There are two primary Greek words for “new” that appear in the New Testament – καινός  kainos and neos.

Kainos is translated into English as “new,” meaning recent, something recently crafted/made, or something one has not had before (a vehicle may be new to you, but not new in age). Thus, 2 Corinthians 5:17, “Therefore if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creature; the old things passed away; behold, new things have come.” In Christ’s ministry, His statement in John 13:34-35 provides the perfect example, “A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another, even as I have loved you, that you also love one another. By this all men will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another.” The idea of a commandment wasn’t “new” to the Hebrews, but this one certainly was … “new”… according to Christ Jesus Himself!

Neos, which is also translated into English as “new,” means something is fresh, young, or youthful (an individual might get a fresh / new start), perhaps figuratively, something regenerated. 1 Peter 5:5 offers an excellent example, “You younger men, likewise, be subject to your elders; and all of you, clothe yourselves with humility toward one another, for GOD IS OPPOSED TO THE PROUD, BUT GIVES GRACE TO THE HUMBLE.” The factual declaration of our Lord, which holds significant spiritual implications, flawlessly demonstrates the meaning of neos in Luke 5:37-38. “And no one puts new wine into old wineskins; otherwise the new wine will burst the skins and it will be spilled out, and the skins will be ruined. But new wine must be put into fresh wineskins.”

In Old Testament Hebrew, we find similar meanings for something fresh, new, or in some cases repair, rebuild, renew or make anew.  Isaiah 43:18-19 is a beautiful prophetic passage for the followers of Messiah in Israel, “Do not call to mind the former things, or ponder things of the past. Behold, I will do something new, now it will spring forth; will you not be aware of it? I will even make a roadway in the wilderness, rivers in the desert.”

However, perhaps the most meaningful and applicable for each of us in 2023 are the words of God’s song writer, “Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Do not cast me away from Your presence and do not take Your Holy Spirit from me. Restore to me the joy of Your salvation and sustain me with a willing spirit.  Then I will teach transgressors Your ways, and sinners will be converted to You.” Psalm 51:10-13

Would you consider making this a life verse for you from the Old Testament in 2023? It will change you from the inside out, and give you a better view of your life, as well as your perspective concerning others. 

Let’s do this! -Pastor Frank     


When you think of winter, what do you think of?  In the south, not many of us really think about a change of lifestyle and a significant impact on our daily routine and activities as some farther north might experience.  A white Christmas is generally an unlikely dream, as are sleigh rides or sledding, snowball fights, and making snow angels or snowmen.  While I do have pictures of our church covered in snow, as well as our home, those are definitely out of the ordinary!  Nonetheless, on the fourth day of creation (Genesis 1:14-15) one learns that God planned the seasons on earth and placed the stars in the heavens so humanity would know and understand times and seasons.  Genesis 8:22 clearly reveals the Lord’s post-diluvian purposes, “While the earth remains, seedtime and harvest, and cold and heat, and summer and winter, and day and night shall not cease,” along with His covenant promise (Genesis 9:8-17) of His “bow in the cloud!” Even the psalmist is moved to expressions of praise when considering God’s attributes of supremacy and sovereignty as revealed through His handiwork:

Yours is the day, Yours also is the night;

You have prepared the light and the sun.

You have established all the boundaries of the earth;

You have made summer and winter.

–Psalms 74:16-17

While incontestably there are specific reasons (ultimately being benefits for humanity and creation) for all of God’s design, it seems somewhat awkward from a merely human perspective that one is thrilled with the goodness and blessing of winter… blizzards, sleet, cold, ice, slippery walks and steps, snow blindness, hypothermia, black ice, etc., etc., etc.!   However, when I think of winter, for some unknown reason my mind recalls a somewhat obscure verse buried at the end of the Apostle Paul’s second letter to his son in the faith, Pastor Timothy.

Make every effort to come before winter.

II  Timothy 4:21

Surely there were some practical reasons for this encouragement. In fact, according to II Timothy 4:13, Paul had left his cloak at Troas with Carpus along with some books and parchments. Obviously, with winter approaching Paul would need this loose fitting outer garment for protection from the elements. In addition, travel to Rome would involve both overland and sea transportation which is potentially much more hazardous during the winter months.  On the other hand, perhaps there is more to this statement than one immediately comprehends in a cursorily pass. 

Is this the heartfelt desire of the mentor, a spiritual father yearning to see his student and beloved son in the faith one last time before departing earth?  Incontestably, Paul’s days were numbered and any knock on the door or opening of the latch could be guards coming to escort the apostle to his impending Roman execution. Hypothetically, can you imagine Timothy thinking … well ok,  let me wrap some things up here in Ephesus, go down to Miletus to set apart and ordain a couple of elders, swing by Colossae to celebrate communion with some brothers and sisters there, and then head on to Italy … ?  Then, upon arriving in Rome, Pastor Tim seeks out Paul’s place of imprisonment, only to be cursed and repulsed by the guards.  Then he goes to the house of Claudia or Pudens, or Narcissus, or Mary, or Ampliatus searching for his coach … asking where to find the apostle.  It seems one can actually experience the haunting of their reply, “Are you Timothy? He was longing to see you, but he was beheaded in the first week of December!”

Come before winter or never!

Remember Christ’s reply to the disciple who complained that Mary’s costly and beautiful gift of ointment might have been expended on behalf of the poor?

For you always have the poor with you, but you do not always have Me.

John 12:8

Perhaps the true call of our Lord, Master Jesus is often, “Come before winter” — not tomorrow, when you’re ready, or after you get things straightened out and in proper/perfect order!  Never again would three sleeping disciples be asked to watch and pray with Jesus in his hour of agony. Sure, they were faithful in service and even death, but that unique opportunity  vanished and was gone forever just like Christ’s invitation to a follower in Luke 9:59/Mark 8:21! 

Just as winter comes, irrespective of one’s agenda, readiness, or timetable, so does a new year … and that’s every year.  Prepared and ready, or not — 2014 is here — right now and right on time!  And sure, it’s another year of opportunity, just like last year and every year, but let’s change that perspective into a year of action now! Why not fully accept and use the opportunities Christ lays before us? Speak those words of encouragement, demonstrate kindness, give cheerfully, confirm appreciation, pray in faith believing, be led by God’s Holy Spirit, let His Word richly dwell within you, serve with gladness, and rejoice evermore, all before winter!   

— By GRACE, His & Yours, Pastor Frank


As we approach a new year in 2016, I’m praying that each of us will fully embrace with great anticipation our position/role in Christ’s plan for our church/ministry, as well as in our lives and family.  Just in case one hasn’t figured it out yet, our Lord is always up to something “new,” and unquestionably He has plenty of “new” lined up for you!

In Mark 2:22 Jesus states:

No one puts new wine into old wineskins; otherwise the wine will burst the skins, and the wine is lost and the skins as well; but one puts new wine into fresh wineskins.

In this text, Christ reminds the Hebrew people that His presence with humanity (see John 1:14) was something “new,” and He wanted the people to clearly understand that this newness (or current fulfillment of God’s promises) unmistakably signaled the passing of the old.  Any attempt to bind the newness of His Gospel to the old religion of Judaism is as futile as trying to patch an old (Gk – palaion, “worn out by use”) garment with a new, unshrunk piece of cloth. When the new (Gk – kainon, “qualitatively new”) piece (Gk- pleroma, “fullness”) becomes wet, it will shrink, pull away from the old, and make a larger hole. 

It is equally disastrous to pour new (Gk – ‎neon‎, “fresh”), not fully fermented, wine into old (‎Gk – palaious‎, “worn out by use,” with no elasticity, brittle) wineskins. Inevitably, as the new wine ferments (expands), it will burst the skins and both the wine and the wineskins will be ruined.  Salvation, available through Jesus, was not to be mixed with the old Hebrew/Judaistic system of legalism (religious laws, statutes, and regulations) as explained in John 1:17:

For the Law was given through Moses; grace and truth were realized through Jesus Christ.

Jesus taught:

1.  He came to save sinners by/through grace and truth!

2.  He didn’t come for those that wanted to remain in the status       

    quo … dead religion … instead He offered grace and truth!

3.  He came to introduce the new by/through grace and truth —        

    not to patch up or attempt a revitalization or remodeling of       

    the old!

Jesus came to relentlessly usher in the new, not to unite with the old. The Mosaic system was decaying, getting very old, and ready to vanish away (See Hebrews 8:13).  Therefore, Christ fulfilled and abolished the old so that every believer would have a new life in Him (See II Corinthians 5:17).  The Lord established this New Covenant in/by His blood (See Luke 22:19-20) and this new Law would be written on human hearts, not on stones or tablets (See II Corinthians 3:1-3; Hebrews 10:15-18).  Additionally, the indwelling of God’s Holy Spirit would enable His people to live rightly/righteously (See Romans 8:1-4).

By using this illustration, the Lord refuted once and for all, the popular idea of a compromising “world religion.”  Well-meaning but spiritually blind leaders often suggest that we take “the best” from each religion, blend it with what is “best” in the Christian faith, and thus manufacture a synthetic faith that would be acceptable to everybody.

But the Christian faith is exclusive in character; it will not accept any other faith as its equal or its superior. Remember, according to Acts 4:12:

There is none other name under heaven, given among men, whereby we must be saved!

Salvation is not a partial patching up of one’s old life … instead, we put on something new. (See Isaiah 61:10) II Corinthians 5:21 declares:  

He (Father God) made Him (Jesus Christ) who knew no sin to be sin on our behalf, so that we might become the righteousness of God in Him.

Therefore, the Christian life that each of us will embark upon in 2016 is not a mixing of one’s old life with the new; rather, the old being crucified and transformed (Gk – metamorfousthefrom Romans 12:1-2 meaning  completely changed) into the new.  An acorn is planted in the ground and it is ultimately destroyed, but out of that seed pops an oak tree!  Small ones, young ones, big ones, and not so young ones — all reaching for new heights because of the our relationship with Christ!

Are you ready?   May 2016 be a year when each of us is …    

Like a tree firmly planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in its season and its leaf does not wither; and in whatever he/she does, he/she prospers.

Psalm 1:3

That’s my prayer for all of us this year. 

His & Yours, Pastor Frank


As we approach 2018, may the Lord provide you and yours with a year that’s indeed tremendously fulfilling and genuinely blessed by Him.  A year of distinct spiritual growth and development, a year of increased love for all humanity, and a year with much opportunity to share the life and light of our Savior’s Gospel message.

May you be immersed in the richness and magnitude of His grace, hear His voice more clearly, know the attributes, character, and intentions of His heart more deeply, rest in His promise(s) more fully, trust Him more completely, experience His presence and worship Him more intimately, and distinguish the abundance of His many blessings more accurately!

Lord, I’m not requesting a year completely shielded from any and all pain, sorrow, difficulty, or hardship, but one in which my brother/sister, as a true believer, respectfully comprehends and unashamedly declares that Jesus Christ is their strength, their supreme helper, an impenetrable refuge (fortress, as well as shield), and incomprehensible peace.  I’m also not asking You to make their path too easy, too hard, or overly complicated, but may Your plans be (become) their plans and may Your desires for my brother/sister be fully accomplished in 2018!  May he/she be (become) a sturdy, steady, and faithful sojourner, with eyes fixed on things above and not things of this deceitfully deceiving world.   

Now, in the powerful name that’s above every name, Jesus Christ, may fear be removed from hearts and minds, enabling my brother/sister to wholly embrace Your miraculous presence in each and every endeavors of life.   Lord, please help them to continue living by faith in You, rather than the infusion of doubt and confusion brought about by the all the enemies of the Truth and Your Gospel. 

In addition, may everything that hindered (encumbered) one’s spiritual walk and relationship with You be laid aside, as things of the past … anything and everything that negatively impacted my brother’s/sister’s worship, testimony, and/or service of the Lord in 2017.  May they purposefully, with intention, run with endurance, as well as diligence the race of living their faith out loud! Considering with full attention that which You have set before them … Not looking back, not turning back, nor gazing to the left or to the right, but peering straight ahead with all eyes fixed upon You, JESUS CHRIST, the Author and Perfecter of faith!

Lord, you’ve given my brother/sister a brand-new year, a new start up — 52 weeks — 365 days of choices are ahead and not one of those decisions or determinations is insignificant or meaningless! Actually, help them to understand that every choice holds the potential for Your glorious name to be exalted and magnified in and through their selections. Therefore, I beseech You, and humbly plead for You to guard their hearts and minds through the uncompromising Truth of Your Word and the powerful presence of God’s Holy Spirit.  Grant each one wisdom from above to do what’s right in Your eyes, courage to obey You in all things — no matter what selfless sacrifice may be required, and grant them knowledge that comes from the Omniscient One, the One who knows all things — much greater than anyone’s individual or any group’s collective experience(s).

Let each of Your faithful followers live at peace with one another, be steadfastly committed to encouraging one another, always remembering to continually pray for each other, and without restraint, minister (serve) the manifold grace of God (through the implementation and empowerment of their spiritual gift(s) and callings) to one another. 

Now may the God who gives perseverance and encouragement grant you to be of the same mind with one another according to Christ Jesus, so that with one accord you may with one voice glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Romans 15:5-6

May the hope, peace, joy, and love of Christ spread from each of my friends to all those surrounding them in their home, at work, or at play until You have gathered us all together to meet You in the air.  

This I pray in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen!

 – His & Yours, PF     


The word “new” is quite common (at least 176 occurrences) in both the Old and New Testament Scriptures … however, not insignificant! Its first appearance is a compound Hebrew word referring to “new” or fresh wine and is not associated with drunkenness.  This word speaks of a product, usually connected to God’s blessings of fruitfulness, productivity, and blessing.

The Hebrew word, chadash (khaw-dawsh’), usually translated fresh, a new thing, new, or refreshed appears 56 times in the Hebrew Old Testament text. It always refers to something recent or fresh (as the exact opposite of old) and speaks of something that did not previously exist. Isaiah 42:9 declares,

Behold, the former things have come to pass, now I declare new things; before they spring forth I proclaim them to you.

In Jeremiah 31:31-32 the Lord speaks through His prophet,

Behold, days are coming,” declares the Lord, “when I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel and with the house of Judah, not like the covenant which I made with their fathers in the day I took them by the hand to bring them out of the land of Egypt, My covenant which they broke, although I was a husband to them,” declares the Lord.  

Ezekiel 11:19 announces God’s intentions, “And I will give them one heart, and put a new spirit within them.”

Then, there is this beautiful, but familiar proclamation from Lamentations 3:22-23,

The Lord’s lovingkindnesses indeed never cease, for His compassions never fail. They are new every morning; Great is Your faithfulness.

In the New Testament, 3 Greek root words — kianos; neos; prosphatos — are generally translated “new” in our Bibles and each has a different, distinct meaning. 

1. kainos denotes “new,” in that which is unaccustomed or unused, not “new” in time (as something recent), but “new” as to its style, form, or quality.  Something of a different nature/character as that which is in contrasted to its old nature/character. The Gospel of Christ brings forward and presents: a “new” covenant in Matthew 26:28; a “new” commandment in John 13:34; a “new” creative act in Galatians 6:15; a “new” creation in II Corinthians 5:17; a “new” person, after the pattern of Christ in Ephesians 4:24; a “new” union, His Church body in Ephesians 2:15. In the Revelation of Jesus Christ to the Apostle John, “new” things prevail and are to be received as well as enjoyed forever!  A “new” name for believers in Revelation 2:17; a “new” name for the Lord in Revelation 3:12; a “new” song in Revelation 5:9; a “new” Heaven and a “new” Earth in Revelation 21:1; the “new” Jerusalem in Revelation 3:12 and 21:2; “And He that sitteth on the Throne said, ‘Behold, I make all things new’” in Revelation 21:5!

2.  Neos signifies “new” in respect of time, that which is recent; it is used of the young, especially in the comparative degree of something being younger.  Neos and Kainos may sometimes be used of the same thing/object, but there is a difference.  Colossians 3:10 states that believers, “have put on the new self who is being renewed to a true knowledge according to the image of the One who created him.” In this case one would conclude that the discussion is in reference to character or nature, but “neos” is used to emphasize the fact that the believer’s “new” experience, recently began, and is still proceeding. The old man/individual in the believer … dates as far back as Adam; a “new” man has been recently birthed in respect to Adam, newly born – thus born again – a spiritual birth. (John 3:1-8)

3.  Prosphatos originally was used to signify something “freshly slain/cut/poured/happening,” as may be applied to flowers, oil, wine, misfortune, etc.

However, its use in Hebrews 10:19-20 cast a discrete and powerful message!

Therefore, brethren, since we have confidence to enter the holy place by the blood of Jesus, by a new (root word – prosphatos) and living way which He inaugurated for us through the veil, that is, His flesh, and since we have a great priest over the house of God, let us draw near with a sincere heart in full assurance of faith, having our hearts sprinkled clean from an evil conscience and our bodies washed with pure water.

 YES … A new and living way just for us!

I pray that the “new” will truly be alive, dynamic, and operative in you and yours throughout the New Year, 2020!                 

– His & Yours, PF