Yes, I walk my dog (Wof-E-Too) twice a day, morning and evening (Brenda usually goes with us in the evening), rain or shine, except on Saturday, when I do the morning, and Sunday when I do the evening.  Brenda catches Saturday night because we work late and Sunday morning because I head out to our early service and I’m usually on a tight schedule.  This has been a consistent pattern for me for many years, first with Wof-E and now with Too.  Recently, one of my doctors told me that people who walk their dogs regularly/daily live better, more productive, and even longer lives, which, while I don’t know the source of his data, certainly sounds valuable and there is plenty of data on the benefit of walking in general (dog excluded).           

As we approach 2017, going for a daily “walk” may be an excellent New Year’s resolution; however, the Apostle Paul reminds us in I Timothy 4:8 that “bodily discipline is only of little profit (which doesn’t mean no benefit), but godliness is profitable for all things.”  Therefore, I’d like to challenge you to also seriously consider another “walk” this year.     

In the Old Testament there is a very interesting Hebrew word, yeel­kuw, translated into English as “walk” in Micah 4:5.  This passage provides hope for Israel’s future restoration (including Christ’s Kingdom on earth), where two types of individuals/people are referenced.  Some “walk” after their own god while others “walk” in the name of the one true Lord God. The Hebrews must, in confident reliance, stand upon God’s promises and covenant, being steadfast in preserving and participating in continuous obedience as true and faithful worshipers of their one true Lord.  However, the nations around them, who were superior in power, military, and economic strength, as well as in numbers/population, continued to “walk” after their (own) many gods. 

Obviously the word “walk” in these passages is referring to something other than walking the dog around the block or walking for health benefits.  This “walk” is uniformly used throughout the biblical text in reference to an individual or nation’s (people group) moral and spiritual life or direction/path/lifestyle … meaning some lived in agreement with God’s statutes that guided their lives,  while others lived in accordance with different/pagan views/beliefs and lifestyles. 

Below are five clear examples of this concept from our Old Testament scriptures. 1) Genesis 5:22 – Enoch walked with God.  2) Isaiah 2:5 – The prophet issued a challenge to walk in the light of the Lord rather than in the ways of other pagan religions.  3)  II Chronicles 17:4 – Jehoshaphat walked in the ways of David and did not seek the baals.  4) Genesis 17:1 – God Almighty (El-Shaddai) challenged Abram (Abraham) to walk before Him (in His presence, in relationship with Him) and be blameless. 5)  Ezekiel 36:27 – Through His prophet, the Lord promised to put His Spirit within His people and cause them to walk according to His statutes.                     

The New Testament, also provides similar statements, affirmations, and  encouragements: 

II Corinthians 5:7 – “For we walk by faith, not by sight.”

II Corinthians 10:3-4 – “For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war according to the flesh, for the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh, but divinely powerful for the destruction of fortresses.”

Galatians 5:16-17 – “But I say, walk by the Spirit, and you will not carry out the desire of the flesh.”

Ephesians 2:10 – “For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand so that we would walk in them.”

Ephesians 4:1-3 – “Therefore I, the prisoner of the Lord, implore you to walk in a manner worthy of the calling with which you have been called, with all humility and gentleness, with patience, showing tolerance for one another in love, being diligent to preserve the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace.”

Ephesians 5:8-10 – “For you were formerly darkness, but now you are Light in the Lord; walk as children of Light (for the fruit of the Light consists in all goodness and righteousness and truth), trying to learn what is pleasing to the Lord.”

Seems we may all have some more walking to do!  Would you like to have a different walk in 2017?  Perhaps a more fruitful, productive, and beneficial walk?  Based on these scriptures, and many more, I am confident that the Lord desires each of us to walk with Him.  In this new year, each of us will walk … either under the influence of deceitful, lying, pagan deities/philosophies which attempt to define life, goodness, and happiness, or in a genuine relationship with Christ as one’s Saviour, friend, and Lord. 

Will you choose to walk with HIM?  


In Colossians 4:2, believers are instructed to:

1. “devote yourself to prayer”

2. “keep alert in it (“it” being prayer)

3. while being devoted to prayer and keeping alert in prayer, maintain “an attitude of thanksgiving” 

Being devoted to prayer simply means continuing steadfast in this everyday discipline of genuine faith. This exhortation is not as a matter of legalism, or religious ceremonial participation, but as believers who genuinely desire continuous and persistent communication with their Lord.  The Greek word used here, “proskartereíte,” clearly implies an authentic sincerity coupled with diligence. In Colossians 4:12 we learn from the example set by Epaphras, who is “always laboring earnestly for you (the church members at Colossi) in his prayers!” 

Next, one might ask, “how do I stay or keep ‘alert” in prayer?”  The Greek word, “greegoroúntes,” used in this text, literally means to watch with vigilance, or to stay awake — as one on guard duty. We all recall the account in Matthew 26:41 where the disciples fail at this very task while Christ was praying before His betrayal and illegal arrest in the Garden of Gethsemane.

This exhortation to vigilance actually presupposes that Christians are always in danger of reducing their full commitment to the Lord, allowing themselves to be seized by things of lesser value. The focus is on this ever-threatening danger, and is extended to the ultimate consequences of spiritual negligence/laziness. 

However, I Corinthians 16:13 successfully connects all the dots in proper alignment for us:

Be on the alert, stand firm in the faith, act like men (grown up- not immature babies), be strong.

Often times, even the most faithful believers may struggle with the idea of always coming before the Lord with “an attitude of thanksgiving.” The Greek word “eucharistía,” as used in this biblical text, also appears 15 other times in the New Testament where the command (actually a demand — parenesis) for thanksgiving is a basic element of spiritual communication between the Lord and His followers.  In Ephesians 5:3-4, thanksgiving is described as the unique, contrasting behavior of a committed believer when compared to that of the world and unbelievers:

But immorality or any impurity or greed must not even be named among you, as is proper among saints; and there must be no filthiness and silly talk, or coarse jesting, which are not fitting, but rather giving of thanks.

The apostle Paul’s general advice to all dedicated Christians, no matter their particular (individual) station in life (wives, husbands, children, parents, servants, masters, etc.), is to fulfill this duty as a reliable servant of the Lord, Jesus Christ. As believers grow and mature, they come to recognize and acknowledge, that all light, power, and life come from God, and that His creatures, including humanity as His most prized creation, are continually dependent upon Him. 

Therefore, for His true followers who persevere in prayer, He promises to ever supply “all” (not just practical/material) their needs.  How many husbands and wives (men and women) actually believe it is their spiritual calling and duty to pray for strength and grace to behave, in every area of their lives, as our Lord instructed?  Or, do they fall asleep … failing to keep watch? Just as every situation or station in life has its peculiar duties, tests, trials, blessings, etc., so every situation or station needs an appointment with the Lord, through prayer with steadfast devotion, resolute alertness, and heart-felt thanksgiving! No individual can possibly fulfill the responsibilities of life without the supernatural intervention and unwavering, invincible support of the Lord, God Almighty!

So, is prayer a spiritual luxury, or is it essential for spiritual development and maturity?  Prayer is as vital to one’s spiritual health as breathing is to one’s physical health – and breathing, while certainly a privilege, is not an option or luxury! Therefore, neither is our alertness in prayer, or an untiring, relentless attitude of thanksgiving! That understanding, in and of itself, should birth abundant thanksgiving within each and every believer, not to mention all the material blessings that many in our western civilization take for granted.

After all, we have stores with food on the shelves; generally … running water, trash pick-up, and electricity; usually … fuel for our cars, career opportunities, a smorgasbord of entertainment choices, housing options, along with an abundant variety of churches, cars, clothing styles, etc., etc., etc.  As Christ’s faithful, let us consider that the New Testament scriptures repetitively prompt and coach us to offer this prevailing combination of prayer and thanksgiving to our Lord.

Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, in everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you. I Thessalonians 5:16-18

Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God. Philippians 4:6

Therefore I exhort first of all that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks be made for all men. I Timothy 2:1

In addition, may we never forget that God’s greatest gift, His Son, meets our greatest need, and in that alone find ourselves filled with an attitude of thanksgiving …

Thanks be to God for His indescribable gift!” II Corinthians 9:15

Every good gift comes from Him. James 1:17

Therefore, let us unashamedly offer Jesus Christ an abundance of our thanksgiving… from Whom all blessings flow!                                                                                            

His & Yours, PF


A Christian worldview is more than a religious belief system.  In fact, it is a complete and integrated framework through which one views the entire world from a comprehensive biblical perspective. Therefore, a faithful/committed Christian’s worldview is an integrated whole which is comprised of distinct, biblical elements that allows every believer to actively filter his or her life (thoughts and activities) through spiritual goggles, seeing the world in light of a harmonious set of biblical truths, beliefs, and assessments.

A biblical worldview resolutely affirms the existence of an intelligent, powerful, loving, just, and supreme being who exists in the trinity — God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit — who is also the creator all things.

One of the single most important philosophical truths in the Christian worldview is that Jesus Christ is also the Word (Logos) and Truth (Psalm 119:160, John 1:14, John 17:17) and offers the explanation for the existence of the universe and everything in it … including humanity. One of the major charges against a biblical worldview in general, and Christian philosophy in particular, is that it is unscientific.

Nonetheless, Christians uphold that the doctrines of God, creation, the Word/Truth, intelligent design, purpose, law, order, and life are reasonable, and consistent with all the findings of factual and authentic science, history, and/or personal experience in a way that the philosophies of anti-god dialectical materialism and philosophical naturalism (aka materialism) will never accomplish.

According to a biblical worldview, God’s moral nature/character is an immutable (unchanging), unassailable absolute. God simply hates evil/sin and consistently loves good/righteousness.   As a result, God’s Word, the Bible, the Truth, is of supreme importance because it alone perfectly defines good/righteousness and evil/sin, as well as clearly and decisively distinguishes their differences. 

This provides a framework on which completely unambiguous ethics are established. Consequently, from a biblical worldview, ethical/moral relativism leads to destruction (Matthew 7:13). Christian/godly morals/ethics are inseparable from Christian theology for the simple reason that Christian ethics are grounded in the character/nature of God Himself.  Rather than believing in some ethical scheme bound to society’s ever-changing whims, an authentic Christian’s worldview has a specific moral order which is revealed to humans through both the general revelation of nature/creation and the special/unique revelation of the Bible/God’s Word/Truth, as well as in the person of Jesus Christ.

In addition, from the perspective of divine creationism, a biblical worldview can adequately account for the intelligent design displayed throughout all of nature.  It unequivocally postulates a Designer outside the realm of the actual creation itself — a law-giver, developer, architect, engineer, and builder, coupled with an orderly, methodical cause. The materialist can only, at best, hypothesize chance and randomness!  An honest, untainted biblical worldview holds that the creationist model as described in biblical text better fits the facts of science than any old earth/evolutionary model.  

Therefore, believers must come to fully trust (which may mean working through one’s own questions and confusion) the authority of God’s Word and the Genesis declarations concerning creation, in the same manner Christ Jesus believed.  

Consider Mark 10:6: “But from the beginning of creation, God MADE THEM MALE AND FEMALE.”

How about the message of Colossians 1:16:

For by Him all things were created, both in the heavens and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities — all things have been created through Him and for Him” and John 1:1-3: “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things came into being through Him, and apart from Him nothing came into being that has come into being.

While many in today’s church are unwilling to consider God’s design, and actually believe that science stands in contradiction or is even superior to God’s own revelation, true, un/non-politized science and research, void of unconfirmed presuppositions and theories concerning deity, actually demonstrate the compatibility and union of science and the Bible.  Thus, the biblical/Christian worldview declares in unison with the evidence of science that God undeniably “created all things!” (Ephesians 3:9-10).

The Bible text provides every believer who desires the TRUTH with information about the Lord God and His creation/universe, while science, in each and every realm, can only provide information about our God’s handiwork/creation/universe.         

Just study the TRUTH! –PF


In Ephesians 6, the Apostle Paul uses this term 3 times in four consecutive verses as he provides spiritual training to the believers in Ephesus.  The first use in verse 11 uses the Greek word “steenai” from the root “hestemi” referring to one’s steadfastness of faith/belief being employed against the “schemes (the crafty, deceitful, and cunning devices) of the devil.”

Moving on down in the biblical text to verse 13, we find Paul using “antisteenai” as instruction to boldly, after being clothed in the full armor of God, oppose, resist, and withstand evil, with the resulting consequence being one who is doing everything (“all”) possible to be immovable (stand firm as in verse 11, Greek — “steenai”) with the snap and curtness of a military command!  This is to be obeyed at once and once for all.  The biblical implication is a once-for-all action for any follower of Jesus Christ throughout their entire life.

Paul then uses the active imperative Greek verb, “steete” at the outset of verse 14 in view of the previous statement. The significance of what one is upholding by standing firm is very similar to the Apostle having to stand trial for the cause of resurrection, and in particular, that of Christ’s! (See Acts 23-26)

By these actions, a genuine believer quickly discovers who their enemies are, and how/when they come on the attack. We know where our strength lies, and quickly come to understand that prevailing through Truth and by the power of God’s Holy Spirit is the only option. 

Therefore, we are to stand firm, stand firm, stand firm against all … every false religion, false doctrine, and each of the various winds of man-made, skewed doctrines that invade the body of Christ and prey upon its somewhat susceptible members.  Every one of Christ’s sincere followers must be on the alert for shrewd, astute, calculating individuals, and insidious and crafty strategies, along with devils/demons that lie in wait to deceive God’s chosen.

While these foes are numerous and mighty, the idea of “standing firm” is not simply a defensive posture where one attempts to hold their ground, but the main idea of this Greek word, “pros,” most certainly implies taking affirmative action directly against each and every enemy force or power.  However, fully engaging in this activity requires the individual to be entirely protected by, and completely within, the full armor of God. Therefore, believers are undeniably and indisputably called to recognize the following:

We do not war according to the flesh, for the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh (worldly or carnal) but divinely powerful for the destruction of fortresses. We (as Christ’s faithful disciples) are destroying speculations and every lofty thing raised up against the knowledge of God, and we are taking every thought captive to the obedience of Christ, and we are ready to punish all disobedience, whenever your obedience is complete.                                     

II Corinthians 10:3-6

Now this doesn’t mean or even imply that Christ’s people are out prowling around looking to pick a fight, (that’s what the enemies of Christianity do – I Peter 5:8) but that we are alert, equipped, ready, and able to “stand firm” … victorious against all attempts to obstruct the liberating Truth of the Word and Christ’s Gospel! 

Perhaps, in our modern-day society where serious theological study is nil, personal biblical application is found often waning, and where the culture is often over-stimulated by electronic media and entertainment, one of the greatest dangers lies in not being able to recognize or effectively and accurately identify the lurking and cunning approach of the enemy(s). 

In these passages, Paul does not discuss the theory of war.  Instead, he simply draws from the familiar, that which was a matter of fact in his world. Undoubtedly, a warrior differs from the merchant or the farmer in that he is constantly dealing with the antagonist and conflict.  The soldier also differs from the athlete of ancient Olympic Games in that his antagonist is not merely a competitor, but an enemy out to steal, kill, and destroy!

Nonetheless, this metaphor as used by the Apostle, seems to correspond perfectly to the real case scenario of the normal (if there is such a thing) Christian life/experience. Believers are not merely involved in a struggle for spiritual successes; he/she is, before everything else, engaged in a unpleasant contest with implacable enemies.  The forces arrayed against us are such that they oblige every genuine Christian to neglect no precaution, spare no exertion, and accomplish whatever is required to escape defeat! 

May we be always found, “standing firm!”                   — PF


The word reckless, which appears 4 times in the biblical text, is an Old English/German word meaning to be utterly unconcerned about the consequences of some action; taking specific action without considering or caring about the consequences of that action; action or activity without any concern or caution; being or acting careless. (dictionary.com  and  merriam–webster.com)  

In Judges 9:4, one finds the Hebrew word “pachaz” translated in English as reckless, which is used to describe the worthless cadre hired by Abimelech.  A similar phrase, “pachazuwth,” is employed by the Prophet Jeremiah in 23:32 to describe the false prophets of his day.  In Zephaniah 3:4, “pachaz” is once again used, this time in reference to rebellious and defiled nations whose prophets are “reckless and treacherous” individuals. 

In the New Testament, the Greek word, “propetes” is translated reckless, along with a host of other carnal traits and behaviors in II Timothy 3:4, to describe the nature and character of human beings during “the last days.”

Recently, a new contemporary Christian song by Cory Asbury, has risen to enhanced popularity that employs the word “reckless” in reference to God’s love.  While he may offer an explanation for his use of the term in his song, this word used in reference to God’s love is absolutely ungodly, inexcusable, and in reality, a reckless theological error and heretical lie. 

Some will say, “that’s not fair, you’re judging him.”  NO! The truth is that God’s love is NOT reckless — no matter what the justification for use of the phrase may be, and those words should never be uttered by the mouth or flow forth from the lips of a genuine believer in Jesus Christ!  If some catchy song with a good hook in the chorus and a great rhythm said, “Jesus is a liar,” would you repeat that phrase?  Would you use that song during worship?  Would you sing along with your car stereo blasting?

Confusing, degrading, anti-God, heretical lies have occurred before in Christian music, both traditional and contemporary, and, in each more recent case, some lame exegesis of an excuse is offered in hopes of gaining popular approval and imploring the faithful to overlook the obvious doctrinal catastrophe.  In 1982, Leon Patillo brought forth a popular song, “Star Of The Morning” on his album entitled The Definitive Collection.  Who is the Star Of The Morning (Isaiah 14:12) as opposed to The Bright And Morning Star?  Sadly, no retraction or correction.  Then, Phillips, Craig, and Dean make the same blunder and declare the same heresy in the 2012 song, “When The Stars Burn Down!”  How can a clear reference to Satan himself be substituted for the one and only true Messiah, Jesus Christ, who, as The Bright And Morning Star, (Revelation 22:16) stands in direct opposition to the Star Of The Morning? 


While one may have been living a completely reckless life when they experienced the fullness of God’s love, that provides no foundation or possible justification for assigning such a characteristic to His love which is poured into our hearts (Romans 5:1-5), causing us to be more than conquerors (Romans 8:37-39), working to bring about unity (Colossians 3:14), perfect  (I John 4:15-21), and is manifested (displayed) among us (I John 4:9-11).   In fact, genuine Christianity is the only world religion that sets forth the Supreme Being as Love (I John 4:8)!

Just in case you were wondering, there is nothing reckless concerning the love of God for all humanity. In fact, just the opposite is true, because He is not, will not, and cannot be reckless about anything!  It is entirely and absolutely against His very nature and character.  In addition, our salvation is a strategic move/plan on His part, and the nature of who we are becoming in Christ Jesus is void of anything reckless!  For that I thank Him daily!  How about you?

Were you redeemed as some part of a reckless adventure, or distinctly set apart by God, uniquely created and designed for a divine/holy/blameless relationship with Him through Jesus Christ from the very foundation of the world “according to the kind intention of His will?” (See Ephesians 1:3-6)          

His & Yours, PF


I recently stumbled across this word while digging into a passage found in II Corinthians.  For some reason, I suddenly stopped to consider if I had ever used this word in regular conversation, a sermon, or article/writing of some kind.  While I was fairly certain of its meaning (in English), I was uncertain why I never noticed its uniqueness in this particular biblical text or its usage throughout the scriptures. 

As I researched “redound” — I surprisingly discovered that it appears some 95 times in the Greek New Testament, however, only translated that way into English once in KJV   (II Corinthians 4:15) and once in the RSV (I Peter 1:7).  The RSV also uses “redound” once in the Old Testament … Ezekiel 39:13, which is an excellent use of the word contextually speaking. Here, one finds certain actions which lead inevitably to an unplanned or unexpected increase/blessing that is uniquely combined/joined to God’s glory as also seen in I Peter 1:6-8:

In this you greatly rejoice, even though now for a little while, if necessary, you have been distressed by various trials, so that the proof of your faith, being more precious than gold which is perishable, even though tested by fire, may be found to result in praise and glory and honor at the revelation of Jesus Christ.

Generally speaking, this Greek word, perisseúœ, is translated in reference to abundant or abounding blessings.  However, this concept cannot, and should not, be divorced from the glory and honor that comes to our Lord as a result of His unplanned and unexpected outpourings.

Therefore, the true meaning of this somewhat unfamiliar term actually implies an abundant overflow that comes back to its original source, demanding honor and glory be given or granted to the original provider of the blessing.  Remember in the message of Christ’s Gospels the feeding of the 5,000 and or the 4,000?  Was there anything left after all were fed?

Thus, we see the result of God’s blessings returning glory and honor to Him, as in II Corinthians 4:15, where the biblical passage makes the entire concept of “redound” perfectly clear. Our Lord’s provision of grace to/for believers ultimately ensues the expansion of His Kingdom and His glory.         

For all things are for your sakes, so that the grace which is spreading to more and more people may cause the giving of thanks to abound to the glory of God.

The Apostle Paul undoubtedly explains the concept of redound in Ephesians 1:7-14:

In Him we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of our trespasses, according to the riches of His grace which He lavished on us. In all wisdom and insight, He made known to us the mystery of His will, according to His kind intention which He purposed in Him with a view to an administration suitable to the fullness of the times, that is, the summing up of all things in Christ, things in the heavens and things on the earth. In Him also we have obtained an inheritance, having been predestined according to His purpose who works all things after the counsel of His will, to the end that we who were the first to hope in Christ would be to the praise of His glory. In Him, you also, after listening to the message of truth, the gospel of your salvation — having also believed, you were sealed in Him with the Holy Spirit of promise, who is given as a pledge of our inheritance, with a view to the redemption of God’s own possession, to the praise of His glory.

REDOUND … In other words, the Lord pours out, we get blessed, and all the glory, praise and honor goes 100% back to Him … for He alone is worthy!                                

Now that’s something to really think about!  — PF


Almost everyone can come up with a reasonable definition or understanding of the word “STUDY” as we use it in today’s communication.  In addition, most believers are familiar with the instruction of II Timothy 2:15:

Be diligent (study or labor) to present yourself approved to God as a workman who does not need to be ashamed, accurately handling the word of truth.

In this New Testament passage, one finds the Greek root word, spoudason, literally meaning to: 

1. make an effort

2. be earnest/serious. 

3. endeavor/exert effort. 

The KJV and Amplified translators used the word “study” because the “accurate handling” of God’s Word is of the essence, and the implied method to reach that result could only be achieved through consistent diligence in one’s personal study.     

The grammatical Greek structure found here in II Timothy 2:15 is second person, singular, aorist (tense) active (voice), imperative (mood) verb, which conveys the idea of saying … “Do your best, make haste, give diligence, hurry on, and be eager about showing yourself approved unto God” – all in the use of one word, “STUDY!” 

The Apostle Paul used the same word in Ephesians 4:3, with the same emphasis, concerning the preservation of unity within the church body where “endeavor,” as used in some English translations, is too weak of a word. Paul’s intention was to stir up his son in the faith, Timothy, now the young lead pastor at the church in Ephesus, so that he would seek the Lord’s approval in/while handling, instructing, teaching, equipping, and training the believers in that community. 

Pastor Tim was not instructed to seek any level of human approval, like that of the community at large or even of those in the congregation; instead, His Lord’s endorsement, and in so doing would ultimately prove himself to all as being a responsible workman according to his gifts and callings.

Therefore, the approved workman diligently and steadfastly studies the Word … first, seeking to apply it / live it personally, then sharing it with those he/she teaches, trains and equips so they can do the same.  The Word is the workman’s tool for building up the body of Christ until we “attain unity of the faith,” and become mature individuals in Christ through the knowledge of Christ! (See Ephesians 4:12-13)  

Then, as a result of the workman who is approved by God Himself and not ashamed, accurately handling the word of truth, believers no longer act like children, tossed around by every wind of doctrine, by the trickery of men and deceitful scheming, but instead, speak the truth in love, and grow up in Him, the fullness of Christ Jesus! (From Ephesians 4:14-15) The entire body then successfully comes together and is held together according to the proper working of each individual.  This always causes the growth and even more maturing as Christ’s Body, His Church, is being built up and strengthened in genuine love (of/for Christ, His word, and one another)!  (From Ephesians 4:16)

The sloppy and ashamed workers get all hung up on other distractions — what others think of them, how they themselves feel about a topic or subject, what others are doing and saying, or even how their teaching(s) may be accepted.  Some of these even handle the word of truth deceitfully in order to twist it into saying exactly what they want it to say. As they waste time on these things (some trivial and some complete heresy), they have little or nothing to give of true substance, that spiritually-enriched meat that brings about powerful life transformation!

My sincere prayer and personal desire as your pastor is for each and every believer at West Oaks Fellowship to become an approved worker who is not ashamed, and can accurately handle the word of truth on a daily, moment-by-moment basis.

Nonetheless, that dream/goal is unattainable unless God’s people are: 1) making an effort.  2) earnest/serious. 3) endeavoring/exerting effort. 

How then shall we live? (See Matthew 4:4)       — His & yours, PF           


What is justification?  Technically speaking, many simply view justification as the act or action of showing something or proving something to be right or reasonable.  However, what’s “right” or “reasonable” has no clear objective platform to speak from because “right” and “reasonable” may vary considerably from one individual to another or from one situation to another. 

As a result, the more common definition of this word varies greatly from its biblical definition and the work that’s required to bring about spiritual or complete moral and ethical “justification.” In the context of the one true God, His Son, Jesus Christ, and spirituality as spoken of in the scriptures, justification comes from a different angle, is based upon a dissimilar foundation, and exceptionally unique to genuine, grace-based, Christianity.

According to God’s Word, “there is none righteous, not even one” (Romans 3:10). Therefore, the universality of humanity’s sin poses a significant problem, actually an insurmountable difficulty, for any and all individuals when it comes to justification before a Holy, sinless, and righteous Lord.  All men and women are not only born in sin (Eph 2:3), but all have also committed numerous actual transgressions, which render them liable to separation from a Holy and sinless, righteous God and ultimate condemnation/judgement. Romans 3:9-20 documents this human difficulty as the universal experience of both the Greek (heathen) / Gentiles (Romans 1:18-32) and of the Jews (Romans 2:17-28; 3:9) alike.

The perfection of God’s Law requires, by necessity, its perfect observance!  Therefore, how is one’s justification, as a sinful individual, to come through the Law (Romans 3:10-11)? If anyone had truly kept the law, God could not / would not hold him/her guilty (Romans 2:12-13).  However, such obedience has never existed, except in Jesus Christ Himself. 

The modern-day notion of God being a good-natured, more or less nonchalant ruler, is conclusively not the Lord of the scriptures, nor the one Whom we love, believe, rely upon and faithfully serve. 

I Corinthians 15:3 declares, “Christ died for our sins, according to the Scriptures.” Romans 5:6 affirms that while we, as sinful humans were helpless in our sin, “Christ died for the ungodly.” Therefore, our justification comes in/through His blood and it is in/through Him that we are saved from God’s wrath as Law-breakers. 

But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.  Much more then, having now been justified by His blood, we shall be saved from the wrath of God through Him. For if while we were enemies we were reconciled to God through the death of His Son, much more, having been reconciled, we shall be saved by His life.                             

Romans 5:8-10

Therefore, as a result, there is no reconciliation and no justification available to men and women except through, by, and in Christ!

Being justified as a gift by His grace through the redemption which is in Christ Jesus; Whom God displayed publicly as a propitiation (full payment) in His blood through faith.      

Romans 3:24-25

Now that’s an indescribable gift, and as an act of the Almighty, can never be removed, voided, outdone, or taken away! 

Therefore, having been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ.             

Romans 5:1


By GRACE (God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense) … His & Yours,                   — Pastor Frank 


The word Advent means ‘Coming’ in Latin. In reference to our This is the coming of Jesus into the world. Christians use the four Sundays and weeks of Advent to prepare and remember the real meaning of Christmas. … Some people fast (don’t eat anything) during advent to help them concentrate on preparing to celebrate Jesus’s coming.

  • Embrace Change – just as the leaves change colors, reflecting the beauty of our Lord’s creation and design, so does life.  Almost every aspect of a genuine believer’s life is in a state of transformation as one’s grows spiritually, becoming more and more like Christ. (See II Corinthians 3:18; Romans 8:29, 12:1-2) We, as Christ’s followers, fully understand and comprehend that not all change is good.  Today, there is an awful lot of unwelcome and unwholesome change in our world. Moral and societal changes really bother us …  we see it everywhere, with almost no exceptions. On top of that, we are painfully aware that the children and youth of this era are growing up in a world far different from the one we experienced as children, youth and young adults.

Then there are those changes that impact us as individuals — children leaving home, the passing of dear friends/family members/loved ones, and even perhaps the slow, steady decline in our vitality and health. Sometimes we may even feel “outdated” at work.  But amidst all the changes, one thing, one Person, stays constant in His existence, purpose, and character … our eternal Lord! To fully embrace God’s purpose(s) in our lives genuinely requires significant, on-going modifications in one’s thinking, understanding, and actions/behavior. Therefore, as one looks upon the ever-present physical changes revealed in our world through Autumn/Fall, consider the marvelous, omnipresent work/molding Christ desires to accomplish in you.  Yield to His touch in the same way the leaves of the tree submit to His ultimate design and persistent resolve.

  • Let Go – just as the trees and grass are unable to hang on to their radiance from Spring and Summer (if rained upon and/or watered), maturing Christians must release the bonds of the past in order to fully participate in the adventures that Christ has prepared for His people to pursue and walk/live in.  (See Luke 9:62; Ephesians 2:10; Colossians 1:8-12; Philippians 3:13-14; I Corinthians 9:24; II Timothy 1:8-11) As one observes the variations in nature brought about by Autumn/Fall, perhaps one should ask the Lord what needs to break loose, be raked up, and intentionally/purposefully and permanently discarded from one’s life!  The past only comes back to haunt us if we make provision for it, and allow it impact our spiritual lives and progress!  As a new creature in Christ, are you allowing old things, particularly those things of one’s fleshly/worldly nature, to continually fall off, pass away, die? (See II Corinthians 5:16-17) Sadly, and yes, destructively, many genuine believers are having difficulty distinguishing the difference.
  • Be Grateful – you’ll never have everything you want and/or absolutely perfect unless the desires of your heart are completely modified by the Lord, and that your definition of good and/or perfect somehow comes into alignment with God’s definition of those things in your own life. Simply put, “But godliness actually is a means of great gain when accompanied by contentment. For we have brought nothing into the world, so we cannot take anything out of it either. If we have food and covering, with these we shall be content.” — I Timothy 6:6-9.  I’ve continually found that individuals who are content, which doesn’t mean they are lazy or lack drive to be successful, are generally grateful for whatever they have. That’s proven to be true in my experience, with those who have an abundance, as well as those that may have little, or are lacking, as defined in the eyes of our western culture. In addition, I’ve also found many who have more than they could ever use or want to be ungrateful, as well as those that have little to sulk in their want and greed. Too often the formula of greed or covetousness resulting in poverty is forgotten.  Psalm 10:3 declares, “For the wicked boasts of his heart’s desire (rather than the desires being birthed and shaped by the Lord), and the greedy man curses and spurns the Lord.”  Proverbs 28:22 makes it pretty clear, “A man with an evil eye hastens after wealth and does not know that want (poverty) will come upon him.”  While our God is certainly able to give us the desires of our heart (See Psalm 37:4-5). I suspect He is willing to do exactly that when and if our desires glorify Him and are conferring His purposes!

My prayer is that God’s Autumn/Fall 2018 will speak loudly to each of us!  –PF  


As 2019 approaches, many individuals will make “New Year’s Resolutions.”  This practice originated with the Babylonians and was connected to the planting of crops in mid-March.  Promises were made to their pagan deities and in return, as the Babylonians stayed true to  their promises, the gods would bestow favor on them throughout the coming year. 

Similar practices occurred in ancient Rome, where Julius Caesar modified the calendar, establishing January 1 as the beginning of a new year. They believed their two-faced god, Janus, whose spirit inhabited doorways and arches, was able to look backwards into the previous year and forward into the future.  In hopes of a good future, the Romans offered sacrifices coupled with promises of good behavior in hopes of having a blessing in the coming year.

Early on, the first day of a new year became an occasion for Christians to think about one’s past mistakes and resolve to do and be better in the future. In 1740, John Wesley, founder of Methodism, created the Covenant Renewal Service which was commonly held on New Year’s Eve or New Year’s Day, affording worshippers the opportunity to seek the Lord’s help and favor in the coming new year. This type of service became known as watch night services throughout Protestantism in western culture.

Resolutions are a funny thing because they are usually a set of somewhat lofty goals, perhaps far-fetched ideas, things on a bucket list, or possibly a “better version of the you” that one’s hoping and praying to be in coming New Year.

Did you know that, on average, approximately 92 percent of Americans are doomed to fail at keeping their New Year’s Resolutions? One might ask, why? It’s mostly because the goals aren’t specific, measurable and/or realistic (too far-fetched to be obtainable).

As a result, some people simply don’t attempt to make New Year’s Resolutions, which is a personal choice, while others struggle to make the next year different.  While I’m in a different camp, that from a perspective of continuous modification and transformation, even on a daily basis, I’d like to share some steps I use to affect substantive modifications in my life.  

Now before you jump in, realize two things:

  1.  Effective change requires a serious, steadfast commitment!
  2. Generally, affirmative or positive change requires a step by step approach, both spiritual and practical!   

STEP 1: Where does your help come from?  Perhaps, “I can’t, but with God, nothing is impossible!” (see Zachariah 4:6, Galatians 2:20, Philippians 4:13, II Corinthians 3:4-5, Luke 1:37)

STEP 2:  Be humble and surrender your desire/will to the Lord’s purpose for your life! (see James 4:3, I Corinthians 10:31, Psalm 37:11, I Peter 5:6, I Chronicles 4:9-10)

STEP 3: Own your past, openly acknowledge sin — without excuses or attempts at human justifications! (See Psalm 32, Proverbs 28:13, I Corinthians 11:3, James 5:16)   

STEP 4: Walk in forgiveness (seeking forgiveness and forgiving others)!  (See Ephesians 4:32)   

STEP 5: Lay all your plans out before the Lord!  (See Proverbs 16:1-9, 19:20-24, 20:18, 21:5, 29:18, Jeremiah 29:11-13, Isaiah 55:8-9)  

STEP 6:  Stay connected and listen closely!  (See James 1:19, Jeremiah 33:3, I John 5:14, Proverbs 16:20, Matthew 7:24-27, Psalm 5:3)

STEP 7:  Don’t shrink back, remain steadfast! (See II Timothy 1:7, Psalm 27:14, 31:24, Joshua 1:1-9, Deuteronomy 31:6)

Faithful followers of Jesus Christ live daily in anticipation of hearing and responding to the Lord’s direction.  If He has placed in your heart a need and desire to change, and you’re committed to that end, then launch the resolution.  At that point, share your objective(s) with others, become accountable, and seek wise counsel (See Proverbs 11:4) from the godly, not the worldly (See Psalm 1:1, Romans 8:8)! Satan will use the seemingly good ideas of the world to trap you in the grips of his destructive system.  He may help you change, but it won’t be anything that honors or glorifies the Lord (See Hebrews 11:6)!   

I pray you enjoy a blessed new year of godly transformation!          — PF