 4) pass it on to God’s people. Nehemiah provides an excellent example for every believer as God entrusts him (as He does us) with many opportunities. His clarity of vision, commitment, and faith is directly linked to success —

“The God of heaven will give us success (after all, it’s His purpose and vision conveyed to His people for His glory and their blessing/benefit); therefore we His servants (God’s athletes, builders, stewards, soldiers, workmen) will arise (by faith – trust and obey) and build, but you (cynics and hecklers) have no portion, right, or memorial in Jerusalem.”

As with any true vision from God, Nehemiah faced opposition and attacks from the enemy. That’s true in our lives as well. If God is with you, and for you, you can usually count on someone or something rising-up against you, even though the enemy is powerless against the hand of our Lord! Nehemiah faced overt opposition numerous times in Chapters 4-6:14.

In Chapter 4, the initial attack comes from those on the outside, who openly ridicule the Jewish people, their abilities, craftsmanship, and even their God. Tobiah says, “What they are building – if a fox should jump/climb upon it, he will break their stone wall down.” I find it interesting that this cynic/heckler can make this statement without even evaluating the wall, its design or structural integrity! Nehemiah and God’s people simply cry out to God concerning this attack (vs. 4-5) and continue steadfast and immovable with their faith and trust in God – “So we built the wall and the whole wall was joined together to half its height, for the people had a mind to work!

Next, the enemies of God’s people form an allegiance and threaten to launch a military campaign against Jerusalem which is intended as a distraction to ultimately stop the wall reconstruction project. Once again, God’s people “prayed” (vs9), however they were also compelled (by God’s Holy Spirit as he directed Nehemiah) to post guards and develop military strategies to effectively respond to an enemy attack (vs. 13-23). It’s interesting how forces which normally can’t agree on anything, unite together against a common enemy -– in this case the work of God.

Christ experienced the Pharisees, Sadducees, and other Jewish leaders (Sanhedrin & Chief Priests– who disagreed and constantly fought with each other over spiritual and political issues) coming together in unity, jointly conspiring to eliminate Jesus Christ, as well as Lazarus, whom He raised from the dead (John 11:45-12:11). As believers, we must recognize, and stand firm against, the “schemes (devices/wiles) of the devil” (Eph. 6:11) who is a thief and a liar. We must prepare and post our guards while continuing the work, being adequately equipped in the full armor of God!

The next difficulty faced by Nehemiah (Chapter 5) comes from within, as God’s people fail to live righteously and violate one another by refusing to honor the truths and values established in God’s Word. Satan’s obvious attempt is to stir up strife and divide the body. Many, many times, the enemy is given a foothold in an effective ministry or church, simply because God’s people fail to obey the Word in dealing with one another. This sin was a form of extortion, “Exacting usury each from his brother” (vs7). In verse 6 we learn that this injustice makes Nehemiah “very angry” and according to God’s wisdom and instruction he institutes complete economic reform which brings relief for God’s people.

Nehemiah faces three more onslaughts from the enemy in Chapter 6. The first is through compromise, when Sanballat and Geshem try to set up a meeting with Nehemiah in the “plain of Ono” to talk things over. I love Nehemiah’s response in verses 3-4 as he says O NO, “Why should the work (of God) stop” for me to come down and meet with you? Once again God’s Spirit is directing Nehemiah because they were planning to “do Him harm” (vs2). In verses 5-9 the enemy tries slander against Nehemiah, but his character is true and he trusts God to defend his name.

Next the enemy conspired to entrap Nehemiah (vs10-14) but once again, God’s Holy Spirit leads Nehemiah, providing discernment, and he remains above reproach. You may recall several attempts like this made against Christ in the Gospels. Nehemiah and God’s people find victory, triumph, and success – the wall is completed in 52 days (vs15) and the enemy was completely defeated (vs16)! This type of conquest requires faith, discipline, hard work, and commitment. But, without a clear vision, the project could have been delayed or even dismantled by the enemy’s attacks. Nehemiah continued steadfast, refusing to be sidetracked, and resisting every form of attack (“Resist the devil and he will flee”).

How often is the enemy successful not because we fall into some gross sin, but simply because we get sidetracked and fail to achieve the vision(s) and life purpose(s) God has entrusted to us? Can we trust and obey our Lord, Jesus Christ, believing He wants to accomplish His vision(s) and purpose(s) in us and through us, both personally and as a body, united together in the ministry of West Oaks Fellowship?

Just think about it. –Pastor Frank


In my studies of Nehemiah, the Lord has always revealed principles of leadership along with the need for, and the power of, vision in one’s life. Every believer needs vision, vision from God concerning their lives and ministry, and that is readily available for anyone who will diligently seek out the Lord’s purposes in their lives.

When Nehemiah (Chapter 1) learns about the conditions in Jerusalem and the remnant of his fellow Jews living there, it makes a profound impact (effect), moving him to a period of fasting and prayer. Out of this time of diligently seeking God, Nehemiah emerges with a clear calling and vision. Nehemiah’s calling and vision is also intrinsically linked with God’s answer to his burden/concern and prayer. Numerous times I’ve found that God calls the one burdened by a need or situation to actively participate in its resolution/healing/etc. How many times has God desired to use you as a part of the answer to your own prayers?

As Nehemiah (by faith — in trust) takes ownership of his calling and vision (Chapter 2), he experiences God’s supernatural power — doors are opened and opportunities provided allowing Nehemiah to fully engage in his “God” revealed purpose/vision. As Nehemiah arrives in Jerusalem he carries out a strategic analysis and overall evaluation of the situation. Why does he do this before sharing his purpose/vision with his Jewish brothers? To some, this answer may be obvious, but it’s not to shore-up public support for his ideas, which is the tendencies of humanity and the wisdom of our world, or even to provide a clearer, more precise view of the task at hand, which will answer all the critical questions. Instead he’s waiting for the appropriate time when God allows him to share his vision under the Lord’s anointing and in His authority. You’ll notice in verse 17 of chapter 2 that Nehemiah challenges the people in Jerusalem with very simple words saying, “Come, let us rebuild the wall of Jerusalem that we may no longer be a reproach.” Just like the apostle Paul, Nehemiah didn’t come with “eloquence of speech,” but with vision and the convicting power of almighty God!

Then Nehemiah goes on to share his testimony concerning the Lord’s miraculous work and provisions leading up to that very moment. Hear the people’s response in verse 18, “Let us arise and build.” God’s purpose/vision for Nehemiah was now the purpose and vision for the community and they “put there hands to the good work.” Of course there are a few knucklers and knockers, those that knock anything and everything that’s attempted by those brave enough (foolish enough) to embrace God’s purpose and vision. Sadly, this human factor is to be expected with every work of God, whether it’s rebuilding the wall of Jerusalem, building people’s lives, or working to improve the effectiveness of a church’s ministry. Nehemiah’s answer in verse 20 is a powerful prophetic word of supernatural faith, single mindedness, commitment, surrender, wisdom, and knowledge –

“The God of heaven will give us success (after all it’s His purpose and vision conveyed to His people for His glory and their blessing/benefit); therefore we His servants (God’s builders, soldiers, athletes, workmen) will arise (by faith – trust and obey) and build, but you (knuclers and knockers) have no portion, right, or memorial in Jerusalem.”

Showing how the enemy is overcome and defeated through the establishment and accomplishment of God’s purpose and vision in our lives, we can clearly see that Nehemiah’s life was dynamically changed and impacted by his willingness to 1) believe God, 2) embrace God’s vision, 3) actively participate in the vision, and 4) passed it on to God’s people. I’m praying that every one of us at West Oaks Fellowship will seek and hear from God just like Nehemiah. May we embrace His vision/purpose for our lives, families, as well as for our church and ministry! Then, may we trust our Lord, Jesus Christ to accomplish His vision/purpose in us and through us. An old cell phone commercial constantly asked, “Can you hear me now?” Spiritually speaking we know God hears us, so perhaps we should ask ourselves if we’re hearing God. Is God waiting for your response to His question, “Can you hear Me now?” Hearing God births vision and purpose in a believer’s life, so how will you answer God as He asks, “Are you seeing me now?”

Just think about it. –Pastor Frank