In Exodus 25:8 God said, “Let them construct a sanctuary for Me, that I may dwell among them.”  Here one finds God’s heart — to dwell among His people!  A similar statement is found in Exodus 29:45-46.  Then in I Kings 6:13 … the Lord tells Solomon, David’s son, “I will dwell among the sons of Israel.”  Shall we forget the incredible statement found in II Corinthians 6:16, “we (a clear reference to believers) are the temple of the living God?” 

There the scripture continues:

I will dwell in them and walk among them; I will be their God, and they shall be my people.

   Undeniably, this Old Testament quotation is drawn directly from Exodus 25:8 (above), but properly applied then and now to Christ’s New Testament Church and each of us as His individual disciples.

It’s a somewhat overwhelming thought to consider that God Himself fully desires and intentionally purposes to dwell with/among and in (within) His people.  Consider, our God walked in the garden, having direct contact and communication with Adam and Eve before human sin severed the cherished connection.  Therefore, from the very beginning, all the way to the very end of this world as we know it, His objective has been clear … “He will dwell among them, and they shall be His people and God Himself will be among them.” (Revelation 21:3-4) 

In John 1:1 we read, “the Word was God.”  In John 1:14, “the Word became flesh, and dwelt among us.”   YES!   This is the incarnation (a person who embodies in the flesh a deity – the union of divinity and humanity) … An event which is not about humans becoming gods, or a god – absolutely impossible – but instead, God adapting to the form of humanity (with God all things are possible). This almost incomprehensible, mind-bending, worship-inciting truth is profoundly proclaimed when we sing:

Veiled in flesh the Godhead see; Hail, the incarnate Deity.  Pleased with us in flesh to dwell, Jesus our Emmanuel! (from Hark The Herald Angels Sing)

The English word translated here as “dwelt” is the Greek word “eskenosen” which means “to encamp” – “to pitch a tent” – “to tabernacle.”  A quality literal translation of this text might read, “the Word became flesh and did tabernacle or tabernacled among us.”  From the Old Testament, we think of the Tabernacle as the somewhat portable, divinely designed, yet humanly constructed, tent that provided the primary point of contact between God and mankind.  

In the New Testament, and in our faith, Jesus Christ – the incarnate Son of God – who became flesh and “tabernacled” (dwelt) among us, is the one and only point of contact capable of bridging the great chasm between God and humanity. 

In the Old Testament scriptures, the Table of the Bread of the Presence, the Lampstand, the Altar of Incense, and the Ark of the Covenant furnished the Tabernacle.  These pieces of furniture all portrayed Christ and were a “type” or “shadow” of things to come.  However, we now know Jesus as “the Bread of Life” – “the Light of the world” – “the great High Priest who intercedes for God’s redeemed Church” and He who abides (dwells) with and in His people.

God’s glory is also associated with the Old Testament Tabernacle. Exodus 40:34 states, “Then the cloud covered the tent of meeting, and the glory of the LORD filled the tabernacle.”  The glory of God expresses His worthiness and the honor due Him.  Nonetheless, Jesus Christ offers the full expression of God’s glory for us to behold – “and we beheld His glory, the glory of the only begotten from the Father.” II Corinthians 4:6 expresses:

For God, who said, ‘Light shall shine out of darkness,’ is the One who has shone in our hearts to give the Light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ. 

Then, Hebrews 1:3 explains Jesus Christ as:

Being the radiance (brightness) of His (God the Father’s) glory and the exact representation of His nature (express image of God the Father as a person), and (the one who) upholds all things by the word of His power.

Continuing in John 1:14, we also learn that this “glory as of the only begotten from the Father,” is, “full of grace and truth.”

Consider this description of God’s glory from Exodus 34:6:

The LORD, the LORD God, merciful and gracious, longsuffering, and abounding in goodness and truth.

During His visit to earth, the incarnation, Christ demonstrates this grace and truth (from the Father) to the lost, the needy, and undeserving sinners.  He extends God’s grace to people through His actions and His words … He cares for the outcast, heals the broken, feeds the hungry, embraces the lonely, and lifts  the downtrodden from their pit.  Not only were these demonstrations and manifestations irrefutable evidence of His divinity, but fully revealed His divine character … the very nature of God Himself on public display for all to see!  

As He communicated God’s truth, lives were dynamically impacted and complete transformations occurred through the supremacy and potency of the very Word becoming flesh and tabernacling (pitching His tent and encamping) among/with us!  Our Lord, Jesus Christ continues to show us the fullness of God’s grace and truth today – chiefly through the incorruptible message of His Word and the transforming effects of God’s Holy Spirit. 

The Lord regenerates us into new individuals because

He’s living on the inside, roaring like a lion. (David Crowder – Like A Lion)  

Jesus Christ is the all-glorious, incarnate God, and this alone is reason enough to trust Him as our one and only Savior, worship Him as our one and only Lord, and follow/serve Him as our one and only Master/King. 

Are you living in this reality today?  Don’t just think about.  Don’t just talk about it. 

Let’s just do it!

– Pastor Frank


Is all crime, sin?  Is all sin, crime?  The answer to both is a resounding no!  However, that doesn’t mean the two concepts aren’t closely connected or related, or that a society that refuses to appropriately connect them can achieve a peaceful, respectful, divinely blessed, and flourishing community or society!


While the definition of crime (which used to be closely connected to that of sin) has changed over time, and is constantly changing, most would agree to a simple understanding … “an act that’s against the law.”   In the case of Shadrach, Meshach and Abed-nego (Daniel 3), the law required a cessation of activity and the worship of a golden image upon the sounding of a horn, flute, lyre, trigon, psaltery, bagpipe and all kinds of music.”  It was unquestionably a crime for them to disobey the law of their government; however it was not a sin, due to the fact that they were under a higher obligation to their Lord!  Therefore, what was a “crime” to humanity and that society was a righteous act of obedience unto the Lord.


Now the discussion potentially gets complicated!  The very idea of “crime” seems to be originally based upon the concept of sin … an act or conduct against others, specific property (possessions) or society.  Therefore, at the root of what is deemed a crime, one finds a biblical moral foundation.  However, modern-day society and contemporary world views are consistently working against the reality and certainty that all civil law is based upon moral values expressed to mankind by a supreme being we know as God.  As a result, crime is currently and conveniently defined (without any reference to sin) as being: 

1. an illegal act for which someone can be punished by the government.  

2. an activity that is against civil law                                                                                             

3. illegal acts in general (WHATEVER THAT MEANS).

A simple, cursory look at the 10 Commandments, given to the nation of Israel in order to regulate their society, sees laws based upon distinguished moral values and character.  While the first 4 deal with one’s relationship with God, rather than others, as found in the last 6, that did not negate the criminality of breaking any of them.  It was undeniably a crime to break any  one of the 10 because it was the law for God’s people.  In addition, certain punishments were outlined for particular sins/crimes in Deuteronomy chapters 21-25.

Sin is often not considered a crime because much of one’s sin is birthed in the heart out of fleshly/worldly passions.  While adultery is still a crime in many states, no one is prosecuted for it in America.  However, in the Hebrew law of the OT, it was a sin against God as well as a criminal act against individuals and society.  You may recall the incident of the lady caught in adultery during the ministry of Jesus, (See John 8:1-11)  She faced criminal punishment according to Hebrew law. 

Today, adultery is sin in most people’s eyes, against both God and individuals, but definitely not a crime with described legal punishment.  Scripture agrees that adultery is sin, even if committed only in one’s heart, like greed or jealousy may be.  Nonetheless, in our society, this act, not the thought, of adultery no longer constitutes a criminal wrong-doing that would require prosecution and punishment.

Yes, crime is everywhere … we all know that, and most of us have experienced it.  Perhaps that is why our nation is all concerned, almost obsessed, with crime stats like white-on-white crime, black-on-black crime, white-on-black crime, black-on-white crime, poor-on-poor crime, rich-on-poor crime, poor-on-rich crime, rich-on-rich crime, etc., etc, etc.! Why can’t seemingly anyone honestly seek to know the answer, discuss the issues openly, find the answer, and share it freely?  (See Matthew 12:33-37)

There is just too much fear in truth!  Why are the facts like – almost 90% of crimes/sins in the US against young minority men are carried out by young minority men – hidden?  Why is it that a police officer (of any race) is 6 times more likely to be shot by a minority than vise versa and that 98% of minority shooting deaths do not involve police officers (of any race or gender)?  The simple answer is … that the simple answer doesn’t spin politically for anyone’s benefit.  Crime is everywhere because sin is everywhere! They cannot be disconnected! The secret (which is really no secret at all) to reducing crime is curtailing sin, and whether anyone wants to discuss it or not, that’s a spiritual issue.  

However, even in societies that we might consider pagan prior to the days of Moses – murder, adultery, theft, and false witness were treated as immoral acts … simply wrong, as well as considered criminal behavior among the Babylonians and the Egyptians.  Intelligent humans even figured out that it was wrong to … dishonor a god by the improper use of a god’s name, … show lack of respect to parents, … to covet the property (possessions) and particularly a wife, son, daughter, or  slave of another.

Crime, no matter what the stats say, is a direct result of sin. The only answer is godly, righteous living which is only achieved in genuine relationship with Jesus Christ.  So the fear comes, and the truth is avoided!  The government of the governed can’t fix society by increasing the punishment for certain sins, like hate crimes or trying to force the manufacturing of safer bullets, which have no morality except that found in the hands of their user.  When people shoot people in sin, that’s a criminal action.  

Therefore, the heart of mankind is desperately wicked (See Genesis 6:5 & Jeremiah 17:9) and evil. Aberrant behavior cannot/will not be changed without a valid spiritual and moral basis for every law, and individuals who believe the values presented in those laws to be right and true.  So crime reduces, even whole societies are transformed, by the redeeming power of Christ’s gospel.  Then individuals will uphold laws that call sin, sin, support indisputable moral values, and conform their lives to immutable truth!  Brothers and sisters in Christ, don’t give up on our society or our world (I know you may feel like throwing in the towel) … our God’s not finished with us yet!  He can do anything, even change the spots of a leopard (See Jeremiah 13:23).  

Pastor Frank