In Colossians 4:2, believers are instructed to:

1. “devote yourself to prayer”

2. “keep alert in it (“it” being prayer)

3. while being devoted to prayer and keeping alert in prayer, maintain “an attitude of thanksgiving” 

Being devoted to prayer simply means continuing steadfast in this everyday discipline of genuine faith. This exhortation is not as a matter of legalism, or religious ceremonial participation, but as believers who genuinely desire continuous and persistent communication with their Lord.  The Greek word used here, “proskartereíte,” clearly implies an authentic sincerity coupled with diligence. In Colossians 4:12 we learn from the example set by Epaphras, who is “always laboring earnestly for you (the church members at Colossi) in his prayers!” 

Next, one might ask, “how do I stay or keep ‘alert” in prayer?”  The Greek word, “greegoroúntes,” used in this text, literally means to watch with vigilance, or to stay awake — as one on guard duty. We all recall the account in Matthew 26:41 where the disciples fail at this very task while Christ was praying before His betrayal and illegal arrest in the Garden of Gethsemane.

This exhortation to vigilance actually presupposes that Christians are always in danger of reducing their full commitment to the Lord, allowing themselves to be seized by things of lesser value. The focus is on this ever-threatening danger, and is extended to the ultimate consequences of spiritual negligence/laziness. 

However, I Corinthians 16:13 successfully connects all the dots in proper alignment for us:

Be on the alert, stand firm in the faith, act like men (grown up- not immature babies), be strong.

Often times, even the most faithful believers may struggle with the idea of always coming before the Lord with “an attitude of thanksgiving.” The Greek word “eucharistía,” as used in this biblical text, also appears 15 other times in the New Testament where the command (actually a demand — parenesis) for thanksgiving is a basic element of spiritual communication between the Lord and His followers.  In Ephesians 5:3-4, thanksgiving is described as the unique, contrasting behavior of a committed believer when compared to that of the world and unbelievers:

But immorality or any impurity or greed must not even be named among you, as is proper among saints; and there must be no filthiness and silly talk, or coarse jesting, which are not fitting, but rather giving of thanks.

The apostle Paul’s general advice to all dedicated Christians, no matter their particular (individual) station in life (wives, husbands, children, parents, servants, masters, etc.), is to fulfill this duty as a reliable servant of the Lord, Jesus Christ. As believers grow and mature, they come to recognize and acknowledge, that all light, power, and life come from God, and that His creatures, including humanity as His most prized creation, are continually dependent upon Him. 

Therefore, for His true followers who persevere in prayer, He promises to ever supply “all” (not just practical/material) their needs.  How many husbands and wives (men and women) actually believe it is their spiritual calling and duty to pray for strength and grace to behave, in every area of their lives, as our Lord instructed?  Or, do they fall asleep … failing to keep watch? Just as every situation or station in life has its peculiar duties, tests, trials, blessings, etc., so every situation or station needs an appointment with the Lord, through prayer with steadfast devotion, resolute alertness, and heart-felt thanksgiving! No individual can possibly fulfill the responsibilities of life without the supernatural intervention and unwavering, invincible support of the Lord, God Almighty!

So, is prayer a spiritual luxury, or is it essential for spiritual development and maturity?  Prayer is as vital to one’s spiritual health as breathing is to one’s physical health – and breathing, while certainly a privilege, is not an option or luxury! Therefore, neither is our alertness in prayer, or an untiring, relentless attitude of thanksgiving! That understanding, in and of itself, should birth abundant thanksgiving within each and every believer, not to mention all the material blessings that many in our western civilization take for granted.

After all, we have stores with food on the shelves; generally … running water, trash pick-up, and electricity; usually … fuel for our cars, career opportunities, a smorgasbord of entertainment choices, housing options, along with an abundant variety of churches, cars, clothing styles, etc., etc., etc.  As Christ’s faithful, let us consider that the New Testament scriptures repetitively prompt and coach us to offer this prevailing combination of prayer and thanksgiving to our Lord.

Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, in everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you. I Thessalonians 5:16-18

Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God. Philippians 4:6

Therefore I exhort first of all that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks be made for all men. I Timothy 2:1

In addition, may we never forget that God’s greatest gift, His Son, meets our greatest need, and in that alone find ourselves filled with an attitude of thanksgiving …

Thanks be to God for His indescribable gift!” II Corinthians 9:15

Every good gift comes from Him. James 1:17

Therefore, let us unashamedly offer Jesus Christ an abundance of our thanksgiving… from Whom all blessings flow!                                                                                            

His & Yours, PF


As 2019 approaches, many individuals will make “New Year’s Resolutions.”  This practice originated with the Babylonians and was connected to the planting of crops in mid-March.  Promises were made to their pagan deities and in return, as the Babylonians stayed true to  their promises, the gods would bestow favor on them throughout the coming year. 

Similar practices occurred in ancient Rome, where Julius Caesar modified the calendar, establishing January 1 as the beginning of a new year. They believed their two-faced god, Janus, whose spirit inhabited doorways and arches, was able to look backwards into the previous year and forward into the future.  In hopes of a good future, the Romans offered sacrifices coupled with promises of good behavior in hopes of having a blessing in the coming year.

Early on, the first day of a new year became an occasion for Christians to think about one’s past mistakes and resolve to do and be better in the future. In 1740, John Wesley, founder of Methodism, created the Covenant Renewal Service which was commonly held on New Year’s Eve or New Year’s Day, affording worshippers the opportunity to seek the Lord’s help and favor in the coming new year. This type of service became known as watch night services throughout Protestantism in western culture.

Resolutions are a funny thing because they are usually a set of somewhat lofty goals, perhaps far-fetched ideas, things on a bucket list, or possibly a “better version of the you” that one’s hoping and praying to be in coming New Year.

Did you know that, on average, approximately 92 percent of Americans are doomed to fail at keeping their New Year’s Resolutions? One might ask, why? It’s mostly because the goals aren’t specific, measurable and/or realistic (too far-fetched to be obtainable).

As a result, some people simply don’t attempt to make New Year’s Resolutions, which is a personal choice, while others struggle to make the next year different.  While I’m in a different camp, that from a perspective of continuous modification and transformation, even on a daily basis, I’d like to share some steps I use to affect substantive modifications in my life.  

Now before you jump in, realize two things:

  1.  Effective change requires a serious, steadfast commitment!
  2. Generally, affirmative or positive change requires a step by step approach, both spiritual and practical!   

STEP 1: Where does your help come from?  Perhaps, “I can’t, but with God, nothing is impossible!” (see Zachariah 4:6, Galatians 2:20, Philippians 4:13, II Corinthians 3:4-5, Luke 1:37)

STEP 2:  Be humble and surrender your desire/will to the Lord’s purpose for your life! (see James 4:3, I Corinthians 10:31, Psalm 37:11, I Peter 5:6, I Chronicles 4:9-10)

STEP 3: Own your past, openly acknowledge sin — without excuses or attempts at human justifications! (See Psalm 32, Proverbs 28:13, I Corinthians 11:3, James 5:16)   

STEP 4: Walk in forgiveness (seeking forgiveness and forgiving others)!  (See Ephesians 4:32)   

STEP 5: Lay all your plans out before the Lord!  (See Proverbs 16:1-9, 19:20-24, 20:18, 21:5, 29:18, Jeremiah 29:11-13, Isaiah 55:8-9)  

STEP 6:  Stay connected and listen closely!  (See James 1:19, Jeremiah 33:3, I John 5:14, Proverbs 16:20, Matthew 7:24-27, Psalm 5:3)

STEP 7:  Don’t shrink back, remain steadfast! (See II Timothy 1:7, Psalm 27:14, 31:24, Joshua 1:1-9, Deuteronomy 31:6)

Faithful followers of Jesus Christ live daily in anticipation of hearing and responding to the Lord’s direction.  If He has placed in your heart a need and desire to change, and you’re committed to that end, then launch the resolution.  At that point, share your objective(s) with others, become accountable, and seek wise counsel (See Proverbs 11:4) from the godly, not the worldly (See Psalm 1:1, Romans 8:8)! Satan will use the seemingly good ideas of the world to trap you in the grips of his destructive system.  He may help you change, but it won’t be anything that honors or glorifies the Lord (See Hebrews 11:6)!   

I pray you enjoy a blessed new year of godly transformation!          — PF  


I was recently eating lunch with Brother Colin (Powell) – (so delighted he has returned to Houston!) and he shared some thoughts from his study of Daniel 9 where we find the prophet diligently praying and even repenting before God for the Hebrew nation/people.  After retuning to my office at WOF, I started contemplating all the times in the Bible that individuals effectively interceded on behalf of a nation.  While I was certainly aware of all the accounts I found, I was taken-back, and literally somewhat stunned by the historical record.     

Numerous times, the intercession and faithful prayers of one person brought about the nation’s deliverance from judgment!  On two different, distinct occasions, the Lord God was ready to obliviate (literally forget or wipe from existence) the entire nation/people group.  In Exodus 32:7-14, the Lord actually offers to alternatively make Moses a great nation and utterly destroy this “obstinate people.”

Again, in Numbers 14:11-25, the Lord is ready to “dispossess” His people because they “spurn” Him in spite of all the “signs” He had “performed in their midst.”  The Lord once again makes a proposal to His faithful servant, Moses … “I will make you into a nation greater and mightier than they.”

In each of these cases, Moses prayed, and the Lord graciously and mercifully withheld the full judgment that the nation/people undisputedly and forthrightly deserved. 

In II Chronicles 20, the Lord heard Jehoshaphat’s prayer and gave Israel a decisive victory over the large and powerful invading armies of the Moabites and Ammonites. King Hezekiah cried out to God in II Kings 19:1-7 and Isaiah 37:1-7 when the Assyrian army surrounded Jerusalem, and the Lord sent His angel to slay 185,000 enemy soldiers (19:35 and 37:36).

A righteous individual is powerful and effective in prayer … “

“The effective prayer of a righteous man can accomplish much.” (James 5:16) 

Elijah was a man with a nature like ours, and he prayed earnestly that it would not rain, and it did not rain on the earth for three years and six months. Then he prayed again, and the sky poured rain and the earth produced its fruit.

James 5:17-18

God doesn’t have to wait for an entire nation to repent and/or cry out for His mercy; He works when and as He hears the prayers of believing, faithful intercessors. Apparently, according to Truth from God’s Word even … only one!

In Daniel 9:3-6 one encounters a great amount of spiritual transparency as the prophet openly and volitionally acknowledges the sins of the people/nation.

So I gave my attention to the Lord God to seek Him by prayer and supplications, with fasting, sackcloth and ashes.  I prayed to the Lord my God and confessed and said, “Alas, O Lord, the great and awesome God, who keeps His covenant and lovingkindness for those who love Him and keep His commandments, we have sinned, committed iniquity, acted wickedly and rebelled, even turning aside from Your commandments and ordinances. Moreover, we have not listened to Your servants the prophets, who spoke in Your name to our kings, our princes, our fathers and all the people of the land.

Then in verses 13-14 …

all this calamity has come on us; yet we have not sought the favor of the Lord our God by turning from our iniquity and giving attention to Your truth.  “Therefore, the Lord has kept the calamity in store and brought it on us; for the Lord our God is righteous with respect to all His deeds which He has done, but we have not obeyed His voice.

If this sounds familiar, portraying our nation currently, and the people of our land, what shall believers do? Just simply think about it, discuss it, or write about it?              

Not!  –PF


PASSION – (pash’-un): “Passion” is derived from the Latin word “passio,” which actually is derived from the verb “patior,” with the root of “pat-.” These Latin concepts are similar and linguistically connected with the Greek root, “path-,” to form words found in Greek, Latin, and English languages and in our Bibles. For some reason, of which I have no clue, words connected with these Greek and Latin roots, pat-, path-, are often susceptible to a great variety of meanings. The word passion itself may have over 20 meanings as we use it in everyday communication, varying from a violent outburst of anger to suffering as a martyr, from strong amorous feelings to simple enthusiasm. Just consult almost any dictionary and you’ll see what I mean. However, the word “passion,” as it appears in English and Greek versions of God’s New Testament, only has three distinct meanings for believers to consider.

  1. In Acts 1:3, Luke (the author) gives testimony concerning Christ’s resurrection, “to whom He also showed Himself alive after His passion.” An actual Greek text might read, “after he had suffered,” instead of the one word passion used here in many English translations. The Vulgate (Jerome’s Latin Bible, 390 AD – 405 AD) reads, “post passionem suam.” This is the only place in the New Testament Scriptures where the word translated “passion” has this meaning, and it is used in contemporary English in the same way when referring to Christ’s suffering, i.e., “Passion Play,” etc.
  2. In Acts 14:15 and James 5:17, the word “passion,” also translated as “nature” refers to human emotions and feelings — “Elijah was a man with a nature (or passions) like ours.” A more literal translation of the Greek might read, “Elijah was a man with exactly the same human feelings and emotions that we have.”
  3. In Romans 1:26, Colossians 3:5, and I Thessalonians 4:5 the word “passion” describes any over-emotion, over-response, exaggerated or overly enhanced desire or feeling, sometimes with immoral sensual overtones. An “inordinate affection” or anything that serves to weaken or rob a person’s self-control/command is perhaps the best understanding of “passion” as used in these New Testament verses.

As Palm Sunday, Good Friday, and Resurrection Sunday approach, I’d encourage you to embrace the thoughts of Christ’s passion. Don’t run from these “passions,” but instead embrace them, considering the magnitude and magnanimity of God’s sacrifice, as He offered His one and only Son, Jesus Christ in passionate demonstration of His love for us and all mankind.

Just Think About It! Hope to see you and yours this Sunday.


This word has a significant place in the lives of faithful New Testament believers. 1 Peter 4:8 reminds us of an incredible calling that is too often abandoned by those in Christ’s church, because due to some circumstance(s) or situation(s), they are unwilling to personally function in a biblical manner.  

“Above all, keep fervent in your love for one another, because love covers a multitude of sins.”

I’ve sadly learned (as a result of 45+ years of ministry) that Christians, even including those that say they’re truly committed to the things of the Lord, will boldly and willingly ignore this admonition to protect their own feelings, allowing their love for themselves to take authority and first place over the Truth of God’s Word.

In 1 Peter 4:8 the Greek word, “ektenee” translated “fervent” in English, implies that one is being intently stretched out without end (consistently and constantly). Just as God’s love knows no end, our love for one another should never be surrendered for the sake of a popular perspective (peer pressure), personal agenda, unresolved issues/conflicts, or simply due to one’s own feelings and undealt-with offenses.

Unquestionably, the participants in Christ’s Church must practice “love for one another” in order for the body to effectively serve and minister one to another.   

In Acts 12:5, “the church of God” is found praying “fervently” for Peter during his imprisonment in Jerusalem. You may recall how the Lord answered this prayer by sending an angel to lead Peter miraculously out of confinement.

That evening, the church was gathered for prayer at the home of John Mark’s mother, and when Peter showed up they failed to believe the report of Rhoda who left him standing outside at the door.  Ultimately, they opened the door and were “amazed” when they saw him. (Acts 12:16)

One of the most familiar verses employing “fervent” is found in James 5:16-17 where some English bibles translate the Greek word “energeo” as “effective,” but it actually carries the broader meaning of “effective fervent” (KJV, NKJV) as a combined concept.

Then in verse 17, the Revised Standard Version and the English Standard Version employs the word “fervently” rather than earnest or earnestly, as found in other English translations.  Nonetheless, the translation remains true to the original intent of the biblical text … praying diligently!

Today it is essential for our well-being as individual believers, and for the effectiveness of Christ’s church that meets at West Oaks Fellowship in 2021, to be/keep “fervent” in love … for one another and in prayer!

Since you have in obedience to the truth purified your souls for a sincere love of the brethren, fervently love one another from the heart.

1 Peter 1:22-23

The effective (diligent, fervent) prayer of a righteous man can accomplish much.

James 5:16

The idea of being “fervent” has the potential of bringing about some incredible positive consequences for each of us individually, as well as in the Lord’s work on earth through His church.

Here’s today’s question, “How are you doing with this whole idea of “fervent” or fervency / fervently?

Lord, may we be “fervent” in things that truly matter!

His & yours,

Pastor Frank