It’s 2023. Media is king. If you haven’t noticed by now, chances are you have been living under a rock. Whether it be movies, TV, social media, news outlets, magazines, or newspapers, media has never been more prevalent in the lives of people today. Everyone follows someone. It has never been easier to choose and filter where your sources come from and choose which voices to listen to and which voices to tune out.

The word “follow” (Gk akoloutheó) is defined in the Scriptures, particularly Matthew 16:24, as:

“to accompany, to follow one who precedes, to join as or become a disciple.”

When we closely follow these media types, we in essence become their disciple, listening to and taking to heart what is said, whether it be true or false, good or evil, or from a biblical worldview or otherwise. We often look to these people to enlighten us, to show us the way, to explain the things going on around us, or to lead us on a path forward. And more times than not, we are hoodwinked, led astray, run amuck, and flat out deceived. Perhaps we’ve been going about this wrong.

In Psalm 119:105, we read, “Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.” The Bible itself clearly states that our paths are illuminated by Scripture. The Word of God (1 Thessalonians 2:13), which is living and active (Hebrews 4:12), and profitable for all kinds of things (2 Timothy 3:16), shows the way that we must follow. But there’s even better news than that!

In the past few weeks, Pastor Frank and I have preached on proper Bible study and being a disciple of Christ. These go hand in hand. If we follow the Word (Scripture), we will in turn be following the Word (Jesus Christ). Conversely, we follow the Way (Jesus Christ, John 14:6) by following the way (Psalm 119:105).

This is as clear to us now as ever before, although all throughout Scripture, the Way has been revealed to all those would have ears to hear. In the Old Testament alone, the Ancient Word (Psalm 119:9-16, 160) shows us the Ancient Paths (Jeremiah 6:16), that leads us to the Ancient of Days (Daniel 7:9-14).

In the New Testament, several messages by Jesus reveal who we are supposed to follow. Luke 14:25-33 is one of the most powerful messages we have about the importance of following Christ, and counting the cost of doing so. But Christ, being the Word, also emphasized the heeding of His Word throughout His ministry, such as in the Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 7:24-27).

If we continue to look forward, Paul writes regarding the Truth of God’s Word and the person of Jesus Christ at work simultaneously. In Romans 10:17, faith in Christ comes by hearing the Word. In Colossians 3:16, we are admonished to commit the Word to our hearts so deeply that it dwells in us. In 2 Timothy 2:15, we are told to be accurate handlers of the Word. And in 1 Corinthians 11:1, Paul says as I imitate Christ, imitate me.

Time and time again throughout God’s Holy Word, we are shown how studying, understanding, meditating upon, heeding, and living according to Scripture is vitally united to knowing our Great Shepherd, hearing His voice, and following Him. There is no disconnect; if we wish to follow the Lord, we must follow His Word, and vice versa. Jesus Christ is at the same time the Way, the Truth, and the Life. No part of this is in existence without the other. Since this is the case, the ultimate Truth revealed in the Scripture and realized in the person of Jesus Christ must be considered when following the Lord.

Everyone follows someone. I wonder, who do you follow today? Will you merely profess Christ, and run around listening to everyone but Him? Or will you be a doer of the Word, and not merely a deluded hearer (James 1:22)? Don’t let anyone tell you any differently. Even in 2023,                                        




Soli Deo Gloria,



When you think of winter, what do you think of?  In the south, not many of us really think about a change of lifestyle and a significant impact on our daily routine and activities as some farther north might experience.  A white Christmas is generally an unlikely dream, as are sleigh rides or sledding, snowball fights, and making snow angels or snowmen.  While I do have pictures of our church covered in snow, as well as our home, those are definitely out of the ordinary!  Nonetheless, on the fourth day of creation (Genesis 1:14-15) one learns that God planned the seasons on earth and placed the stars in the heavens so humanity would know and understand times and seasons.  Genesis 8:22 clearly reveals the Lord’s post-diluvian purposes, “While the earth remains, seedtime and harvest, and cold and heat, and summer and winter, and day and night shall not cease,” along with His covenant promise (Genesis 9:8-17) of His “bow in the cloud!” Even the psalmist is moved to expressions of praise when considering God’s attributes of supremacy and sovereignty as revealed through His handiwork:

Yours is the day, Yours also is the night;

You have prepared the light and the sun.

You have established all the boundaries of the earth;

You have made summer and winter.

–Psalms 74:16-17

While incontestably there are specific reasons (ultimately being benefits for humanity and creation) for all of God’s design, it seems somewhat awkward from a merely human perspective that one is thrilled with the goodness and blessing of winter… blizzards, sleet, cold, ice, slippery walks and steps, snow blindness, hypothermia, black ice, etc., etc., etc.!   However, when I think of winter, for some unknown reason my mind recalls a somewhat obscure verse buried at the end of the Apostle Paul’s second letter to his son in the faith, Pastor Timothy.

Make every effort to come before winter.

II  Timothy 4:21

Surely there were some practical reasons for this encouragement. In fact, according to II Timothy 4:13, Paul had left his cloak at Troas with Carpus along with some books and parchments. Obviously, with winter approaching Paul would need this loose fitting outer garment for protection from the elements. In addition, travel to Rome would involve both overland and sea transportation which is potentially much more hazardous during the winter months.  On the other hand, perhaps there is more to this statement than one immediately comprehends in a cursorily pass. 

Is this the heartfelt desire of the mentor, a spiritual father yearning to see his student and beloved son in the faith one last time before departing earth?  Incontestably, Paul’s days were numbered and any knock on the door or opening of the latch could be guards coming to escort the apostle to his impending Roman execution. Hypothetically, can you imagine Timothy thinking … well ok,  let me wrap some things up here in Ephesus, go down to Miletus to set apart and ordain a couple of elders, swing by Colossae to celebrate communion with some brothers and sisters there, and then head on to Italy … ?  Then, upon arriving in Rome, Pastor Tim seeks out Paul’s place of imprisonment, only to be cursed and repulsed by the guards.  Then he goes to the house of Claudia or Pudens, or Narcissus, or Mary, or Ampliatus searching for his coach … asking where to find the apostle.  It seems one can actually experience the haunting of their reply, “Are you Timothy? He was longing to see you, but he was beheaded in the first week of December!”

Come before winter or never!

Remember Christ’s reply to the disciple who complained that Mary’s costly and beautiful gift of ointment might have been expended on behalf of the poor?

For you always have the poor with you, but you do not always have Me.

John 12:8

Perhaps the true call of our Lord, Master Jesus is often, “Come before winter” — not tomorrow, when you’re ready, or after you get things straightened out and in proper/perfect order!  Never again would three sleeping disciples be asked to watch and pray with Jesus in his hour of agony. Sure, they were faithful in service and even death, but that unique opportunity  vanished and was gone forever just like Christ’s invitation to a follower in Luke 9:59/Mark 8:21! 

Just as winter comes, irrespective of one’s agenda, readiness, or timetable, so does a new year … and that’s every year.  Prepared and ready, or not — 2014 is here — right now and right on time!  And sure, it’s another year of opportunity, just like last year and every year, but let’s change that perspective into a year of action now! Why not fully accept and use the opportunities Christ lays before us? Speak those words of encouragement, demonstrate kindness, give cheerfully, confirm appreciation, pray in faith believing, be led by God’s Holy Spirit, let His Word richly dwell within you, serve with gladness, and rejoice evermore, all before winter!   

— By GRACE, His & Yours, Pastor Frank