“STUFF” – an old French word, “estoffe” that derived its meaning from “stopfon,” which means “to stop up.” In English we see this understanding when stuff is used in the verb form, like cramming “stuff” into a closet, filling the trunk of one’s car, or jamming clothes into a closet or suitcase. Exactly how one feels after consuming too much lunch or supper!

Additionally, according to Webster’s New World Dictionary, “stuff” in our vocabulary speaks of material goods, like household items and personal belongings and/or the substances out of which things are produced or manufactured. In a general sense, unspecified items may also be referred to as “stuff.” I don’t know about you, but my world consists of (and seems to be filled with), lots of “stuff!”

Some “stuff” is worthless junk, while other is of significance and valuable, yet it’s all still called “stuff.” There’s good stuff and bad stuff, big stuff and small stuff, fun stuff and sad stuff, great stuff and petty stuff, excellent stuff, average stuff, and inferior stuff, strong stuff and weak stuff, important stuff and trivial stuff, beautiful stuff and ugly stuff, healthy stuff and some stuff that’s not so good for you. Some stuff is material and physical, while other stuff is physiological, emotional and spiritual — whatever the stuff, there’s plenty of it.

In Genesis 25:30, Esau (a godless person according to Hebrews 12:16) begs his brother Jacob

Please let me have a swallow of that red stuff (NASU) (translated pottage in KJV however the word does not appear in the Hebrew text or Greek Septuagint) there, for I am famished (worn out, weary). Therefore his name was called Edom (red).

By his own choice of immediate gratification and pleasure, Esau became a godless person, choosing to love and embrace the things (stuff; in this case food) of this world and his earthly life in exchange for the blessings of God, spiritual peace, and hope (confident expectation) for his future.

Esau gave up:

  1. His right to the priesthood – Ex. 22:29.
  2. A double portion of his father’s estate – Deut. 21:17.
  3. His role in the family – Gen. 27:29, 37; 49:3.
  4. His potential role in the Messianic promise/linage of first born sons.
  5. His rights of primogeniture (conveying special blessings upon his descendants – which were among the most noble, honorable, and spiritual in the ancient world).

Esau undervalued “God stuff” and overvalued “red stuff” which filled his belly and brought temporary satisfaction.

In John 6:27-28, Jesus issues a warning that might help us gain some understanding about “stuff,”

Do not work for the food which perishes, but for the food which endures to eternal life, which the Son of Man will give to you, for on Him the Father, God, has set His seal.

Nearly everyone can recall the Parable Of The Sower And Soils in Mark 4:18-19 where the good seed of God is sown among thorns,but the worries of the world (stuff), and the deceitfulness of riches (stuff), and the desires for other things (stuff) enter in and choke” out God’s Word/Truth. Instead of trading the “stuff” of God for the “stuff” of this world, have you ever considered doing the exact opposite? May we, as believers in Christ, be found laying down the “stuff” of this world in order to gain “God stuff!” II Peter 1:8 says “For if these qualities are yours and are increasing, they render you neither useless nor unfruitful in the true knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.”

I pray all our “stuff” becomes useful and fruitful! Just think about it. — Pastor Frank


While this word doesn’t appear in our Bibles, it is a very important word within the framework of New Testament Christianity, meaning, “the action or process of reforming an institution or practice.”

On October 31, 1517, a significant event took place for all believers, and it wasn’t Halloween! A dynamic protest was birthed – Reformation Day — which commemorates what was perhaps one of the greatest moves of God’s Holy Spirit since the works of the Apostles in Christ’s first century Church. So one asks, “What is the significance of Reformation Day?” 

At that time, few would have suspected that the sound of a hammer striking the castle church door in Wittenberg, Germany would soon be heard distinctly, and ultimately lead to the greatest transformation of Western society since the Apostles first preached the Gospel of Jesus Christ throughout the Roman empire. Martin Luther’s nailing of his “Ninety-Five Theses” to the church door provoked a debate that culminated in what we now call the Protestant (Protest) Reformation.

Initially protesting the Pope’s attempt to sell salvation, Luther’s continual (unrelenting search for truth) study of Scripture soon led him to oppose the church of Rome on issues including the authority and supremacy of the Bible over church tradition, as well as the means by which an individual becomes righteous in the sight of God.

Though clearly declared throughout the New Testament, and found in the writings of many of our early church fathers, the medieval Roman Catholic bishops and priests had largely forgotten the truth that one’s own good works cannot/will not gain God’s favor. Salvation is by grace alone (Sola Gratia), through faith alone (Sola Fide), in Christ alone (Solus Christus / Solo Christo).

A believer’s good works are a result of his/her faith, not a means by which one obtains salvation/redemption and/or the forgiveness of sin. (See Ephesians 2:8-10). One’s justification (God’s declaration of … “not guilty”) and righteousness in His sight, comes through faith, by which the Father imputes or reckons to a true believer’s account — the perfect righteousness of Christ Jesus!

“He made Him who knew no sin to be sin on our behalf, so that we might become the righteousness of God in Him.” 

2 Corinthians 5:21

Martin Luther’s rediscovery of this truth led to a whole swarm of other church and societal reforms … reformation. Much of what we, as believers, take for granted in today’s churches would have likely been impossible had he never studied the scriptures diligently, and then fervently protested! Luther’s translation of the Bible into German put the Word of God in the hands of the common people — a language they could clearly understand. This reformed the Latin church mass by putting the liturgy into a common tongue, allowing non-scholars to actually hear and understand the teaching and preaching of God’s Word. Worship also experienced complete reformation … God’s people could now sing with clarity, songs with words and meanings the congregation could fully embrace/comprehend.

Luther also lifted the unbiblical ban on marriage for the clergy, and by his own teaching and example radically transformed the concept of church ministry as well as the institution itself. In addition, Luther’s protests recaptured the biblical concepts concerning the priesthood of each and every follower of Jesus Christ.

We should all understand and gratefully consider the importance of the Protestant (Protest) Reformation. May we equip ourselves to be knowledgeable proclaimers and defenders of biblical truth, eager to boldly proclaim the Gospel of Christ, thereby sparking a new reformation for Christ’s 21st century church and our culture.  Isn’t it about time and desperately needed?

What then shall we do?

His & Yours,