A little over a half century ago, at the height of anti-Communist fervor, Congress added the words “under God” to our Pledge of Allegiance in an attempt to link patriotism and religion, clearly distinguishing the United States of America from its number one cold war enemy, those “godless” Soviets!  Now, over the years, and after many repetitive declarations, this phrase has become part of American life, just like the words ”In God We Trust” on our coins and ”God bless America” uttered by presidential candidates and politicians at the end of important speeches. 

However, in June of 2002, the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit in California ruled 2 to 1 that those words in our pledge violate the First Amendment, which says that ”Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion.”  The majority sided with Michael Newdow, who complained that his daughter was injured when forced to listen to public school teachers lead students daily in a pledge that includes the assertion that there is a God.  However, the assertion “under God” is not a violation of the First Amendment establishment clause as some have suggested. 

While this case, and others like it are way off the radar screen in the pantheon of First Amendment cases that have followed, no one really wants to honestly consider the lie and/or religion that’s perpetuated if “under God” is disallowed or removed.  What are the impending consequences for a nation/people who willfully and purposefully refuse to acknowledge its/their appointed, preordained position, place, standing, rank, or status?  The wisest man in the world clearly expresses God’s heart on this issue in Proverbs 14:34:

Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a disgrace to any people.

Certainly it’s sin . . . absolute rebellion, for a nation or people to decide they are not “under God.”  God’s prophet, Isaiah was told to, “Cry loudly” against such people, “Do not hold back; Raise your voice like a trumpet and declare to My people their transgression.” (See Isaiah 58:1)  In contrast, the nation of Israel was instructed by the Lord in Deuteronomy 28:1-2:

Now it shall be, if you diligently obey the Lord your God, being careful to do all His commandments which I command you today, the Lord your God will set you high above all the nations of the earth. All these blessings will come upon you and overtake you if you obey the Lord your God.

Ultimately every believer, and in reality, every American, must both ask and answer questions concerning the reason/purpose for this nation’s initial formation and continued existence, and in so doing must incontestably recognize:      

1)   God raised up Israel to be a witness to the world of the one true and living God. 

Deuteronomy 4:6-8 – So keep and do them, for that is your wisdom and your understanding in the sight of the peoples who will hear all these statutes and say, ‘Surely this great nation is a wise and understanding people.’ For what great nation is there that has a god so near to it as is the Lord our God whenever we call on Him? Or what great nation is there that has statutes and judgments as righteous as this whole law which I am setting before you today?

2)   God establishes and removes nations according to His will/purposes. 

      Daniel 2:21 – It is He who changes the times and the epochs; He removes kings and establishes kings; He gives wisdom to wise men And knowledge to men of understanding.

      Acts 17:26 – And He made from one man every nation of mankind to live on all the face of the earth, having determined their appointed times and the boundaries of their habitation.

      Romans 13:1 – For there is no authority except from God, and those which exist are established by God.

3)   God, in His sovereign dominion governs and convenes over all nations and people.   

      Psalm 22:28 – For the kingdom is the Lord’s and He rules over the nations.

     Psalms 47:8 – “God reigns over the nations, God sits on His holy throne.

Psalms 66:6 – He rules by His might forever; His eyes keep watch on the nations; Let not the rebellious exalt themselves. Selah.

      Psalms 82:8 – Arise, O God, judge the earth! For it is You who possesses all the nations.

Therefore as we approach the birthday of our “One nation under God”, please dutifully consider, as David Manuel and Peter Marshall asked in their book,  “The Light And The Glory” (a must read for every true Christian in America), “Did God have a plan for America?”  If yes, was it to be free people “under God” who would boldly share/shine His light/truth and bring Him honor/glory?  If one answers yes to that, then honestly contemplate the state of our nation.  Have we receded, becoming as those mentioned in Psalms 135:15?

The idols of the nations are but silver and gold, the work of man’s hands.

As we celebrate our nation and freedom this July 4th, may we as one nation acknowledge our exact and proper position/place/standing/rank/status under the one true God while never forgetting the warning and promise found in Jeremiah 18:7-10!

At one moment I might speak concerning a nation or concerning a kingdom to uproot, to pull down, or to destroy it;  if that nation against which I have spoken turns from its evil, I will relent concerning the calamity I planned to bring on it. Or at another moment I might speak concerning a nation or concerning a kingdom to build up or to plant it;  if it does evil in My sight by not obeying My voice, then I will think better of the good with which I had promised to bless it.                                                                                                               

Grace, peace, hope, and freedom for all through Christ Jesus– Pastor Frank 


The appearance of stars marks the end of the day . . . In Nehemiah 4:21, those rebuilding the walls of Jerusalem had to split their efforts between half standing guard and half diligently laying stones, both working long hours … “from the break of dawn till the stars came out.”  One may recall that one of the reasons our Lord placed lights (including the stars) in the heavens was “to separate the day from the night, and let them be for signs and for seasons and for days and years.”  However, God uses the “star” and our “stars” throughout the scriptures for many distinctive purposes.     

The OT shows awareness of the stars’ immense number, which many explain why so many humans looked to them for spiritual direction, or even worshiped individual stars and constellations as gods.  Of course, consulting their alignment for spiritual guidance (astrology, not astronomy or geography) or worshiping them in any manner was strictly forbidden because it completely disregarded and rebelliously denied God’s purpose in their creation.  (Perhaps one should take a moment right now just to consider how many other things in God’s creation have crumpled into this same type of demise.) 

Stars were created by God … their task is only that which is established by God.  They are totally subordinate to God, under His absolute authority and control, and intended for His glory/ purpose(s). (See Psalm 19:1-6) This status is tenaciously reinforced in Psalm 147:4:

He counts the number of the stars; He gives names to all of them. 

Thus, their existence and destiny are completely according to His will, even including whether they shine or not! (See Job 9:7-10).  Actually, they respond as creatures, in the same manner we as Christ’s followers, God’s children, should.  While the language in Judges 5:20 is certainly poetic, stars fighting against Israel’s enemies clearly demonstrates that the Lord can deliberately and unreservedly use any and all the forces of the universe to accomplish His purpose(s). After all, whose universe is it? 

Accordingly, throughout the universe, all stars are to “praise Him.” (See Psalm 148:3)  

Is there any different calling for humanity? 

Interestingly, in the Bible, perhaps because of their brilliance and glory, the word “star” is used symbolically of creatures, both enemies and servants of God, as well as individuals.  In an unique play on words, according to Isaiah 14:12, the symbolic king of Babylon, Lucifer, imagining himself to be the “Day Star,” “son of Dawn,” or the “Star of the Morning,” was not satisfied with his dominant position, but sought to ascend above the stars (a place reserved for God alone).  His desire to take the place of God presented a direct challenge to God’s authority and power. 

As a result, the king was cast down in defeat (14:12-15). By the way, astronomically speaking, Venus is the morning star because it’s seen first from the earth’s perspective.  Jesus Christ is not the “Star of the Morning” (that’s Lucifer/Satan), as presented by some biblically illiterate or confused Christian musicians, but He is undeniably the Bright Morning Star described in II Peter 1:19 and Revelation 22:16. 

Jude 13 audaciously and fearlessly declares the opponents of God as:

wandering stars, for whom the black darkness has been reserved forever. 

Conversely, the OT compares the coming Messiah to a rising star and scepter in Numbers 24:17, and in one case, stars symbolize the glory of the resurrected life for true believers … Those who turn many to righteousness will rise in the resurrection, and will shine “like the stars for ever and ever.” (See Daniel 12:1-3). In addition, Paul compares the glory of a Christian’s exclusive resurrected body to the glory and distinction of the stars in I Corinthians 15:40-49. 

Agnostic pantheist Carl Sagan, American astrophysicist, cosmologist, exobiologist, author (“Contact”) and TV host (“Cosmos”), stated, “we are star stuff.”  However, the God who created the stars and their shine — the One who declared:

Light shall shine out of darkness, is the One who has shone in our (every true believer’s) hearts to give the Light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ. (See II Corinthians 4:6) 

Simply “star stuff” — or partakers and bearers of the True Light?  God’s call, not ours or Sagan’s.  See, knowing Him is knowing Truth … that’s GOD’S star stuff!                                                                            

— Pastor Frank 


The Apostle Paul affirmed, “I know how to get along with humble means, and I also know how to live in prosperity; in any and every circumstance I have learned the secret of being filled and going hungry, both of having abundance and suffering need.” (See Philippians 4:12)  While many believers are familiar with Philippians 4:13 … which is awesome and very appealing, often verses 12 and 14 are overlooked, unnoticed, or simply ignored.  The same man that professed, “I can do all things through Him (Christ) who strengthens me,” was clearly making reference to the supernatural vigor Christ assures, makes available, and imparts on behalf of His children for all of life’s situations/circumstances. 

Apparently, Paul needed Christ’s strength/power all the time … in lean times as well as in times of prosperity!  Go figure, not just when he is down and out, hurting, despised, abused, and distraught!  No!  In every blessing, condition, incident, accident, event, gain, success, test or trial, whether rich or poor, suffering and struggling, or totally fit, Paul knew (experientially) both “the secret of being filled and going hungry.”  When want or affliction comes, how often do complaints grow loud and more frequent?  How soon does the end of one’s patience brusquely prevail?

The Greek word “prosperity” employed in this text, “perisseuo” actually means to excel or super-abound (in quantity and/or quality).  A careful study of this text reveals that for Paul himself, who thankfully acknowledges that he is extremely blessed (in and through Christ), material blessings have become matters of indifference, the riches (prosperity) which he has gained through God’s grace are absolutely incomparable to the improvement in his current circumstances through the gifts of this congregation. Nonetheless, he is obviously grateful for the blessing and excess.

Question:  Does it require as much grace and strength to keep the heart right in prosperity, as it does in adversity?  Perhaps at times, even more?  Consider these words from King Solomon, the riches and wisest of all:

In the day of prosperity be happy, but in the day of adversity consider — God has made the one as well as the other so that man will not discover anything that will be after him. — Ecclesiastes 7:14

True and faithful believers must learn this mystery.  God has made prosperity and adversity to be placed along side each other.  The New King James version says, “Surely God has appointed the one as well as the other.”  King James states, “God also hath set the one over against the other.”  American Standard expresses, “God hath made the one side by side with the other.” The proper Hebrew Old Testament understanding would declare that the two walk hand in hand along the same path or journey.  Undeniably and indisputably, Paul fully learned this ambiguity, recognizing the only way to make sense of it was to completely embrace the Maker and Sustainer of the universe (See Colossians 1:15-17) Who gives and takes away. (See Job 1:21)  After all, “Consider the work of God, for who is able to straighten what He has bent?”  (Ecclesiastes 7:13)

Does our Lord test His people — not by a steady course of prosperity, or by long-continued adversity, but by transition from the one to the other?   Does the grace and/or strength, which would have been sufficient for either continued prosperity or adversity, fail or fall short in the transition from the one to the other?  I think not!  Strength and grace are imparted for every new form or style of test/trial, prosperity and/or adversity. 

Through both, new traits of character are developed and arise through these transitions in life.  Some of God’s people have experienced great prosperity, others, tremendous, almost unbearable adversity.  In my life, I’ve seen plenty of both, even simultaneously.  Emphatically, I wish I would have known and understood this secret long ago — rejoice in prosperity, always consider what Christ is doing through adversity (because these two walk hand in hand), remember the Lord desires to provide strength for both conditions and actually in every situation … not just when I think/feel I may need it!   Therefore, I’m praying that the reality of our Lord’s prosperity/provision becomes vivaciously alive and unalterably true for you and yours!           

— Pastor Frank                               


The idea of affliction brings unpleasant thoughts to most of our minds, and even troubles the average human’s emotion.  Nonetheless, this word is used abundantly throughout the Bible (both OT & NT), to describe plagues, tribulation, trouble, disease, grief, delusion, distress, misfortune, suffering, remorse, punishment, humiliation, ill-treatment, disaster, misery and even many forms of hardship. Have you ever wondered why this word appears so many times in the scriptures?  Perhaps it’s the reality of human existence.  Is there life without some form of affliction? 

While there are plenty individuals in our world promoting such an idea, whether through the consumption or application of some magic potion (some of you remember #9); the use of the “perfect” and/or superior (better than all the rest) diet, exercise routine or equipment; the application of certain principles from the latest self-help, humanistic, or pagan/mystical literature; or through the prayers/lying-on-of-hands/anointing of the “right” so called “Christian” spiritual leader/pastor/evangelist, the simple fact is all humanity is afflicted!  We’re afflicted, 1st with sin and death, and 2nd with suffering/pain, misfortune, and all the definitions of affliction listed above.

In the OT, afflictions are both individual (sickness, poverty, oppression … sometimes at the hands of the rich or powerful, perverted justice, etc.) and national (war, invasions, catastrophe, conquest by foreign peoples, exile, etc.)  In the NT, much attention is given to personal suffering and fierce antagonism manifested against those following Jesus Christ, ultimately resulting in their persecution.  In every situation, from both the OT and NT, the sources of affliction, as well as the meaning and purpose of affliction, must be given careful consideration and approached with the highest level of biblical/spiritual discernment. 

As an example, physical and mental maladies in the time of Christ were considered either the work of evil spirits/demons/Beelzebub/Satan or a direct result of someone’s individual sin. (see Mark 1:23; 3:22; 5:2; Matthew 9:32)  However, while Christ certainly gives some credence to this concept based upon His ministry in several distinct occasions, He also clearly rebukes this as an absolute certainty when dealing with the one born blind in John 9.

And His disciples asked Him, “Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents, that he would be born blind?” Jesus answered, “It was neither that this man sinned, nor his parents; but it was so that the works of God might be displayed in him.                      

 — John 9:2-3

There is also a much overlooked event that occurs with the Apostle Paul in Acts 28.

But when Paul had gathered a bundle of sticks and laid them on the fire, a viper came out because of the heat and fastened itself on his hand.  When the natives saw the creature hanging from his hand, they began saying to one another, “Undoubtedly this man is a murderer, and though he has been saved from the sea, justice has not allowed him to live.”  However he shook the creature off into the fire and suffered no harm. But they were expecting that he was about to swell up or suddenly fall down dead. But after they had waited a long time and had seen nothing unusual happen to him, they changed their minds and began to say that he was a god.                            

  — Acts 28:3-6

How interesting the presumptions and confused misjudgments of humanity … obviously lacking spiritual understanding and discernment, adopting some human philosophy that fails to align itself with Christ’s teachings (Truth) or the revelation we have in His Word! I’ve actually heard people say Paul didn’t have enough faith to rid himself of his “thorn in the flesh.”  How can true believers ignore God’s Truth and buy in to such humanistic, mystical, pagan, narcissistic mind-science?  No matter what mankind says, some spiritual leader says, or you say, God irrefutably declares: 

Because of the surpassing greatness of the revelations, for this reason, to keep me from exalting myself, there was given me a thorn in the flesh, a messenger of Satan to torment me – to keep me from exalting myself!  Concerning this I implored the Lord three times that it might leave me.  And He has said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for power is perfected in weakness.”  Most gladly, therefore, I will rather boast about my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may dwell in me.  Therefore I am well content with weaknesses, with insults, with distresses, with persecutions, with difficulties, for Christ’s sake; for when I am weak, then I am strong.               

— II Corinthians 12:7-10

Why was the messenger of Satan sent?  What was Paul’s resolution?  How can this response be anything other than from a man who lives by faith in the Son of God (Jesus Christ) who loves Paul and gave His life for him!  When will the faithful come to understand that we are not exempt creatures, we do not live life in some utopian Christian bubble without affliction? (See Psalm 34:19) Nonetheless, indisputably, no matter the affliction, we have permanent companionship through every difficulty/struggle! (See Hebrews 13:5-6, I Peter 1:3-9, I Corinthians 10:13)  Believers can absolutely know and discern the source and purpose of their affliction(s), and will undoubtedly, according to the scriptures, have grace and strength from above to endure and/or escape!   You may recall the words of Christ upon learning about His close friend’s death in John 11:4:

This sickness is not to end in death, but for the glory of God, so that the Son of God may be glorified by it.  

That’s not Jesus speaking false hope, formulated faith, or trying to spin the facts to make everyone feel better.  No, that’s spiritual discernment, knowing the source and purpose of the event/affliction.  Is Romans 8:28 God’s Word/Truth or not?  Is He provident and sovereign over all/everything? (See Psalm 139)

Recently, on several occasions, I’ve heard people question why there are so many individuals suffering at WOF.  First of all, there is no evidence of such an increase.  Second, we are humans who openly suffer affliction (there’s more about Paul’s suffering in the NT than his blessings).  Conversely, asking this question provides great revelation.  One either fails to understand the truth of, and even the need for affliction among believers, or one has erroneously embraced some non-biblical, man-made, pagan philosophy concerning suffering/affliction, and attempted to robe those destructive concepts in the framework of orthodox Christianity.  GOD forbid!  That’s about as heretical as declaring Jesus a failure (which I’ve heard) because He was unable to bring in the Kingdom (His earthly mission) and died trying!  Totally absurd, according to JC — John 17:4.  

Here’s my prayer/desire for all of us at WOF, especially as Easter 2012 quickly approaches.  Please begin focusing on someone else’s afflictions — that of Jesus Christ, which will absolutely broaden/transform one’s perspective on this whole subject.  May we all consider Him as our mentor and completely incorporate His life as our model …

Who for the joy set before Him endured the cross” … “For consider Him who has endured such hostility by sinners against Himself, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart.” (from Hebrews 12:2-3)

Always remember, Truth — understood and applied sets us (true and faithful believers/disciples) absolutely free from all this profane, deviating, dissenting nonsense.                     

— Pastor Frank    


In II Corinthians 3:4-6 believers are reminded that they are “adequate servants of the new covenant” (NT grace/gospel-based relationship/contract with God through Christ Jesus alone).  How often do we actually consider, or view ourselves in this light?  The Lord is not simply calling us out as servants of the New Covenant, but as believers who are “adequate” in the framework (apparatus and structure) of that calling.  In order to fully comprehend “adequacy,” let’s first consider the context of this dynamic, empowering, and far-reaching comprehensive statement:   

Such confidence we have through Christ toward God.  Not that we are adequate in ourselves to consider anything as coming from ourselves, but our adequacy is from God, who also made us adequate as servants of a new covenant, not of the letter but of the Spirit; for the letter kills, but the Spirit gives life.

First, one must recognize/acknowledge “inadequacy” (insufficiency and even incompetency) as a significant and mandatory qualification for becoming a “servant of the new covenant.”  

Not that we are adequate in ourselves to consider anything as coming from ourselves.

How often do individuals overlook their own personal inadequacies in direct disagreement (even in prideful rebellion) with the Lord’s Word?  Doesn’t Christ simply desire for us to come into agreement with Him?  Even when one begins to face the truth about his/her own spiritual inabilities, especially when it concerns producing the type of life Christ is looking for, one can easily underestimate the extent of human deficiency.  Believers may come to think that they are just not able to produce everything, or as much as, God desires/wants in their lives.  Needless to say, our Lord has a more radical viewpoint, clearly stating that we cannot view ourselves as adequate in ourselves to consider anything as coming from ourselves.”  Again, doesn’t Christ simply desire His followers to come into agreement with Him?

Second, one must recognize/acknowledge God’s undeniable, irrefutable, sufficient and competent adequacy.  “Our adequacy (sufficiency) is from God” and no other!  The adequate and all sufficient resources for living the Christian life are to be found in Him and Him alone!   

We are to be the beneficiaries, by/through His grace, and recipients of God’s full and adequate supply.  Humans are not the source — even strong, dedicated, faithful believers are not the adequate, sufficient providers! 

The Lord is the right and proper resource and supply … all that’s needed for life and godliness (fearless, faithful, victorious, righteous living — see II Peter 1:3)!  

Can anyone simply agree with Him?

According to the scripture previously referenced (II Corinthians 3:4-6) the difference between living by God’s supply or by our own adequacy and resources is a matter of life and death . . . for the letter kills, but the Spirit gives life.”  Living the Christian life by our own capabilities will spiritually kill us. It will eventually leave us exhausted, discouraged, and condemned. Whereas, depending upon God’s Holy Spirit to supply the abundant grace of God will ultimately provide adequate strength, encouragement, and comfort.

Under the Old Testament Law and provisions of the Old Covenant, only the Levites were actually called and set apart to be officially God’s servants.  They were not allowed to participate in “earthly” or what we would call secular work, and they were to be totally supported by the tithes received from the other tribes of Israel.  It seems that modern- day Christianity may have unquantifiably and unreservedly adopted some of this Old Covenant philosophy and dumped it right out in the pews of today’s church. 

Where does the New Testament teach that only those who give up their secular jobs can become servants of God?  Undoubtedly, undeniably, irresponsibly, recklessly, negligently, and carelessly, this prominent teaching of human religion and tradition has been elevated as God’s will/purpose/truth. However this convoluted concept is without New Testament/New Covenant support, and stands in direct contradiction to the teachings of Christ and the biblical examples of New Testament church leadership.  Consider Romans 6:22:

But now having been freed from sin and enslaved to God, you derive your benefit, resulting in sanctification, and the outcome, eternal life.

One is made free from sin — then as a result becomes “enslaved to God,” or in other words, a servant/bondservant of the Lord.   The Greek word translated here “enslaved” is from the root word doulo/douloo, meaning both literally and figuratively to become (make) a servant and/or to bring into bondage/servitude.  Obviously apparent, this passage has nothing to do with how one makes a living, or someone giving up their secular job in order to become God’s servant!  The inexorable and unmistakable truth revealed here calls all those who believe in Jesus Christ to enter servanthood based upon them becoming eligible for that position and opportunity through God’s grace and provision for the removal of one’s sin found only in Jesus Christ!  It’s ultimately HIS adequacy and sufficiency that allows our privileged calling as adequate/sufficient servants of the New Covenant!   

Perhaps Christ’s followers should simply come into agreement with Him?  This prayer may help turn one’s heart and embrace this abiding Truth.

Lord of Grace, I humbly admit that I have often held a perspective so different from Yours on this subject of adequacy and sufficiency.  I have repeatedly behaved as though my entire Christian life experience depended upon what I thought I could do with/from my own abilities and resources.  Lord, as You have declared, it has brought forth spiritual deadness.  Please teach me to trust You and God’s Holy Spirit to birth (into my Christian life experience) the full adequacy and sufficiency of Your immeasurable grace. 

In Jesus’ name, Amen.                                                        

Simply try it … Pastor Frank


What does it mean to be “acceptable?”  Much in our world is centered around being, behaving, speaking, performing, looking, dressing, etc., in an acceptable manner.  As believers, we are even  instructed to “accept one another, just as Christ also accepted us to the glory of God.” (See Romans 5:7) Therefore, we find one another “acceptable.” However, within the framework of faith-based Christianity (not merit/works-based religion), an individual’s “acceptance” by God is absolutely and completely established through justification.  Paul’s writing to the believers in Rome clearly confirms this irrefutable and ubiquitous (ever-present) truth.

Therefore, having been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom also we have obtained our introduction by faith into this grace in which we stand; and we exult in hope of the glory of God.                             — Romans 5:1-2

Yes, past, present, and even future sins are forgiven, pardoned, and removed through Christ’s sacrificial atoning death upon His cross, and, through faith/belief/trust in Him, believers are deemed righteous in Christ.  As a result, God does not reject and/or judge a believer in accordance with their transgressions, but fully accepts them in accordance with their spiritual justification.  Amazingly, God’s prophet, Isaiah, was granted this understanding many centuries before Christ entered humanity . . .

By His knowledge the Righteous One, My Servant, will justify the many, as He will bear their iniquities.   — Isaiah 53:11 

In the English New Testament, the words translated as accept, accepted, acceptable all come from one common Greek root word, “dektos” which primarily means favorable. 

The root word appears in a strengthened form “apodektos,” meaning acceptable in the sense of something that is pleasing and welcome (as in I Timothy 2:3; 5:4).  An even stronger form of the word, “euprosdektos,” signifies a very favorable acceptance (as in Romans 15:16,31; 2 Corinthians 6:2; 8:12).  The apostle Peter employs this word impeccably in I Peter 2:4-5 when referencing the ministry/service of Jesus Christ’s faithful followers:

And coming to Him as to a living stone which has been rejected by men, but is choice and precious in the sight of God, you also, as living stones, are being built up as a spiritual house for a holy priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ.

It’s interesting that the Lord inspired the apostle Paul to utilize this same word while giving thanks to the believers at Philippi.

But I have received everything in full and have an abundance; I am amply supplied, having received from Epaphroditus what you have sent, a fragrant aroma, an acceptable sacrifice, well-pleasing to God.                                        

 — Philippians 4:18-19

While the Lord is never pleased with services offered through ritualistic religious acts, He offers His “very favorable acceptance” for the ministry and service offered through obedient faith. Perhaps this very attitude, revealed in our Lord’s impeccable character,   should become the stimulating catalyst that prompts every believer to demonstrate their “very favorable acceptance” of Him as well!

May we, those justified by faith in Christ, continually recognize and unhesitatingly seize the inimitable (incomparable) opportunity afforded believers . . . We alone are suitably positioned, properly equipped, and spiritually qualified to please the Lord by our offering of acceptable sacrifices!   Just think — imagine this — as a true believer, faithful in service and ministry, you’ve been made 100%, totally acceptable through Christ, and thus your sacrifices have that exact same potential and promise! However, here’s the catch, you’ll have to present/bring them to your Lord, Master, and King!        

Therefore I urge you, brethren, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies a living and holy sacrifice, acceptable to God, which is your spiritual service of worship. 

— Romans 12:1               

 His & Yours, Pastor Frank


In II Peter 1:13, the Apostle of the Lord tells his audience of fellow believers and friends that he considers it right (his responsibility) to intentionally “stir up” certain spiritual perspectives in their lives.  The Greek word found in this text, “diegeiro” is used sparingly in our New Testaments, usually in reference to awakening someone from their sleep as in the Gospels and Acts.  However in this case, it’s meaning is quite significant. Peter employs “diegeiro” metaphorically within a spiritual context demanding an awakening of the mind/heart/soul in the Lord’s people. 

This theme seems to progressively emerge as the primary objective of Peter’s epistles/letters … calling to remembrance the important truths which they had previously been taught, but of which these disciples were in serious danger of forgetting, or turning away from, due to prevailing errors in their beliefs and lifestyles.  Their minds/hearts were open and candid, but the biblical text and context implies they were not necessarily pure/sincere.  The apostle Peter regards these followers of Christ as disposed to both hear and understand the truth, and yet liable to be led astray by the plausible errors of others and the world. Such minds/hearts needed the spiritual truths of Christ’s teachings and biblical doctrine refreshed and brought to the forefront of their thinking. 

Without question, these truths were familiar — but not active; known — but not followed; understood — but not validated by obedience in the lives of these Christians.  Therefore, Peter uses this word,  “diegeiro” once again in II Peter 3:1-2 where he reveals an intended purpose of this letter . . . “This is now, beloved, the second letter I am writing to you in which I am stirring up your sincere mind by way of reminder, that you should remember the words spoken beforehand by the holy prophets and the commandment of the Lord and Savior spoken by your apostles.”

A related Greek word, “egeiro” is also used within a similar context in Matthew 25:7 where the virgins are not prepared and must awake from their slumber; In Romans 13:11, where believers are reminded to live godly and prepared, anticipating the moment (imminency) when Christ calls for His bride and His subsequent second advent (physical return to earth); In Ephesians 5:14, where Paul challenges Christ’s Church to arise or awake from its spiritual slumber and apparent apathy!  Even in a letter full of personal encouragement and precise instruction to his faithful apprentice, Pastor Timothy, Paul follows a similar path coaching him, “to kindle afresh the gift of God which is in you.” (See II Timothy 1:6) Without question, Peter’s unquenchable,  insatiable hope and desire in II Peter 1:13 and 3:1-2 is to stir up, excite, awake, and arouse the faith and service of those he leads.

According to Peter himself, while awaiting His earthly departure, he will remain steadfast to this end … wholeheartedly, perhaps even with intimidation, stirring up believers so they will pursue excellence in their ministries and focus their minds/hearts upon the divine/spiritual things from above, rather than the overly enticing temptations and sins of this flesh/earth/world that so easily entangles Christ’s people.

As we approach 2012, God is stirring me in order to stir up you, and the body of Christ at West Oaks Fellowship as well.  Last year, our teachings, preaching and instruction seemed to take on a very serious posture of commitment with the  potential of suffering for our faith and the cause of Christ.  This year, our focus will be on re-kindling those things which God has birthed in us, yet for whatever reason have grown stale, ceased to function, or slipped into melancholy mediocrity.  This is my personal commitment to each of you as individuals, and to our entire fellowship. If ministers are negligent in their work, it can hardly be expected that the flock, which is entrusted to their care, will be diligent in theirs. 

Therefore, just as Peter will not be negligent (at no time or place, in no part of his work), but will be exemplarily and universally diligent, so will I, to the best of my ability as God continues to provide me strength, as your Pastor, co-laborer in the Gospel, brother in Christ, and friend.  I am also bound, by the Lord, just as Peter was, to continuously make mention of our Lord’s promises, declare His truths to His people, encourage you to obediently serve and do good to all.  I am trusting that your remembrances will be stirred and that we all awake to the things our Lord has “prepared for us beforehand to walk in!”  While some might think this effort needless or useless, the apostle doesn’t, therefore, nor shall I. 

We must: 

  1. Put in mind what we already know in order to prevent one from forgetting. 
  2. Improve our knowledge of the Lord.
  3. Put into practice what we know and what one learns. 
  4. Diligently study and pursue the things of God so one will not be shaken or moved by every wind of doctrine. 

The great doctrines/truths of the gospel, that Jesus is the Christ, that Jesus Christ came into the world to redeem and restore sinners, that those who believe in the Lord Jesus Christ shall be saved, and given a new life in Christ to carefully maintain and use for His glory/honor until one’s work in this world is accomplished will be our mantra. These are truths the apostles insisted on in their day and these are faithful precepts worthy of our acceptance in 2012 and in every age of the Christ’s church. These must be constantly affirmed by our Lord’s true ministers (See Titus 3:8) … believers must be well instructed and established therein, so each one can resolutely believe and determinedly behave accordingly. Even the most advanced Christian is not, and cannot, while in this world, be above the need for such stirrings and consistent reminders, nor move beyond the methods and means which God has appointed for His people/His body/His church. 

Therefore we will begin 2012 by asking, “Need To Unshelve In 2012?” because many have put things up … out of sight on an obscure shelf in their spiritual lives that need to be awakened — rekindled — stirred up.  I’m sure you’ve heard all the nonsense and speculation about the world ending in 2012 (see Fusion article on the 2012 movie from January 2010 @ the WOF website).  We  absolutely know, according to God’s Word, that this will not happen!  However, Christ may indeed appear in the clouds and call for His saints to be instantly transformed and meet Him in the air. So, if that potential exists, why not be found awake, faithfully serving, and waiting in anticipation of His call, rather than slumbering in dysfunction and snoozing?  Now, don’t just think about it!                    

–Pastor Frank


God’s people have always been unique in expressions of giving thanks to the Lord for His blessings and provisions. Throughout history (His story), those that acknowledge the one true God have engaged in spiritually-based celebrations and festivities that both publicly, as well as privately, express collective and personal gratitude.     

Be glad in the Lord, you righteous ones, and give thanks to His holy name. Psalm 97:12

In some nations/people groups “giving thanks” events are deeply imbedded in the culture, as demonstrated in the Hebrew faith and those whose initial values and laws stem from a belief and/or subjection to a divine being.

These things I remember and I pour out my soul within me.  For I used to go along with the throng and lead them in procession to the house of God, with the voice of joy and thanksgiving, a multitude keeping festival. –Psalm 42:4

As we approach the American Holiday (created from the words for holy (halig) and day (daeg) from the 14th century) of Thanksgiving, perhaps we could/should re-think the whole concept.  Are we giving thanks to the Lord based on our material blessings, or is our thanksgiving motivated by the Lord’s character and the spiritual blessing of being in Christ as His own possession? 

In Him, you also, after listening to the message of truth, the gospel of your salvation—having also believed, you were sealed in Him with the Holy Spirit of promise, who is given as a pledge of our inheritance, with a view to the redemption of God’s own possession, to the praise of His glory.  –Ephesians 1:13-14

A few weeks ago, I asked some young people why they needed to go to college.  The answers were not surprising or shocking, considering the materialistic influences that currently exist in our modern culture.  Generally their responses focused on having a comfortable life style, a good job, and making enough money to enjoy a life of affluence and abundance.  That life included concepts of what some would call the “American Dream” … a nice house, cool car, fashionable clothes, kids, comfortable lifestyle, etc.  While I’m not sure when the “American Dream” started evolving into a materialistic-based quest, certainly that was not its original prize. 

Although material gain may be the fruit or positive by-product of freedom and capitalism, how dare we refer to it as the “American Dream?”  Have we undergone a metamorphosis from spiritually-based moral values and the principles of individual freedom into collective hedonistic greed? Assuredly, when people are more concerned with the attainment of things than with the maintenance and continuation of ethics, truth, morals, righteousness, and freedom, it’s a sure sign of moral decadence/spiritual decomposition.

Perhaps this crumbling decay begins when the focus of “giving thanks” shifts from an appreciation and gratitude for God, His character, His holiness, His attributes, grace, mercy, love, etc. to the benefits and blessings of His abundant provisions.  Without question, the Lord God lavishes His goodness upon His people, but is that the foundation, motivation, and source for our “giving thanks” and expressions of gratitude?  Don’t get me wrong, undoubtedly we should offer thanksgiving for all our material blessings, but isn’t there much, much more that demands an appreciative response?

Consider Psalm 7:17 where thanksgiving is offered because of God’s righteousness:      

I will give thanks to the Lord according to His righteousness and will sing praise to the name of the Lord Most High.

 In I Chronicles 16:34 God’s goodness and lovingkindness is the cause for giving thanks:

O give thanks to the Lord, for He is good; For His lovingkindness is everlasting.

Daniel 2:23 offers an interesting perspective … the prophet is thankful because of God’s provision … wisdom, might, and answered prayer:

To You, O God of my fathers, I give thanks and praise, for You have given me wisdom and power; Even now You have made known to me what we requested of You, for You have made known to us the king’s matter.

The psalmist in 107:8 establishes an opportunity for thanksgiving because of His works among humanity:

Let them give thanks to the Lord for His lovingkindness, and for His wonders to the sons of men!

In the New Testament, I Corinthians 15:57 offers similar insight, focusing on the spiritual aspects of our Lord’s work rather than one’s abundance or excess of material blessing:

But thanks be to God, who gives us the victory (over the power of sin, the law, and death … which includes our worldly/fleshly passions) through our Lord Jesus Christ!

Isn’t it time for true believers to reverse the trend of thanksgiving being offered upon valuations of possessions and wealth, comfort, or even health?  Should we humbly give thanks for these things?  Without question!  Wealth and assets aren’t evil, just like forks and spoons don’t make gluttons and guns don’t kill people.  It’s the greed, covetousness, and love of money that’s the root of all sorts of evil. (See I Tim. 6:10)  Remember:

The covetous are never satisfied with money, nor the lovers of wealth with their gain; so this too is vanity.(Ecclesiastes 5:9)  

May we never forget the scriptural warnings in Luke 12:15, Ephesians 5:3-5, and Colossians 3:5 –  all address this issue for Christ’s church.      

Together as individuals and His people collectively, let us be compelled to spiritually, mentally, and emotionally (in the flesh) embrace the words of the psalmist:

Direct my heart toward your testimonies and away from gain.  

Perhaps from this assessment will burst untainted, spiritually-birthed thanksgiving that’s pleasing to our Lord and provider, Jesus Christ.                                       

Think about it, then ask Him about it!  –Pastor Frank


In Exodus 25:8 God said, “Let them construct a sanctuary for Me, that I may dwell among them.”  Here one finds God’s heart — to dwell among His people!  A similar statement is found in Exodus 29:45-46.  Then in I Kings 6:13 … the Lord tells Solomon, David’s son, “I will dwell among the sons of Israel.”  Shall we forget the incredible statement found in II Corinthians 6:16, “we (a clear reference to believers) are the temple of the living God?” 

There the scripture continues:

I will dwell in them and walk among them; I will be their God, and they shall be my people.

   Undeniably, this Old Testament quotation is drawn directly from Exodus 25:8 (above), but properly applied then and now to Christ’s New Testament Church and each of us as His individual disciples.

It’s a somewhat overwhelming thought to consider that God Himself fully desires and intentionally purposes to dwell with/among and in (within) His people.  Consider, our God walked in the garden, having direct contact and communication with Adam and Eve before human sin severed the cherished connection.  Therefore, from the very beginning, all the way to the very end of this world as we know it, His objective has been clear … “He will dwell among them, and they shall be His people and God Himself will be among them.” (Revelation 21:3-4) 

In John 1:1 we read, “the Word was God.”  In John 1:14, “the Word became flesh, and dwelt among us.”   YES!   This is the incarnation (a person who embodies in the flesh a deity – the union of divinity and humanity) … An event which is not about humans becoming gods, or a god – absolutely impossible – but instead, God adapting to the form of humanity (with God all things are possible). This almost incomprehensible, mind-bending, worship-inciting truth is profoundly proclaimed when we sing:

Veiled in flesh the Godhead see; Hail, the incarnate Deity.  Pleased with us in flesh to dwell, Jesus our Emmanuel! (from Hark The Herald Angels Sing)

The English word translated here as “dwelt” is the Greek word “eskenosen” which means “to encamp” – “to pitch a tent” – “to tabernacle.”  A quality literal translation of this text might read, “the Word became flesh and did tabernacle or tabernacled among us.”  From the Old Testament, we think of the Tabernacle as the somewhat portable, divinely designed, yet humanly constructed, tent that provided the primary point of contact between God and mankind.  

In the New Testament, and in our faith, Jesus Christ – the incarnate Son of God – who became flesh and “tabernacled” (dwelt) among us, is the one and only point of contact capable of bridging the great chasm between God and humanity. 

In the Old Testament scriptures, the Table of the Bread of the Presence, the Lampstand, the Altar of Incense, and the Ark of the Covenant furnished the Tabernacle.  These pieces of furniture all portrayed Christ and were a “type” or “shadow” of things to come.  However, we now know Jesus as “the Bread of Life” – “the Light of the world” – “the great High Priest who intercedes for God’s redeemed Church” and He who abides (dwells) with and in His people.

God’s glory is also associated with the Old Testament Tabernacle. Exodus 40:34 states, “Then the cloud covered the tent of meeting, and the glory of the LORD filled the tabernacle.”  The glory of God expresses His worthiness and the honor due Him.  Nonetheless, Jesus Christ offers the full expression of God’s glory for us to behold – “and we beheld His glory, the glory of the only begotten from the Father.” II Corinthians 4:6 expresses:

For God, who said, ‘Light shall shine out of darkness,’ is the One who has shone in our hearts to give the Light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ. 

Then, Hebrews 1:3 explains Jesus Christ as:

Being the radiance (brightness) of His (God the Father’s) glory and the exact representation of His nature (express image of God the Father as a person), and (the one who) upholds all things by the word of His power.

Continuing in John 1:14, we also learn that this “glory as of the only begotten from the Father,” is, “full of grace and truth.”

Consider this description of God’s glory from Exodus 34:6:

The LORD, the LORD God, merciful and gracious, longsuffering, and abounding in goodness and truth.

During His visit to earth, the incarnation, Christ demonstrates this grace and truth (from the Father) to the lost, the needy, and undeserving sinners.  He extends God’s grace to people through His actions and His words … He cares for the outcast, heals the broken, feeds the hungry, embraces the lonely, and lifts  the downtrodden from their pit.  Not only were these demonstrations and manifestations irrefutable evidence of His divinity, but fully revealed His divine character … the very nature of God Himself on public display for all to see!  

As He communicated God’s truth, lives were dynamically impacted and complete transformations occurred through the supremacy and potency of the very Word becoming flesh and tabernacling (pitching His tent and encamping) among/with us!  Our Lord, Jesus Christ continues to show us the fullness of God’s grace and truth today – chiefly through the incorruptible message of His Word and the transforming effects of God’s Holy Spirit. 

The Lord regenerates us into new individuals because

He’s living on the inside, roaring like a lion. (David Crowder – Like A Lion)  

Jesus Christ is the all-glorious, incarnate God, and this alone is reason enough to trust Him as our one and only Savior, worship Him as our one and only Lord, and follow/serve Him as our one and only Master/King. 

Are you living in this reality today?  Don’t just think about.  Don’t just talk about it. 

Let’s just do it!

– Pastor Frank


Almost everyone is familiar with the phrase, “what God has joined together, let no man (one) separate (put asunder).”   This statement of Christ is found in Matthew 19:6 and Mark 10:9 as He expounds on the concept of monogamous marriage relationships and its significance for humanity.  A Greek word of similar meaning, “proskollao,” also appears in that same context, usually translated in English as “cleave to” or “cleaving to” one’s spouse as in Matthew 19:5, Mark 10:7, and Ephesians 5:31. “Proskollao” is the strengthened form of the word, “kollao” which expresses the idea of something being glued or cemented together, making “proskollao” even a stronger joining, perhaps like glue versus superglue.

Who doesn’t remember those over-the-top KRAZYGLUE commercials where a construction worker is holding on to his hardhat which is supposedly inseparably attached to a metal beam with the superbly powerful grip of their product. Certainly we all know it’s a “crazy” demonstration, but it definitely communicates the conceptual meaning of this biblically significant word.   

In Romans 12:9, believers are encouraged to “cling” or in a more literal translation, “be joined to” that which is good!  Obviously it’s appreciably better to be identified with, and joined (cemented or glued) to that which is called “good” (as defined by the Lord) than anything of lesser value.  According to 1 Thessalonians 5:21-22, Christ’s faithful “examine everything carefully,” holding “fast to that which is good,” while intentionally, with commitment and determination, abstaining “from every form of evil” (again, using the Lord’s definition of evil).

As members of Christ’s body (His church) in Ephesians 2:12, we are uniquely joined and precisely fitted together into our Lord’s “Holy Temple.”  Ephesians 4:16 further expands on this useful illustration stating that the whole body is “fitted and held together by what every joint supplies, according to the proper working of each individual part.”  In other words, we are perfectly joined by the Lord so that each individual (part/member) supplies (brings to the table) exactly that which is needed in/by His church so Christ’s body functions properly, fully, efficiently, and effectively!  

After considering all these examples of “join” or “joined,” there remains one passage in 1 Corinthians 6:16-17 that demands our sincere and solemn consideration. “Do you not know that the one who joins himself to a prostitute is one body with her?  For He says, ‘THE TWO SHALL BECOME ONE FLESH.’  But the one who joins himself to the Lord is one spirit with Him.”  Each individual determines to whom or what they are joined … either to Christ Jesus, becoming “one spirit with Him,” or to the enchanting enticements of this world and all of its willful suppressions!    (Romans 1:18-19, “who suppress the truth in unrighteousness, because that which is known about God is evident within them; for God made it evident to them.”)  To Whom or what shall we/you be joined?            

— Pastor Frank