The following message was written by Joseph Hay, Youth Ministry Director 

The high priest questioned them saying, “We gave you strict orders not to continue teaching in this name, and yet, you have filled Jerusalem with your teaching and intend to bring this man’s blood upon us.” But Peter and the apostles answered, “We must obey God rather than men.  The God of our fathers raised up Jesus, whom you had put to death by hanging Him on a cross. He is the one whom God exalted to His right hand as a Prince and a Savior, to grant repentance to Israel, and forgiveness of sins. And we are witnesses of these things; and so is the Holy Spirit, whom God has given to those who obey Him.  –Acts 5:27-32

In this passage, Peter and the other apostles are in front of a court of the religious leaders where they are accused of not following the law. Peter defiantly said that the apostles would not stop preaching and teaching the Word of God and the teaching of Jesus Christ because they must obey God over any man or law.

Today in Houston, pastors, elders, church leaders, and Christians are facing a similar situation. The mayor of Houston, Annise Parker, and the city attorney’s office previously subpoenaed several pastors’ sermons in which the topic of homosexuality and/or “HERO” (Houston Equal Rights Ordinance) were mentioned. It is apparent that the city is planning to use these sermons to accuse pastors of hate speech as an attempt to censor what Christian pastors may say from their pulpits, thus attempting to either modify or sensor God’s Truth.

This article is not aimed at fighting these actions, or at speaking to their legality, instead, it focuses on how believers should conduct themselves in times like this.

It is open persecution when individuals involved in the Lord’s work/ministry are told to stop preaching the Gospel and the Truth of God.  We are clearly now in that time of persecution, and we should respond … However, we should not respond with anger and hatred toward those persecuting us. Instead, committed believers should respond as the apostles did when they were faced with a similar situation:

So they went on their way from the presence of the Council (persecuting entity), rejoicing that they had been considered worthy to suffer shame for His name. And every day, in the temple and from house to house, they kept right on teaching and preaching Jesus as the Christ. –Acts 5:41-42. 

We should REJOICE in this time because it is our city that is found worthy to suffer for His name. Persecution of God’s holy, ordained church has never been a bad thing because our Lord has used times of persecution to strengthen and grow His church.  One of the main reasons for this growth is that persecution commonly produces both purity and unity within God’s people. Purity of both the message and the people increases because if one truly doesn’t believe in Christ and His power then most likely one wouldn’t be willing to give up one’s life for Christ. 

Unity among believers also increases because when facing a common problem, believers put aside issues/differences to focus on the larger crisis. We have seen this unity during this current crisis because hundreds of churches are praying and supporting the targeted Houston pastors. Certainly, we should rejoice during this time of persecution because our Lord has seen fit to allow us to suffer for His great name.

Nonetheless, the New Testament apostles did not stop with just rejoicing, they continued to boldly proclaim the message of Jesus Christ even though they were ordered to be silent (attempted censorship).  This, church (WOF), is what we MUST do. We MUST continue sharing the truth in love and teaching the Word of God, even if men, cultures, governments, religions, or any other powers on earth command us to stop!  Before Christ ascended he said:

All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age. –Matthew 28:18-20

— Joseph


In Acts 6:1-6 one finds some of the minority groups, in this case Hellenistic Jews, who were not being properly cared for in Christ’s early church.  In Acts 6:3 the Jerusalem congregation (the only one in existence at that time) is instructed to, “Select from among you seven men of good reputation, full of the Spirit and of wisdom, whom we may put in charge of this task.”  The original apostles gave this instruction for three, very distinct, reasons:

1.   There were practical needs in the church body/membership.

2.   The unmeet needs presented an opportunity for potential division/conflict within Christ’s body.

3.   The Apostles needed to stay focused on their duties/calling and establish the church’s  ministry in Christ’s physical absence.

“But we will devote ourselves to prayer and to the ministry of the word.”

Over the course of church history, the role of “Deacon” has been modified to mean everything from a group of humble servants with no official capacity in Christ’s church, to a committee of individuals with excessive ecclesiastical  authority, or even to something totally non-existent, ignored.  Some modern-day ministry organizations have even implemented substitutes by various names in an attempt to fulfill the biblical roles of deacon perhaps without yielding to or considering the biblical processes or qualifications for such a distinguished office in Christ’s church.  I Timothy 3:13 reminds us, “For those who have served well as deacons obtain for themselves a high standing and great confidence in the faith that is in Christ Jesus.”

At West Oaks Fellowship, we strive, and it’s our duty, to diligently arrange and organize the functions of our church/ministry according to the pattern(s) established in the New Testament.  Certainly, we don’t ignore centuries of church heritage and development, but give careful considerations to our predecessors views and practices from which we were conceived.   Even so, our efforts remain continuous and steadfast in every attempt of church polity to restore the functions of church offices as they are defined for us in the Lord’s New Testament scriptures.

The Greek words for servant and deacons, dia/kono$‎, diakonos (dee-ak’-on-os) / diako/noi$,‎ diakonois (dee-ak’-on-ois), are similar throughout the New Testament.  However, contextually speaking there is always a distinction between the references to those holding the biblically-ordained service office of “Deacon” (appearing in plurality, a noun), when compared to other uses of the word, in reference to those rendering their services/ministry to Christ and/or His church.  As an example, any believer can be an effective servant/minister, ‎dia/kono$‎, diakonos (dee-ak’-on-os) (to/of Christ and His church), without necessarily holding the office of “Deacon.”  Epaphras is a perfect example found in Colossians 1:7-8 or Tychicus in 4:7-8.  At WOF, we have a servant team made up of men and women who serve our body by taking care of practical needs for our Sunday and Wednesday ministries. These faithful servants are highly appreciated, though generally unrecognized.  Some of them are “Deacons” and some are not, but most of them have the spiritual gifting of “service” (Romans 12:3-8) and employ their gifts on a regular basis in ministry unto their Lord, Jesus Christ (I Peter 4:10-11)!  

Those holding the position or office of “Deacon” at WOF are nominated by the body of Christ (in accordance with Acts 6:1-6), screened by the leadership (in accordance with Acts 6:6 and I Timothy 3:10), meet the biblical qualifications for “Deacon” (in accordance with I Timothy 3:8-9 and 12 with consideration of Acts 6:3), tested (in accordance with I Timothy 3:10), and then set apart for the specific office of service in Christ’s ministry (in accordance with Acts 6:6).  Needless to say, since this isn’t a popularity contest or a position of power, our “Deacons” are an outstanding group of men who are true servants of Christ and His body, with their role being very simply defined here at WOF as:

Biblically-qualified individuals who serve Christ by ministering to the needs of His body (the local New Testament Church).

This month we are seeking your recommendations for men (Deacons, not Deaconesses) to serve Christ and all of us at WOF in this capacity.  Please prayerfully consider the men in our church body whom you find faithful in the light of your knowledge of them and use the Deacon Nomination inserts found in your weekly bulletin to submit your recommendations. All nominations are strictly confidential until each nominee is considered and biblically qualified by the Elders and current Deacons.  Then those eligible and agreeing to serve will be publicly presented as DITs . . . Deacons In Training!          

Not much is actually known about all the Deacons of the New Testament, but we know of two that started serving in a practical way to meet the needs of Christ’s church in Acts 6.  Philip, according to Acts 8:5-8, proclaims the gospel of Jesus Christ in Samaria with great success bringing much rejoicing throughout the community as the Lord affirms his ministry through miraculous manifestations of God’s Holy Spirit.  Later, Philip serves in the office of Evangelist, according to Acts 21:8 and trains four daughters in the ways of the Lord, serving His church as “prophetesses.” Then there is Stephen, “a man full of faith and of the Holy Spirit” (See Acts 6:3) who, as a minister of Christ, in a very short period of time is called to lay down his life as the first known martyr of Christendom.  Deacons … Yes, all for His glory! 

— Pastor Frank


An anniversary is the commemoration or celebration of a past event that occurs annually on the same date of the year as the initial, inaugural event.  Needless to say, the simplest example would be one’s wedding anniversary.  As far as we know, this word was first used in relation to religious memorial days that venerated various saints.  These feasts were similar to those associated with Judaism when the Hebrew people gathered to worship the Lord and express their gratitude for all His work in their nation, as well as in their individual lives and families.   

This June, West Oaks Fellowship will observe her 30th anniversary.  In some ways it seems like only yesterday when a handful of young committed believers gathered in hopes of forming a new ministry in association with Westheimer Baptist Church/First Baptist West Houston.  As that aspiration quickly diminished, we came to believe that the Lord was leading us to embrace what seemed to be the next best viable option … start an independent, biblically based ministry/church/fellowship. 

There I was, 30 years old and wading out deep in unfamiliar waters with no bridge back.  Sure, I had led Sonburst (a Jesus band that I was instrumental in forming in 1972), organized and managed my own construction businesses, and served in staff positions for several ministries, but now I was truly out on my own as Christ’s undershepherd … fully responsible and accountable for His flock/people.  Yes, it was somewhat of an intimidating position; one matched only by the loss of my parents and 19 friends in our youth group at age 18 on December 26, 1972, seven months after I had graduated from high school.  Unquestionably, it was truly sink or swim, yet every time I think about those early days of this ministry, then called Grace Church, I am overwhelmed by His abundant grace, and I find myself eternally grateful for three essential elements that God had uniquely orchestrated and put in place for that day and the initial formative years of WOF:

1.    A supporting bride (Brenda) who was succeeding in her own businesses which provided us with not only the funds needed for our well-being, but resources to help underwrite this newly-born New Testament based ministry.

2.     A few godly young men (all around 30) and their wives (some singles too), who loved God, respected one another, and knew His word.  They gave consistently, sacrificially, and responsibly to the ministry of both their time and resources and each of them stepped up to provide the leadership we needed to insure that our initial steps were positioned on a sure, unshakable foundation.

3.    Then, there were all those that came without much expectation (cheap chairs   and creative uses of spaces), but with a strong desire to seek and know the Lord more intimately. Most, wholeheartedly and enthusiastically, even though perhaps nervously, embraced the vision of becoming a church patterned in accordance with the concepts found in the New Testament rather than that of any particular denomination or church entity.

Over the last 30 years, we’ve experienced innumerable blessings, been through some truly difficult seasons, and witnessed a few marked moments when one could certainly declare, “How marvelous, how wonderful is our Savior’s love for us!”  At times our tears, which have been plentiful, have been turned to rejoicing and our sorrows to hope (confident expectation in Him) and celebration.  His faithfulness has guided us through each and every dark time, caused us to overcome seemingly overwhelming odds and difficulties and yet at the same time, learn to be jubilant in the victories.  Through it all, we’ve grown stronger through the trials, becoming steadfast and unrelenting in our pursuit of genuine spiritual transformation. (See Romans 12:1-2, II Corinthians 5:17) Furthermore, scores of lasting, authentic, meaningful, Christ-centered relationships/friendships have emerged within our church body at WOF, providing biblical encouragement, acceptance, and support for one another.  (See I Thessalonians 5:11, Romans 15:7)  The Gospel of Jesus Christ has been affirmed as TRUTH, and God’s Word has been boldly declared with uncompromising passion in well over 3500 public presentations.  (See I Corinthians 1:22-25, II Timothy 4:1-5) 

Have you ever considered that throughout our fellowship’s history, over 15,000 songs of worship and praise, along with many of the enduring hymns of Christ’s church, have been offered in declaration of God’s character/nature and in adoration of the Lord?  (See Ephesians 5:18-21,  Colossians 3:16, Psalm 150)  How many came to know Christ, how many baptized, how many lives positively impacted and changed for His glory?  Only the Lord really knows the fruit of our labor together in this ministry, but most of us would agree, it’s been a good race!

Now let’s consider … What do the next 20 – 30 years look like?  If our Lord graciously tarries, and we haven’t joined Him in His end time conquests, then I sincerely pray that the foundation and heritage that’s been laid by all of us at WOF will continue to provide all the necessary support that’s needed for the next generation to assume and continue the work of Christ until He returns and establishes His Kingdom.

It’s been an incredible blessing and distinguished honor to serve each of you over the last 30 years.                                              

Thanks, Pastor Frank


It’s very interesting to note that the word “holiday” – as translated in most English Bibles – only occurs 4 times and is exclusive to one book from the Old Testament.  While the Hebrew culture is/was filled with numerous feasts and celebrations, many of which we would call, holidays, most of them were primarily celebrated with a stout religious focus, generally celebrating the miraculous works of God.      

However, in the book of Esther, 2:18, Persian King Xerxes (Ahasuerus), who “loved Esther more than all the women,” hosted a celebratory banquet when she became the queen.  Esther’s Banquet, as it was called, became a “holiday” for all the provinces, and the king gave gifts according to his vast “bounty.”  Therefore, the idea of a “holiday” – as translated in our English Bibles – is literally birthed from that which was/is a “good day.”

This same word Hebrew word configuration appears 3 more times in the book of Esther, 8:17; 9:19; 9:22.  In each case these are “good days” of great rejoicing and celebration.  The account in 9:22 is intriguing,

Because on those days the Jews rid themselves of their enemies, and it was a month which was turned for them from sorrow into gladness and from mourning into a holiday; that they should make them days of feasting and rejoicing and sending portions of food to one another and gifts to the poor.

This event ultimately led to “Purim” — a traditional Jewish celebration (not instigated as part of the Mosaic Law) which was established by Mordecai (vs 20-28) and Esther (vs 29-32), and commemorated the Jews’ deliverance from the malice of Haman. This Feast of Purim continues today as a reminder, year after year, that God saved/protected Israel from destruction by the hands of anti-semitic pagans. 

In addition, please also note that their rejoicing/celebrating produced a spirit/attitude of giving and generosity as they were sending food to one another and even providing gifts to the poor.

This was an exceptional occasion in which “sorrow” was transformed into “gladness,” and “mourning” into a fabulous “holiday” (good day)!

Now, there’s nothing spiritually wrong with meaningful traditions, as long as the tradition remains substantially meaningful and has not completely lost its meaning … growing/becoming meaningless!

To be truthful/honest as your Pastor, I’m not so sure about many of our current holidays. Through the years, I’ve diligently attempted to restore value and bring meaning to worthwhile holidays in our nation, as well as Christian traditions that hold legitimate biblical resolve.

However, when tradition and holidays gradually become traditionalism … we get ourselves into real trouble. Theologian Jaroslav Pelikan once boldly declared,

Tradition is the living faith of the dead; traditionalism is the dead faith of the living.

As you know, Christ’s Church is always one generation short of extinction; and if we don’t pass on to our children and grand-children what God has done in/for us, as well as in those of previous generations, the Church will die of/from apathy and ignorance. There are holidays that give glory to God as long as the people of Christ’s Church remain consistently true to the authentic/real origin and meaning of these celebrations.  

Undoubtedly, to see the hand of God in history and praise Him for His abundant goodness, glorious work, and miraculous mercy, is perhaps the best way for believers to openly and willfully celebrate any “holiday!”

Christmas (Advent) is here (happens every year as far as I can tell). 

What then shall we do with this “Holiday?”

His & Yours, because of GRACE (God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense) — Pastor Frank


While this word doesn’t appear in our Bibles, it is a very important word within the framework of New Testament Christianity, meaning, “the action or process of reforming an institution or practice.”

On October 31, 1517, a significant event took place for all believers, and it wasn’t Halloween! A dynamic protest was birthed – Reformation Day — which commemorates what was perhaps one of the greatest moves of God’s Holy Spirit since the works of the Apostles in Christ’s first century Church. So one asks, “What is the significance of Reformation Day?” 

At that time, few would have suspected that the sound of a hammer striking the castle church door in Wittenberg, Germany would soon be heard distinctly, and ultimately lead to the greatest transformation of Western society since the Apostles first preached the Gospel of Jesus Christ throughout the Roman empire. Martin Luther’s nailing of his “Ninety-Five Theses” to the church door provoked a debate that culminated in what we now call the Protestant (Protest) Reformation.

Initially protesting the Pope’s attempt to sell salvation, Luther’s continual (unrelenting search for truth) study of Scripture soon led him to oppose the church of Rome on issues including the authority and supremacy of the Bible over church tradition, as well as the means by which an individual becomes righteous in the sight of God.

Though clearly declared throughout the New Testament, and found in the writings of many of our early church fathers, the medieval Roman Catholic bishops and priests had largely forgotten the truth that one’s own good works cannot/will not gain God’s favor. Salvation is by grace alone (Sola Gratia), through faith alone (Sola Fide), in Christ alone (Solus Christus / Solo Christo).

A believer’s good works are a result of his/her faith, not a means by which one obtains salvation/redemption and/or the forgiveness of sin. (See Ephesians 2:8-10). One’s justification (God’s declaration of … “not guilty”) and righteousness in His sight, comes through faith, by which the Father imputes or reckons to a true believer’s account — the perfect righteousness of Christ Jesus!

“He made Him who knew no sin to be sin on our behalf, so that we might become the righteousness of God in Him.” 

2 Corinthians 5:21

Martin Luther’s rediscovery of this truth led to a whole swarm of other church and societal reforms … reformation. Much of what we, as believers, take for granted in today’s churches would have likely been impossible had he never studied the scriptures diligently, and then fervently protested! Luther’s translation of the Bible into German put the Word of God in the hands of the common people — a language they could clearly understand. This reformed the Latin church mass by putting the liturgy into a common tongue, allowing non-scholars to actually hear and understand the teaching and preaching of God’s Word. Worship also experienced complete reformation … God’s people could now sing with clarity, songs with words and meanings the congregation could fully embrace/comprehend.

Luther also lifted the unbiblical ban on marriage for the clergy, and by his own teaching and example radically transformed the concept of church ministry as well as the institution itself. In addition, Luther’s protests recaptured the biblical concepts concerning the priesthood of each and every follower of Jesus Christ.

We should all understand and gratefully consider the importance of the Protestant (Protest) Reformation. May we equip ourselves to be knowledgeable proclaimers and defenders of biblical truth, eager to boldly proclaim the Gospel of Christ, thereby sparking a new reformation for Christ’s 21st century church and our culture.  Isn’t it about time and desperately needed?

What then shall we do?

His & Yours,