An anniversary is the commemoration or celebration of a past event that occurs annually on the same date of the year as the initial, inaugural event.  Needless to say, the simplest example would be one’s wedding anniversary.  As far as we know, this word was first used in relation to religious memorial days that venerated various saints.  These feasts were similar to those associated with Judaism when the Hebrew people gathered to worship the Lord and express their gratitude for all His work in their nation, as well as in their individual lives and families.   

This June, West Oaks Fellowship will observe her 30th anniversary.  In some ways it seems like only yesterday when a handful of young committed believers gathered in hopes of forming a new ministry in association with Westheimer Baptist Church/First Baptist West Houston.  As that aspiration quickly diminished, we came to believe that the Lord was leading us to embrace what seemed to be the next best viable option … start an independent, biblically based ministry/church/fellowship. 

There I was, 30 years old and wading out deep in unfamiliar waters with no bridge back.  Sure, I had led Sonburst (a Jesus band that I was instrumental in forming in 1972), organized and managed my own construction businesses, and served in staff positions for several ministries, but now I was truly out on my own as Christ’s undershepherd … fully responsible and accountable for His flock/people.  Yes, it was somewhat of an intimidating position; one matched only by the loss of my parents and 19 friends in our youth group at age 18 on December 26, 1972, seven months after I had graduated from high school.  Unquestionably, it was truly sink or swim, yet every time I think about those early days of this ministry, then called Grace Church, I am overwhelmed by His abundant grace, and I find myself eternally grateful for three essential elements that God had uniquely orchestrated and put in place for that day and the initial formative years of WOF:

1.    A supporting bride (Brenda) who was succeeding in her own businesses which provided us with not only the funds needed for our well-being, but resources to help underwrite this newly-born New Testament based ministry.

2.     A few godly young men (all around 30) and their wives (some singles too), who loved God, respected one another, and knew His word.  They gave consistently, sacrificially, and responsibly to the ministry of both their time and resources and each of them stepped up to provide the leadership we needed to insure that our initial steps were positioned on a sure, unshakable foundation.

3.    Then, there were all those that came without much expectation (cheap chairs   and creative uses of spaces), but with a strong desire to seek and know the Lord more intimately. Most, wholeheartedly and enthusiastically, even though perhaps nervously, embraced the vision of becoming a church patterned in accordance with the concepts found in the New Testament rather than that of any particular denomination or church entity.

Over the last 30 years, we’ve experienced innumerable blessings, been through some truly difficult seasons, and witnessed a few marked moments when one could certainly declare, “How marvelous, how wonderful is our Savior’s love for us!”  At times our tears, which have been plentiful, have been turned to rejoicing and our sorrows to hope (confident expectation in Him) and celebration.  His faithfulness has guided us through each and every dark time, caused us to overcome seemingly overwhelming odds and difficulties and yet at the same time, learn to be jubilant in the victories.  Through it all, we’ve grown stronger through the trials, becoming steadfast and unrelenting in our pursuit of genuine spiritual transformation. (See Romans 12:1-2, II Corinthians 5:17) Furthermore, scores of lasting, authentic, meaningful, Christ-centered relationships/friendships have emerged within our church body at WOF, providing biblical encouragement, acceptance, and support for one another.  (See I Thessalonians 5:11, Romans 15:7)  The Gospel of Jesus Christ has been affirmed as TRUTH, and God’s Word has been boldly declared with uncompromising passion in well over 3500 public presentations.  (See I Corinthians 1:22-25, II Timothy 4:1-5) 

Have you ever considered that throughout our fellowship’s history, over 15,000 songs of worship and praise, along with many of the enduring hymns of Christ’s church, have been offered in declaration of God’s character/nature and in adoration of the Lord?  (See Ephesians 5:18-21,  Colossians 3:16, Psalm 150)  How many came to know Christ, how many baptized, how many lives positively impacted and changed for His glory?  Only the Lord really knows the fruit of our labor together in this ministry, but most of us would agree, it’s been a good race!

Now let’s consider … What do the next 20 – 30 years look like?  If our Lord graciously tarries, and we haven’t joined Him in His end time conquests, then I sincerely pray that the foundation and heritage that’s been laid by all of us at WOF will continue to provide all the necessary support that’s needed for the next generation to assume and continue the work of Christ until He returns and establishes His Kingdom.

It’s been an incredible blessing and distinguished honor to serve each of you over the last 30 years.                                              

Thanks, Pastor Frank


“Beloved, I pray that in all respects you may prosper and be in good health, just as your soul prospers”

… a remarkable and extraordinary prayer from the Lord’s Apostle/Elder, John, for the believer Gaius from 3 John 2.  Here, this faithful New Testament church leader expresses a strong and earnest desire for the side-by-side development of spiritual maturity, physical well-being, and material blessing. While certainly it is appropriate to seek God for any of these as significant aspects of one’s life, the coupling or joining of them together in this passage is unprecedented in the biblical text.  In addition, there is supportive evidence that physical health and spiritual well-being are uniquely intertwined, and surely success and/or prosperity in one’s career or business affairs can play a role as well in any individual’s overall well-being.  

Here, in 3 John 2 we find the Greek word, euodoo (yoo-od-o’-o), which is a compound expression meaning to succeed along the road, to reach successfully, and/or to prosper in business affairs. The continuous tense in this scripture suggests consecutive, uninterrupted circumstances of varying prosperity as weeks follow weeks.  This concept is in the likeness of the inner man being renewed “day after day” as in II Corinthians 4:16.  In other words, this prayer finds Gaius’s faith father (see 3 John 4) praying for his spiritual, monetary/material, and physical well-being … prosperity! 

Most committed Christians can either quote or find a verse related to God’s material blessings being poured out (like Luke 6:38), God’s provision of health and/or strength (as in Proverbs 3:7-10), or concerning spiritual growth/maturity (such as Colossians 1:10), but how about all three, spoken together in one powerful and discerning prayer passage?  WOW!  How do you think brother Gaius must have felt when he received and read this prayer from Elder John? 

Undoubtedly, this experienced apostle/elder fully understood the concept conveyed by his co-laborer, the Apostle Paul, in his instructions to the Philippian church:  

Do nothing from selfishness or empty conceit, but with humility of mind regard one another as more important than yourselves; do not merely look out for your own personal interests, but also for the interests of others. (Phil 2:3-4)

Isn’t it interesting to note that this prayer ties both the physical health and material blessing directly to one’s spiritual growth and development as a vital/essential priority?  It appears, according to 3 John 3, that Gaius is growing spiritually and that there is distinct/clear evidence of this maturing being manifested throughout his life.  Apostle/Elder John seems to be delighted as well, even elated with his progress …

For I was very glad when brethren came and testified to your truth, that is, how you are walking in truth.  I have no greater joy than this, to hear of my children walking in the truth. (3 John 3-4)             

This simple, yet broad-reaching, unelaborate prayer would include success in business ventures and investments, happiness and peaceful fulfillment in domestic/family interactions, as well as within one’s spiritual relationships (with the Lord and other believers).  In addition, this intercession is inclusive of all the activities, engagements, and/or transactions in which a committed believer might lawfully engage within one’s society (pagan or not). It shows that it is absolutely and unhesitatingly right for us to encourage our friends through prayer, whether in good times or bad, lean or abundance, that they may have success and growth in their spiritual lives, be in good health, physically/ mentally/ emotionally and prosper through the works of their hands and in their plans of life.  John must surely have learned this from Jesus, whose concern for people’s physical troubles is attested to in all four Gospels. Certainly this is a biblical warrant for Christians today to pray for the temporal as well as the spiritual and physical needs of our peers in Christ.  

At West Oaks Fellowship, we’ve learned to actively embrace our cultural differences, as well as the distinctions in our widely diversified heritages. We are truly “nations gathered for worship” who at the same time are actively “sharing the truth in love” (Ephesians 4:15). Now let us embark on praying for one another —  not just when needs arise — but as the Apostle/Elder John prayed for Gaius, that each one in our body will be in good health and prosper even as his/her soul prospers!             

Let’s just do it! -PF


When one thinks about America, what pops into your mind?  Currently, the greatest nation on earth?  What a blessing it is to be an American?  The “land of the free” and “the home of the brave?”  A nation once again thrown into the divisiveness of minority/equal rights struggles?  A country at war with terrorism?  A people embattled with economic, health-care, social security, immigration, and defense issues?  Perhaps we are seeing what once upon a time may have been referred to as a “Christian” or “Judeo-Christian” America/nation, quickly sinking into the vast cavity and hollowness of pagan secularism. 

In addition, while I’m not proposing that these United States of America were ever 100% Christian, nor were its founding fathers all believers in the Jesus Christ of the Bible, or our faith and practice, unquestionably these brave individuals were influenced by a both a belief in deity and fear/respect of Almighty God! Nonetheless, in these latter times of the “Information Age,” is it possible that our nation’s obsession and quest for data, digital communication, and information has actually exalted itself above a need/desire for God?  In II Timothy 3, the scriptures declare that difficult times will come, and thus issue a clear and distinct warning concerning this scenario. All those who choose to listen and truly/faithfully believe, are provided with the Lord’s counsel concerning those who are “lovers of money” and “lovers of self,”  that they are, or always will be, “learning and/but (are) never able to come to the knowledge (or understanding) of the truth!” They would rather have gratification and information than become subject to the transformation of our Lord and the presence/indwelling of His Holy Spirit!

Doesn’t all information require proper sorting and thorough sifting before it can be effectively applied to any situation?  As faithful believers, we must, “take every thought captive” (II Corinthians 10:5-6) by applying the discerning and discriminating filter of God’s Holy Word/Truth to each and every slice of information that comes our way.  One might ask, “Exactly how does one select information and use it in the process of personal transformation?”  When it comes to a nation, or people group, how does one determine the authenticity and proper value/importance of information, and then select and process pertinent information in order to affect or impact national transformation?

Listed below you’ll find some biblically-based concepts, that if incorporated into your Christian life and that as an American, will help provide some spiritual understanding as we move into the difficulties of serving Christ within the framework of a pagan secular society.  

  • Confront current issues with an eternal perspective (divine viewpoint).  (See Colossians 3:1-2)
  • Move your personal life “from information to transformation (in Christ Jesus) … from rhetoric to righteousness (living righteously)… from finger-pointing and blame-shifting to personal responsibility.  (See Titus 2:11-14)
  • Stop being a labeler . . .  we must avoid labeling. Labels have become “libels” (vilifications).  (See Ephesians 4:31) They increasingly paralyze relationships, legitimate conversation, communication and the exchange of creative and/or beneficial ideas.
  • Be committed to the restoration of Biblical/Scriptural authority in every aspect of one’s life. (See II Timothy 3:16-17)  It is not talk, but living the truth, which has the potential to restore the foundations of faith and freedom in Christ’s church and our society/nation.
  • Always remember, we are first Christians! God did not call us to be conservative, liberal or libertarian, but men and women of faith in Jesus Christ and His Word. We must call things as they are (by “The Book”) (See Ephesians 5:25) — not by our political persuasions, political correctness, or in light of our rhetoric defined by any/various label(s).
  • Never forget, we speak the truth in love when confronting issues, as well as people who disagree with us.  (See Philippians 2:3-4)  People are sinful and driven by fleshly passion(s)  … we all know that!  (See Ephesians 2:1-5)  Therefore, let us rise above with a proper attitude towards every individual, because every human is created in the image and likeness of God — whether we agree with their lifestyle or not! Our attitude towards the confused, lost, and dying world speaks volumes.  (See James 3:8- 18) 
  • We must overturn the rotting logs and mossy rocks that hide our personal sins (See Psalm 32:1-5) as well as those of our nation (See Proverbs 14:34) . . . openly, yet honestly confronting the deepest issues of our society and Americans’ hearts and homes.
  • Let’s be solution-oriented . . . not just provide tough talk. (See James 2:14-26) Transformation can always occur — even in the toughest and most troubled times! Let’s demonstrate Christian hope and Christ’s healing in our own hearts and homes, as well as for America’s broken families and our nation/society. (See II Timothy 2:23-26)

By employing these concepts and principles, we might just see a genuine transformation.

Don’t just think about it, let’s do it! — PF


The foundation of our society and government rest so much on the teachings of the Bible that it would be difficult to support them if faith in these teachings would cease to be practically universal in our country.

President Calvin Coolidge

Much like the threads of a huge, carefully woven tapestry, God’s Word is a natural fiber stitched throughout the fabric of America!  Our history speaks clearly … the Bible has been consistently valued and held in high esteem by individuals in our nation even before its revolutionary birth.  In addition, the scripture’s influence in science, education, law, society, government, and politics is historically undeniable even though many intentionally fail to recognize or acknowledge the scripture’s contribution in these areas of human development and America.  Truly, America would not be America without the Bible!

Simply put, the Bible is the most influential book ever written.  

Time Magazine, March 22, 2007

Even today, in what some call “a post-Christian America,” a recent ARG (American Research Group) poll recorded that only 26% of our parents never (or refuse to) read the scriptures to their children.  This statistic alone reinforces the idea that many in our nation still look to the Bible as an authoritative source for morals, ethics, and spiritual direction while believing in (holding to) the precepts that it presents for our society.


No other book of any title or kind comes remotely close to Bible ownership in America.  Currently 94% of adults in our nation own a least one copy/version of the scriptures and many homes have multiple copies.  (2 – 28%; 3 – 21%; 4 – 10%; 5 – 4%: over 5 – 12%, more – 3%)  Accordingly, at least 47% of American households have at least 3 copies of God’s Word!  In addition, Bibles are given as gifts to friends and relatives more than any other publication in the United States.       


According to a recent ARG survey, Americans say they have significant confidence in the scriptures.  Actually, 90% said they still believe that the Bible applies to today’s problems and/or issues.  This statistic confirms that the scriptures hold a place of sacred significance within our culture/society.  When asked in a recent Barna survey, the vast majority (86%) of U.S. adults said the Bible came to mind “first” when asked to name books they consider to be sacred literature or holy.  FYI … That’s 10 times greater than the Koran! The book of Mormon and the Hebrew Torah both rank at less than 4%. It’s also interesting to note that only 17% of Americans actually believe that the Bible, Koran, Torah, and the book of Mormon are simply different expressions of the same spiritual truths.

WE READ IT (sort of) 

In current American homes, 40% read the scriptures to their sons and daughters on a weekly basis, and about 75% manage once a month.  On an individual basis, an ARG poll discovered that 52% read the Bible weekly and 75% at least once a month. 

Now all these statistics seem incredibly encouraging, but also somewhat confusing when one considers the spiritual condition of our country.  Here’s the facts … 94% of Americans own Bibles; 90% of our nation believes that the scriptures are still applicable today.  A large number read God’s Word to their children somewhat regularly; however, only 29% of American adults read or study God’s Word in any form outside of their own/family’s church attendance. 

While we own and declare we believe the Bible, Americans just don’t read it very much/often on their own initiative.  Is there something wrong with this picture?   How about this stat … when asked, “Do you think it’s time for Americans to go back to reading the scriptures?” … 88% answered, yes!  When asked, “Is America in more need of the Bible today than ever before? … 91% answered, yes!  Even 84% said they’d like to learn more and have greater knowledge about God and His Word!  Even the brilliant, genius physicist, Albert Einstein once stated:

I want to understand the thoughts of God.  

Fellow believers and faithful participants of West Oaks Fellowship, the implication of this data is pretty simple and woefully stunning.  We, as Americans, seem to have a built-in longing for these Holy Words of God, yet many are living in starvation and continued malnourishment even though the Bible is readily available right under our noses, right in our homes – on demand, or right at our finger tips — via cell phones, tablets, media devices, and computers, etc.   

If a man is not familiar with the Bible, he has suffered the loss which he had better make all possible haste to correct … a thorough knowledge of the Bible is worth more than a college education.                       

President Teddy (Theodore) Roosevelt

I wonder … What would it be like if Bibles weren’t so easily available or if there was a great price to pay? 

Think about it.                 — Pastor Frank


Certainly, as an American citizen, one has the right to generally say whatever one desires about whomever or whatever one may choose as a right protected by our nation’s constitution. Benjamin Franklin once stated:

Freedom of speech is a principal pillar of a free government; when this support is taken away, the constitution of a free society is dissolved and tyranny is erected on its ruins.

However, in March of 2016, a post-grad student at the University of Sheffield was expelled from a college course for making a personal Facebook comment about same sex marriage.  Felix Ngole, a committed believer, was found guilty of “bringing the profession into disrepute” because he quoted a biblical text in his post.  While we, as American Christians, are indeed empowered to stand against those attempting to make a mockery of our faith and our right to speak openly and freely, we also have a higher mandate and deeper obligation to align ourselves in our personal speech with the truths that we claim to uphold and adhere to in/with our lives.

Unquestionably, Jesus spoke freely concerning truth, whether rightful in the sight of the law, the lawmakers, or the audience.  However, His words were always (100%) molded and guided by God’s Holy Spirit … actually being the exact same response that God the Father would have spoken in the same situation.  Was He prepared to offend?  Surely. God created human beings with the ability to use logic, reason, and participate in forms of argumentation. In fact, many of Christ’s teachings were designed to appeal to these exact traits found within humanity.  We are not to be treated as delicate little feathers who must be personally protected from dissenting views. 

In reality, there will always be a vocal minority, or in even in some cases, the majority who will oppose almost anything.  Some will be totally against truth — anything having to do with God, Christ, or the Bible, as well as any concepts working to distinguish the absolutes of right and wrong, or values and mores of righteous Christian living. Therefore, are believers free to say anything they want about anyone or anything they want, whenever they want?  Colossians 4:6 reminds us:

Let your speech always be with grace, as though seasoned with salt, so that you will know how you should respond to each person. 

Actually, at least for me, it’s difficult to combine GRACE (the idea/spirit of unmerited/undeserved favor) with SALT (endurance, offering preservation against corruption, wise, moral value, wholesome, and a lasting or proven worth) as part of the same ideal/concept in my speech … with my words.  Yet, as a disciple of Jesus Christ, this is my scriptural admonition.       

In the above stated passage, believers are instructed concerning their conversations. The very words that are spoken should both exemplify and recommend the ways of Christ and His word.  Let them be not only pure, as well as holy, but wise, gracious, and intelligent. Often a harsh method of defending or proposing sound doctrine and/or a Christian lifestyle only serves to repel individuals from the truth they so desperately need in their lives, including the forgiveness of sin and Christ’s indescribable gift of salvation.

This verse also encourages a judicially managed discourse … so that you will know how you should respond to each person .”  In Acts 17:16-34, the Apostle Paul is ministering at the Areopagus. Instead of using biblical texts and arguments familiar to a monotheistic God-fearing group of native of proselytized Jews, He communicates reasonably, graciously, and persuasively with truth in an uncompromising fashion.  However, guided by God’s Holy Spirit, he speaks to a biblically illiterate, pagan audience in a style and with terminology they can fully comprehend.  That’s GRACE and SALT! 

Now when they heard of the resurrection of the dead, some began to sneer, but others said, “We shall hear you again concerning this. Acts 17:32-34

So Paul went out of their midst. But some men joined him and believed.

While most of us find great joy in the liberty we call “freedom of speech” as Americans, it’s difficult to support this concept as a pure “Christian right.”  We speak or share the truth in love (Ephesians 4:15).  Christians do not allow their speech cause them to sin (Ecclesiastes 5:6), and in fact, we put aside abusive speech (Colossians 3:8). According to Titus 2:8, believers speak soundly, which is above reproach, and not against one another (James 4:11).  It actually all comes down to this from Colossians 3:17:

Whatever you do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus,giving thanks through Him to God the Father. 

Our freedom of speech, as faithful followers of the Lord, Jesus Christ, is a tremendous blessing and great opportunity of speaking that which glorifies the Lord and is guided/directed by His Holy Spirit in agreement with His word/truth.  We are equipped, as no others … just as Christ was while carrying out His mission on earth … just as the Apostle Paul did in Athens, to speak as the utterances of God (I Peter 4:11) in, and to, every situation and circumstance.

                                                 What do you think, can we do this? — PF


John’s gospel contains seven (God’s perfect number) distinct miracles displayed during Christ’s ministry here on earth, as well as seven unique “I am” declarations of Jesus our Lord. Primarily, the focus of these statements, in context, was to His Hebrew audience that could easily connect through their heritage to each phrase He used, including “I Am” (Exodus 3:14, John 8:58) However, there is a powerful underlying message for all those that will ultimately come to believe in Christ and accept His gospel (good news) message.

“I AM” Statement 1:

In John 6:35, Jesus declared:

I am the bread of life; he who comes to Me will not hunger.

“I Am” statement 1 tells us that Jesus is the spiritual sustenance, or essential bread, for every believer’s spiritual hunger.

“I AM” Statement 2:

In John 8:12, Jesus boldly states:

I am the Light of the world; he who follows Me will not walk in the darkness, but will have the Light of life.

“I Am” statement 2 literally means that those who follow and unite with Jesus through faith will not be ignorant on spiritual matters, but will have the endowment, power, and blessing of spiritual understanding.

“I AM” Statement 3:

It refers to back to Psalm 23:2 where the faithful are given free/unlimited access to His Kingdom. In John 10:9 Jesus says:

I am the door; if anyone enters through Me, he will be saved, and will go in and out and find pasture.

True salvation is found only in and through Jesus Christ (the only door/gate) whereby one engages the promise of Psalm 23:6, “Surely goodness and mercy will follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.”

“I AM” Statement 4:

I am the good shepherd; the good shepherd lays down His life for the sheep.

These are the words of our Lord recorded in John 10:11. “I Am” statement 4 demonstrates the value God places on each individual. Certainly sheep are incapable of caring for themselves; therefore, their owners hire shepherds who are dutifully charged with the safety and well-being of all the sheep. However, many/most hired shepherds will only take that responsibility to the point where it doesn’t threaten their own personal safety/well-being.  Nonetheless, there are a few … “good shepherds” … who are willing to risk their own lives and protect all the sheep!  Our Shepherd knowingly and willingly laid down His life to save all the sheep of His pasture.

“I AM” Statement 5:

It teaches that whether one dies physically before the snatching away of Christ’s church, or are taken up alive at His appearing, He has guaranteed all believers that their eternal destiny is with Him!

I am the resurrection and the life; he who believes in Me will live even if he dies, and everyone who lives and believes in Me will never die. John 11:25-26.

“I AM” Statement 6:

Christ explains in “I Am” statement 6, that He is the only – exclusive — way/path to God the Father, as well as being the ultimate, inexhaustible source of truth and life.  John 14:6 proclaims:

I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father but through Me.

“I AM” Statement 7:

This last, Christ’s final, “I Am” statement from the Gospel of John 15:5:

I am the vine, you are the branches; he who abides in Me and I in him, he bears much fruit, for apart from Me you can do nothing.

This reflects the ideal balance for every believer’s life on Earth … bearing much fruit through a life of gratitude that’s reliant upon one’s relationship and connection with Him.

What a life we have now and forever because of the Great I AM!  Take a moment right now to contemplate these things, and offer sincere praise to our Lord.  — PF


A Christian worldview is more than a religious belief system.  In fact, it is a complete and integrated framework through which one views the entire world from a comprehensive biblical perspective. Therefore, a faithful/committed Christian’s worldview is an integrated whole which is comprised of distinct, biblical elements that allows every believer to actively filter his or her life (thoughts and activities) through spiritual goggles, seeing the world in light of a harmonious set of biblical truths, beliefs, and assessments.

A biblical worldview resolutely affirms the existence of an intelligent, powerful, loving, just, and supreme being who exists in the trinity — God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit — who is also the creator all things.

One of the single most important philosophical truths in the Christian worldview is that Jesus Christ is also the Word (Logos) and Truth (Psalm 119:160, John 1:14, John 17:17) and offers the explanation for the existence of the universe and everything in it … including humanity. One of the major charges against a biblical worldview in general, and Christian philosophy in particular, is that it is unscientific.

Nonetheless, Christians uphold that the doctrines of God, creation, the Word/Truth, intelligent design, purpose, law, order, and life are reasonable, and consistent with all the findings of factual and authentic science, history, and/or personal experience in a way that the philosophies of anti-god dialectical materialism and philosophical naturalism (aka materialism) will never accomplish.

According to a biblical worldview, God’s moral nature/character is an immutable (unchanging), unassailable absolute. God simply hates evil/sin and consistently loves good/righteousness.   As a result, God’s Word, the Bible, the Truth, is of supreme importance because it alone perfectly defines good/righteousness and evil/sin, as well as clearly and decisively distinguishes their differences. 

This provides a framework on which completely unambiguous ethics are established. Consequently, from a biblical worldview, ethical/moral relativism leads to destruction (Matthew 7:13). Christian/godly morals/ethics are inseparable from Christian theology for the simple reason that Christian ethics are grounded in the character/nature of God Himself.  Rather than believing in some ethical scheme bound to society’s ever-changing whims, an authentic Christian’s worldview has a specific moral order which is revealed to humans through both the general revelation of nature/creation and the special/unique revelation of the Bible/God’s Word/Truth, as well as in the person of Jesus Christ.

In addition, from the perspective of divine creationism, a biblical worldview can adequately account for the intelligent design displayed throughout all of nature.  It unequivocally postulates a Designer outside the realm of the actual creation itself — a law-giver, developer, architect, engineer, and builder, coupled with an orderly, methodical cause. The materialist can only, at best, hypothesize chance and randomness!  An honest, untainted biblical worldview holds that the creationist model as described in biblical text better fits the facts of science than any old earth/evolutionary model.  

Therefore, believers must come to fully trust (which may mean working through one’s own questions and confusion) the authority of God’s Word and the Genesis declarations concerning creation, in the same manner Christ Jesus believed.  

Consider Mark 10:6: “But from the beginning of creation, God MADE THEM MALE AND FEMALE.”

How about the message of Colossians 1:16:

For by Him all things were created, both in the heavens and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities — all things have been created through Him and for Him” and John 1:1-3: “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things came into being through Him, and apart from Him nothing came into being that has come into being.

While many in today’s church are unwilling to consider God’s design, and actually believe that science stands in contradiction or is even superior to God’s own revelation, true, un/non-politized science and research, void of unconfirmed presuppositions and theories concerning deity, actually demonstrate the compatibility and union of science and the Bible.  Thus, the biblical/Christian worldview declares in unison with the evidence of science that God undeniably “created all things!” (Ephesians 3:9-10).

The Bible text provides every believer who desires the TRUTH with information about the Lord God and His creation/universe, while science, in each and every realm, can only provide information about our God’s handiwork/creation/universe.         

Just study the TRUTH! –PF


Almost everyone can come up with a reasonable definition or understanding of the word “STUDY” as we use it in today’s communication.  In addition, most believers are familiar with the instruction of II Timothy 2:15:

Be diligent (study or labor) to present yourself approved to God as a workman who does not need to be ashamed, accurately handling the word of truth.

In this New Testament passage, one finds the Greek root word, spoudason, literally meaning to: 

1. make an effort

2. be earnest/serious. 

3. endeavor/exert effort. 

The KJV and Amplified translators used the word “study” because the “accurate handling” of God’s Word is of the essence, and the implied method to reach that result could only be achieved through consistent diligence in one’s personal study.     

The grammatical Greek structure found here in II Timothy 2:15 is second person, singular, aorist (tense) active (voice), imperative (mood) verb, which conveys the idea of saying … “Do your best, make haste, give diligence, hurry on, and be eager about showing yourself approved unto God” – all in the use of one word, “STUDY!” 

The Apostle Paul used the same word in Ephesians 4:3, with the same emphasis, concerning the preservation of unity within the church body where “endeavor,” as used in some English translations, is too weak of a word. Paul’s intention was to stir up his son in the faith, Timothy, now the young lead pastor at the church in Ephesus, so that he would seek the Lord’s approval in/while handling, instructing, teaching, equipping, and training the believers in that community. 

Pastor Tim was not instructed to seek any level of human approval, like that of the community at large or even of those in the congregation; instead, His Lord’s endorsement, and in so doing would ultimately prove himself to all as being a responsible workman according to his gifts and callings.

Therefore, the approved workman diligently and steadfastly studies the Word … first, seeking to apply it / live it personally, then sharing it with those he/she teaches, trains and equips so they can do the same.  The Word is the workman’s tool for building up the body of Christ until we “attain unity of the faith,” and become mature individuals in Christ through the knowledge of Christ! (See Ephesians 4:12-13)  

Then, as a result of the workman who is approved by God Himself and not ashamed, accurately handling the word of truth, believers no longer act like children, tossed around by every wind of doctrine, by the trickery of men and deceitful scheming, but instead, speak the truth in love, and grow up in Him, the fullness of Christ Jesus! (From Ephesians 4:14-15) The entire body then successfully comes together and is held together according to the proper working of each individual.  This always causes the growth and even more maturing as Christ’s Body, His Church, is being built up and strengthened in genuine love (of/for Christ, His word, and one another)!  (From Ephesians 4:16)

The sloppy and ashamed workers get all hung up on other distractions — what others think of them, how they themselves feel about a topic or subject, what others are doing and saying, or even how their teaching(s) may be accepted.  Some of these even handle the word of truth deceitfully in order to twist it into saying exactly what they want it to say. As they waste time on these things (some trivial and some complete heresy), they have little or nothing to give of true substance, that spiritually-enriched meat that brings about powerful life transformation!

My sincere prayer and personal desire as your pastor is for each and every believer at West Oaks Fellowship to become an approved worker who is not ashamed, and can accurately handle the word of truth on a daily, moment-by-moment basis.

Nonetheless, that dream/goal is unattainable unless God’s people are: 1) making an effort.  2) earnest/serious. 3) endeavoring/exerting effort. 

How then shall we live? (See Matthew 4:4)       — His & yours, PF           



Many believers have adopted such an attitude for various reasons, and offer numerous excuses of why they don’t or won’t fellowship with other believers.  Perhaps a biblical definition would help curve that attitude into something of authentic value. As with many things, a broader or better understanding often results in a new perspective.  

God has provided and revealed His direct thoughts through the Bible, but as time passes, some of His concepts have grown obscure in our culture and become ambiguous. We somehow manage to morph His intentions into our own comfortable practices, often discounting the true intent and purpose of His Word/Truth. The biblical concept of fellowship among Christians/Believers is one that has been especially confused within the framework of Christ’s Church!

Today, churches have fellowship halls, fellowship dinners, home fellowships and various fellowship groups, etc, etc. However, very few have actual fellowship … and yet for a Body of Christ (church) that seeks to be guided and directed in principle and practice by the New Testament, fellowship is absolutely essential.  The well-being and spiritual development of the entire body/church, as well as that of every individual participant, is directly impacted by the type and quality of fellowship one experiences in their church.

So, what is fellowship as purposed/intended by the Lord?  As one looks back into church history and digs into the original languages of the Bible, there are several significant facts that illuminate God’s projected meaning/intent for fellowship among His faithful.

The first fact concerns the meaning of the Greek root word “koinos.” This term is a prefix in ancient Greek from which our English word, “fellowship” or “koinonia” is derived. If you were to add this prefix to various words like “living,” “owning a purse,” “a dispute,” or “mother,” you would get words meaning “living in community together,” “owning a purse in common,” “a public dispute,” and “having a mother in common.” The root of the word “fellowship” means “to hold something in common.”

The Greek word “koinonia” would be commonly used to describe corporations, labor guilds, partners in a law firm, and the most intimate of marriage relationships.  Therefore, from the usage of the word, we can conclude that fellowship is a word denoting a relationship that is dependent on more than one individual . . . an interdependent relationship.

I Corinthians 1:9 states:

God is faithful, through whom you were called into fellowship with His Son, Jesus Christ our Lord.

Note this – the word “fellowship” is never used in the biblical text concerning a relationship between humanity and deity until after God’s Holy Spirit indwells believers, making it an exclusive post-Pentecost experience/connection/affiliation!  Initially, fellowship focused in on spiritual unity, a personal relationship as emphasized in Philemon 6, II Corinthians 13:14 and Philippians 2:1.

Nobody had to come to the disciples and other new believers on the day of Pentecost and say, “Now you need to go practice fellowship.” God’s Holy Spirit had come upon all these people and uniquely formed a bond of unity!  Their inclination (not natural, but supernatural through God’s Spirit), thanks to their new nature in Christ Jesus, was to exercise it outwardly. Acts 2:41-47 speaks clearly:

So then, those who had received his (Peter’s teaching) word were baptized; and that day there were added about three thousand souls. They were continually devoting themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer. Everyone kept feeling a sense of awe; and many wonders and signs were taking place through the apostles. And all those who had believed were together and had all things in common; and they began selling their property and possessions and were sharing them with all, as anyone might have need. Day by day continuing with one mind in the temple, and breaking bread from house to house, they were taking their meals together with gladness and sincerity of heart, praising God and having favor with all the people. And the Lord was adding to their number day by day those who were being saved.

This is fellowship, not as a concept or idea, but as an action in the midst of His church! If one was to remove themselves from these activities, they would no longer be experiencing fellowship with other believers.  Fellowship was unquestionably a hallmark of Christ’s early church, yet today it’s been sadly reduced to annual potluck dinners despite the admonition of Scripture.  I John 1:6-7 presents genuine fellowship as the obvious by-product of an authentic personal relationship with Jesus Christ: 

If we say that we have fellowship with Him and yet walk in the darkness, we lie and do not practice the truth; but if we walk in the Light as He Himself is in the Light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus His Son cleanses us from all sin.

Let’s rediscover the truth and value of Fellowship   –PF


The basic goal of tolerance is a noble one— to eliminate hatred towards other people by encouraging respect for differing ideas and opinions. However, over the past few decades, the word has evolved to mean, “Show respect by approving whatever another person chooses to believe or do.” In this way, our culture touts tolerance as one of the greatest of all virtues.

Actually, this is a pagan/worldly/fleshly/carnal attempt to dethrone the very action God cited as highest: love (see I Corinthians 13:13). Instead of simply acknowledging the values of fellow humans, we are now being asked, or even commanded, to accept and embrace them. This type of “tolerance” is based on the false idea that “truth” is whatever anyone decides or determines it to be, making it relative to each individual. In other words, each individual establishes what is right and wrong, good or evil, sinful or righteous for themselves in their own heart. Such a tenet creates an unavoidable chasm between God’s concept of love and our culture’s tolerance, because the actions of biblical love are rooted in absolute truth from His Holy Word, the Bible.

This shift in paradigm represents a dangerous and real trend that puts all of us on the front lines of a major cultural and spiritual battle. Is it a battle worth fighting? The answer is a resounding yes! Tolerance, as currently defined by our culture, will ultimately result in a society devoid of a biblical foundation. When the philosophy of relativism and the practice of absolute tolerance are adopted as the highest virtues by a society, the truth of Jesus Christ can no longer be proclaimed because it may be, and will be viewed as, offensive to some people. Eventually, in total hypocrisy, claims that our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ is the way and the truth (see John 14:6) will be dismissed as bigotry. Unfortunately, it seems those times are quickly approaching, or perhaps already here!

As Christians, we can fight and win this battle. We must ask ourselves, “Am I afraid of being labeled “intolerant,” or do I care enough to take a real interest in others and share Christ?” While Christians are exhorted to hate evil (see Amos 5:15), we are nonetheless commanded to love our enemies as well as our neighbors (see Leviticus 19:18, Matthew 5:44). For all true disciples of Jesus Christ, this directive relates to all humanity without respect to their gender, race, nationality, heritage, position in life, fame, fortune, looks (good or bad), abilities (great or limited), idiosyncrasies, beliefs, etc. We, as believers, have no business being condescending under any circumstances. Arrogance on our part not only builds a wall between us and others, but it also shows a complete lack of understanding of Christ’s sacrifice and our dependence upon Him.

I Corinthians 13:4 states, “Love does not brag and is not arrogant.” In other words, rather than criticizing harshly, we should gently minister to people whose morality differs from our own biblical principles. Furthermore, displaying true love requires placing a priority on the needs of those around us. Otherwise, it becomes evident that we are not acting out of genuine love for others, but instead are only concerned with ourselves.

Additionally, I Corinthians 13:6 says, “Love does not rejoice in unrighteousness, but rejoices with the truth.” That means, we should not at all agree with everything/anything! True love means supporting absolute biblical truth. In order to do so, we must know the truth, God’s Word, or else we will have nothing left to stand upon except our own ideas and opinions, similar to those who do not know the truth or its Author. Now, I Corinthians 13:7 teaches, “Love bears all things and endures all things.” However, that doesn’t mean, “Tolerates all things.” No, it actually means that when we take a stand, do what’s right, and/or “speak/share the truth in love,” whether in personal interactions or in the public arena, some people will hate and despise us.

In Matthew 5:44, Jesus tells us to pray for those who persecute us. It is a fact, that no matter how kind we are, we will be persecuted for proclaiming God’s absolute truth. But, if we are genuinely demonstrating His love, we will be motivated to lift our antagonist in prayer, bearing and enduring whatever insults and persecution they deliver. In so doing, your constant prayer for those who insult and persecute you will become a great and powerful weapon to pry open their spiritual eyes and penetrate their stone cold heart!

We must remember that Jesus Christ Himself was not tolerant of all ideas and philosophies. He allowed those He encountered the right to hold and adhere to ridiculous opinions and erroneous philosophical ideas (see Matthew 10:13-14; 12:30). However, our Lord effectively tailored His replies and comments to each individual’s level of spiritual understanding. By so doing, He challenged and expanded their thinking in a God-ward direction (see John 3:3-12; 4:7-29). We might call this approach, “loving the sinner while hating the sin.” It would be extremely wise for us to become “intolerant” exactly in this same way; the way Jesus Himself was. We must become counter-cultural by learning to act out of, and pro-actively respond through, the powerful and holy combination of true biblical love and absolute truth! Jesus was the world’s best at this, but I’m confident He has not failed to equip us with this exact same ability!

Today, there is a desperate need in our church, our families, our diverse culture(s), and in our society to see God’s glory revealed by the application of this divine formula — absolute truth + matchless love (see I Corinthians 13:8). Remember, this fight is not against the intellect of a particular man/woman, against our peers, or others from perhaps different cultures (see Ephesians 6:12). In fact, it is a battle for our friends, loved ones, and all of humanity, which must boldly stand in direct opposition to the wiles and schemes of a tolerant contemporary culture, promoted by Satan himself. Not everyone is going to like us — some will not tolerate us! Yet, as you and I practice love, and develop the right kind, the Jesus kind, of “intolerance,” may you find strength and courage from God’s Holy Spirit and the words of our Lord in John 16:33, “In this world you have tribulation, but take courage; I have overcome the world.” YES! In Him we can/will know and experience the victory!

Just think about it – Pastor Frank