Have you ever noticed that almost everything in our world changes?  Change is sometimes very difficult to embrace and often, even more difficult to accomplish.  Clergyman Henry Ward Beecher put it this way:

Our days are a kaleidoscope. Every instant a change takes place. … New harmonies, new contrasts, new combinations of every sort. … The most familiar people stand each moment in some new relation to each other, to their work, to surrounding objects.

How many changes have you experienced in the last ten years, last year, last week, today?  Certainly there are many realms of change . . . physical and spiritual, ideological and philosophical, likes and dislikes, mental and emotional, even family, relationships, careers, etc.  Needless to say, change is an inevitable component of human existence, even if one doesn’t like it, works against it, or in denial, refuses to accept it. 

Even though change is certain and unavoidable, that doesn’t make it all good or right, nor does it deem change all bad or evil.  Some changes work in excellence (even though it may be extremely troublesome or painful), causing great improvements in one’s life, family, nation, business, organization, and/or ministry, while others seem to reap havoc, damage, and/or even destruction. 

However, in a world and life of much and constant, inexorable change, only one thing escapes modification, alteration or transformation . . . the nature/character of our Lord.  Scripture clearly declares God’s immutability in Malachi 3:6, as He clearly announces His own incomputable, invariable, inalterable, and unchangeable character:

For I, the Lord, do not change.  (also I Samuel 15:29, James 1:17, Hebrews 6:18; 13:8)

In this Hebrew text, God chooses to call Himself, Yahweh . . . the covenant-name of God to the Hebrews (See Exodus 6:3), and a name which fully implies His immutable character and inalterable faithfulness in fulfilling His promises.  In this case, because He is a God Who does not, and will not change, His people are not, and will not be destroyed (even though they without a doubt, absolutely  deserved it).  Thanks be to God for His invariable nature of grace and mercy towards His people, who are not without discipline, but certainly don’t get what’s fully deserved.     

Now, consider this spin.  God, Who is unchanging and unchangeable, created a world that is constantly being modified, and filled it with His most exalted and valued creation — humanity — who is constantly in a process of alteration and transformation. Those changes being wrought in Christ are excellent, but those produced by adaptation to our world’s thinking, philosophies, and self-proclaimed wisdom continuously harvest mayhem, injury, harm, devastation, and ruin. 

As an example, I’m constantly amazed by all the “Christian” parents who completely ignore God’s instructions concerning appropriate discipline and sound (proven) principles for correcting their children.  Then they wonder why their children are out-of-control, spoiled, disobedient, and disrespectful.  They may pray 24/7 for their family and offspring, but if they discount and ignore His immutable truth, those prayers are simply a waste of words and breath. 

How about “believers” who are gainfully employed and refuse to provide significant, consistent, sacrificial financial support for their church?  The New Testament clearly teaches the God-ordained concept of giving (Did He not give His Son, did His Son not give His life?) as a significant part of Christian living. They may pray 24/7 for His financial blessing and help, but if His immutable truth is denied and ignored, or even discounted, those prayers are simply another waste of words and breath!  

Ultimately, one’s unchangeable Lord is the active and effective change agent in a believer’s life Who designs, directs, and empowers significant spiritual modifications within His people . . . even complete emotional, as well as  mental, alterations and healing.  The definitive and obvious goal is the complete transformation of Christ’s followers, molding and shaping them into functional vessels of honor and glory for His purposes!  What a calling — what a blessing!  It’s almost incomprehensible to consider or grasp the fact that Christ changes us for the fulfillment of His immutable everlasting purposes. 

As a result of God’s purpose in each and every one of His follower’s lives, believers are, without a doubt, challenged, as well as spiritually encouraged, and convicted to change.  Consider these essential questions: Are you affirmatively willing to change? Are you passive about change? Are you persistently resistant to change? No matter what the answer, be confidently assured that your unchanging Lord is immutably committed to your spiritual, mental and emotional transformation! So one chooses, almost on a daily basis, to enthusiastically comply and embrace His move/work in one’s life, act nonchalantly about His purpose in you, or defiantly ignore/revolt.  

Since I was 17 years old, my senior year in high school, I’ve been fully committed to Christ and serving Him.  During these years, I’ve embraced His change. However, at times, I’ve also acted indifferently about His call, and even openly resisted spiritual, emotional, mental healing and transformation. I’ve been privileged to organize numerous ministries, serve in several others, and with the exception of just a few years in the construction business, been actively engaged in ministry for 40 years.  

Here’s what I’ve (sometimes painfully) learned:

  1. all change, personal or in a church/ministry, is good, as well as beneficial if initiated by the Lord. 
  2. if I will move beyond the past, what was, and fully grip the opportunity that lies ahead through change, it’s always proven to be forever better!  

At West Oaks Fellowship, we are on the precipice of change, both as individual believers and our entire ministry. New vision is being birthed and the Lord is challenging us to step towards Him, fully embracing His improvements. Therefore, please always remember, change is inevitable, and our immutable Lord demands it of His followers. Will you join me in responding affirmatively and enthusiastically to all the transforming work He is bringing to our lives and our church?

His & Yours, Pastor Frank


Over the past 37 years (primarily ministry since I was 18, with a few years of construction company ownership and management thrown in) I’ve written innumerable articles and taught in excess of 35 lessons on freedom, liberty, independence, etc., and yet the Biblical revelation of these invigorating truths inexhaustibly continues to unfold.   Christ is the only liberating agent that brings total freedom to the soul/spirit of humanity.  He frees us from the bondage of sin and spiritual death, making true believers the only individuals able to volitionally respond to Him in an appropriate and affirmative manner. 

While many creatures obey God simply by doing what they are created to do, or through Him directing their paths unbeknownst to them, only humans, born afresh through faith in Jesus Christ and empowered by His Holy Spirit, clearly distinguish His unique guidance as opposed to behavioral instincts, rote activities, and/or trained responses.  In other words, one can get a pet or even wild animal to respond to commands by training, and they even have the opportunity to obey or not.  Humans as well can be trained to respond contrary to instinct, desire, or passion. 

However, the uniqueness for Christ’s disciples is that we have freedom to hear the Lord, and with clear understanding, not as a robot, surrender one’s will/purpose/agenda to His.  In so doing, we freely choose to follow His desire, fully trusting His Holy Spirit to provide the wisdom, resources, and strength needed to faithfully and continuously follow. 

Only freedom in Christ makes a believer independently dependent. One is granted opportunity to victoriously overcome any hold that sin, the flesh, the world, or the enemy attempts to extend, or threatens to impose into or over one’s life.  Liberty in Christ means one no longer thinks or possesses the understanding, view, perspective, or even the reasoning that those without Christ arduously defend and cling to.  Instead, Christ’s followers think, reason, and live independently!  Way outside, above and beyond the limited understanding and precepts of unbelievers … even those considered intelligent, genius, and wise in the framework of their own system and human reasoning.  That means true believers:

  1. Are not governed by a foreign (anything other than God’s) power
  2. Are free from the influence and control of another individual and/or philosophy
  3. Are free to find value and purpose in things other than those determined to be important and meaningful by their culture, heritage, society, religion, worldly influences, etc.
  4. Are free to rely on Christ (which includes His Word, His Holy Spirit, His people, and His divine institutions of family and church), rather than others for emotional, mental, physical and spiritual support and care
  5. Are free from being dominated or controlled by “other” situations,                                circumstances, and or variables (known and/or unknown)

Therefore, if Christ’s followers are truly independent of all these things, then what remains?  Ideally, an intent, longing desire, and even a love, to place one’s being under the control and dominance of the ultimate power and authority … the ONE who knows you best, created you, placed you in this world at the exact appointed/appropriate time (according to HIS purpose/plan) — even the ONE who sustains the universe and holds everything together. 

What a privilege, what a great honor!  You, along with every true believer, are eligible and pre-approved to become totally dependent upon the ONE who purchased and delivered your independence!

Quotes from Christ on a similar discussion from John 8:31-38:

If you continue in My word, then you are truly disciples of Mine; and you will know the truth, and the truth will make you free.

Truly, truly, I say to you, everyone who commits sin is the slave of sin.

So if the Son makes you free, you will be free indeed.

I speak the things which I have seen with My Father; therefore you also do the things which you heard from your father.

Are you free indeed?  Think about it, and then choose freedom. I sincerely pray you become independently dependent today.                                               

— Pastor Frank 


Genesis 3:20 declares, “The man called his wife’s name Eve, because she was the mother of all the living.”  Two very interesting concepts are uniquely intertwined in this verse.  First, we see the name Eve given to the first female of the human race.  Second, we learn that this name is given because she is “the mother of all the living.”  Previously, she had been called woman (“Ishah” in the Hebrew), as a wife; but now, even before conception, she is called the Life-giver or Life-spring (“chavvah” in the Hebrew) as a mother!  

As the human Life-giver, Eve, along with all mothers of all times, is uniquely called by God and blessed by Him in her inimitable position of honor.  The degraded position which mothers and/or women occupy in many modern cultures, such as in the middle/far east, principally in countries under intense Mohammedan influence, is absolutely unbiblical and totally erroneous!  The false views held by some in western cultures and in liberal socialism that our Bible, and/or Christianity somehow dishonors, debases, or attempts to enslave women is totally unfounded, unacceptable, and illogical when compared to the actual biblical text!

Throughout the O.T.,  there is plenty of evidence that moms move on a social plane equal to men and enjoy a unique significance. While the roles of male/female may be distinct, neither party is presented as of less importance. Among the Hebrews, mothers occupied a higher position than that enjoyed by women in other nations. While a mother’s duties may have been primarily domestic, she was held in high regard by her family, as well as the entire Hebrew society, with many moms/women occupying leadership positions. 

In Exodus 15:20-21, Miriam the prophetess (Aaron’s sister) leads in worship with expressions of praise offered through timbrels and dancing. Judges 4:4-6 reveals that Deborah, a prophetess, (wife of Lappidoth) judged Israel and the “sons of Israel came up to her for judgment.”  Later in that chapter, she commands the military leader, Barak, and provides leadership in a battle against Sisera. Biblically/spiritually speaking, her rule was extremely successful because “the land was undisturbed for forty years.” (See Judges 5:31)  Undoubtedly the love for family/children was deeply imbedded in the heart of every Hebrew mother/woman — consider the actions of Moses’ mom! 

Among the patriarchs, women, especially mothers, occupy a prominent place as well.  In Rebekah’s marriage, her mother seems to have had equal voice with her father and Laban, her brother.  (See Genesis 24:28, 50-55) In Genesis 28:7, Jacob “obeyed both his father and mother.”  Evidently, mom was his chief counselor.  I Kings 2:19 states that Solomon rose up to meet his mom, Bathsheba, bowing, and preparing a throne for her at his right hand.

All human life (matchlessly designed and incomparably created in the plans of our omnipotent Creator) would be conceived and developed within, as well as birthed through, God’s Eves (mothers) in fulfillment of His commission to mankind, “be fruitful and multiply!”  Not only would all human life spring forth from woman, but she would be chosen to bear God’s Son and birth the one and only Messiah/Redeemer to/for/in our world!  In her (mother Eve), and through her descendants, via Abraham, “all the families of the world would be blessed” (see Genesis 18:18, Acts 3:25, Galatians 3:8), and Satan’s head would be ultimately, permanently, and victoriously crushed. (See Genesis 3:15)     

Initially, Adam named his “woman” (see Genesis 2:23) in reference to her relationship with him and her gender; however, now she is distinguished by a new name (just as Abram became Abraham in Genesis 17:5 and Sarai became Sarah in Genesis 17:15-16), according to her circumstances, position in life, and God’s enduring, immutable covenant with humanity through her seed and  offspring.  She now stands as a memorial, a prophetic intimation (hint, inkling, indication), of her importance and the destiny of all her promised descendants.

While Adam’s wife appears to be the mother of death, having participated in condemnation upon all mankind, now, she is called “Eve” … the mother of all the living, preeminently of Christ, and all who live and have life through Him.  According to II Timothy 1:9-11:

[He] has saved us and called us with a holy calling, not according to our works, but according to His own purpose and grace which was granted us in Christ Jesus from all eternity, but now has been revealed by the appearing of our Savior Christ Jesus, who abolished death and brought life and immortality to light through the gospel.

John 1:4 reminds us, “In Him was life, and the life was the Light of men.  

Thus, an entire history was comprised within the folds of a single word.  Eve would be mother, and in the early ages of our world continuing generation after generation, preserving among God’s people the promise (covenant) and blessed hope of our Saviour/Redeemer!  

When I think of my mom (God’s Eve for me), I’m assuredly grateful for life, nurturing, practical and spiritual training, godly counsel, and the wisdom I received under her wings.  Indeed, I certainly regret that by the age of 18, when my parents were taken home to be with the Lord, that I wasn’t fully cognizant of her blessing in my life and wasn’t personally afforded the opportunity to offer her appropriate praise and thanksgiving before she departed. 

Nonetheless, few days pass that I don’t thank my God upon every remembrance of her (my dad as well), gratefully rejoicing in the time and experiences I enjoyed with them throughout my childhood and adolescence.  Indisputably, I fully recognize that not everyone has a mother whose “children rise up and bless her.” (Proverbs 31:28)

Nevertheless, mom’s position was designed and appointed by God and you’re here right now according to God’s purpose through Eve.  So, whether she was lacking in much or extremely awesome, you can still praise God for His impregnable and indestructible blueprint established in/through Eve … the mother of all the living. HE IS INDISPUTABLY WORTHY!                             

Think about it.   — Pastor Frank      


As you’re reading this article, we have only 20 weeks (or less, depending on delivery date) to prepare for Mission Trip 2014.  While this annual event is a huge undertaking for a ministry our size and arduous to plan and administer, every year we see untold blessings beyond anything that can be measured, valued, or even imagined from a human view-point/perspective.

Now to Him who is able to do far more abundantly beyond all that we ask or think, according to the power that works within us, to Him be the glory in the church and in Christ Jesus to all generations forever and ever. Amen.  

— Ephesians 3:20-21

Similar to last year, we’ve been invited to Lyford/Sebastian, Texas by the superintendent of schools (a faithful believer) with the full endorsement of the community, local school board, and administration/personnel.  Praise be to God for the way He continually opens doors and provides unique opportunities for all those willing to accept the challenge of boldly and sacrificially serving Him without consideration of their own personal comfort, blessing, and/or benefit (in many cases, even the loss of income for our independent contractors and small business owners).             

For the love of Christ controls (urges/compels – presses on us from all sides, holding us to one end and prohibiting us from considering any other, wrapping itself around us in tenderness, giving us an impelling motive) us, having concluded this, that one died for all, therefore all died; and He died for all, so that they who live might no longer live for themselves, but for Him who died and rose again on their behalf.  

— II Corinthians 5:14-15

For not one of us lives for himself, and not one dies for himself;  for if we live, we live for the Lord, or if we die, we die for the Lord; therefore whether we live or die, we are the Lord’s.     

— Romans 14:7-8

Last year, our first time in Lyford/Sebastian, was a great success with attendance far above expectations and many decisions for Christ. In addition, everyone in the area was delighted with our ministry, as well as our friendly, encouraging, exciting, yet non-compromising, distinctively evangelical outreach to the children and youth in the community.  As in former locations (other South Texas communities where we’ve ministered to children and youth), we worked diligently to establish a good reputation with the local businesses, all community leaders, and the parents of the children who participated in our community-wide VBS ministry.

Likewise urge the young men to be sensible; in all things show yourself to be an example of good deeds, with purity in doctrine, dignified, sound in speech which is beyond reproach, so that the opponent will be put to shame, having nothing bad to say about us.  

— Titus 2:6-8

Generally, our goals remain the same (listed below), however, this year we will need even more involvement from those at WOF who cannot come and the active participation of our teenagers’ parents as we prepare them for this year’s mission.  I’m praying that whether one goes or not, it’s still your mission trip … that everyone at WOF has a part in this incredible  undertaking.  Certainly prayer is always at the top of the list, along with significant financial support/scholarships/donations and fundraising efforts/ideas are absolutely essential and greatly appreciated. However,  this year we will be asking for your help, from time-to-time, in many ways.    

Now, brethren, we wish to make known to you the grace of God which has been given in the churches of Macedonia, that in a great ordeal of affliction their abundance of joy and their deep poverty overflowed in the wealth of their liberality.  For I testify that according to their ability, and beyond their ability, they gave of their own accord, begging us with much urging for the favor of participation in the support of the saints, and this, not as we had expected, but they first gave themselves to the Lord and to us by the will of God. 

— II Corinthians 8:1-6


  1. Introduce children & youth to Jesus Christ!  We strategically plan to provide every child with an opportunity to experience Christ’s love, coming to know forgiveness of sin and salvation that He alone offers.  See I Timothy 2:3-7
  • Provide opportunity for WOF’s youth and young adults, as well as those from other churches, to participate in a meaningful, life-changing ministry event where they are the Lord’s primary ministers/servants.  See I Timothy 4:12
  • Assist other churches/ministries in their efforts to reach a community with Christ’s message of grace and forgiveness.  See Romans 16:1-2
  • Provide a unique opportunity for WOF youth to serve and minister alongside youth from other churches/ministries.  See Psalm 33:1
  • See the purposes of God accomplished as both youth and adult believers work together in unity.  See John 17:22-23

Lyford/Sebastian, Texas is a field white unto harvest. May we lift up our eyes and look … seeing the opportunity afforded us as a church/ministry. 

See John 4:35      

In Luke 10:2-3, Jesus said to His disciples:

The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few; therefore beseech the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest.

Perhaps He is speaking to us as well!  Certainly we understand this individually in our day-to-day lives, but what about as a church/ministry?  Here are two little towns where few have heard the Truth of Christ’s Gospel (His message of grace, love and forgiveness), and we’ve been invited to a harvest.  How shall we respond?  Shall we heed our Lord’s request?  Certainly, our time is now!                    

— Pastor Frank  


Now there’s a word you don’t hear much anymore!  In fact, I’m not sure I’ve ever heard a sermon or teaching on the topic other than a brief pass-by when someone is teaching on the “virtuous woman” of Proverbs 31 or a short mention when discussing the biblical qualifications for the New Testament offices of Overseer (Elders) and/or Deacons in I Timothy 3. 

Actually, there are at least 9 Hebrew words and 10 Greek words in our bibles that mean and/or could be translated into English as “dignity”.  In Proverbs 31:25, which is perhaps most familiar passage where this word occurs, that after talking about this incredible lady literally making clothing for her family and others, the writer of Proverbs also makes a spiritual application about her spiritual attire.  One can certainly have garments and fine fashions that makes you look dignified, but that has little to nothing to do with the divine attribute of dignity! In Galatians 3:27, Paul uses a similar illustration by comparing what one wears as an outer garment in a practical sense to spiritual adornment when declaring, “For all of you who were baptized (as believers) into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ” when becoming God’s children through new-birth by faith in Jesus Christ.  Romans 13:14 also reminds us of our everyday need for spiritual attire as we are instructed to, “put on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make no provision for the flesh in regard to its lusts.”

Throughout the scriptures, the word “dignity” is used in reference to an inner quality of amiable behavior as well as that of being very or extremely honorable, having a good name (reputation), virtuous (upright and honest), noble and excellent. In Proverbs 31:25 this woman’s beauty shines forth from her inner most being as she has wrapped herself in the very attributes and characteristics of the Lord, therefore she is no shameful, unskilled, unimportant weakling in the family, society, or in reference to God’s perfect design for humanity! 

 As a result of her spiritual garments, she is clothed with strength, which means power over the changes of temporal circumstances … which too often and easily shatter families, bringing whole households to ruin when built and resting upon shaky and less solid foundations.  She rises above the common, the deceptive traps of one’s culture, society, peer pressure, and the like. Her raiment is spot-on . . . “dignity” which empowers her to peer confidently into the future and all that it holds for her family, business, and ministry, as well as her faith-based relationship with the Lord. She moves from strength to strength (Psalm 84:6-7) with the blessings of Almighty God, maintaining her faith and “dignity” through the plethora of situations and circumstances she encounters on a daily basis!  She is invested with a moral force and “dignity” which arm her against the typical distracting cares and worries of this life with the divine (supernatural) power of a righteous purpose that reveals itself in her deportment and demeanor.

No wonder she’s been given the renowned and glorious title, “Virtuous Woman.”  She enjoys a firmness and constancy of mind, has spirit to bear up under the many crosses and disappointments which even the wise and virtuous must expect to meet within this world; and this is her clothing, for defense as well as decency. She deals honorably with all, and takes great delight, fulfillment, and pleasure in so doing. 

Unquestionably, this one of “dignity” reflects upon life with comfort, and even as she grows old, knows her life was not filled with idleness and/or uselessness.  She is not disquieted by fears of what might/may be or happen, knowing full well in whom she trusts (Psalm 112:1-10), and having done her duty responsibly and to the utmost of her ability.  Even in the day of her death it will be a pleasure for her to reflect, absolutely and assuredly knowing that she lived for a purpose higher than herself — her Lord’s glory good purposes!  Yes, she will rejoice in the things of an eternity to come … being recompensed for her life, her adornment, her service, and the authenticated and indisputable “dignity” she so willingly, honestly, and openly displayed.

In our common English language, “dignity” is defined as:

1.  the state or quality of being worthy of honor or respect.

     “a person of dignity is one of unbending principle”

2.  a composed or serious manner or style.

     “he/she bowed with great dignity”

3. a sense of self-respect.

4.  a high or honorable rank or position.

Perhaps today we ask ourselves, “Are we individuals of dignity?”  If not, why not?   Think about it. His & Yours by GRACE (God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense)  –PF   


Greetings Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

I’m writing a personal letter this month in order to reveal my heart concerning the ministry of our church Mission Trips and particularly that of Mission Trip 2018.  Last Sunday, April 22, 2018, I shared some uncoached statements our youth and young adults voluntarily made concerning the dynamic, life-transforming, spiritual impact our mission trips have created in their lives. (You can watch the teaching on YouTube, West Oaks Fellowship, “Our Purpose For Mission Trip 2018” or on our church website, click on Worship Service Videos)

Why, as a minister of Christ’s gospel and the Lead Pastor of West Oaks Fellowship, am I “all-in” on our short-term missionary-type evangelical outreaches in the South Texas Valley?

One of the greatest things about the way WOF does mission trips is that they are consistently and uncompromisingly about our Mission Trip participants having a direct, literal — hands-on opportunity — to express the grace, acceptance, and love of Jesus Christ to children of all ages.  Unless one has actually personally witnessed our ministry teams in action (unconditional kindness and care relentlessly demonstrated to every VBS participant), it is almost unexplainable and unbelievable.  Yes, when 500-600 children are divided up into small groups of 10-15 in each crew and they swarm (no kidding) around our youth crew leaders (who are responsible for their daily activities) and they just keep on loving the children moment by moment, tears come to my eyes.  When I observe our adults and young adults sacrifice income, vacation time, sleep, and funds, along with no telling what else, to faithfully support our young people in their ministries, again it evokes emotions from deep within.  Sometimes I just go hide so no one sees the tears running down my face; other times, I just sit down, which doesn’t happen often throughout any given day, and celebrate in gratitude to my Lord for all that is going on (in His name and for His glory)

See, I know exactly what it’s like to take youth on mission trips who don’t really want to do the mission at hand.  I’ve put roofs on pastors’ homes, repaired church buildings, cleaned and painted facilities, cut down and chopped up huge trees, dug ditches and buried water lines for baptistries, built walls, installed a/c units, doors, hardware, windows, lights, plugs, switches and even run electrical circuits.  I’m confident that all this work was needed, but I’m not sure it was overwhelmingly life-changing for any of those mission trip participants … including me.  While in most cases the church and church leaders were generally grateful for our efforts, I am not confident that those trips directly resulted in the youth and young people who participated sharing the truth/gospel and straightforwardly demonstrating Christ’s love, grace, mercy, and forgiveness.

As a result, way back in 1980, I became determined to never participate in mission trips that were primarily service oriented – not that they are wrong, (sometimes we engage in these type of activities) – but if it is a mission trip, then the mission should be simply, basically, and clearly sharing the Gospel of Christ and being servants of our Lord, working to build His kingdom.

While there are many opportunities to participate in what I would call real or authentic mission trips, the Lord has continually opened doors for us in the South Texas Valley.  I have been working in this region, actually on both sides of the border (even though we don’t cross the border with our young people anymore), for 38 years.  I guess that’s called commitment, and I’m hereby inviting you to make a sacrificial (that which has great value) commitment right now to join Mission Trip 2018.  Make (in today’s lingo “strongly encourage”) your teenager(s) join the team … young adults, take off work and rise up in ministry and leadership … adults, just come (I know it’s hard, but you’ll bless others and you’ll be blessed), help us prepare, support financially, and pray.  In fact, ask yourself … Why not all the above! 

FYI – That’s your personal invitation to participate!

Now, will you be so brave as to listen honestly and sincerely to the Lord, and then openly respond to (obey) His leading, rather than entertaining all the reasons and excuses that will flood your mind telling you why not to participate? 

I fully trust that the Lord will work powerfully in and through each of us as we fully embrace Mission Trip 2018 as our ministry, and let it all happen … for His glory and purpose(s)! 

That’s my heart … His and yours, PF


The word Advent means ‘Coming’ in Latin. In reference to our This is the coming of Jesus into the world. Christians use the four Sundays and weeks of Advent to prepare and remember the real meaning of Christmas. … Some people fast (don’t eat anything) during advent to help them concentrate on preparing to celebrate Jesus’s coming.

  • Embrace Change – just as the leaves change colors, reflecting the beauty of our Lord’s creation and design, so does life.  Almost every aspect of a genuine believer’s life is in a state of transformation as one’s grows spiritually, becoming more and more like Christ. (See II Corinthians 3:18; Romans 8:29, 12:1-2) We, as Christ’s followers, fully understand and comprehend that not all change is good.  Today, there is an awful lot of unwelcome and unwholesome change in our world. Moral and societal changes really bother us …  we see it everywhere, with almost no exceptions. On top of that, we are painfully aware that the children and youth of this era are growing up in a world far different from the one we experienced as children, youth and young adults.

Then there are those changes that impact us as individuals — children leaving home, the passing of dear friends/family members/loved ones, and even perhaps the slow, steady decline in our vitality and health. Sometimes we may even feel “outdated” at work.  But amidst all the changes, one thing, one Person, stays constant in His existence, purpose, and character … our eternal Lord! To fully embrace God’s purpose(s) in our lives genuinely requires significant, on-going modifications in one’s thinking, understanding, and actions/behavior. Therefore, as one looks upon the ever-present physical changes revealed in our world through Autumn/Fall, consider the marvelous, omnipresent work/molding Christ desires to accomplish in you.  Yield to His touch in the same way the leaves of the tree submit to His ultimate design and persistent resolve.

  • Let Go – just as the trees and grass are unable to hang on to their radiance from Spring and Summer (if rained upon and/or watered), maturing Christians must release the bonds of the past in order to fully participate in the adventures that Christ has prepared for His people to pursue and walk/live in.  (See Luke 9:62; Ephesians 2:10; Colossians 1:8-12; Philippians 3:13-14; I Corinthians 9:24; II Timothy 1:8-11) As one observes the variations in nature brought about by Autumn/Fall, perhaps one should ask the Lord what needs to break loose, be raked up, and intentionally/purposefully and permanently discarded from one’s life!  The past only comes back to haunt us if we make provision for it, and allow it impact our spiritual lives and progress!  As a new creature in Christ, are you allowing old things, particularly those things of one’s fleshly/worldly nature, to continually fall off, pass away, die? (See II Corinthians 5:16-17) Sadly, and yes, destructively, many genuine believers are having difficulty distinguishing the difference.
  • Be Grateful – you’ll never have everything you want and/or absolutely perfect unless the desires of your heart are completely modified by the Lord, and that your definition of good and/or perfect somehow comes into alignment with God’s definition of those things in your own life. Simply put, “But godliness actually is a means of great gain when accompanied by contentment. For we have brought nothing into the world, so we cannot take anything out of it either. If we have food and covering, with these we shall be content.” — I Timothy 6:6-9.  I’ve continually found that individuals who are content, which doesn’t mean they are lazy or lack drive to be successful, are generally grateful for whatever they have. That’s proven to be true in my experience, with those who have an abundance, as well as those that may have little, or are lacking, as defined in the eyes of our western culture. In addition, I’ve also found many who have more than they could ever use or want to be ungrateful, as well as those that have little to sulk in their want and greed. Too often the formula of greed or covetousness resulting in poverty is forgotten.  Psalm 10:3 declares, “For the wicked boasts of his heart’s desire (rather than the desires being birthed and shaped by the Lord), and the greedy man curses and spurns the Lord.”  Proverbs 28:22 makes it pretty clear, “A man with an evil eye hastens after wealth and does not know that want (poverty) will come upon him.”  While our God is certainly able to give us the desires of our heart (See Psalm 37:4-5). I suspect He is willing to do exactly that when and if our desires glorify Him and are conferring His purposes!

My prayer is that God’s Autumn/Fall 2018 will speak loudly to each of us!  –PF  


In my studies of Nehemiah, the Lord has always revealed principles of leadership along with the need for, and the power of, vision in one’s life. Every believer needs vision, vision from God concerning their lives and ministry, and that is readily available for anyone who will diligently seek out the Lord’s purposes in their lives.

When Nehemiah (Chapter 1) learns about the conditions in Jerusalem and the remnant of his fellow Jews living there, it makes a profound impact (effect), moving him to a period of fasting and prayer. Out of this time of diligently seeking God, Nehemiah emerges with a clear calling and vision. Nehemiah’s calling and vision is also intrinsically linked with God’s answer to his burden/concern and prayer. Numerous times I’ve found that God calls the one burdened by a need or situation to actively participate in its resolution/healing/etc. How many times has God desired to use you as a part of the answer to your own prayers?

As Nehemiah (by faith — in trust) takes ownership of his calling and vision (Chapter 2), he experiences God’s supernatural power — doors are opened and opportunities provided allowing Nehemiah to fully engage in his “God” revealed purpose/vision. As Nehemiah arrives in Jerusalem he carries out a strategic analysis and overall evaluation of the situation. Why does he do this before sharing his purpose/vision with his Jewish brothers? To some, this answer may be obvious, but it’s not to shore-up public support for his ideas, which is the tendencies of humanity and the wisdom of our world, or even to provide a clearer, more precise view of the task at hand, which will answer all the critical questions. Instead he’s waiting for the appropriate time when God allows him to share his vision under the Lord’s anointing and in His authority. You’ll notice in verse 17 of chapter 2 that Nehemiah challenges the people in Jerusalem with very simple words saying, “Come, let us rebuild the wall of Jerusalem that we may no longer be a reproach.” Just like the apostle Paul, Nehemiah didn’t come with “eloquence of speech,” but with vision and the convicting power of almighty God!

Then Nehemiah goes on to share his testimony concerning the Lord’s miraculous work and provisions leading up to that very moment. Hear the people’s response in verse 18, “Let us arise and build.” God’s purpose/vision for Nehemiah was now the purpose and vision for the community and they “put there hands to the good work.” Of course there are a few knucklers and knockers, those that knock anything and everything that’s attempted by those brave enough (foolish enough) to embrace God’s purpose and vision. Sadly, this human factor is to be expected with every work of God, whether it’s rebuilding the wall of Jerusalem, building people’s lives, or working to improve the effectiveness of a church’s ministry. Nehemiah’s answer in verse 20 is a powerful prophetic word of supernatural faith, single mindedness, commitment, surrender, wisdom, and knowledge –

“The God of heaven will give us success (after all it’s His purpose and vision conveyed to His people for His glory and their blessing/benefit); therefore we His servants (God’s builders, soldiers, athletes, workmen) will arise (by faith – trust and obey) and build, but you (knuclers and knockers) have no portion, right, or memorial in Jerusalem.”

Showing how the enemy is overcome and defeated through the establishment and accomplishment of God’s purpose and vision in our lives, we can clearly see that Nehemiah’s life was dynamically changed and impacted by his willingness to 1) believe God, 2) embrace God’s vision, 3) actively participate in the vision, and 4) passed it on to God’s people. I’m praying that every one of us at West Oaks Fellowship will seek and hear from God just like Nehemiah. May we embrace His vision/purpose for our lives, families, as well as for our church and ministry! Then, may we trust our Lord, Jesus Christ to accomplish His vision/purpose in us and through us. An old cell phone commercial constantly asked, “Can you hear me now?” Spiritually speaking we know God hears us, so perhaps we should ask ourselves if we’re hearing God. Is God waiting for your response to His question, “Can you hear Me now?” Hearing God births vision and purpose in a believer’s life, so how will you answer God as He asks, “Are you seeing me now?”

Just think about it. –Pastor Frank