It’s 2023. Media is king. If you haven’t noticed by now, chances are you have been living under a rock. Whether it be movies, TV, social media, news outlets, magazines, or newspapers, media has never been more prevalent in the lives of people today. Everyone follows someone. It has never been easier to choose and filter where your sources come from and choose which voices to listen to and which voices to tune out.

The word “follow” (Gk akoloutheó) is defined in the Scriptures, particularly Matthew 16:24, as:

“to accompany, to follow one who precedes, to join as or become a disciple.”

When we closely follow these media types, we in essence become their disciple, listening to and taking to heart what is said, whether it be true or false, good or evil, or from a biblical worldview or otherwise. We often look to these people to enlighten us, to show us the way, to explain the things going on around us, or to lead us on a path forward. And more times than not, we are hoodwinked, led astray, run amuck, and flat out deceived. Perhaps we’ve been going about this wrong.

In Psalm 119:105, we read, “Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.” The Bible itself clearly states that our paths are illuminated by Scripture. The Word of God (1 Thessalonians 2:13), which is living and active (Hebrews 4:12), and profitable for all kinds of things (2 Timothy 3:16), shows the way that we must follow. But there’s even better news than that!

In the past few weeks, Pastor Frank and I have preached on proper Bible study and being a disciple of Christ. These go hand in hand. If we follow the Word (Scripture), we will in turn be following the Word (Jesus Christ). Conversely, we follow the Way (Jesus Christ, John 14:6) by following the way (Psalm 119:105).

This is as clear to us now as ever before, although all throughout Scripture, the Way has been revealed to all those would have ears to hear. In the Old Testament alone, the Ancient Word (Psalm 119:9-16, 160) shows us the Ancient Paths (Jeremiah 6:16), that leads us to the Ancient of Days (Daniel 7:9-14).

In the New Testament, several messages by Jesus reveal who we are supposed to follow. Luke 14:25-33 is one of the most powerful messages we have about the importance of following Christ, and counting the cost of doing so. But Christ, being the Word, also emphasized the heeding of His Word throughout His ministry, such as in the Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 7:24-27).

If we continue to look forward, Paul writes regarding the Truth of God’s Word and the person of Jesus Christ at work simultaneously. In Romans 10:17, faith in Christ comes by hearing the Word. In Colossians 3:16, we are admonished to commit the Word to our hearts so deeply that it dwells in us. In 2 Timothy 2:15, we are told to be accurate handlers of the Word. And in 1 Corinthians 11:1, Paul says as I imitate Christ, imitate me.

Time and time again throughout God’s Holy Word, we are shown how studying, understanding, meditating upon, heeding, and living according to Scripture is vitally united to knowing our Great Shepherd, hearing His voice, and following Him. There is no disconnect; if we wish to follow the Lord, we must follow His Word, and vice versa. Jesus Christ is at the same time the Way, the Truth, and the Life. No part of this is in existence without the other. Since this is the case, the ultimate Truth revealed in the Scripture and realized in the person of Jesus Christ must be considered when following the Lord.

Everyone follows someone. I wonder, who do you follow today? Will you merely profess Christ, and run around listening to everyone but Him? Or will you be a doer of the Word, and not merely a deluded hearer (James 1:22)? Don’t let anyone tell you any differently. Even in 2023,                                        




Soli Deo Gloria,



Acts 17:24-29 – “The God who made the world and all things in it, since He is Lord of heaven and earth, does not dwell in temples made with hands; nor is He served by human hands, as though He needed anything, since He Himself gives to all people life and breath and all things; and He made from one man every nation of mankind to live on all the face of the earth, having determined their appointed times and the boundaries of their habitation, that they would seek God, if perhaps they might grope for Him and find Him, though He is not far from each one of us; for in Him we live and move and exist (are, have our being), as even some of your own poets have said, ‘For we also are His children.’”

Perhaps, in reality, one doesn’t actually see or fully understand things as they are; instead one most likely sees and understands them from the somewhat skewed perspective of either fallen or redeemed humanity. In actuality, sometimes sad to say, the way one views life (and in particular their own life) actually shapes / forms one’s own existence! At that crossroad, the way one defines “life” serves to determine one’s own destiny. Beliefs will influence how one invests their time, money, skills / talents, and even, as a believer in Christ Jesus and His Word, the intrinsic value of worship, fellowship, study, prayer, and relationships!

Individuals often outwardly express their beliefs through clothes, jewelry, cars, hairstyles, bumper stickers, social media connections, tattoos, sports / hobby interests, and social circles. These somewhat unspoken influences make an impact and bring about effects (positive or negative) in life much more than one may realize or even understand. Too often they actually serve to determine expectations, moral / ethical values, spirituality, relationships, goals, and of course priorities. If life is a party, the primary value in life will be having fun. If life is in itself a battle or a game, winning will be of highest importance! However, If life on earth is viewed as a pilgrim, and one is simply passing through, the Lord’s view, God’s divine perspective, about everything becomes essential!

The Scripture (above) declares, “He Himself gives to all people life and breath and all things!” If life is from the Lord, (the Lord God formed man … and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living being. From Genesis 2:7-8) then the perhaps simplified, but absolutely and undeniably the best way to view life is from His perspective! If then, “In Him we live and move and have our existence (being),” what other view should be effectively applicable?  

Is life a test? Is life something entrusted to humanity? Is life a race? Is life as we know it a temporary assignment?

Study the TRUTH and receive the ANSWERS!

James 1:12, Hebrews 11:6, Jude 1:3

Jeremiah 1:5, Psalm 139:14, Romans 14:7-9

Hebrews 12:1, 1 Corinthians 9:24

Psalm 39:4-5, James 4:14, Hebrews 13:14, Philippians 3:20

This is my constant prayer for those that participate in the ministries of West Oaks Fellowship, “May the Word of God / Christ richly dwell within each of you /us!”

– taken from Colossians 3:16

His & Yours, because of GRACE (God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense),

Pastor Frank 


In Exodus 25:8 God said, “Let them construct a sanctuary for Me, that I may dwell among them.”  Here one finds God’s heart — to dwell among His people!  A similar statement is found in Exodus 29:45-46.  Then in I Kings 6:13 … the Lord tells Solomon, David’s son, “I will dwell among the sons of Israel.”  Shall we forget the incredible statement found in II Corinthians 6:16, “we (a clear reference to believers) are the temple of the living God?” 

There the scripture continues:

I will dwell in them and walk among them; I will be their God, and they shall be my people.

   Undeniably, this Old Testament quotation is drawn directly from Exodus 25:8 (above), but properly applied then and now to Christ’s New Testament Church and each of us as His individual disciples.

It’s a somewhat overwhelming thought to consider that God Himself fully desires and intentionally purposes to dwell with/among and in (within) His people.  Consider, our God walked in the garden, having direct contact and communication with Adam and Eve before human sin severed the cherished connection.  Therefore, from the very beginning, all the way to the very end of this world as we know it, His objective has been clear … “He will dwell among them, and they shall be His people and God Himself will be among them.” (Revelation 21:3-4) 

In John 1:1 we read, “the Word was God.”  In John 1:14, “the Word became flesh, and dwelt among us.”   YES!   This is the incarnation (a person who embodies in the flesh a deity – the union of divinity and humanity) … An event which is not about humans becoming gods, or a god – absolutely impossible – but instead, God adapting to the form of humanity (with God all things are possible). This almost incomprehensible, mind-bending, worship-inciting truth is profoundly proclaimed when we sing:

Veiled in flesh the Godhead see; Hail, the incarnate Deity.  Pleased with us in flesh to dwell, Jesus our Emmanuel! (from Hark The Herald Angels Sing)

The English word translated here as “dwelt” is the Greek word “eskenosen” which means “to encamp” – “to pitch a tent” – “to tabernacle.”  A quality literal translation of this text might read, “the Word became flesh and did tabernacle or tabernacled among us.”  From the Old Testament, we think of the Tabernacle as the somewhat portable, divinely designed, yet humanly constructed, tent that provided the primary point of contact between God and mankind.  

In the New Testament, and in our faith, Jesus Christ – the incarnate Son of God – who became flesh and “tabernacled” (dwelt) among us, is the one and only point of contact capable of bridging the great chasm between God and humanity. 

In the Old Testament scriptures, the Table of the Bread of the Presence, the Lampstand, the Altar of Incense, and the Ark of the Covenant furnished the Tabernacle.  These pieces of furniture all portrayed Christ and were a “type” or “shadow” of things to come.  However, we now know Jesus as “the Bread of Life” – “the Light of the world” – “the great High Priest who intercedes for God’s redeemed Church” and He who abides (dwells) with and in His people.

God’s glory is also associated with the Old Testament Tabernacle. Exodus 40:34 states, “Then the cloud covered the tent of meeting, and the glory of the LORD filled the tabernacle.”  The glory of God expresses His worthiness and the honor due Him.  Nonetheless, Jesus Christ offers the full expression of God’s glory for us to behold – “and we beheld His glory, the glory of the only begotten from the Father.” II Corinthians 4:6 expresses:

For God, who said, ‘Light shall shine out of darkness,’ is the One who has shone in our hearts to give the Light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ. 

Then, Hebrews 1:3 explains Jesus Christ as:

Being the radiance (brightness) of His (God the Father’s) glory and the exact representation of His nature (express image of God the Father as a person), and (the one who) upholds all things by the word of His power.

Continuing in John 1:14, we also learn that this “glory as of the only begotten from the Father,” is, “full of grace and truth.”

Consider this description of God’s glory from Exodus 34:6:

The LORD, the LORD God, merciful and gracious, longsuffering, and abounding in goodness and truth.

During His visit to earth, the incarnation, Christ demonstrates this grace and truth (from the Father) to the lost, the needy, and undeserving sinners.  He extends God’s grace to people through His actions and His words … He cares for the outcast, heals the broken, feeds the hungry, embraces the lonely, and lifts  the downtrodden from their pit.  Not only were these demonstrations and manifestations irrefutable evidence of His divinity, but fully revealed His divine character … the very nature of God Himself on public display for all to see!  

As He communicated God’s truth, lives were dynamically impacted and complete transformations occurred through the supremacy and potency of the very Word becoming flesh and tabernacling (pitching His tent and encamping) among/with us!  Our Lord, Jesus Christ continues to show us the fullness of God’s grace and truth today – chiefly through the incorruptible message of His Word and the transforming effects of God’s Holy Spirit. 

The Lord regenerates us into new individuals because

He’s living on the inside, roaring like a lion. (David Crowder – Like A Lion)  

Jesus Christ is the all-glorious, incarnate God, and this alone is reason enough to trust Him as our one and only Savior, worship Him as our one and only Lord, and follow/serve Him as our one and only Master/King. 

Are you living in this reality today?  Don’t just think about.  Don’t just talk about it. 

Let’s just do it!

– Pastor Frank


Why do you seek the living among the dead?

That is the question asked of the women in Luke 24:5 as they stood before the borrowed tomb (belonging to Joseph of Arimathea) where the body of Christ had been placed after His public execution. They knew Jesus was dead, that was indisputable.  Yes, their hearts were tattered — their souls devastated by the tragic events of the past few days, and now they came to the place were His body had been laid … behind a wax-sealed rolling stone … guarded by Roman centurions. 

They came to honor their teacher and friend, Jesus Christ, by finishing the appropriate and customary preparation so His body could be permanently interred.  A dead Jesus, a cold shredded corpse was all they hoped for and expected to find.  In reality, they came seeking the dead in the place of the dead (among the dead, as in a cemetery) while bringing along all the supplies and spices needed to complete their arduous and undeniably emotional task.  Surely they weren’t looking for, or even possessing an ounce of hope for discovering anything different. 

According to the scripture (Luke 24:2-3), when they arrived, the tomb was open (obviously not for Christ to escape, but for His faithful followers to observe/witness), and the body of Jesus Christ somehow missing.  Nonetheless, for whatever reason, the ladies, “Mary Magdalene and Joanna and Mary the mother of James; also the other women” (Luke 24:10) still don’t get it!  It’s interesting for us to note that even His enemies, while in total disbelief, fully understood and acknowledged Christ’s well-known teachings and impassioned declarations … that death and the grave could not – in fact – would not be able hold Him! (Matthew 16:21; 17:9,23; 20:19; 26:32; 27:63; 28:6, Mark 8:31; 9:9,31; 10:34; 14:28, Luke 9:22; 18:33; 24:7,46, etc.) 

Every believer should carefully note how easy it was to forget the powerful, plentiful, and inexhaustible promises of our Lord.  In this case, it took the frightful appearance of two men in “dazzling clothing,” to successfully jog our sisters’ memories as the men started accurately proclaiming Christ’s exact teachings concerning His own death and victorious resurrection.  It seems the disciples had the same mental block and spiritual lapse according to Luke 24:11 where the testimony of these women was considered “nonsense” and “they would not believe them.”

What’s the problem/issue?  One might wonder, “How are the words of Jesus Christ so easily forgotten, quickly ignored, or discounted by His followers?”  At least, according to the biblical text (Luke 24:12), Peter gets up, runs to Christ’s tomb — stoops down — looks in, and sees the linen wrappings that were once upon the body of Jesus.  What was He expecting?  What does He find/witness/observe?  NO DEAD JESUS — NO CORPSE OF CHRIST’S SHREADED FLESH, but even then there is no clear statement or testimony of faith as the disciple, “went away to his home, marveling at what had happened.”

Perhaps as we approach Resurrection Sunday, we should ponder the question of how or why the words of Jesus are so easily forgotten, misunderstood, or discounted in our own everyday lives.  The truth of life in Christ Jesus, including all His powerful, plentiful, and inexhaustible promises, is that life can never be found among the dead … in/from unbelievers … in/from relationships with those that seek after all the world has to offer … in/from those that attempt to join themselves to the world … in/from a convenient faith in Christ, nor in/from the things of world themselves.  Even if one has the opportunity to pursue and gain everything our world offers, will it actually bring life?  Mark 8:36 asks this question:

For what does it profit a man to gain the whole world, and forfeit his soul?

Life is not found from the world, nor is it found in the dead fleshly works of religious law, which in essence is lifeless legalism.  Brothers and sisters, why would one seek to find anything living among the dead?  Life abundant (John 10:10) is only found, and is only available, in and through the living words of our living, risen Savior, Jesus Christ!

Jesus said,

It is the Spirit who gives life; the flesh profits nothing; the words that I have spoken to you are spirit and are life.  

John 6:63

Therefore, will we, as Christ’s followers, seek to find the living among the dead, or seek and turn to the living from the dead/world to find life, life abundant?

Here’s my prayer for all of us at WOF throughout the next few months:

1)      If one does not know the words of Christ, come and learn, become a student of His Word, allowing us, in cooperation with His Holy Spirit, to teach you the words of life.

2)     If one already knows His Word, let us help you apply it to your daily life, making it a truly “Living Word” for your spiritual journey and sojourn on earth. (See Hebrews 4:12)

3)    May we, His people/church, never become forgetful, allowing His words to be void. Instead let them be the very backbone and essence of the faith-based lives we breathe with our eyes fixed upon Jesus Christ!

So faith comes from hearing, and hearing by the word of Christ.  

Romans 10:17

Let the word of Christ richly dwell within you!  

Colossians 3:16

For this reason we also constantly thank God that when you received the word of God which you heard from us, you accepted it not as the word of men, but for what it really is, the word of God, which also performs its work in you who believe.     

I Thessalonians 2:13-14

His & Yours, by GRACE (God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense),

Pastor Frank


The foundation of our society and government rest so much on the teachings of the Bible that it would be difficult to support them if faith in these teachings would cease to be practically universal in our country.

President Calvin Coolidge

Much like the threads of a huge, carefully woven tapestry, God’s Word is a natural fiber stitched throughout the fabric of America!  Our history speaks clearly … the Bible has been consistently valued and held in high esteem by individuals in our nation even before its revolutionary birth.  In addition, the scripture’s influence in science, education, law, society, government, and politics is historically undeniable even though many intentionally fail to recognize or acknowledge the scripture’s contribution in these areas of human development and America.  Truly, America would not be America without the Bible!

Simply put, the Bible is the most influential book ever written.  

Time Magazine, March 22, 2007

Even today, in what some call “a post-Christian America,” a recent ARG (American Research Group) poll recorded that only 26% of our parents never (or refuse to) read the scriptures to their children.  This statistic alone reinforces the idea that many in our nation still look to the Bible as an authoritative source for morals, ethics, and spiritual direction while believing in (holding to) the precepts that it presents for our society.


No other book of any title or kind comes remotely close to Bible ownership in America.  Currently 94% of adults in our nation own a least one copy/version of the scriptures and many homes have multiple copies.  (2 – 28%; 3 – 21%; 4 – 10%; 5 – 4%: over 5 – 12%, more – 3%)  Accordingly, at least 47% of American households have at least 3 copies of God’s Word!  In addition, Bibles are given as gifts to friends and relatives more than any other publication in the United States.       


According to a recent ARG survey, Americans say they have significant confidence in the scriptures.  Actually, 90% said they still believe that the Bible applies to today’s problems and/or issues.  This statistic confirms that the scriptures hold a place of sacred significance within our culture/society.  When asked in a recent Barna survey, the vast majority (86%) of U.S. adults said the Bible came to mind “first” when asked to name books they consider to be sacred literature or holy.  FYI … That’s 10 times greater than the Koran! The book of Mormon and the Hebrew Torah both rank at less than 4%. It’s also interesting to note that only 17% of Americans actually believe that the Bible, Koran, Torah, and the book of Mormon are simply different expressions of the same spiritual truths.

WE READ IT (sort of) 

In current American homes, 40% read the scriptures to their sons and daughters on a weekly basis, and about 75% manage once a month.  On an individual basis, an ARG poll discovered that 52% read the Bible weekly and 75% at least once a month. 

Now all these statistics seem incredibly encouraging, but also somewhat confusing when one considers the spiritual condition of our country.  Here’s the facts … 94% of Americans own Bibles; 90% of our nation believes that the scriptures are still applicable today.  A large number read God’s Word to their children somewhat regularly; however, only 29% of American adults read or study God’s Word in any form outside of their own/family’s church attendance. 

While we own and declare we believe the Bible, Americans just don’t read it very much/often on their own initiative.  Is there something wrong with this picture?   How about this stat … when asked, “Do you think it’s time for Americans to go back to reading the scriptures?” … 88% answered, yes!  When asked, “Is America in more need of the Bible today than ever before? … 91% answered, yes!  Even 84% said they’d like to learn more and have greater knowledge about God and His Word!  Even the brilliant, genius physicist, Albert Einstein once stated:

I want to understand the thoughts of God.  

Fellow believers and faithful participants of West Oaks Fellowship, the implication of this data is pretty simple and woefully stunning.  We, as Americans, seem to have a built-in longing for these Holy Words of God, yet many are living in starvation and continued malnourishment even though the Bible is readily available right under our noses, right in our homes – on demand, or right at our finger tips — via cell phones, tablets, media devices, and computers, etc.   

If a man is not familiar with the Bible, he has suffered the loss which he had better make all possible haste to correct … a thorough knowledge of the Bible is worth more than a college education.                       

President Teddy (Theodore) Roosevelt

I wonder … What would it be like if Bibles weren’t so easily available or if there was a great price to pay? 

Think about it.                 — Pastor Frank


While this word doesn’t appear in our Bibles, it is a very important word within the framework of New Testament Christianity, meaning, “the action or process of reforming an institution or practice.”

On October 31, 1517, a significant event took place for all believers, and it wasn’t Halloween! A dynamic protest was birthed – Reformation Day — which commemorates what was perhaps one of the greatest moves of God’s Holy Spirit since the works of the Apostles in Christ’s first century Church. So one asks, “What is the significance of Reformation Day?” 

At that time, few would have suspected that the sound of a hammer striking the castle church door in Wittenberg, Germany would soon be heard distinctly, and ultimately lead to the greatest transformation of Western society since the Apostles first preached the Gospel of Jesus Christ throughout the Roman empire. Martin Luther’s nailing of his “Ninety-Five Theses” to the church door provoked a debate that culminated in what we now call the Protestant (Protest) Reformation.

Initially protesting the Pope’s attempt to sell salvation, Luther’s continual (unrelenting search for truth) study of Scripture soon led him to oppose the church of Rome on issues including the authority and supremacy of the Bible over church tradition, as well as the means by which an individual becomes righteous in the sight of God.

Though clearly declared throughout the New Testament, and found in the writings of many of our early church fathers, the medieval Roman Catholic bishops and priests had largely forgotten the truth that one’s own good works cannot/will not gain God’s favor. Salvation is by grace alone (Sola Gratia), through faith alone (Sola Fide), in Christ alone (Solus Christus / Solo Christo).

A believer’s good works are a result of his/her faith, not a means by which one obtains salvation/redemption and/or the forgiveness of sin. (See Ephesians 2:8-10). One’s justification (God’s declaration of … “not guilty”) and righteousness in His sight, comes through faith, by which the Father imputes or reckons to a true believer’s account — the perfect righteousness of Christ Jesus!

“He made Him who knew no sin to be sin on our behalf, so that we might become the righteousness of God in Him.” 

2 Corinthians 5:21

Martin Luther’s rediscovery of this truth led to a whole swarm of other church and societal reforms … reformation. Much of what we, as believers, take for granted in today’s churches would have likely been impossible had he never studied the scriptures diligently, and then fervently protested! Luther’s translation of the Bible into German put the Word of God in the hands of the common people — a language they could clearly understand. This reformed the Latin church mass by putting the liturgy into a common tongue, allowing non-scholars to actually hear and understand the teaching and preaching of God’s Word. Worship also experienced complete reformation … God’s people could now sing with clarity, songs with words and meanings the congregation could fully embrace/comprehend.

Luther also lifted the unbiblical ban on marriage for the clergy, and by his own teaching and example radically transformed the concept of church ministry as well as the institution itself. In addition, Luther’s protests recaptured the biblical concepts concerning the priesthood of each and every follower of Jesus Christ.

We should all understand and gratefully consider the importance of the Protestant (Protest) Reformation. May we equip ourselves to be knowledgeable proclaimers and defenders of biblical truth, eager to boldly proclaim the Gospel of Christ, thereby sparking a new reformation for Christ’s 21st century church and our culture.  Isn’t it about time and desperately needed?

What then shall we do?

His & Yours,